Holy Prison

Chapter 1113: Catch Quasi-Holy Sea Beasts

In the middle of the fog, Feng Yi ran away in panic. If he hadn't been here for more than a hundred years and had a good understanding of the situation in the fog, then I'm afraid it would have been a long time ago! Many god-exalted-level and emperor-level sea beasts rushed into the mist. Those sea beasts were more familiar with this place than Feng Yi, even if their speed was slower, they also created a lot of trouble for Feng Yi's escape.

"Damn Chu Feng!" Feng Yi cursed secretly in his heart while running away. Gradually, a little excitement appeared in his eyes. The space wormholes were in front of him. That one was extremely It was discovered by coincidence. He thought of a lot of ways and moved his hands and feet. Now, except for him, it is basically impossible for others to find out.

"Chu Feng, what if you save Feng Bingning away, he won't live for too long." Feng Yi coldly hummed in his heart as he said, he forcibly increased his speed a little, pinching his hand. Fa Jue, Feng Yi slapped his palm in the void when he got to a place!

This palm shot did not have much impact on the surroundings, but soon a wormhole appeared out of thin air in a pitch-black space about two meters in diameter!

The pitch-black wormhole looked terrifying, even human souls seemed to be swallowed in. Feng Yi knew that he was in poor physical condition, but at this time there was no chance for him to choose. He could only flee as soon as he gritted his teeth. Entering the dark wormhole, after he entered, the spatial wormhole immediately disappeared as if it had never appeared before!


One by one sea beasts surrounded the place where Feng Yi had disappeared, and many sea beasts launched attacks, but the probability of them opening that spatial wormhole was definitely less than one in ten billion!

Outside the vast white fog, the quasi-sacred sea beast that had not left the island quickly got the news. It roared angrily. Above this sea area, it never thought that Feng Yi could escape, so it relied on its identity before. They didn't catch up, but at this time there was news that Feng Yi had escaped!

The wisdom of the sea beasts is not high, even the sea beasts with the quasi-saint level strength are the same, but they are also going crazy and angry!

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng held Feng Bingning while observing the situation outside through the sky. Feng Bingning had already fallen asleep lying on his chest at this time.


Chu Feng frowned and cursed secretly. Sky Eyes scanned the quasi-sage level sea beasts roaring in anger. In such a situation, Chu Feng could only think of one thing, that is, Feng Yi had already left through the spatial wormhole. This sea area!

For more than an hour, if that quasi-saint-level sea beast goes out, then before using his true self skills to escape the encirclement, Feng Yi is weaker than normal. Feng Yi is afraid that he would have died long ago and cannot die again. A quasi-sage level sea beast did not move, which gave Feng Yi the possibility of escape!

"The closest one is Yan Yan, but Feng Yi passed through the space wormhole, did he really go to that one? The space wormhole is not just the closest one, it is possible to reach the furthest one. Alas, Miao Xian'er is asleep, this time is really not the time." Chu Feng frowned and thought, most of the functions of Miao Xian'er's Sleeping Prison were not affected, but Miao Xian'er's deep sleep made Tianyan's lock temporarily unavailable. Use it, otherwise it would be much more convenient to save Feng Bingning this time!

"It seems that we need to catch a few sea beasts, and then know from their memory where Feng Yi left. If we can reopen the space wormhole, it would be great!"

About two hours later, the sea beasts that had entered the mist all retreated from the mist. Under the roar of the quasi-holy-level sea beasts, all the sea beasts lay down on the ground honestly to listen to the training. .

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, a ray of light blue law power appeared outside in an instant, and then entered the body of a sea beast with a god's elementary strength. The eyes of the sea beast with a god's elementary strength showed a look of horror, and it unexpectedly found itself In a short period of time, his strength was reduced to only the primary emperor god!

At this time, the quasi-saint-level cultivation base sea beast was roaring angrily, while the rest of the sea beasts were listening to the training, so no sea beast noticed the decline in the strength of the sea beast with the initial strength of the god. In other words, even if there are others The sea beast noticed it, and probably only thought it had reduced its strength!

"Emperor God is elementary, Tianshou probably won't be easy to grasp." Chu Feng's mind moved another light blue law to reach the outside, the mechanical life in the mechanical tower city and the corpses of the mechanical life were all The ground was taken away by him, and the tens of millions of mechanical life made him store a lot of light blue and lavender law power!

The power of the second light blue law is much weaker than the first one, but the power of this law entering the body of the sea beast also reduced its strength from the primary level of the Emperor God to the top level of the Emperor God!

The Emperor God's top level, with such a strength, Tianshou can completely put it into the holy prison space in such a situation now! Chu Feng didn't hesitate, the sky hand appeared on the sea beast outside when he thought about it, and then, in a very short time, the sea beast was taken into the holy by the sky hand without any resistance. In the prison space!

A sea beast disappeared. In such a situation, if the sea beasts outside couldn't find it, they would be too scumbag. In an instant, many sea beasts looked at the place where the disappeared sea beast was just now.

The quasi-sage level sea beast was completely angry, and its powerful spiritual power instantly radiated to the surroundings, but it spread to extremely far places without any discovery. This discovery stopped the quasi-sage-level sea beast from roaring. Its limited wisdom told it one thing. The secret enemy should be not far from or on this island!

It's not far away, but its spiritual power can't be discovered. There is only one possibility in the judgment of the quasi-sage level sea beast, and the opponent is more powerful than it!

"Huh" Chu Feng screamed in the sacred prison space. His wisdom was not comparable to that of the quasi-sage-level sea beast. Soon Chu Feng could correctly infer the quasi-sage-level one. The sea beast is afraid that there is a stronger existence around it! "The quasi-sage-level sea beast Wen'er has only Xiaobai a witch beast. If this quasi-sage-level sea beast can become a witch beast of Wen'er, it would be a very good thing."

Thinking of this, Chu Feng naturally immediately thought of a way, but it is so easy to capture a quasi-saint-level powerhouse alive!

"As long as you are willing to consume the power of the law, it is possible to catch that guy into the sacred prison space, but if the quasi-sage-level powerhouse makes a noise in the sacred prison space, then" Chu Feng frowned. About half a minute later, Chu Feng muttered in his heart: "That guy is not very intelligent. I don't know if this method is feasible. I hope it is possible. Otherwise, the power of the law will be wasted too much!"

The method that Chu Feng thought of was to put that sea beast into the space of the holy prison where there was a mechanical saint-level expert. Although the mechanical saint-level expert had died, the saint's coercion still existed. Some of them, those coercion do not work for non-life like the holy prison, but work for life!

"I hope I don't waste the power of my law!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart, suppressing the power of a powerful person with the full strength of the gods to only the light blue law power that the Emperor God level can't use, but it must be accurate. The strength of the Saint-level powerhouse is suppressed to only the strength of the Emperor God-level, so a lot of law power will be needed!

It takes time to extract the power of the law from those mechanical life bodies. In the holy prison space, the power of the light blue law and the power of the light purple law are just about a thousand strands each!

"Two hundred strands, three hundred strands, I hope it can be done." Chu Feng thought, and in an instant, three hundred strands of the power of the light blue law appeared around the Quasi-Holy Grade sea beast.

The quasi-sage-level sea beast showed a panic in its eyes, and it felt an extremely dangerous aura from the strength of the law. Instinctively, it wanted to escape, but the rules between the sea beasts, if they escape, then it is death. , And if you choose to surrender, you can live.

Surrendering to the strong is not a shame among the sea beasts.

When struggling in the heart of the quasi-sage-level sea beast, the three hundred strands of light blue law's power instantly entered the body of the quasi-sage-level sea beast!

Respect God Dzogchen, Respect God Pinnacle, Respect God Top, Respect God Senior Emperor God Dzogchen, Respect God Supreme Emperor God Dzogchen, Emperor God Peak Emperor God Dzogchen, Emperor God Peak, Emperor God Top, Emperor God Advanced!

The effect of the power of the three hundred strands of light blue law directly reduced the cultivation base of that quasi-saint-level powerhouse to just the emperor **** level! In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng’s face was full of surprises. He didn’t expect it to be so simple. If that quasi-sage-level sea beast dodges, his three hundred strands of light blue law can only It would be absolutely impossible for that quasi-holy-level sea beast's strength to drop like this after taking it back!

With the current level of the holy prison, the things that go out of the holy prison space cannot directly appear in the bodies of the rest of the creatures outside except for himself. This is one of the rules of the holy prison, even those light blue laws. The power can appear one centimeter beyond the surface of the sea beast, but the reaction speed of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse is enough for that sea beast to avoid it!

"What kind of pinching is this?" Chu Feng was puzzled, but he was not stunned at this time, and ordered in his mind, Tianshou immediately appeared above the body of the Quasi-Holy Sea Beast outside!

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