Holy Prison

Chapter 1131: Let go, be at ease

"Whatever you want." Yilian said authentically.

Feng Bingning in the sacred prison space woke up at this time and appeared outside. A large group of people gathered together, and the entire Chu Mansion was full of laughter.

"Brother Feng, their parents are training, they don't know the news of Xiaolong's marriage, do you think they will be awakened now, or will it be another time?" Lan Wen said.

Chu Feng thought about it for a while and said: "Wake up now. For such a happy event, wake them up earlier and let them know better. If they want to practice, they can continue to practice again. If they are not in a breakthrough Among them, there is nothing to wake up earlier."

Chu Zhen and their talents were relatively low. They had been forcibly promoted to the junior level of gold before, and now they are not young. With the help of Chu Feng and the others, they have only reached the intermediate level of gold. There is no four or five to reach the senior level of gold. I'm afraid there is not much possibility in a century!

A few minutes later, Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu woke up from the training. They knew that Chu Long and Shi Yan were getting married and that Chu Feng found them a daughter-in-law. Naturally, they were extremely happy, but at the same time of joy. The two of them also scolded Chu Feng well and told him not to apologize to Feng Bingning and the others.

As time passed day by day, Chu Feng and their wedding invitations were delivered to many friends. As the wedding day approached, Shenchu ​​City became more and more lively!

"Feng, what's the matter with you?" Feng Bingning walked into the pavilion where Chu Feng was staying, and said softly, "The wedding day is coming soon, you should be happy. If you are like this now, if you let Yilian see it, sister Yilian I think I will be unhappy!"

Looking at the surrounding lake, Chu Feng sighed softly: "The scene of the last marriage with Feiying is still in sight. The last wedding was like that. I am really worried that there will be problems this time!"

"Feng, I think you are worrying too much. Now you can't compare it with before. At that time, you were so strong. Now you are a quasi-saint-level powerhouse and absolutely dare not go to God Chu City to make trouble! The old three of them are not weaker than the real quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and sister Yilian’s strength is also the top of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and the red light that has reached the perfection of the gods is also reached. There are as many as 120!" Feng Bingning smiled authentically.

"Furthermore, at that time, not many people would help you when things happened, but now, if someone dares to make trouble in Shenchu ​​City, it is estimated that even if our own people don't do anything, there will be strong people who will help us deal with it immediately! "Feng Bing said, there are definitely not a few people in the entire Shenchu ​​City who want to please Chu Feng!

"Hope, this time I absolutely will not allow the same thing as before." Chu Feng said solemnly. "Feng has one thing, I want to talk to you." Feng Bingning said hesitantly.

Chu Feng smiled slightly and sat down with Feng Bingning in his arms: "Elder Bing Ning, is there anything you can't say with your husband and me? Come on."

"Feng, Feng Yi and the others, are they still being tortured in your treasure space?" Feng Bingning asked. Chu Feng frowned and nodded: "Yes, the two of them are really not good things! They have been in my treasure space for more than two years, and I know more!"

"When you were in the Feng clan, you had a ten-thousand-year covenant you should know. Do you know what is after the ten-thousand-year covenant? Unsurprisingly, you will marry Feng Qingyang, and then, after you marry him, you What will happen to you! The two of them just want to use you as a fertility tool and give birth to many children with high blood density for Feng Yi's line!"

"Do you know that they have suffered some torture inside? Then, do you have some sympathy for their experience?" Chu Feng said. Feng Bingning hesitated for a while and nodded slightly: "Feng, I think it's okay to torture them, but let's not go too far."

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Bing Ning, did you feel that I did it? Last time, if it weren't for Feiying and I, we were already dead. This time, you were only a little bit dead. , Now Ying Po doesn’t know when he can recover! If I didn’t arrest them, but they arrested me and arrested you, then you know what the consequences would be? Feng Qingyang’s memory, they would be in front of me My face has played with you for thousands of years!"

"If they simply want to kill you, then I will give them pleasure, but since they want to torture, then they should be punished! My punishment is only for the two of them, and now I am not targeting the others. , I don’t think I’ve done this yet."

Feng Bingning shook Chu Feng's hand: "Feng, Feng Yi and the others are like that. It is okay to punish them. But it has been more than two years. I think we should let go of some things. Punish them. It may make us feel refreshed, but I feel that if it is not over, it will have a big impact on our souls. If you hate this thing, you can put it down."

"Husband, promise me, okay? Don't try to torture them, or kill them directly, or let them enjoy the same ordinary punishment all the time." Feng Bingning said a little coquettishly. "Okay, promise you, I will give them to Feiying. As for whether they died under the outbreak of Feiying Poison Pill or were made into **** lamps or emperor lamps, it depends on their luck!" Chu Feng Tao.

"What about the rest of Feng Yi's line?" Feng Bing condensed. "Some of the perpetrators were killed directly, and some of them were delineated in Shenchu ​​City and imprisoned for life. What do you think?" Chu Feng touched Feng Bingning's belly and said, "I was planning to kill them all. Yes, but our little baby is already growing up, so I will do less killings for him to accumulate blessings!"

Feng Bingning smiled and nodded: "Feng, let's deal with it. I'll do something else. Don't worry, there will be nothing this time!"

Feng Bingning left, and Chu Feng moved into the holy prison space where Feng Yi and the others were. "Chu Feng, kill us, kill us!" Feng Qingyang quickly pleaded when he saw Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, you tortured us for so long, is that enough?" Feng Yi said authentically. Chu Feng expressionlessly said, "Feng Yi, Feng Qingyang, I originally planned to let you enjoy the pain of eternal life like this! But considering your luck, Bing Ning just interceded for you!"

"What is the emperor's lamp? Feng Yi, you know, Feiying is very good at making things in this area. Feng Yi, thanks to your gift, Feiying now has a poison pellet in her body. If you burst out once, if you are made into the emperor magic lamp or the venerable magic lamp within the interval of her Poison Pill, it is your bad luck, otherwise, you can die smoothly!" Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng's voice fell, and Feng Yi and Feng Qingyang's faces were full of joy. "Don't rejoice too early, Feng Yi, I want this opportunity to tell you the secret before. Don't blame me for not reminding you. Although Bing Ning has pleaded for you, if it makes me unhappy, you will continue these two. More than years of life!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Grandpa" Feng Qingyang hurriedly said that, after a last chance of death, they would not give up, even if there is no death and be made into an emperor lamp or a **** lamp, it is better than now!

"Say, let me say!" Feng Yi said solemnly, "I don't want you to swear, just one sentence, if you lie to us, you will cut off your children!!"

"The quasi-saint-level powerhouse has something to do with the Fei family." Feng Yi said.

Chu Feng inquired, what Feng Yi just said was not a lie. "To be more specific, what is the name of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse, what kind of relationship does it have with the Fei family, and what forces do you control now?" Chu Feng asked.

"His name is Faceiro. A woman from Fei’s family is his wife, but his wife died early. He is a lone traveler and has no influence. As for whether he has children, this one is not clear. I can know. This is because I accidentally discovered his wife's tomb once, and then found some information. I know only this about him." Feng Yi said quickly.

After inquiring again, Chu Feng determined that Feng Yi still did not lie. "Chu Feng, what I know has already said, I hope you can keep your promise!" Feng Yi said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Feng Qingyang come first." Chu Feng's mind moved Feng Qingyang and he instantly disappeared and appeared in the space where Miao Feiying was.

"Fei Ying, he will leave it to you! These are the flesh and blood and other things he collected when he blew himself up." Chu Feng thought, a blood-colored crystal ball appeared. "If you don't want to do such a thing, I'll just kill him."

"It's too cheap to kill him directly. I have made so many. I don't care to make another emperor lamp and a **** lamp. If the problem of my poison pill is solved by that time, I will continue to find the evil one. !" Miao Feiying said solemnly. "Whatever you want, but, remember to do this, don't forget to calm the poison pill in your body!" Chu Feng smiled.

Coming out of the holy prison space, Chu Feng exhaled and felt a little more relaxed. "Let go, be at ease. What Bing Ning said is not unreasonable. I have been punishing Feng Yi and the others, but I am actually hurting myself!" Chu Feng said softly, a little bit of enlightenment was born in his heart, and the evil spirit on his body was short. A lot of time disappeared.

A few more days passed. It was May 29th. It was only a few days before June 6th. Chu Long and Shi Yan arrived in Shenchu ​​City. Together with Chu Long, Shi Han's father arrived. Woman's clone.

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