Holy Prison

Chapter 1049: The Fall of the Quasi-Saint

The true self skills of a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, thinking about it with his toes, I know that he is terrible, but Chu Feng did not let the Silver Wing leave, and he also has great confidence in Yilian's light cage!

The pale black crescent cut to the top of the beam of light, and no sound was produced, but the light cage was brightened a lot. At the same time, the pale black crescent emitted a terrible black light that seemed to swallow everything!

The golden light of the light cage, the black light of the black crescent moon, the two rays of light fought fiercely. Chu Feng's cultivation base was a little lower and it was not very bright, but it was still possible to see which one had the upper hand. It didn't take long. Chu Feng's expression changed slightly, the black light seemed to have the upper hand, and the golden light showed signs that it could not be suppressed under the conflict of the black light!

"Dark Moon, don't think about escaping." At this moment, Yilian appeared not far from Chu Feng. With a wave of her jade hand, a golden light shot down onto the light cage, and suddenly the golden light of the time cage The child is much stronger! "Dark Moon, if you use your true self skills from the beginning, then it is really possible to escape, but now, it's too late!"

The time spent fighting with Yilian before was extremely expensive. In the light cage, Dark Moon took a lot of her own attacks, and her body's skill dropped a lot. The true self skills could tune all of the body. Power forms a powerful attack, but if there is not much power in the body, the power that real self skills can exert will not be so strong.

Yilian's previous consumption was much smaller than Dark Moon's. Although it was not a true self skill, this light cage also consumed a lot of her power. When the light cage was deployed, it would not be easy for Dark Moon to break through!

Dark Moon was desperate in her heart. With his eyesight, he could see that even if Yilian no longer replenishes her power, it is impossible for the current Demon Moon Cracking Sky to break this light cage, not to mention that Yilian is nearby. She can replenish the light cage at any time!

"Yilian, why haven't you used this light cage before?" Dark Moon said in a deep voice. If he had used it before, maybe he would have lost at that time, trapped in this cage, even if he broke through. , The consumption will definitely be much higher than Yilian!

Yilian said indifferently: "Now there is nothing to tell you. This light cage is not bad enough to trap people, but it can only trap people who are much weaker than themselves. At that time, the gap between us was too small to allow It traps you."

Dark Moon stared at Chu Feng fiercely. If it weren't for Chu Feng, he wouldn't be distracted to attack Chu Feng and then get injured. Needless to say, those injuries must have caused him and Yilian's strength to be pulled apart a lot!


After a glance, Dark Moon's face turned white and a mouthful of blood rushed up. When the Demon Moon Cracked Sky and the Light Cage fought against him, he was also subject to a lot of rebound attacks, as the power of Demon Moon Cracked Sky gradually weakened. Because of the power of the golden cage, the power of the rebound has continuously increased!

After using the true self skills, the remaining power in Dark Moon's body is not too much. At this time, the rebound damage can't be suppressed, and it naturally causes him to be injured immediately!

"Ellen, do you know what my biggest regret in my life is? I didn't press you under my body and rubbed it hard, hahahaha, hahahaha!" Blood spurted out of her mouth, a burst of laughter The powerful rebound damage arrived, the black energy invaded the body, and the dark moon, the master of the Dark Demon Temple, the quasi-sage-level powerhouse was killed by his own attack without resistance!

The expressions of Chu Feng and Yilian changed. If Dark Moon resisted, this force shouldn't have killed Dark Moon, but he didn't resist!

"Not good!" Yilian screamed. Although there were many strong people in the Dark Demon Hall at this time, at least 30 million people in the Dark Demon Hall were still outside. For many innocent people in this world, it is definitely a great harm!

"Yilian, it takes twenty seconds for a person to die and the soul jade slips outside to react within the forbidden domain of Luo. Quickly kill the god-level figures that have been controlled, and then I will take you with a few more holy ones. The powerful mountain god-exalted powerhouses go out!" Chu Feng said quickly.

Yilian didn't say much. The death of Dark Moon is different from the death of a general god-level powerhouse. He died. If the people in the Dark Demon Temple receive the news, they will definitely disappear. Those outside the Most Sacred Mountain may be able to kill. Kill some, but they don't have the strength to leave all the people in the Dark Demon Temple outside!

Within the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, the Dark Demon Temple was already weaker before. Yilian had captured twenty or so alive. At this time, she released the twenty or so from the space ring and quickly killed them.

Silver Wing sucked Yilian into it. Within three seconds, Yilian shot three times to wipe out a powerhouse at the peak of the gods and two powerhouses at the top of the gods in the Dark Demon Temple. There were a total of five who fought with them. The strong from the most sacred mountain quickly entered the Silver Wing under Yilian's order!

In four seconds, the Silver Wing rushed into the attack range of the giant trees around the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, and powerful attacks rained down on the Silver Wing. Although the Silver Wing was separated, Yilian still had that The five god-level powerhouses can clearly feel the horror of those attacks. Yilian looked at Chu Feng in surprise. Chu Feng is just a little guy at the Emperor God level, who can actually possess such a powerful treasure!

Rushing out of the tree wall, sure enough, branched trees appeared one after another, with more intensive attacks on the branch trees, the Silver Wing continued to advance slowly!

Five seconds, six seconds, when it was the thirteenth second, Chu Feng's heart loosened, and the powerful attack on the Silver Wing disappeared instantly! "Yilian, it should be too late. You should control the situation outside for a while. There should be no problem. I will go in and let one person come out!" Chu Feng said, and Yilian nodded. She still has five powerhouses at the Supreme Mountain God level. It appeared outside the Silver Wing in an instant.

"Be careful." Yilian said. With a wave of her hand, Chu Feng and Silver Wing appeared directly within the Tianluo Forbidden Domain. It was not easy for her to figure it out inside, but outside, she sent Chu Feng Going in is not too difficult for her, after all, she has not known much about this Tianluo Forbidden Domain for countless years.

Chu Feng didn’t know the situation outside, and once again entered the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, Chu Feng drove the Silver Wing and quickly approached a battle group, but to his surprise, the Silver Wing approached, the one belonging to the Dark Demon Palace. The strong retreated quickly and then tried their best to defend. "Bang!" In the extremely gloomy eyes of that strong man, Silver Wing still hit him straight. Compared with the speed of Silver Wing, even the speed of that strong man burst out was not enough to see. !

However, because of his explosive retreat, Silver Wing's impact this time did not smash him into the attacks of other strong men, which was a blessing in misfortune for that strong man.

The strong man was depressed and fortunate that he had escaped. At this moment, a silver knife appeared on top of his head and was hit by the Silver Wing. His defense had dropped a lot, as a result. The knife pierced and pierced his head in the horrified gaze of the strong man.

Chu Feng's strength increased, and the strength that the silver knife can exert has also increased a lot. If the god-level powerhouse's defense is higher, the silver knife may not be able to penetrate his head, but this world There are not so many ifs!

"Come up." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Without saying much, the opponents of the god-level powerhouse that had just died were within the Silver Wing. Before they entered, they were ordered by the saint to cooperate with Chu Feng.

The god-level powerhouse came up, Chu Feng didn't say much, and the Silver Wing quickly reached another battle group at the terrifying speed, "Bang!"

It was another fierce impact. Next, the attack of the silver knife, coupled with the attack of the god-level expert on the Silver Wing, the dark demon hall strong who was hit by the Silver Wing was confused. It became a dead soul!

Needless to say, this time the deity-level powerhouse outside was on the Silver Wing again. "Awesome, if this continues, we will soon be able to kill many of the god-level powerhouses on the side of the Dark Demon Hall and then help the saint to deal with the dark moon!" The audience is excited and authentic.

Chu Feng scanned the two people who were already in the Silver Wing and smiled and said: "Dark Moon is dead, and the saint and five powerful gods have been sent outside by me to stabilize the situation outside. Now we need Kill some people in the Dark Demon Hall and send you out to help the saints!"

Although Yilian and the others are powerful, there are no god-level figures outside the Dark Demon Hall, but you must know that there are about 30 million people in the Dark Demon Hall outside. So many people are Yilian and the others. It is impossible to trap them for a long time!

"Ah, Dark Moon is dead" The two god-level powerhouses are all excited and inexplicable. Once Dark Moon dies, it is only a matter of time before the Dark Demon Hall is destroyed!

"Well, I'm ready to shoot." Chu Feng said solemnly.

Two, three, and four passengers on the Chufeng Silver Wing continued to increase. When there were more than a dozen passengers, there was no need for the impact of the Silver Wing. So many people attacked the Dark Demon Temple. The individual is relatively simple.

five minutes later.

"Xiao Yin, go out!" Chu Feng said. Now there are more than 20 venerable gods on the side of the Holy Mountain in the Silver Wing. If so many people stay in the forbidden area of ​​Tianluo, The pressure on the strong side of the holy mountain in the Tianluo Forbidden Domain is much lighter, but the situation outside may be even more tense!

The Silver Wing turned around, and the Silver Wing swiftly broke through outside. At this time, the situation outside is indeed very tense. You must know that the 30 million people on the side of the Dark Demon Temple are all figures of the Conferred God. When these many people gather together, the power is extremely terrifying!

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