Holy Prison

Chapter 1132: Dragon Friendship

Shi Han and the others arrived, and they had a good chat with each other. The talents arrived in a hall within Chu Mansion. "Xiaolong, why did you arrive so long? Didn't you make your departure earlier?" Chu Feng pulled Chu Long aside and asked.

"Brother, we also want to come here earlier, but something happened on the side of the abyss. A person from the Shi family found a blood thunder fruit and was killed. It was found out that someone from another force did it. , So there was a little battle." Chu Long said.

Chu Feng frowned and said, "Just because a blood thunder fruit caused the two forces to go shopping?" "There is no shopping, but the two forces have some casualties. Things are a bit strange, so the father-in-law delayed a little time." Chu Long said.

"This thing is really strange." Chu Feng said. Hearing what Chu Long said, that power shouldn't be much stronger than the Shi family. If this is the case, how dare the other party provoke the Shi family? We must know that Wang Yuan Mansion is much stronger than Shi Han, and now Wang Yuan Mansion has become a thing of the past!

"Has Uncle Shi found out anything?"

Chu Long nodded slightly: "Well, something has been found out. If there is nothing wrong, that power is likely to have a strong power of Quasi-Holy Grade! The power of the previous power who respects the gods and reaches full power Not at all, but that power ancestor has produced a saint-level powerhouse, and now there is a person in that power force that has a bloodline similar to that of the saint-level powerhouse!"

"This is no wonder." Chu Feng said softly. If a power has a quasi-sage-level strong or will soon have a quasi-sage-level strong, that courage will naturally become much stronger! "How did Uncle Shi deal with it? Has the matter calmed down? Only a few days before you will get married. There will be no problems, right"

Chu Long shook his head: "This shouldn't be true. The enemy knot is not very deep. Although the opponent is hard-hearted, he is not so stupid to just fight the Shi family and Tianlong City like this!"

"It's fine if you don't have it. If there is a problem at that time, I will go to the abyss again." Chu Feng smiled. Now Menghao and the others are much stronger. Yilian is also a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, four quasi-sages. Adding his strength to the strong, a quasi-saint-level strong opponent is nothing!

At this point, Chu Feng turned his head to the direction of the teleportation formation: "Xiaolong, you guys have a chat first, there are VIPs here, let me meet you first!"

As soon as Chu Feng’s words fell, he disappeared in front of Chu Long. Chu Long’s eyes showed curiosity. With Chu Feng’s current status and status, even some of the gods and great consummates, Chu Feng, did not welcome him. At this time, he was rather anxious. Go over to meet.

In the teleportation formation of Shenchu ​​City, dozens of people came out of a teleportation formation, "It's a pleasure to have friends coming from afar!" Chu Feng laughed and said, his voice suddenly appeared in front of those people.

"Master Chu Feng!"

The Dragon Wind and Long Yu who followed the Dragon King of East China Sea hurriedly saluted. "Two little guys, don't need gifts this time?" Chu Feng smiled, "Senior Long Xiao, three dragon kings, and other friends, you have worked hard from afar!"

"You are polite, the younger generation, when you are crowned, we old guys are a bit inferior to you." It was a gray-clothed old man who looked ordinary, but his cultivation reached a certain level. People from can see that this old man is very terrifying, and that relatively weak body contains extremely terrifying power!

This old man is Long Xiao. The dragon clan is even a legendary figure above the infinite. His talent is not high, but he rushed to the cultivation base of the Quasi-Holy Class with his low talent. His growth, It was accompanied by countless nine deaths. Although Chu Feng had encountered many dangers, he was far worse than Long Xiao!

"Senior Long Xiao joked, how dare I say that the younger generation is crowned, my little strength is far behind you compared to Senior Long Xiao." Chu Feng smiled, "Let’s talk somewhere else. , This is not a good place to talk."

Chu Feng and the others are here, but there are countless pairs of eyes falling on them around the teleportation array, "It's up to you." Long Xiao smiled authentically, as for the East Sea Dragon King and the others, Long Xiao is here, they all honestly didn't speak.

Half a minute later, Chu Mansion.

"Chu Feng, I'll just call your name directly. I heard Long Yuan talk about your plan, but I want to hear your specific thoughts, maybe?" Long Xiao smiled slightly.

Chu Feng nodded: "Of course, you may not know one thing Senior Long Xiao, this time I married Yilian, she and Lao Meng are also a quasi-sage-level powerhouse."

"What!" The eyes of Long Xiao and others were shocked. Even if Yilian was a strong man who respected the gods and perfection, they would not be shocked, but Yilian was a quasi-sage-level strong man. It is a matter of two concepts! There are more than eight thousand strong powers of the gods and great perfection, even if there are not ten thousand, there are only a few strong powers of quasi-saint level!

"Chu Feng, it seems that the world still underestimates your energy!" Long Xiao smiled, "Brother Menghao and their three quasi-sage-level friends, plus your wife is also a quasi-sage-level strength, you can There are four quasi-saint-level powerhouses who can help you, and this powerful underworld is really incomparable!"

At this time, the Dragon King of the East China Sea all showed excitement in their eyes after the initial shock. Chu Feng has such a strength, and there will be no problem with the unification of the dragon clan.

"Senior Long Xiao, there is one more thing you don’t know. The previous generation, Yilian fought against the palace lord of the underground palace, and the palace lord of the underground palace was injured. Senior Long Xiao, I heard that you have not healed from your injury. My plan is to heal your injury. As for the rest of the matter, I don't think I need to plan anything." Chu Feng smiled.

Long Xiao said in surprise: "Chu Feng, I know you are good at medical skills, but my injury is not light, you can really cure it" "There should be no problem," Chu Feng said.

"Okay, okay, great!" Long Xiao's body trembled lightly. He has been injured for many years. Because of this injury, his strength has not improved much in recent years. If the injury can be better, he has been injured in these years. Accumulation, the strength should be improved a lot! "Chu Feng, why help me?" Long Xiao said in a puzzled way. He knew that Chu Feng owed the Dragon Clan a favor, but even if he helped the Dragon Clan unify, the favor would be completely repaid!

Chu Feng looked at Long Wuji who was present and laughed: "The unification of the dragon clan can be regarded as one of my wishes. Team Leader Dragon knows that we are all from the earth and come from China, and the dragon is the totem of our country. The dragon clan is divided, to be honest. , I felt a little uncomfortable when I first heard about this news."

"Chu Feng, we are a little ashamed of what you said." Long Xiao sighed authentically. "The above is one reason. As for another reason, I can heal a quasi-sage-level strong, why not cure it?" Chu Feng smiled, "make friends with a quasi-sage-level strong, I I think anyone would like it!"

"It seems that I have to make a friend of you." Long Xiao smiled, "Chu Feng, as long as the dragon clan can be unified, then you are the friend of all the members of the dragon clan! If someone is against you, as long as you stand by On this side, the people of the Dragon Race absolutely stand on the same front with others!"

"The meaning of the ancestors is what we mean." The East Sea Dragon King, the South Sea Dragon King and the West Sea Dragon King looked at each other in unison. "Thank you, if the dragon clan is in trouble, the same can come to me, and I will not refuse if I can help!" Chu Feng smiled, "Senior Long Xiao, your injury is difficult for ordinary people to heal, but people who know how to treat it will It's easy. I think it will take a few days for your injury to heal. I have a few days to get married. I will treat you in these few days!"

Long Xiao surprised and said: "A few days will be enough? Chu Feng, then don't be so anxious. You will get married first. I guess you will be very busy these few days. I can't take up your time for several days!"

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, there are still seven or eight days to heal Senior Long Xiao's injury. It is estimated that five days will be fine. I don't know if there will be trouble then, I still think, Long Senior Xiao, if your injury is good, you can help a little bit!"

"Haha, that's OK, then I’ll trouble Chu Feng for a few days, but I think you’re worrying too much. Unless you are a saint, if you are a quasi-saint-level powerhouse, even ten of them will come together! "Long Xiao smiled. "Old ancestor, then I will retire first." East Sea Dragon King and the others left, and Chu Feng immediately treated Long Xiao.

Chu Feng didn’t say false before. In his opinion, Long Xiao’s problem is really not a big problem. Long Xiao’s connection between the soul and the body has been severed a lot. This problem cannot be cured by ordinary people, but for medical So it is not difficult to cure this, if there is a suitable treasure, it is just as easy to cure this, so even if it is to cure the dragon roar, the saint strong who knows the holy prison will know nothing.

Five days in the past, a golden dragon shadow appeared in the sky above Shenchu ​​City. The golden dragon shadow was tens of thousands of miles long, and the dragon shadow slowly disappeared after circling a few times.

"Huh!" In the room, Long Xiao let out a long sigh. At this moment, he felt his body feel more comfortable than ever before. Not only was his strength restored, but he also had a lot of improvement from the original foundation. To the Palace Lord Shangdi Mansion, he believes that he also has the certainty of victory!

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