Holy Prison

Chapter 1050: End of the war

When Chu Feng and the others appeared outside, there was a fierce conflict outside. Yilian, the quasi-sage, had five powerful masters of the Great Perfection, and the forty to fifty million people on the side of the Most Sacred Mountain. Thousands of people surrounded!

Although surrounded, the 30 million people on the Dark Demon Temple attacked frantically. The encirclement formed by many of Yilian and the others would not take long. If the encirclement was torn, it would be a melee. In the situation, the most sacred mountain does not know how many people will die. After the people in the Dark Demon Temple escape some, it is also a great disaster for many ordinary people!

"This Chu Feng, why hasn't he come out at this moment!" Yilian felt a little bit nervous when she was nervous. At this time, the encirclement was very unstable, but if Chu Feng could let some powerhouses of the Supreme Sacred Mountain come out. If it is, then the encircling circle can be stabilized. As long as the encircling circle can be stabilized, the people in the Dark Demon Temple can be slowly killed on the most sacred mountain side. If the people in the Dark Demon Temple die, the pressure on Yilian and others will be reduced. Minute!

"Kill, kill, kill! Brothers, if you can't break the shameless encirclement of the most holy mountain people, we will all die here, everyone, work hard!"

"The Lord of the Palace is dead, we must avenge the Lord of the Palace, break the encirclement, and kill them!"

"To survive, kill!"

Many people in the Dark Demon Temple roared. At this time, 30 million of them were trapped in an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. Around this area is a green energy wall, which is a large energy wall. The troubled formation is presided over by Yilian. In other words, if it were not for her, let a person who respects the great perfection to preside, the huge troubled formation formed by tens of millions of strong might not be able to preside well!

All around, above the head, there are such energy walls, and even under the feet there are green energy walls. Needless to say, there is only one way to break through, and that is to break the huge formation!

There were also many organized concentrated attacks on the Dark Demon Temple at this time, but unfortunately, there was not a god-level person on their side. It is very difficult to organize all the people together. This is because The reason why Lian and the others have been able to hold on for so long must be aware that destruction is much easier than siege. The siege has to defend from all directions, and for destruction, just attack one direction at random!

A series of powerful attacks continuously bombarded the surrounding green energy walls. Yilian's face was solemn. Her main array was very stressed. The overall anti-strike ability of the green energy wall was almost fixed, but all the resistance Strike ability can be allocated, and where the attack is stronger, it will be equipped with stronger defense ability!

Tens of millions of people attacked. Although Yilian is a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, it is not easy to know their attacks and allocate defenses at all times!

The Silver Wing rushed forward, and a slight smile appeared on Yilian's face. "This guy has finally come. If he doesn't come, he will have a big problem." Yilian snorted slightly.

"Yilian, I brought out twenty-two god-level figures, are they enough?" The Silver Wing stopped not far from Yilian, Chu Feng said.

"Enough!" Yilian said with joy. There are twenty or so god-excellent powers. This strength is not weak. They can attack. With their attacks, those in the Dark Demon Temple are impossible. There is no scrupulous attack, as long as the people on the side of the Dark Demon Hall can die a lot, the pressure will be less!

"Chu Feng, I still need to trouble you. Inside, I hope that the battle can be ended as soon as possible." Yilian said. At this moment, the Holy Mountain has the upper hand, but it does not have the absolute upper hand, Dark Demon. There are also one hundred fifty or sixty god-level powerhouses on the side of the temple. If they work hard, there will be a lot of casualties on the side of the holy mountain.

"No problem, who caused us to have such a relationship, and I fell in love with you and want you to be my woman hahaha!" Chu Feng transmitted the sound to control the Silver Wing to escape, the twenty-two The powerhouse of the god-exalted level was naturally released before he left.

Yilian's face turned red and stared bitterly in the direction Chu Feng left. She was a little angry, but it seemed that Chu Feng's words were not particularly annoying.

Anyway, things like that have happened, and being overwhelmed with words seems to be no big deal.

Chu Feng entered the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, outside of the Tianluo Forbidden Domain, the twenty-two powerful gods came out after a little discussion.

Lines of rage thunders fell from the sky, each rage thunder was hundreds of meters thick in diameter, dozens of thunder and lightning went down, and the tens of thousands of dark magic halls were wiped out!

When the people in the Dark Demon Palace did not have a joint defense, no matter who they were alone, it was absolutely impossible to withstand the attacks of those angry thunder!

There is a lot of difference between the Emperor God Dzogchen and the elementary level of the gods, not to mention, many of the 22 powerhouses of the highest sacred mountain of the gods level have the strength above the level of the gods!

"Ah, defense, defense!"

"I don't want to, I don't want to die yet!"

"Fuck, don't yell at me all, unite defense."

"It's over."

Inside the encirclement, it was a chaotic circle at this time. Many people were screaming in panic, many were calling for joint defense, and some people knew that defense was not important anymore. When things came, it was already That's it! If the defense is combined, then a part of the attack power must be sacrificed. When the attack power is sacrificed, how to break the siege.

If they continue to attack without defensiveness, under such an attack, it will not take long before the attacks of the rest of them will break the siege.

Defensively, death is in the end; not defensively, it is also death. Such a situation is really desperate! Some people thought that if many people sacrificed their lives to burn their lives and launched the most powerful attack, they might be able to break the encirclement, but some of those people quickly showed a wry smile and shook their heads secretly.

There are many selfish people in the Dark Demon Temple. It may be okay to play a little bit for people who have already given up for others, but it is absolutely impossible to find out many things. Perhaps, if you change to the most holy mountain in this way Under the circumstances, there is still the possibility of breakthrough!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

The terrible thunder and lightning continued to fall. At least ten thousand people died in each wave of thunder and lightning, and it was a wave in three seconds. In one minute, there were nearly 300,000 deaths in the Dark Demon Hall!

Three hundred thousand is nothing compared to the huge number of thirty million, but the psychological pressure on the people in the Dark Demon Temple is really not so great. Many people are so terrified that they even forget the attack and worry. Will there be a terrible thunder and lightning in the next moment? Of course, there are many people who attack more frantically, but overall, Yilian's pressure is much less than before!

A large number of people in the Dark Demon Temple are dying, and Yilian has naturally seen them all. There is also a little bit of intolerance in her eyes. However, this intolerance is only because she is kind and reluctant to see such killings. But she knew that it was necessary. Most of the people in the Dark Demon Hall had the right way to die, and a small part of those people could not stay. If they were left, could they not retaliate? At that time, those who die are the people of the Most Sacred Mountain, those who die are relatives and friends of the people of the Most Holy Mountain, and those who die are other innocent people!

Within the forbidden area of ​​Tianluo, Chu Feng controlled Silver Wing and continued to attack. At first, one or two were not easy to deal with. After that, as the number of people on the Silver Wing slowly increased, he killed those on the side of the Dark Demon Palace. The strong are getting easier.

For half an hour, without any omissions, the god-exalted powerhouses on the side of the Dark Demon Temple and some powerful emperor-level powerhouses were all beheaded by Chu Feng and the sacred mountain side!

Although the Silver Wing has grown a little due to the growth of Chu Feng’s strength, it cannot bring out all the god-excellent-level powerhouses at a time. A hundred or so god-excellent powerhouses were taken out of the Tianluo forbidden area by Chu Feng. Those who are left in the forbidden area still need to clean up those who are below the gods level in the Dark Demon Temple.

After half an hour’s attack, the number of people surrounded by the Dark Demon Hall was only ten million, and twenty million were destroyed in just half an hour. Most of the people left at this time Their eyes were full of trepidation. They really didn't expect that things would change so quickly, and in just one day, the Dark Demon Hall of Nuoda would be completely destroyed!

"Chu Feng, is it alright inside?" Seeing the Silver Wing approaching and coming out of the hundreds of god-level powerhouse Yilian's eyes lit up and quickly transmitted the sound to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng received the Silver Wing and reached Yi Lian. "Well, all the powerhouses in the Dark Demon Temple are dead, but there is also a little loss in the highest sacred mountain." Chu Feng said.

"Forgiveness, forgiveness! I haven't done many evil things, I really haven't, Your Majesty, aren't you the most merciful? Let me go, let me go!" Under the pressure of horror, the Dark Demon Palace side Someone couldn't bear to kneel down and begged for mercy. When she knelt, many people immediately followed her and started begging for mercy.

"Stupid, you begged the Most Sacred Mountain for forgiveness, would they forgive you? You, you simply lost the face of our Dark Demon Hall!" An emperor-level powerhouse in Dark Demon Hall said angrily. Cut a kneeling man near him in half! "Who begs for mercy will end up like this! Kill the beggar!"

Dozens of attacks landed on the murderer, and under such an attack, the victim was killed in less than 0.1 second.

"Old ghost Mo, you don't want to survive, don't drag us into the water!" Someone sneered and said that more people knelt down and begged for mercy!

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