Holy Prison

Chapter 1047: Win or lose in the first battle (3)

"The second one, the second one is Lord Bone!" After exclaiming, an emperor-level powerhouse in the Dark Demon Hall looked very ugly and authentic.

"Father, my lord father!" a woman screamed. She is also an emperor-level powerhouse, but at this time, besides sadness, there is also a deep fear on her face. There is also a force in the Dark Demon Hall. Her father is the strongest of one of the forces. Now that her father is dead, even if the Dark Demon Temple wins this time, her life will be much sadder than before.

The atmosphere on the side of the Dark Demon Hall is extremely dignified, and the side of the Most Sacred Mountain is more relaxed. It has only been half a minute since the start of the battle, but the side of the Dark Demon Hall has already died of two god-level powerhouses!

Within the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, the deaths of two high-level gods and powerhouses made many people in the Dark Demon Temple crazy. Maybe they had nothing to do with the two dead-level powerhouses, but they all knew One point, if the gap between the two parties increases, then perhaps the Dark Demon Temple will lose!

In places like the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, there is only one failure ending, and that is to be completely destroyed!

"Brothers, kill! Kill! Kill! Kill these hypocrites!" A top god-excellent strongman on the side of the Dark Demon Hall shouted angrily. As his voice sounded, his face turned blood red. "Be careful!" One of the two high-level powerhouses of the Supreme God Mountain who was fighting with the top-level powerhouse of the gods quickly reminded his companion.

"Die!" The god-top powerhouse shouted angrily, a big blood-colored hand appeared, and the big blood-colored hand held one of the two senior god-level powerhouses in his palm in the blink of an eye.

The blood splashed, and the powerful man who respected the gods was directly pinched into a cloud of blood by the big **** hands. "Roar, you also die for me!" The blood-red eyes of the top **** of the gods looked at the still alive of the top **** of the most holy mountain!

The high-level powerhouse of the **** was horrified, his friend just died that way, and the big **** hand grabbed him again, he knew very well that his strength would not be stronger than his friend!

At this critical moment, "Shoo!" The Silver Wing slammed into the blood-colored giant hand. The blood-colored giant hand was very powerful, but on the Silver Wing, it was ten times as powerful as the deity. When the speed of the collision came, the blood-colored giant hand was still knocked into a cloud of blood.

A mouthful of blood quickly squirted from the mouth of the top powerhouse of the gods. Just now this is not a true self skill but a secret technique. The side effects of such a secret technique are extremely huge, and now that giant hand is washed away, The side effects are even worse under the backlash. "No, no!" the god-top powerhouse exclaimed, and the cloud of blood mist rushed over frantically!

The blood mist rushed over, and in a short time, the top powerhouse of the **** was swallowed completely by the blood mist! Backlash, this is the most powerful backlash. If it weren't for the side effects of such a forbidden technique, that one of the top emperor gods would have died long ago!

The Dark Demon Temple saw the death of a god-respecting and high-level expert on the Most Sacred Mountain. The cheers hadn't even uttered, and his party was instantly dead as a god-respecting and high-level expert!

This time, there is no cheering on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. All the people are silent. They know that this is a war, a war that kills people. The Dark Demon Temple may die more people, but the side of the Most Sacred Mountain will come. It is estimated that there will be a lot of consumption! Those who have the power of the gods who enter the Most Sacred Mountain are more or less related to the people outside, and they are all likely to die. At this time, how can you cheer?

Time passed by, and the Silver Wing's continuous impact brought a lot of casualties to the Dark Demon Temple. In addition, the Dark Demon Temple and the rest of the two sides of the Holy Mountain also caused a lot of casualties!

"Smelly lady, kill me!" Dark Moon roared, Chu Feng succeeded time and time again and completely angered him, but he wanted to rush to Chu Feng but passed the level of Yilian, Yilian His strength is higher than that of him. After trying several times, he couldn't get out of Yilian's control temporarily without being injured!

"Dark Moon, why are you in such a hurry? Didn't it mean that more than 30 people have died? Our Most Holy Mountain has also died more than ten." Yilian said with a smile, in fact her heart is also at this time It's bleeding, more than a dozen god-level powerhouses, this is only five minutes!

The loss is great. However, compared with the Dark Demon Temple, such a loss is definitely acceptable. You must know that in terms of individual strength, the Dark Demon Temple is actually higher. Generally, the Dark Demon Temple is dead. Those thirty people dropped can withstand the attacks of almost forty people from the Holy Mountain!

"Ilian, count me as defeated this time, this time I will end here, you only need to hand that person to me, in the next million years, I will be a serious man, and there will be no slaughter of ordinary people!" Dark Moon said solemnly. "Dark Moon, can you be a little more naive?" Yilian smiled softly.

"The death toll in our Dark Demon Temple exceeds 30. Outside, the people in my Dark Demon Temple will soon begin to slaughter ordinary people. If the war ceases, countless people will not die!" Dark Moon said solemnly.

Yilian was shocked, she didn't expect Dark Moon to have such an order. "Dark Moon, the arrow is on the string, and I have to send it. When things get to this point, then there is no need to talk about nonsense. As long as you and all the people in the Dark Demon Temple die here, then a little bit of death, I can bear." Lian said coldly.

"Oh? Aren't you kind? You won't let innocent people die because of you!" Dark Moon mocked, "So this is what you call kindness, right? Fake benevolence and righteousness!"

"Dark Moon, it's useless for you to say more. As long as the people inside have a victory or defeat, there won't be many problems outside." Yilian said solemnly.

Tianluo outside the forbidden domain.

Dark Moon cursed secretly in her heart, if Yigong was determined to destroy them within the Forbidden Domain of Heaven, it might not be impossible to continue like this.

"That guy, you must get rid of that guy, even if it's a bit of injury, it's worth it!" Dark Moon thought in her heart, turning her direction instantly and hurriedly toward the direction of Chu Feng.

Dark Moon turned around, and under the guidance of Qi, a palm-sized green leaf instantly cut into Dark Moon’s body. As soon as Dark Moon’s face changed, he knew that he had already suffered some injuries because it was left by Yilian. There is no way to heal the injury in a short time!

In an instant, most of the defensive power was converted into speed, and I could not prevent Yilian's attack, but it also pulled Yilian back a lot!

Yilian's complexion changed and chased quickly, but Dark Moon's speed was not much slower than her. After missing her first opportunity, she watched as Dark Moon was already very close to Silver Wing.

"Die to me, Demon Killing Space!" Dark Moon said, and he took a palm, which seemed to have a small world flying towards the Silver Wing.

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, and the scenery around Silver Wing suddenly changed. Although the surroundings were chaotic just now, there was still light, but now there is no light around Silver Wing.

"Is this, the power of the world?" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that he still knows a lot about the world like Dongdong Chufeng. This world is not the world we often say, but the worlds created by a few strong people! For some powerful people, a world can be created in a very short time. Such a world is not for inhabiting people. It has only one function, and that is to kill, kill their own enemies!

No matter how fast you enter the world of others, you may not escape from the palm of the other person. The world is endless, but from the outside, it may only be the size of a fist or even a sesame seed!



Thousands of strange calls rang around. In an instant, the Silver Wing suffered a powerful attack, and Chu Feng's face changed drastically. He felt the skill in his body vent violently. Although the Silver Wing had a strong defense, it was also He needs some strength from the master.

Absorbing, Chu Feng frantically absorbed the energy within the Sky Swallowing Formation, but as time passed by, Chu Feng's skill continued to decline.

It only lasted for five seconds. When Chu Feng’s skill dropped to only one-third, the world collapsed. Once the world collapsed, Silver Wing’s speed increased and immediately left a long distance away. You don't need to guess that Chu Feng knows that there is only one possibility for the world to collapse, and that is that Yilian's attack makes Dark Moon have to give up!

At this time, the dark moon looked more embarrassed. He really did not expect that several powerful masters of the gods and Dzogchen would join hands and could not hold on for two seconds in his demon killing space. Chu Feng is an emperor god. Level-one character actually persisted for five seconds with that aircraft!

In order to prevent accidents, Dark Moon used a trick that consumes a lot of magic killing space, but I didn’t expect it to fail. The magic killing space consumed a lot, and was interrupted by Yilian. Although there was no backlash, it also let Dark Moon lost a lot of power! "Too terrifying, damn!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart, five seconds, with the powerful defense of Silver Wing, with the energy stored in the Sky-Swallowing Formation, he actually consumed only five seconds of time and power. one third.

Inferring, Chu Feng knew that even within the Silver Wing, he could only hold on for seven to eight seconds in that Demon Killing Space. This time was really too short! The abnormality of the false saint Chu Feng clearly felt it at this time, his cultivation base, in front of the pseudo-saint-level powerhouse, is really not much stronger than the ant!

"Dark Moon, you are really shameless!" Yilian shot angrily. At this time, she shot one by one. Dark Moon groaned, his strength was lower. He was injured before, but he just got rid of it. With little power, at this time, fighting with Yilian will naturally suffer a lot!

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