Holy Prison

Chapter 1110: Sea animals gather

"Voice, I heard Bing Ning's voice!" Chu Feng smiled, "Bing Ning was talking to herself. She said Feng Yi was recovering at this time. They are now on an island with a large mist nearby. Area! Feng Yi seems to have some way to absorb the power of her bloodline to reach the Quasi-Holy Level, but that was after he reached the Great Perfection of the God, and now he has not reached the Great Perfection of the God!"

Meng Hao smiled and said: "Then we still have a lot of time! They stopped, we got closer, and we should be careful when that happens. Feng Bingning should be rescued smoothly!"

"Hope!" Chu Feng said while silent, and continued to listen to Feng Bingning talking to herself over there. "Feng, Feng Yi is an old pervert who said that you need at least three months to get over. It really takes that much time? I guess he can reach the Great Perfection in less than three months. He is drinking blood. The blood of those Phoenix women really wanted to kill him with a single stab, but even if you used some of the treasures you gave me, the restrictions around me wouldn't be broken within a few minutes."


Time is constantly passing, and Chu Feng’s flying boat is constantly advancing toward the depths of the sea. If he had not burst out of the quasi-sage level strength before, then even with the guidance of the dragon tone clock, he would not be able to grasp the direction so much. Accurate, but with such a powerful strength that burst out before, Chu Feng can now clearly feel Feng Bingning's position, and Feizhou is approaching Feng Bingning every moment!

As the flying boat moved forward, Chu Feng and the others also encountered relatively powerful sea beasts along the way. Sea beasts with the strength of the god-exalted level have all encountered them, but even the sea beasts with the full strength of the gods are powerless in front of the terrifying speed of the flying boat!

Feng Yi previously estimated that it would take three months for Chu Feng and the others to arrive. He underestimated Chu Feng's strength and his luck. What he didn't expect was that Chu Feng had good luck. I chose the east direction, and the Dragon King of the East China Sea agreed with him to borrow the dragon sound bell very smoothly!

The powerful strength allowed the domain gate to be opened for him quickly. With great luck, he chose the east directly. The dragons had heard of some things about Chu Feng in the abyss. There was no conflict and any time was delayed. With the Dragon Tone Bell, coupled with the terrifying speed of the flying boat, and he had the best guidance when he slapped the Dragon Tone Bell before.

All in all, the speed at which Chu Feng and the others arrived far exceeded Long Yi's imagination! In two days, Chu Feng's flying boat was not far away from Feng Bingning.

"Chu Feng, how did you turn around?" Meng Hao said in surprise at this time. Chu Feng's flying boat had just deflected about thirty degrees to the left. "It should be closer, he wants to determine the specific location of Feng Bingning." Bruin smiled.

Chu Feng nodded, "Lao Bu is right, I feel that I am already closer."

Flying fast, the flying boat quickly moved forward for five minutes and then stopped. "We were here before, and Bing Ning was in this direction. We have just moved forward for five minutes, and Bing Ning is in this direction." Chu Feng's mind moved and formed a simple triangle in front of him.

For a triangle, knowing the length of one side and the degrees of two angles on that side, it is easy to find the lengths of the other two sides.

"So, we are only ten minutes away from Feng Bingning by flying a boat." Meng Hao smiled.

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, Feizhou will continue to advance for another five minutes. In the last five minutes, we fly over. Feizhou is fast, but it is too easy to disturb Feng Yi."

Meng Hao and the others nodded. Chu Feng adjusted the direction of the flying boat and moved forward quickly. After five minutes, Chu Feng took the flying boat into the holy prison space. All four of them appeared in the sea. Overhead.

"Lao Meng, my speed is relatively slow, it can only be that you have taken me forward, pay attention to a good breath." Chu Feng said a little excitedly.

"Chu Feng, don't worry, Feng Yi may have some arrangements, but if the four of us here can't find that his arrangement disturbs him, it would be terrible." Meng Hao smiled.

When Meng Hao’s words fell, Chu Feng and the others all converged and swiftly moved forward. With Meng Hao’s speed, it would be impossible to get to Feng Bingning’s side within five minutes, but it would take 20 minutes. Enough, now that Feng Yi is recovering, twenty minutes is not long!

Time passed second by second, and the closer he got, the more nervous Chu Feng's heart became. "It's okay, Bing Ning Ji Ren Tian Xiang, how could something happen?" Chu Feng continued to comfort himself.

Meng Hao and the others have let go of their spiritual consciousness. After they got closer, Chu Feng's Sky Eye was also opened, and it was a powerful scan. Although this would consume a lot of his money every second, but compared to With Feng Bingning's safety, those who consumed Chu Feng didn't care at all.

More than ten minutes passed, and Chu Feng and the others were only three or four minutes away from Feng Bingning. "Feng, the old pervert opened his eyes." On the island, Feng Bingning secretly said in his heart. Feng Yi had closed his eyes and recovered, but suddenly opened his eyes.

Chu Feng was advancing fast. Although Feng Bingning was only talking in her heart, she was so close now that the effect of the dragon bell was at its best. He heard what Feng Bingning was saying in her heart!

"Feng Yi, how about it? Is it impossible to recover and reach the perfection?" Feng Bingning sneered. There was a suspicious look in Feng Yi's eyes, and he faintly seemed to feel a little threat. "Could it be that Chu Feng and the others chased it? Impossible, it wouldn't be so fast!" Feng Yi secretly said in his heart.

"Could it be a sea beast?"

Feng Yi's face changed slightly. At this moment, the voices of Taoism came from all directions, and those voices were accompanied by a strong momentum! Feng Yi's expression changed drastically. The sea beasts are really sea beasts, and there are a lot of sea beasts that have reached the strength of the gods!

Feng Yi could feel that the strength of the sea beasts was lower than that of him, but if many sea beasts were united, it would be a question of whether he could escape or not!

"Damn it!" Feng Yi cursed secretly. It was only two months. He thought he could spend these two months quietly, but he didn't expect so many sea animals to surround him.

Feng Bingning's expression also changed quickly, "Feng Bingning, sea beasts, many sea beasts are encircling the island where we are, and it is estimated that many of them have reached the level of the gods!" Shouted.

In the distance, Chu Feng's expression changed drastically. If many sea beasts found Feng Yi and the others, with Feng Yi's strength, it would be difficult to escape!

"Huh" Feng Yi let out a startled cry. He found that although the sea beasts came from all sides, they didn't emit any murderous aura. They didn't seem to find him and Feng Bingning!

"It's really bad luck. I didn't expect to get a meeting place for sea beasts!" Feng Yi was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, and soon he discovered that those sea beasts really didn't find him and Feng Bingning within the restrictions of the formation for the time being. , But many sea beasts have already arrived on the island. If a sea beast approaches them, then the chance of discovering them after the restriction is definitely not small! If you had known that this was a meeting place for sea beasts, even if you were confused, Feng Yi would not choose to be on such an island!

Those sea beasts did not come straight, Feng Bingning was happy at first, but soon she also had the same worries as Feng Yi, if the sea beasts found them, the consequences would be disastrous!

"Feng, I don't know if this is good or bad luck. We stayed in the formation. The sea beasts did not find us now. This island turned out to be a place where the sea beasts gathered. There are so many sea beasts. Listening to the voice, it is estimated that there are tens of thousands of sea beasts, many of which have reached the strength of the god-exalable level!" Feng Bingning smiled bitterly and secretly said in her heart. She didn't know that Chu Feng could hear it. It was just to relieve the fear. With so many sea beasts, even Feng Yi, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the gods, turned pale at this time.

Hearing Feng Bingning's words, Chu Feng's heart sank to the bottom of the valley suddenly rose. "I haven't found it yet. It's great. With so many sea beasts nearby, Feng Yi's consciousness must not be released. Then this is good news for me, but this sea beast is really too much. !" Chu Feng said with joy.

Chu Feng immediately talked to Meng Hao about the situation ahead. Knowing that Feng Yi was trapped to death, Meng Hao and the others boldly increased their speed. At this time, even if they encountered what Feng Yi left behind. Things, Feng Yi would only think that the sea beasts encountered it!

Three or four minutes is very short, but these three or four minutes are relatively long for both Chu Feng and Feng Yifeng Bing Ning. If the prohibition is discovered, the result is estimated that it will not immediately optimism!

"Feng, the nearest sea beast is only a few kilometers away from us, but luck is good. Its strength is estimated to be only the elementary level of the gods, and I have not found the prohibition imposed by Feng Yi's abnormal abnormality."

"Feng, this time I guess it's inevitable to die. Those sea beasts seem to be looking forward to something. I guess there are more powerful sea beasts to achieve. Will there be a **** of great perfection, and quasi-sage level sea beasts will fail. If such a sea beast appears, we are dead."

"There are more and more sea beasts. The number has exceeded 30,000. It is estimated that the god-level sea beasts account for half. There are also several sea beasts within ten kilometers of our neighborhood."

"Chu Feng, our spiritual consciousness has already discovered the mist ahead, and also found a lot of sea beasts. There are many sea beasts, and I saw that island!" Menghao said.

"Yes, it's the island where the sea beasts gathered as Feng Bingning said!" Bruin and Jitian Lun also found out.

Chu Feng hurriedly said: "Where is Bing Ning, did you find her?" "I found two prohibitions, but I don't know which one is Feng Bing Ning!" Bruin said, "If our divine consciousness forcibly enters If you check within the ban, Feng Yi may be aware of it!"

"Don't, don't move, let's get closer, and then be careful to get closer. By the way, pass me the scene scanned by the divine sense, thank you." Chu Feng said.

The three of Bruin passed the scans of their own spiritual knowledge to Chu Feng. Chu Feng secretly took a breath. There are so many sea beasts on the island nowadays. Some of them are relatively petite, which is a few meters away. Long, but some sea beasts are thousands of meters long. There are thirty or forty thousand sea beasts on the island, and there are some weaker sea beasts swimming around the island.

More importantly, as time passed slowly, there were still powerful sea beasts coming from a distance and reaching the island!

With so many sea beasts, even with quasi-sage level cultivation bases, Bruin and the others proceeded very carefully. After more than ten seconds after their divine sense discovered the island, Chu Feng’s sky eyes finally scanned the island. .

With the eleventh-level Sky Eye, under the enhanced scan, the restriction placed by Feng Yi couldn't stop it. Bruin and the others had scrupulous senses, but Chu Feng's Sky Eye directly scanned it within the restriction without any scruples!

Two prohibitions, one is Feng Bingning, and the other is Feng Yi. At this time, Feng Bingning's face was a little panicked, while Feng Yi's face was so gloomy!

Feng Bingning had been arrested, and she would probably die at that time. At this time, if she was discovered by the sea beasts, she would only die, so compared to Feng Yi, she would be a little more calm.

"Damn it, if you don't gather sooner or later, why don't you gather at this time!" Feng Yi cursed in a low voice.

A little bit in the distance, Chu Feng and the others are now quietly approaching the island. "Lao Meng, I am sure that the one on the left is Bing Ning, and the one on the right is Feng Yi. With that restriction, I cannot directly send Bing Ning into the treasure space. I need you to hit it. Destroying the one that is trapped in Bing Ning, I wonder if it can be done?" Chu Feng whispered.

"The distance is not close, and there are many sea beasts in between. The restriction is not weak. If only one of us takes the shot, then it is not very sure." Meng Hao said.

Chu Feng said, "Lao Meng, the three of you will shoot together." "What about Feng Yi?" Bruin said, "If we destroy Feng Bingning's prohibition, Feng Yi will definitely feel that if he has any trump cards. In hand, it is possible to escape."

"In such an environment, I believe it will not be easy for him to escape. It is important to save people. Even if Feng Yi escapes, he will be slaughtered sooner or later!" Chu Feng immediately thought about it.

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