Holy Prison

Chapter 1111: English

"I'll count three and two, and I will shoot to zero!" Menghao said solemnly, Bruin and the others nodded, "Three, two, one, zero!"

Meng Hao counted to zero, and the three of them shot together. Although they were separated by a relatively long distance and there were many powerful sea beasts in the middle that affected their attack strength, the attacks of the three Quasi-Sage level powerhouses were still one shot. Zi let the restriction surrounding Feng Bingning shatter!

At the moment when the restriction was broken, Chu Feng's mind moved, and the attraction of the holy prison was applied to Feng Bingning's body within a ten thousandth of a second.

Feng Bingning has been to the sacred prison space countless times and has experienced the absorption of the sacred prison countless times. Therefore, when the attraction of the sacred prison appeared, the color of surprise appeared in her eyes and disappeared without any resistance. In the same place to reach the holy prison space!

As soon as he entered the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning screamed in pain, Chu Feng's expression changed, and Feng Bingning's expression became very ugly in a short period of time!

"The clinic!"

Chu Feng quickly activated the clinic to treat Feng Bingning. As soon as the treatment started, the pain on Feng Bingning's face was relieved by one point.

Feng Bingning forbade it to break, and Feng Yi discovered it in a very short time. When Feng Bingning disappeared, Feng Yi's eyes shrank, and Chu Feng had arrived. He knew that Chu Feng would definitely be there!

Although I don't know why Chu Feng arrived so fast, if the sea beast broke the restriction, he would not take away Feng Bing Ning, but would only devour it!

"Chu Feng, if I die, Feng Bingning will also die!" Feng Yi's voice rang across the island. The next moment, he moved, and he used his true self skills. At the same time, he He also used two life-saving treasures at once. The use of those two treasures would cause him serious injury, but he had no other choice at all!

The speed, Feng Yi burst out in an instant that even Meng Hao and the others could not match. This island is close to the misty area. At the moment when Chu Feng and the others hesitated, Feng Yi already had a terrifying speed. Escaped into the mist in an instant!

Just when Chu Feng and the others were about to catch up, a roar of earth-shaking roar rang out, and Chu Feng and the others immediately felt a powerful threat!

Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses, Quasi-Saint-level sea beasts appear! That quasi-saint-level sea beast powerhouse hadn't planned to come out, but at this moment, there were people making trouble on its territory, and it discovered how it could bear it all.

Chu Feng looked at the misty area and showed unwillingness in his eyes. He moved himself and Menghao. The three of them were all included in the sacred prison space. If it was just a quasi-sage level sea beast, Chu Feng's strength was still It can be beaten, but you know, there are still 20,000 sea beasts here that have reached the strength of the god-exalted level, even if their strength is increased by ten times, they can't fight it hard!

Chu Feng and the others disappeared, and the holy prison turned into a drop of dust. With the current holy prison level, even the quasi-holy-level sea beast expert wants to find the holy prison and break through the holy prison to kill Chu Feng. Things.

There was another angry roar outside the holy prison. Under this roar, the many sea beasts rushed into the misty area frantically. With the limited IQ of those sea beasts, Chu Feng and the others were gone, and those sea beasts thought they had also entered. In the misty area!

Although he entered the sacred prison space, all Chu Feng outside was scanned by the Sky Eye, but Chu Feng regretted that even the misty area had a strong blocking effect on the Sky Eye scan. The Sky Eye can only be tens of kilometers deep, and it can't be scanned no matter how far away.

The tens of kilometers relative to the area of ​​the misty area is only a little bit. Feng Yi entered the misty area, and the sky eye scanned a little bit, but in the blink of an eye he disappeared within the sky eye scan.

"Bing Ning, how are you Bing Ning?" Feng Yi fled. Although Chu Feng was unwilling to do so, most of Chu Feng's mind was still placed on Feng Bing Ning's body at this time. Feng Yi was too poisonous. , Although the test results of the medical institute have not come out yet, Chu Feng is sure that he poisoned Feng Bingning or used some other means.

"Feng, you are here" Feng Bingning said with a pale face and a little weakly, "I didn't know before, but now I know, Feng Yi drew a ray of my soul away by vicious means!"

Chu Feng furiously said, wanting to take away a part of a person’s soul is a relatively difficult thing, but it is not impossible to do it. Before Chu Feng thought it was poison, but Feng Bingning said that, it must be nothing. Poisoned. "Doctor, check the soul of Bing Ning!" Chu Feng immediately issued an order to the clinic in his mind as soon as he moved his mind.

Previously, the medical institute did all the tests. At this time, with Chu Feng's order to directly test the soul, the speed was naturally much faster.

In just a few seconds, the test result of the medical institute turned into a stream of information and entered Chu Feng's mind. "The test result, the hero is missing!"

Chu Feng was shocked. He had only a superficial understanding of the soul before, but now his knowledge of the soul is much higher.

On the earth, there is the saying that there are three souls and seven souls. He did not believe this at all before, but now he knows that this statement is extremely accurate, and it is probably the knowledge passed down by the big men in the past!

The human soul can also be called the soul. There are three souls, one is the heavenly soul, the other is the earth soul, and the third is the life soul. There are seven souls, one for the sky, two for the spirit and wisdom, the three for the energy, the four for the strength, the five for the center, the six for the essence, and the seven for the English.

Among the three souls, the two souls of heaven and earth are always outside, and only the soul of life lives alone.

The seven souls are actually seven chakras and seven energy fields located on the central channel from the top of the human body to the body. Among them, the heavenly chakra is in the crown chakra, the spiritual wisdom is in the brow chakra, the spirit is in the throat chakra, and the force is in the heart chakra, and at the same time it is connected with the heart of both hands and feet. The central soul is in the navel chakra, the essence is in the genital chakra, and the hero is in the sea chakra.

Of course, the above description is only for ordinary people. For practitioners who have reached a certain level of cultivation, the life soul and the seven souls are generally gathered and inseparable in their minds and are strictly protected by the practitioner. Within the wheel, it was just some of the power flowing through the seven souls so that the body could move normally.

For the cultivator, the general soul suffers, as long as the three souls and seven souls are not missing, it can be recovered after a period of time. For example, the creation of soul jade slips requires some soul power. After the creation of soul jade slips, human The soul is actually incomplete in a short time, but it doesn't take too long to recover.

And if the three souls and seven souls are completely missing one of them, then there will be problems with the soul, and people will naturally have problems too!

Elite two souls are the main body's health. Now that Feng Bingning Ying soul is absent, it is a strange thing that there is no problem! "Damn Feng Yi!" Chu Feng roared in his heart. He knew very well that one, two, or even three or four of the human’s three souls and seven souls would not be a problem if they left the human body for a while, but if they leave for too long, then the soul will It will die slowly, the soul will die, and people can live.

"Chu Feng, what's the matter? The soul is missing a little bit, it will naturally recover in time, right?" Meng Hao said, and Bruin Jitianyu also showed doubts in their eyes, and their understanding of the soul is worse than that of Chu Feng. Much more. "It's different, Feng Yi's **** is the hero who has taken away Bing Ning!" Chu Feng gritted his teeth.

"I've heard the saying that the human body is divided into three souls and seven souls. The heroic soul is the main health." Bruin thought for a while. "Yes, if Bing Ning's heroic soul cannot return to her body within a certain period of time, then she may not be able to hold on." Chu Feng said with an ugly expression.

"So serious!" Menghao showed shock on their faces.

Feng Bingning’s face changed slightly, pulling La Chufeng’s hand and a smile appeared on her face: “Feng, it’s okay. I feel that I can last a lot of time. Even if I die, I can spend a lot of time together. I am also content. I was really worried before, and I was afraid that I would never see each other again. Now that I can meet, it is a gift from God."

"Bing Ning, don't be stupid, I will definitely find Feng Yi's **** to put your heroic spirit back in place! Even if I don't find it in the end, I will find a way to fill your soul with something else! "Chu Feng said solemnly, "Your life and soul are immortal. Feng Yi has no possibility of completely destroying your heroic soul. Don't worry, nothing will happen."

Feng Bing condensed: "Feng, Feng Yi can't completely destroy my heroic soul?"

Chu Feng nodded: "Yes, in the case of immortal life and soul, the seven souls of a person are difficult to be destroyed, but complete destruction is impossible! Feng Yi may be able to think of a way to break up your heroic soul. However, the scattered heroes are not completely destroyed when they are scattered between the heavens and the earth. At that time, you only need to get closer to the scattered heroes and be led by your life and soul, and the broken heroes will be restored again. Converge into your body!"

Based on Chu Feng’s understanding of the soul, he knew that this was indeed the case, but it would never be difficult to find the lost heroic soul. If Feng Bingning could get close to her heroic soul, he would naturally be able to sense it. Arrived, but the world is too big, God knows where Feng Yi will seal her heroic soul by then!

If Feng Yi can keep Feng Bingning's heroic spirit with him, it would be better to find Feng Yi and then to find the heroic hero, but the problem is that Chu Feng estimates that a cunning old fox like Feng Yi would not do this!

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