Holy Prison

Chapter 1048: Win or lose in the first battle (4)


Outside the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, a roar sounded, and there was some pain in the voice, with incredible anger, and even thicker anger! "Go in, go in, I want to kill in!" the man roared.

"Be sober, go in, what can you do? There are all powerhouses inside, and we will easily die if we go in!" someone persuaded.

"Bah! Bai Wuwei, I have never noticed it. It turns out that you are such a courageous ghost. If you don't go in, you can wait outside. I will lead some of my people in and fight. Under the battle, it is no problem to fight against the god-excellent level powerhouse!"

"Brother Ding, I am also very sad for the death of Master Ding, but if you go in, do you think the people on the side of the Holy Temple will not move?" The persuaded strong man said through the voice, "I feel that it is stronger. With the conspiracy aura of, the strength of the seniors in our Dark Demon Hall will not be lower than those on the Most Sacred Mountain, but the people who died are actually twice those on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, which is very abnormal!"

"So, I think we should stop this fight, kill, kill fiercely, and stop this fight with the people on the Most Sacred Mountain, and we will plan for a long time in the future."

The emperor god-level powerhouse who roared sneered and said: "From the long-term plan? Bai Wuwei, you are the Emperor God Dzogchen, not the God Dzogchen, let alone the cultivation of a half-step saint! Now we are determined to win or lose. , Isn’t it too early? Although there are more deaths on our side, who knows if there are many people on the most sacred mountain side that are seriously injured and lose more than half of their strength?"

"Besides, the people on the Most Sacred Mountain are watching. They can let us kill ordinary people easily? This time is different from before. If the Lords inside are really downwind, then the Most Sacred Mountain will definitely not Let go of this opportunity. Although the Saintess of the Most Sacred Mountain is merciful, she will not be a stupid woman. As long as she can destroy the Lord and them all in it, then this world today is completely the world of the Most Sacred Mountain!"

"If it were you, would you choose to stop because of a little bit of circumstances outside? Let's do your daydreaming. The best way for us now is to secretly reinforce. Anyway, the news can't come out. If it can be secreted before the Holy Woman discovers it. If many people enter it, the situation can be reversed!"

"Brother Ding is right. Let's do this and quietly let some people enter the Tianluo Forbidden Domain! If the situation inside is good, then it will be better, if it is not good, it is likely to be able to reverse it."

The Dark Demon Temple moved quickly. Some Emperor God-level and Emperor God-level people quietly disappeared. The team of tens of millions of people was deliberately covered by the Dark Demon Temple. Easy to find.

However, on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain, at this time the same action was taken, and many people from the Most Sacred Mountain quietly began to enter the Tianluo Forbidden Domain from another secret passage!

If it is a competition, then such behavior is very wrong and a serious violation of the rules, but this is not a competition but a war, a war, whoever speaks the rules is a fool!

At first, people on both sides didn’t enter, because they hadn’t fought much. Nowadays, a lot of people have died on both sides. This time, it’s probably an endless, endless war and don’t enter quickly. Just waiting to be destroyed by the other party and there is no scum left!

Within the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, with Silver Wings in control, Chu Feng once again caused a middle-level god-excellent power to die. Until now, there are definitely more than twenty god-level powerhouses in the Dark Demon Temple who have died because of him. !

In this war, there were more than two hundred and three hundred god-level powerhouses on the two sides of the Dark Demon Temple and the Most Sacred Mountain respectively. With so many people, one or two deaths on one side would not have much of the overall strength. But if one side dies more than 20 times, then the gap will be obvious!

As soon as the difference in strength was obvious, the bitter days of the Dark Demon Hall came over. Originally, the two hundred people in the Dark Demon Hall had no problem with the three hundred people from the Most Holy Mountain. Now, on the side of the Most Holy Mountain, even You can draw a tie with the Dark Demon Temple if you take out twenty or so people. If you draw out the twenty or so people, what will be the result if you concentrate on attacking one person.

As soon as the gap widened, Chu Feng was delighted to see that the speed of death of the strong on the side of the Dark Demon Hall increased. However, the death of the strong on the most sacred mountain side also increased. If the god-excellent level worked hard, then The attack that can be sent out is very scary. In this situation, the strong on the side of the Dark Demon Temple knows one thing, and it won't work if you don't work hard!

The powerhouse of the Venerable God level desperately, Dark Moon is almost confused at this time. He has been injured and has attacked Chu Feng three times, but every time Yilian disintegrated his attack very quickly, making Chu Feng unexpectedly Still at ease!

There were twenty or thirty people in the Dark Demon Palace who died directly because of Chu Feng, and it was also Chu Feng who caused the Dark Demon Palace to fall to such a disadvantage. At this time, Chu Feng was still at ease. How could Dark Moon not be angry!

However, anger returns to anger, Dark Moon knows a little, now, even if he kills Chu Feng, I am afraid it will not be able to restore the defeat of the Dark Demon Palace! "Ilian, you are ruthless, I will settle this account with you sooner or later!" Dark Moon said as she wanted to escape immediately.

"Dark Moon, since I've come in, stay alive!" Yilian's body burst out with a stronger aura than before, "Forbidden!" A strong light burst out from Yilian's body, which was terrifying like a living thing. The speed appeared around the dark moon, the light gathered, and in the blink of an eye, a shroud consisting of many ten-meter-long beams of light trapped the dark moon in it.

This trick doesn't seem to be very powerful, but Yilian's face also shows exhaustion after using this trick: "Dark Moon, this is a trick specially prepared for you, you try."

Dark Moon snorted coldly, and a bone knife appeared in his hand, and the bone knife slashed towards a beam of light. The beam of light had nothing to do with it. There was a big gap on the bone knife that reflected the light.

Seeing that gap, Dark Moon's complexion changed drastically, he was very clear about the power of this bone knife. He had never been damaged after hacking with countless treasure knives and swords, and cutting that beam of light suddenly appeared such a big gap!

Dark Moon madly injected his skills and slashed again without believing in evil. The beam of light still had nothing to do with it. There was another gap on the bone knife, and the two gaps were like two open mouths laughing at!

"Drink!" After receiving the bone knife, Dark Moon hit a beam of light with a punch. The beam was fine. Dark Moon felt a terrible force spread into his body and made him very uncomfortable. "This is my own strength." Dark Moon said with a gloomy face. He knew why the bone knife was broken. The bone knife slashed on the beam of light. In fact, it was equivalent to two identical bone knives. Below, the bone knife will naturally be damaged!

A faint smile appeared on Yilian’s face, and now she is more relieved: “Dark Moon, don’t resist, as long as your attack intensity does not exceed the imprisonment prison, then all the damage will be returned to you! Okay, Now you can reflect on it, and I will clean up the people in your Dark Demon Hall!"

"Ah!" Dark Moon roared, and he instantly became a giant hundreds of meters high, but the cage expanded likewise, and when he shrank, the cage shrank too. He wanted to pass between the beams of light, but found that there was nothing at all. Maybe, if you want to leave this cage, you must destroy it, and now, even if he can destroy this cage, he is afraid that the remaining power is not as good as a person who respects the gods and perfection. How can he be Yilian's opponent?

"Yilian, stop, stop!" Yilian quickly killed two of the Dark Demon Temple's god-level powerhouse Chu Feng and quickly appeared near her under the control of Silver Wing.

"What? Kill them, no?" Yilian said through voice transmission. "Stupid woman, if they die too fast, will the people outside come in? They are afraid to run away immediately, so control them first, slowly slaughter them, and give some hope to those outside the Dark Demon Temple Well!" Chu Feng said with a smile.

"You guy, you are full of conspiracies." Yilian spoke a little bit. After the transmission, she did exactly what Chu Feng said. With her cultivation base, only one or twenty gods per minute. The powerhouses of the level were controlled by her and included in the space items.

When the matter arrived, the overall situation was determined, and Chu Feng controlled the Silver Wing to reach the light cage. "Tsk tusk, isn't this our Dark Moon Lord? He was very mighty when he attacked me just now, why did he enter the cage at this time?" Chu Feng made the outer walls around the Silver Wing transparent and laughed.

"Little bastard!" Dark Moon angrily threw a punch at Chu Feng's side, and he naturally took the punch. "Dark Moon, don't get angry, hurt your body." Chu Feng smiled, "By the way, I can tell you a good news. I just saw many people from your Dark Demon Hall come in to help you."

Just when he came over, Chu Feng saw a lot of people in the Dark Demon Hall. Those people were fighting against a god-level powerhouse on the Most Sacred Mountain. Chu Feng seemed to have a god-level powerhouse. The strength completely wiped out those people, but he didn't kill him. Since he did such a move, Chu Feng naturally didn't need to remind him any more.

"Ah, Demon Moon Cracking the Sky!" Dark Moon roared, and a pale black crescent appeared in front of him, "Go!" Dark Moon roared, and the pale black crescent cut towards the beam of light.

"True Self Skill!" Chu Feng saw it at a glance. Although the light cage was separated, the pale black crescent also made his heart tremble. This is a true self skill, and it is also a quasi-sage-level expert. True self skills!

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