Holy Prison

Chapter 1103: Suck you to death

"Pop!" Before Feng Qingyang could react, Chu Feng slapped his left cheek in the face. "Pop!" In the next moment, Feng Qingyang slapped again on his right cheek!

At the very beginning, Feng Qingyang was stunned. He was a powerhouse at the Emperor God level, and Chu Feng should still be at the Emperor God level.

Feng Qingyang was stunned by Chu Feng, but was not stunned. They slapped them one by one. In a short time, Feng Qingyang was beaten into a pig's head under Chu Feng's heavy slap, even though he was an emperor-level powerhouse, and his body There are still defensive treasures, but under the oppression of the small world of the law, his defensive treasures can only be shrunk in his body!

"Ah, Chu Feng, I'm going to kill you!" Feng Qingyang finally reacted and roared. The sharp sword in his hand appeared and went crazy towards Chu Feng, but he quickly discovered that Chu Feng looked close. , But he really attacked, Chu Feng seemed to have been unable to attack from the distant horizon!

In the small world of Law, Feng Qingyang and Chu Feng are close, but they are close to the horizon. With his strength, if the small world of Law does not disappear, his attack will not fall to Chu even for ten thousand years. Feng's body!

"Feng Qingyang, just like you, still the Emperor God level? Even if it is the Emperor God level, I will slap you if I want to slap you. Can you slap you?"

"Attention, I'm going to draw your left this time!"

Chu Feng's words fell, and Feng Qingyang slapped his right cheek heavily, "Oh, sorry, I just lied to you." Chu Feng laughed and said, Feng Qingyang just covered his left cheek with his hands, but right His face was no longer protected, and he was naturally slapped by Chu Feng!

"You" Feng Qingyang was so angry that blood spurted out all at once. "Feng Qingyang, if I hit you, you don't have to be so happy that you even spit out blood. Although I hit you, it is indeed your honor. Tell you, ordinary people let me slap him, I'm not free yet. I also take special care of you for the sake of your old friends!" Chu Feng smiled.

"Chu Feng, you must not die!" Feng Qingyang roared, his aura became a little violent and unstable at this time. This time his breakthrough was made with the help of a treasure in the Feng clan. Under this situation, he has reached the primary level of the Emperor God without experiencing the Emperor God Tribulation. If at that time, if he is to make up for the God’s Tribulation, his cultivation level can be completely stabilized at the Emperor God Primary level after a period of training, but he has not waited. Steady, Chu Feng actually appeared here!

If he has experienced the Emperor Divine Tribulation, then it is more difficult for him to descend from the Emperor Divine Tribulation to the Emperor God level, but he has not experienced the Emperor Divine Tribulation yet, and the cultivation base is immediately unstable due to such stimulation!

If you have just arrived at the primary level of the Emperor God and your cultivation base is unstable, then it is very likely that your cultivation will be lowered from the Emperor God level to the Emperor God level. Feeling his own change, Feng Qingyang's face changed drastically. If this situation were to go down, then he didn't know how long it would take him to return to the Emperor God level again!

"Hey, it seems that someone has done a lot of evil and must have retribution." Chu Feng said, slapped again, "Haha, cool, this feels very good, Feng Qingyang, I think you need to smoke yourself. Try a few slaps yourself, it feels really good!"

"It seems that there is one more on the right, and I will make up for you on the left!" Chu Feng said in his mouth that his left hand backhand was a slap in the face.

Feng Qingyang spurted out another mouthful of blood. This time it was not just qi, it was caused by the qi and the strength of his body rolling!

"Chu Feng, stop." A rolling voice came. In a short time, a middle-aged man in a green robe appeared near Chu Feng and the others. He glared at Chu Feng but didn't make a bold move.

Chu Feng glanced at the middle-aged man in Qingpao. Of course he knew this person. He was Feng Qingyang's father. Within the Feng clan, Feng Qingyang's father was a relatively low-key person, and his character was even better than Feng Yi. It was better, but he was not much better. Chu Feng had checked his information before, and his guilt value was higher than his kindness value.

"Hey!" How could Chu Feng stop because of the arrival of the middle-aged man in the green robe. He waved his hand and slapped Feng Qingyang twice. Under these two slaps, Feng Qingyang spouted another mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Feng Qingyang is almost crazy. He wants to resist, but he can't resist. He wants to block Chu Feng's slapped hand, but in the small world of Law, even the speed of a god-level power is also difficult to match Chu Feng. In comparison, he was just a figure who had just reached the elementary level of Emperor God!

Can't resist, can't resist, even Feng Qingyang can't do it if he wants to block his face with his own hand. In the small world of law, Chu Feng's power can become much stronger, Feng Qingyang simply resists Without Chu Feng's power, it is not difficult for Chu Feng to remove his hand!

"Chu Feng!" The middle-aged man in the green robe roared angrily, and a sword appeared in his hand when he thought about it. "If you want to die, I will fulfill you!" Chu Feng coldly glanced at the middle-aged man in the green robe. The middle-aged man in Qingpao was a little more awake by Chu Feng’s glance. He had already heard about Chu Feng’s defeat of Ge Li. Since Chu Feng can easily defeat Ge Li, he is a senior emperor. What are the people of?

There was a trace of disdain in his eyes, and Chu Feng slapped Feng Qingyang's face with a few more slaps, "Feng Qingyang, I'm so upset? Your face, now it is estimated that your father is somewhat unrecognizable." Chu Feng said. .

"Chu Feng, the 18th generation of my ancestors, you can't die too hard! You fight, you fight again, let me find the opportunity when the time comes, I will definitely catch your wives, I will be cruel Kill them!" Feng Qingyang spit out the blood in his mouth and exclaimed frantically.

"Play well, play well! The harder you play, the happier I will be when I do. That day will not be far away, I believe that day will not be far away! Don’t worry, I will not Kill them all at once, I will keep them slowly and let them all be pregnant with my seeds, hahahaha!"

The murderous intent on Chu Feng skyrocketed. With a move of his mind, the silver knife appeared in the small world of Law, "Shoo!" With a flash of silver light, one of Feng Qingyang's arms had already left his body.

"Kill, you kill, do you dare to kill?" Feng Qingyang laughed wildly, "In Phoenix Ridge, if you dare to kill me, then you can't get out of Phoenix Ridge!"

Feng Qingyang's second arm also left his body, and both arms were shaken into a **** mist within the small world of Law! "Chu Feng, stop!"

Someone came again. This time it was a god-level powerhouse. Feng Yi's line was a god-level powerhouse. Seeing Feng Qingyang like that, the god-level powerhouse was full of eyes. Angry, but he was alone at this time, and he didn't dare to act rashly.

"Chu Feng, many experts from the Feng clan will arrive immediately. If I were you, I would definitely stop doing this immediately." The god-level expert said in a deep voice.

call out! call out! call out! call out!

The god-level powerhouse's voice fell, and in a short time, a number of powerhouses came over here, and the one Ge Li who had previously lost to Chu Feng's hands also came to this side. As for Feng Man, Chu Feng knew that she must know about this side of things, but Feng Man did not show up right now.

"A fanatic, such a murder in Phoenix Ridge!"

"If you don't take you today, you really don't know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is!"

Quite a few people uttered angrily. These people are basically Fengyi's people. As for people who lean towards Fengman, they don’t have many people talking at the moment. Chu Feng estimated that they are out of the ordinary. I got the voice of Fengman.

"Shut up!" Chu Feng said coldly, "The Feng Clan is unreasonable. I'm about to leave Phoenix Ridge. Feng Qingyang came out to attack me. Why, if only he can attack me, I can't fight back in self-defense?"

Some of those people are a little speechless. Just like your old man, would you still fight back? Feng Qingyang's face was so drawn that he couldn't recognize it.

"Everyone, don't tell him too much, kill him, kill him soon! What happened, I will tell Grandpa at that time, Grandpa will take care of it!" Feng Qingyang shouted.

"Don't talk about your grandfather, even if your grandfather arrives here, he won't be able to help you." Chu Feng said indifferently, and the three of them, Meng Hao, appeared beside him as he said his opinions.

"Oh, it's so lively here." Meng Hao smiled, "Hey, who is it, it's so terrible to be beaten, you can't recognize what it was like."

"Definitely lively." Jitian Lian said with a light smile.

"Chu Feng, can't you wait for us to finish the game." Bruin shook his head helplessly.

Meng Hao and the others spoke, and from them, the aura of a god-respecting great perfection erupted from them. In the face of this situation, there is no need for a quasi-sage-level aura. The town can survive the scene.

Quite a few people hurriedly bowed at this time. They even included the powerhouses at the Venerable God level. People in Feng Yi’s line still don’t know Menghao’s true strength, but those who lean towards Feng Man are all With Fengman's voice transmission, Menghao, they have quasi-saint-level strength!

The three quasi-sage-level powerhouses are too scary. Even if the Phoenix clan activates the undead fire formation, it is estimated that the three quasi-sage-level powerhouses can hold on for a while.

And as long as it can last some time, the possibility of the three quasi-saint-level powerhouses escaping the undead fire formation is not small!

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