Holy Prison

Chapter 1046: Win or lose in the first battle (2)

The Most Sacred Mountain and the Dark Demon Temple have fought for hundreds of thousands of years. Many people from the two forces have been old opponents who have fought for so many rounds. Once they fought, Chu Feng discovered that there were many people in the Most Holy Mountain and the Dark Demon Temple. All tacitly treat each other as opponents!

"Can Luo old man, I will accept you today, ancestor!"

"Sky Poison Girl, we fought hundreds of times to no avail, this time one person will definitely die!"

"Okay, I believe it will definitely not be me who will die, and I will make you die in pain!"

The whole Tianluo forbidden area became lively. Hundreds of people separated quickly and fought violently. Terrible energy fluctuations surged in the Tianluo forbidden area. The peaks flattened and the valleys were filled. The Tianluo Forbidden Domain has undergone earth-shaking changes in a short time!

Inside Silver Wing, Chu Feng watched in shock, he really hadn't seen the scene where so many powerful players played against each other.

The sky is overwhelming, the sun and the moon are not shining. Such words can't describe the scene that Chu Feng has seen so far. The most appropriate feeling should be: the end of the world is coming!

"Xiao Yin, send out, the people from the Dark Demon Temple, hit me!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, with Silver Wing ten times the speed of the powerful person, even Dark Moon and Yilian. It’s not as good. If it is used to hit a strong person who is a deity Dzogchen, it is probably not easy to hit, but if you hit a person below the deity Dzogchen, under the terrible speed gap, it is even a strong person at the peak of the gods. It is estimated that the person will be hit if he fails to react!

"Yes!" Xiaoyin's excited voice sounded, "but master, you have to be clear, hitting someone like this will consume a lot of money. It is estimated that hitting one can consume most of your body's strength!"


Under Chu Feng's order, the Silver Wing moved, and in a very short time, the Silver Wing accelerated to a terrible speed! In the distance, Dark Moon discovered the Silver Wing's abnormality. He immediately wanted to come over and destroy the Silver Wing, but Yilian pressed him down, and he wanted to rush over unless he was willing to risk injury!

Although the time is short, Darkyue has already played against Yilian with no less than a thousand moves. This short-term fight has let Darkyue know one thing, that is, Yilian's strength has actually improved, and it seems to have improved more than him. a little bit!

The strength was originally weaker than Yilian, but now based on that foundation, it is equivalent to a little bit weaker. Dark Moon was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He knew at this time that the problem was with that Chu Feng. Chu Feng was really real. His mother is the killer of the Most Holy Mountain!

It’s nothing more than a small emperor **** level person. If you change to normal, Dark Moon won’t even look at it, but now, it is very likely that the entire Dark Demon Temple will be destroyed by a small emperor **** level person. How can Dark Moon not be surprised? Not angry! But no matter how frightened and angry, what can be done now?

Risking injury to attack Chu Feng? If he is injured, the gap between his strength and Yilian will be even greater, and Luo Forbidden Domain is likely to become his fall!

In the infinite entanglement of Dark Moon, "Bang!"

The Silver Wing smashed into a senior person in the Dark Demon Temple at a terrifying speed. The senior person in the Dark Demon Hall let go and found the Silver Wing, but it was ten times faster than the speed of the powerful person in the Great Perfection. It really made him unable to react and got hit.

In this collision, Chu Feng within the Silver Wing suddenly felt a pain in his head, and the whole body was drawn away by the Silver Wing, and the high-ranking powerhouse of the Dark Demon Temple that was hit, although he was not dead, But under this horrible collision, the people who were hit were seriously injured!

What is even more terrifying for that high-ranking powerhouse of the Dark Demon Temple is that he was hit by the attack of a powerhouse on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain!

The Silver Wing suffered an attack from a god-excellent peak powerhouse on the side of the Dark Demon Hall, and that god-excellent senior person lost his life in an instant under the terrifying attack of the **** peak-level powerhouse!

Ten seconds after the start of the battle, a high-ranking expert from the Dark Demon Hall fell!

"Boy bold!"

"Brother He!"

Many people on the Most Sacred Mountain and the Dark Demon Temple have noticed this scene. The people on the Most Holy Mountain are naturally overjoyed, while the Dark Demon Temple side is extremely angry. It only takes ten seconds to start fighting. There was a high-level **** who died, and the person who killed that high-level **** was just a small person at the Emperor God level!

"Dark Moon, are you in the middle? All the people in the Dark Demon Temple can't go out alive!" Yilian smiled as she shot. "Huh, Yilian, you don't have to use such a little trick on this seat. It's just a small person of the Emperor God level. It must be expensive to control that thing. I want to know that he can control that thing to kill. Die my Dark Demon Hall!" Dark Moon sneered.

Dark Moon’s judgment is not wrong. Chu Feng is just an emperor god-level powerhouse. Under normal circumstances, he can make three such collisions with his strength at most, but the problem is that Chu Feng is not a normal emperor. God-level figure, he has a lot of power stored in the swallowing formation!

"Then wait and see." Yilian smiled and said, she was very happy, a dark demon hall had a loss at the beginning, and she has already given up the power of a god-excellent senior powerhouse. If it is done well , Only this little advantage can be slowly expanded. Second, Chu Feng shot and killed the people in the Dark Demon Temple. Then, Chu Feng would naturally not be the person sent by the Dark Demon Temple. Although he had been hypnotized before, the relationship between this battle was too important, and it was in Yilian’s heart. There are some worries faintly.

After one blow was completed, the Silver Wing fleeed away in an instant, and immediately made a second impact without any rush. Chu Feng quickly absorbed the power in the Sky Swallowing Formation to replenish the power in his body.


Under the attention of many people, a piece of jade slip broke instantly! There were a lot of powerhouses in the two parties, and it was impossible to send messages from the inside and outside. In order to let the people on the outside know some of the situation inside, the powerhouses of the two sides left the soul jade slips!

More than two hundred jade slips in the Dark Demon Temple were placed on a dark jade platform. On the side of the holy mountain, three hundred jade slips were placed on a pure white jade platform. The distance between the two was only a few hundred meters. It's a sharp contrast!


"It's Master He's jade slip!"

"Master He is dead!"

Many people on the side of the Dark Demon Hall were horrified, and on the side of the Holy Mountain, there was a burst of warm cheers. "Everyone, a god-respecting and high-level powerhouse in the Dark Demon Hall died. This is really a big pain in this world. Let us applaud and send the dead to go along the way!"

A strong emperor of Great Perfection on the Most Sacred Mountain said loudly, his words fell, and there was a very warm applause from the side of the Most Sacred Mountain.

"Lao Baili Gale, this is just the beginning, you will be mad, when you cry!" The same powerful emperor on the side of the Dark Demon Hall said, but because it was their side that died. Because of the people, so the momentum is much lower than that of the most sacred mountain.

"Oh, it turned out to be just the beginning. At the very beginning, a powerful man with a godly high level died. This is really not a good start."

Outside, the people from both sides of the Most Sacred Mountain and the Dark Demon Hall quarreled endlessly, but there was no fight. Both sides received the above warning. If it is not a last resort, they should not fight outside! The consideration of the most sacred mountain is that it does not want the war to be outside to inflict the ordinary people, and the dark demon temple side, more or less worried that the most holy mountain will not be inside but outside, if the dark demon People on the side of the temple gather together, so the ability to deal with conspiracies is naturally much higher!

In the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, it took less than half a minute. The entire Tianluo Forbidden Domain can no longer see the original appearance at all. In half a minute, neither of the strong has fallen, but on the whole, The most sacred mountain battled to a little advantage, not only because the Dark Demon Hall died of a high-level powerhouse, but also because the side of the most sacred mountain is now more aura!

"Xiao Yin, strike!" Chu Feng in Yin Wing said in a deep voice. At this time, the skill in his body had completely recovered, and the newly added skill had blended with the remaining skill in his body. Quickly merge into one.

Xiaoyin hits for the second time. This time, the target is also a high-level powerhouse who respects the gods. It is almost a replica of the last time. However, this time the high-level powerhouse who respects the gods died at a top-level powerhouse. Under the combined attack of the player and his old opponent! "Brother, thanks!" The high-ranking powerhouse of the Most Sacred Mountain God screamed at the distant Silver Wing, his face was full of excitement, how many years have passed, that old opponent finally Die!

"Kill!" A powerful death sword aura approached the Supreme God-level powerhouse, "Your opponent is me!" A powerhouse on the highest-sacred mountain side shot, that blade power was taken by him. Most of it was blocked, and the remaining little attack power could not hurt that high-level powerhouse.

"Ghost called a fart, can't you die? Why don't you hurry up and work!" The top god-level powerhouse shouted, "Yes, yes!" The god-level person was shocked, if not that If the top powerhouse of the gods had blocked most of the attacks for him, maybe he was already dead by this time!

In half a minute, on the side of the Dark Demon Temple, the second god-excellent powerhouse fell. Moreover, it was a high-level person who died. Among the two hundred people in the Dark Demon Temple, it is no problem to rank in the top 40 in strength. !

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