Holy Prison

Chapter 1112: Feng Bingning is pregnant

"Lao Meng, please take a break. It is estimated that outside will not be quiet for a while. Thank you for your help this time." Chu Feng said softly.

Meng Hao waved his hand and said helplessly: "Come on, a few of us took the shot together, but in the end we actually let Feng Bing Ning Ying Po be taken away by Feng Yi, and the old face was lost. Nowhere is it worth your thanks."

"Lao Meng, Feng Yi's old fox is not that easy to deal with. In fact, I hadn't caught him this time. I had already prepared a certain amount of mental preparation. It is normal to do something just in case. This is a normal thing. It’s not your responsibility at all to fail to catch him. People are saved back, it’s already very good. As for Ying Po, it’s not that easy to get into trouble. With Bing Ning’s cultivation base, it can last a long time, and it’s definitely possible. You found Ying Po." Chu Feng said with a little smile on his face.

"Thinking on the bright side, nothing will happen!" Bruin patted Chu Feng on the shoulder and said, "Then we won't disturb your intimacy."

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and he and Feng Bingning disappeared in front of Bruin and the others, and went into another small space in the holy prison space.

"Bing Ning, how do you feel now?" Sitting on the sofa, Chu Feng asked in a soft voice with Feng Bingning in his arms. "The body is a little weak, and the head hurts. Other than that, there is nothing else to feel." Feng Bingning snuggled against Chu Feng's chest and said, "Feng, I guess, how much time do you have? If not."

"Your cultivation has reached the intermediate level of the Emperor God, and the concentration of the Phoenix veins is very high. In addition, it also has time abilities. These three conditions can allow you to survive for a longer period of time without the heroic spirit. It can keep you alive for a hundred years. The three add up to three hundred years. In addition, if there is another kind of treasure that can last for four to five hundred years, there is no problem." Chu Feng said, his eyes flashed. After a trace of worry, four to five hundred years are indeed not short. For mortals, this is many generations, but for practitioners, this is very short.

It took four to five hundred years to find Feng Bingning’s Yingpochu Peak, and I really didn’t have much confidence! Besides, maybe it hasn’t been four or five hundred years. If Feng Yi had broken up Feng Bingning’s heroic soul, then it would be good for Chu Feng to find the location where Feng Bingning's heroic soul was broken up for two hundred years. !

"Four or five hundred years, very good." Feng Bingning's eyes lit up and looked up at Chu Feng with a slight smile, "husband, in my current situation, I don't know if I can be pregnant with a child. Isn't it a normal baby?"

"Don't think about it, it will be well by then." Chu Feng said, feeling really upset in his heart. There are some things that God treats Feng Bingning well, but some places are really bad. Feng Bingning has amazing beauty, possesses the Phoenix veins, and possesses the power of time, but she has actually suffered a lot!

When she was still young, she knew that she wouldn't be able to live long. If Chu Feng hadn't solved the problem with her Phoenix divine veins, she would have died early now. On the Infinite side, the trapped Feng Clan was sealed with memories! He was taken away by Feng Yi before, and although he has returned to him now, Ying Po was taken away by Feng Yi!

"Husband, what do you say!" Her body was a little weak, and Feng Bingning acted like a coquettish, and her lethality doubled. Chu Feng was shaken by her a few times and quickly said, "Okay. The soul is complete, it should be no problem to have a child. My strength is higher than yours, and my soul is stronger. Although your soul has a certain loss, but with my soul's supplement, the baby born will definitely be A normal baby. But don’t think about having a baby at this time. Your body is already weak. If you are pregnant again at this time, it will be a heavy burden for you and will reduce the number of years you can live. year old!"

"Husband, don’t I still have four to five hundred years? I will be pregnant with a child in about a hundred years. Pregnancy with a child may reduce my time for one hundred years. How much is there between four and five hundred and three to four hundred years? What's the difference? I don't care, I want a child." Feng Bing condensed.

"Bing Ning, don’t be self-willed at this time? If Feng Yi can’t destroy your hero, then you really still have four to five hundred years, and even four to five hundred years, you can think of a better way to extend it. A little bit of your life, but if Feng Yi destroys your hero, then you only have about two hundred years!"

"With only two hundred years, in such a short period of time, I may not be able to think of a good way to help you prolong your life, or I may not find the location of your heroic soul! If you are still pregnant with a child, then after the child is born, You may only have twenty or thirty years to live!" Chu Feng said solemnly, "No, no, I can't promise!"

Feng Bingning sat up straight and stared at Chu Feng's eyes: "Feng, we have been together for hundreds of years. When I am pregnant with a child, I will live a hundred years or less, and only a few decades. It’s not that important to us, but it’s very important to have a child!"

"If you married you for hundreds of years, and in the end we didn't even have a child, then I would definitely die. Feng, in the past few hundred years, I have not made many requests to you. This time you must promise me this. A request, I want a child that belongs to us."

Chu Feng smiled bitterly: "I shouldn't have told you the truth just now. If you lied to you that you can't have a child, then you won't make this request with me."

Feng Bingning said authentically: "You know that you can't fool me with such a thing. Although I don't know it, someone else knows it. I don't know it from others."

"Bing Ning, you can think about it again. If you are pregnant with a child, your life will be short by then. It is likely that the shortness of this length will make you unable to sustain your recovery! Think about it! , If you can last more time, your heroic spirit will recover, and then you can live a long time, there will be no problem with how many children you want to have." Chu Feng persuaded.

Feng Bingning smiled and shook his head: "Feng, don't think about it. If I can't live because of a little time, then this is God's will. If God's will can keep me alive, then even if it's a little less time, I can definitely live! Will you promise me?"

Chu Feng hugged Feng Bingning in his arms and said bitterly in his heart: "Okay, I promise you that you will definitely be able to give birth to a healthy and healthy child that belongs to us!"

"Then I will be pregnant now." Feng Bingning said with a blush on her pale face. "Now?" Chu Feng said in surprise.

"Well, just now." Feng Bingning said as she got out of Chu Feng's embrace, she stood up, and the white gauze on her body slowly slipped from her body, revealing the power of infinite temptation. perfect.

Although I felt sad, it was impossible for Chu Feng to be unresponsive when seeing such a tempting sight, "Husband, let me serve you." Knowing that she might not be able to live long, Feng Bingning was completely let go at this time. Li Xiaoshou took the initiative to untie Chu Feng's pants.

Enthusiasm burned, and the house where Chu Feng and the others were staying was filled with boundless spring scenery, and the sound of moans came out of the room.

An hour later, "Bing Ning, it's coming soon." Chu Feng breathed rough air pressure and moved continuously on Feng Bing Ning's body. "Feng, don't forget, let me be pregnant with your child." Feng Bingning groaned.

In the past, the timing was immature, so Chu Feng has never let Feng Bingning and the others conceive a child. This is easy for practitioners like Chu Feng and the others to make them lose before they shoot out. Activity is fine. This time, Chu Feng would naturally not do that. With a cry of Chu Feng, the essence of life violently shot into Feng Bingning's body!

The essence of life shot in, and Chu Feng carefully observed it. He had to ensure that Feng Bingning was only pregnant with one child this time, and that one child would consume a lot of her vitality. If she was a twin at a time, then I was afraid She will die until the twins are born, and the child in her stomach will not be kept!

Under the gaze of Chu Feng’s divine consciousness, hundreds of millions of sperm and sons are competing for the first time. This is the first competition in life. It is a cruel one. The winner can survive and become a complete life, while the vast majority of losers Only a short life can end very quickly! Under Chu Feng's gaze, the first place quickly appeared.

"Sorry, little guys, you have been eliminated." Chu Feng muttered in his heart, and his consciousness was slightly shaken. After the second place, all of them lost their vitality in an instant!

"Bing Ning, with our current cultivation base, you will be pregnant for a hundred years, and it will take you a lot of hard work." Chu Feng's mind moved and Feng Bingning moved from the living room to the bed in the bedroom with her arms around Feng Bing. Ning quietly and authentically. "It's okay. The pregnancy time is longer, and the little guy will have a better foundation when she comes out." Feng Bingning's face is full of satisfaction. With her cultivation base, she can feel that a little life in her body is starting to slow down. Slowly grow up.

For practitioners, the time of conception is not certain. For those with a low cultivation level, the baby may be born within one year, but for those with a relatively high cultivation level, it will take dozens to hundreds of years or even It’s been several hundred years. Both Chu Feng and the others are Emperor God-level cultivation bases. Their fetus will probably stay in Feng Bingning’s belly for about a hundred years. If Miao Feiying is pregnant at this time, then time is still Will be longer.

"Little guy, be good. When you grow up, stop tossing about your mother. Dad will work hard. You won't let you have no mother then." Chu Feng put his head on Feng Bingning's abdomen and said softly. "Feng, look at how stupid you are, how can he understand what you are saying now?" Feng Bingning said with a smile.

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