Holy Prison

Chapter 1104: Defeat your cultivation base

"Pop!" In front of everyone, Chu Feng slapped Feng Qingyang's face with a heavy slap again. The crisp sound made the muscles of some people around him twitch, but how can they be treated with Menghao? By the side, those people didn't dare to do anything!

Feng Qingyang's eyes were full of sadness and resentment. He really didn't expect that he would have to be beaten when the Feng clan had reached so many people. After being beaten so many, his face was lost to his grandma's house!

"Feng Qingyang, you yell again and scold again, and see if I dare to kill you!" Chu Feng sneered and sneered, Feng Qingyang opened his mouth to scold, but he saw that there were none of the Feng Clan experts around him. Action, he swallowed a few words abruptly when he reached his mouth. The consequence of this was that a few mouthfuls of blood spurted out again under the stimulation!

Chu Feng slapped fiercely, and in front of so many people, he slapped Feng Qingyang hundreds of times within half a minute. "Ah!" Feng Qingyang cried out in pain, and dozens of blood mouths suddenly appeared on his body. Drops of blood came out from those blood mouths. The blood did not flow out fast, but every drop It is more precious than the blood spurted out before!

The blood before was just ordinary blood, but every drop of blood flowing out at this time contained pure energy. This was Feng Qingyang's skill and cultivation!

The loss of every drop of blood represents Feng Qingyang's retreat of skill and cultivation base, "Chu Feng, it's okay, let's go down, Feng Qingyang's cultivation base will drop!" A strong man in Feng Yi's line endured his heart. Huoqidao.

"Everyone, if my strength is not a little bit higher than Feng Qingyang, then when I was attacked by him before, even if I didn't die, I would get rid of half my life. Now that Feng Qingyang's cultivation base has dropped a little, everyone will not bear it. Can't live there?" Chu Feng said indifferently, "Moreover, some of Feng Qingyang's curses before, I must have heard everyone. I don't know what will happen if it is everyone else?"

The strong man who opened his mouth opened his mouth and couldn't speak. Feng Qingyang said before when he would catch several of Chu Feng's wives, and then he would **** them severely to make them pregnant with him, as long as it is a man, Hearing this, I guess I couldn't bear it. Chu Feng didn't kill Feng Qingyang. That's because it was Fenghuangling that gave the Feng clan face!

Feng Qingyang screamed, because a lot of essence and blood had passed away, his cultivation was very cupped from the primary emperor **** level to the emperor **** level, and not to the emperor **** great perfection, but to Hechu Feng The same peak of Emperor God.

"Feng Qingyang, this time, I will give the Feng clan a face and not kill you. I hope you will not fall into my hands in the future. If you fall into my hands, you will be dead!" Chu Feng said coldly with eyes. It fell on Feng Qingyang's father, "Feng Ming, as his father, take care of your son, otherwise I might not just teach him the next game!"

"Chu Feng, we are not finished!" Feng Qingyang roared in his heart, his eyes were staring at Chu Feng fiercely, but he did not dare to swear at this moment.

"Old Meng, let's go."

Chu Feng smiled at Meng Hao and the others, "Yes." Meng Hao and the others nodded, and the four quickly flew away from the Phoenix Ridge area. "Chu Feng, that Feng Qingyang hates you so much, just let him go?" Meng Hao said.

"I want to kill him, but this is not a good opportunity. After all, your strength has not reached the true quasi-sage level. If the Feng Clan recklessly activates the undead fire formation, we will be able to escape. Paying a heavy price. Feng Qingyang is nothing but his grandfather." Chu Feng said.

Bruin said: "It is true. His grandfather is a strong man at the pinnacle of respecting the gods. This time, such a thing has not happened. I am afraid that he is in retreat to hit the gods to achieve great perfection."

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "How can this be?" "How can this be?" Meng Hao asked curiously. Chu Feng said: "Feng Yi has been affected a bit before, and it shouldn't be the time to hit the deity's Great Perfection."

"He should have reached the point of impacting the great perfection of the gods before. If that is the case, if something is affected, you can use some treasures to eliminate those effects." Jitian Lian said.

"Treasures, he shouldn't have such treasures." Chu Feng frowned. If Feng Yi had such treasures, then maybe he wouldn't be so angry. Chu Feng knew that Feng Yi was very angry when he came out of retreat. "Is it possible to say that what treasures have been obtained recently?"

Meng Hao smiled and said: "Chu Feng, don't you care about his treasures? What if he has reached the Dzogchen Dzogchen, with your strength, are you still afraid of him?"

"I am not afraid of my strength, but Fengyi is a big confidant after all, and I should get rid of it sooner!" Chu Feng said, "Okay, Meng Lao, you can enter my treasure space to practice. Ling, I won't have anything to do, and I will call you immediately when I need your help."

Meng Hao and the others disappeared in front of Chu Feng in an instant. They have not yet reached the normal strength of the Quasi-Holy Grade powerhouse. They need a little more time to practice. They are swaying outside, and obviously the speed of strength improvement will not be in the holy prison space. The training comes quickly!

After leaving Phoenix Ridge, Chu Feng quickly reached the city of Phoenix. There are still strong men in Phoenix who are investigating the murder of many women who disappeared and died, but there is still no progress.

"Kong Qiu came here unexpectedly." Chu Feng muttered in his heart. Scanning from the sky, Chu Feng found that Kong Qiu was now in the City Lord's Mansion in Phoenix City.

Chu Feng flew towards the Phoenix City Lord's Mansion, and at the same time a voice rang in the mind of an ordinary woman in Phoenix City: "I am Chu Feng, inform Shi Qing to come here."

"Yes, the master!" With excitement on her face, the woman knelt down on one knee and whispered quietly. This woman is an intelligence officer of Skynet.

"Get up, do things well." Chu Feng transmitted another sentence and then stopped transmitting. The woman got up, and then quickly transmitted Chu Feng's order.

The main mansion of Phoenix City.

"Fengye, don't worry, this matter is now intervened by a big figure above, and it will definitely be resolved smoothly." Kong Qiu comforted, "No matter how anxious you are, it won't be good to be anxious." Ye's belly, Fengye's belly was visibly bulging a little bit.

"Brother Qiu, that is thousands of lives, many of them belong to the Feng clan. Phoenix City has not known how long such a vicious incident has not occurred!" Feng Ye said worriedly, "There is no murderer now. Found, the entire Phoenix City is panicking!"

"Kong Qiu, an old friend is visiting."

Chu Feng's laughter sounded in Kong Qiu's ears, and Kong Qiu quickly released his spiritual sense, and naturally he immediately discovered Chu Feng who had already arrived outside the city lord's mansion.

"Chu Feng, please come in!" Kong Qiu and the others hurriedly greeted Chu Feng into the city lord's mansion. "Hey, Kong Qiu, that's not bad, progress is fast." Chu Feng glanced at Feng Ye's bulging belly and laughed, "It seems that it won't be long before there is a wedding drink!"

"If you wanted to, you would have been called father by now." Kong Qiu smiled. The three of them sat down, and Chu Feng said: "Kong Qiu, I didn't find you when I came here before, just came from the side of Shenchu ​​City?"

Kong Qiu nodded: "Well, I didn't expect to encounter such a thing. Chu Feng, you are very strong, I don't know if you can help a little bit? This matter is handled by a big figure of the Feng clan, but Feng Ye still I'm very anxious. If you help me, I should be more confident."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Bing Ning is practicing in Phoenix Ridge. I will be on this side for a while. I am idle and idle. If I can do my best, I will do my best. This is not a small thing. Good deeds."

"Chu Feng, thank you!" Feng Ye got up and saluted. "Don't, give me a hand, thank you for anything." Chu Feng said quickly, "Besides, Bing Ning is also a member of the Phoenix clan. I have some contradictions with Phoenix, but the contradiction is contradictory. It should be a little help! I don't know. Is there any clue?"

Fengye sat down again and shook his head with a wry smile: "No, there is no clue. Those people disappeared directly in Phoenix."

"Can you give me a copy of the details of those people?" Chu Feng said.

Fengye nodded a piece of jade slip and appeared in his hand: "There are detailed information about those people, everyone has it! We have checked these information carefully, and there is no pattern in it."

Chu Feng took the jade slip and his divine consciousness immediately penetrated into the jade slip, "Huh." Chu Feng said in surprise, "Chu Feng, did you find anything?" Feng Ye also had Kongqiu's eyes. Yiliang.

"Maybe I can’t say what the discovery was, just a little bit of confusion. You should have read this document. There is nothing else in it that is worth noting, but there are three Feng clan people, and the bloodline concentration is actually not very high. Weak." Chu Feng said, "They are all Phoenix inner disciples!"

Fengye frowned and said, "It is true, but what does this mean?"

"If the murderer is me and I am not targeting the Feng Clan, then I will not touch the core disciples of the Feng Clan, or even I will not do it in the Feng Clan, do you think?" Chu Feng said.

Kong Qiu nodded: "Yes, but there are special circumstances. Maybe the murderer is nearby. It is more convenient for Phoenix to do it."

Chu Feng shook his head: "Kong Qiu, this kind of situation can basically be ruled out. To be able to capture and kill thousands of people like that silently, the murderer's strength is certainly not weak, such a character, no matter if it is a teleportation array It’s better to fly directly over, and it’s very convenient to get to nearby cities. If that’s the case, why risk angering the Feng Clan?"

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