Holy Prison

Chapter 1134: Witch beast

In the middle of Infinite North, within a quiet small city. "Meilianzi, what's the matter?" Sun Shu hugged a woman indifferently. In his arms, the woman's eyes showed an expression of extreme horror. Her vitality was losing rapidly, and her skin was visible to the naked eye. The speed becomes old!

"Wang, it's still news about Chu Feng." Mei Lianzi said respectfully. "It's Chu Feng again. This one Chu Feng is also somewhat capable. It's not bad to have three quasi-sage-level powerhouses to help the Feng clan. It’s just that ten thousand years have passed. Whether the strong will help anymore is also a question." Sun Shu chuckled softly. In his arms, the vitality of that young woman was completely dissipated, as if she had never existed in the world!

"Wang, I'm afraid that I underestimated Chu Feng's strength." Mei Lianzi said. "Oh? He has a new surprise for me again?" Sun Shu was a little surprised.

Mei Lianzi hesitated for a moment and said: "Wang, this time Chu Feng and his brother were married at the same time. Chu Feng's wife is a quasi-sage-level powerhouse. Not surprisingly, it is the woman who fought with you. , This time he got married, Long Xiao of the Dragon Clan passed away, and it seems that Long Xiao’s injury was healed by him!"

"What!?" Sun Shu's face changed drastically. Long Xiao is his old opponent. They fought many times. Before Long Xiao's strength was weaker than him. Now if Long Xiao's injury recovers, then Long Xiao's strength is only I am afraid that there will be a lot of improvement, it is likely to be better than when he was not injured!

Now that Sun Shu is injured, his strength is much weaker than normal. In this way, the strength gap between him and Long Xiao has completely turned around. If you encounter Long Xiao, it will not be Long Xiao who will run away. Up!

"Wang, the tens of thousands-meter-long dragon shadow in Shenchu ​​City is hovering, and some of the people of the dragon clan in the past are happy. In all likelihood, the dragons are restored. In addition, this time there is also a person named Jiujian who has arrived. Shenchu ​​City, it is estimated that the strength has reached the quasi-sage level!" Meilianzi said.

"Jiujian, his strength is indeed Quasi-Sage Level!" Sun Shu said solemnly, "Chu Feng has a very good relationship with them." "Wang, the Dragon Clan issued a statement in Shenchu ​​City, stating that the Dragon Clan has ended its split. Because the East China Sea has a dragon-tone bell, and the East China Sea is the headquarters of the dragon clan, Long Xiao has become the dragon king again, and the three dragon kings have become the elders of the dragon clan. After the declaration of the dragon clan, Chu Feng expressed his support for the unity of the dragon clan!" Mei Lianzi said.

Sun Shu slapped heavily, and the table in front of him was immediately crushed by him. "A mere Chu Feng, a reptile-like character, now has such power!" Sun Shu said coldly, "His wife hurt me, and now she supports the unification of the Dragon clan again, because she deliberately can't get through with my underground palace!"

"Wang, how do we do it?" Mei Lianzi said. At this moment, she had some worries in her heart. She had always believed in Sun Shu from the underworld, but now there are several quasi-sage-level powers on Chu Feng's side. On the side of the underworld, Sun Shu is now a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, and Sun Shu can't beat Yilian!

Sun Shu took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Chu Feng supports the unification of the dragon clan, and it is estimated that he healed the injury of Long Xiao, if there is anything, the dragon clan must be on Chu Feng's side. Jiujian is born with a happy nature, he He certainly wouldn't interfere with such a thing, so he doesn't count. Menghao and the three of them, although they said to protect Chu Feng for 10,000 years, 10,000 years have not passed, but I don’t believe that they dare to really be an enemy of our underworld. !"

"What is the name of that quasi-sage-level woman Chu Feng?" Sun Shudao.

"Wang, her name is Yilian."

Sun Shu nodded slightly: "Yilian, a good name, I want her to be my woman by then! I am always worried and not angry. Some people think that my prefecture is a sick cat!"

Sun Shu said that he took out a few jade slips. His spiritual sense entered the jade slips and quickly wrote some information. A few seconds later, Sun Shu waved four jade slips to reach Mei Lianzi. Meilianzi, the three pieces on the left, were sent to Menghao, Bruin, and Jitianyu to the three families, and the piece on the right was sent to Chu Mansion and handed over to Chu Feng." Sun Shu said indifferently.

"Wang, are we going to offend several quasi-sage-level powerhouses at the same time?" Mei Lianzi said in shock. "Meilianzi, ask if you should ask, don't ask if you shouldn't." Sun Shu frowned, "Okay, let's do things, I have my own plans!"

"Yes, king!"

Meilianzi didn't dare to ask more questions and salute respectfully and then retreated. Sun Shu waved his hand, and in the garden in front of him, a grass grew madly for a short period of time. It was taller than the tree next to it, but at this moment, a gust of wind blew and the tree shook violently. But it didn't fall down, but the grass was uprooted!

"Grass is just grass after all, no matter how fast it grows, no matter how tall it grows, it can't stand the wind and rain." Sun Shu said with a faint smile on his face. But a quasi-saint-level powerhouse who knows the details, then it is not so terrible!"

"Yilian, Yilian, how can someone like Chu Feng be worthy of you? You will still be my woman then!" Sun Shu whispered and thought, and a black ball appeared in his hand. There seemed to be a **** eye faintly in the sphere. There was a little hesitation in Sun Shu's eyes looking at the black ball, but his expression quickly became firm. "As long as you can gain strength, even if the opponent is a devil?" Sun Shu cut his wrist, and a stream of blood flowed quickly into the black ball!

Cuckoo, the sound of drinking water sounded one after another, and there seemed to be a devil in the black ball drinking Sun Shu's blood.

Shenchu ​​City, Chu Long and the others have left because they were worried that something is going on in the abyss. The strong dragons also left. Some of the other guests have left Shenchu ​​City, and there are some people staying, but they are not in Chu. Within the mansion, in the current Chu Feng, there are only Chu Feng, Zhou Wen, Tang Ming and others.

As for the three of Menghao, they built a manor in Shenchu ​​City, and now they are all in that manor.

Several days have passed since the wedding, and the noise before it slowly turned to calm. In Shenchu ​​City, a place was marked out by Chu Feng. It was a place with an area of ​​100 square kilometers. Now there are Feng Clan in this place. The two to three hundred thousand people in Fengyi's line can move freely in this area in the future, but if they do not have the approval of Chu Feng, they must not leave this area. If they leave, the blood flower will immediately attack them. attack!

"Xiao Mingzi, this bird card, dizzy, Xiao Mingzi, how is your situation there?" Zhou Wen said depressed and authentic. "Normally, it is estimated that this time I will not be able to go to the old mansion again!" Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng and the others were so idle that they actually played cards right now. "Chu Feng, isn't Sister Lan Wen okay?" Tang Wan said a little bit in the distance, she and Han Xiang, Yilian and Feng, were condensed while rubbing mahjong. "She comes out in such a hurry, you will be five of you as soon as she comes out. Maybe it's almost there before, and it's been a few more days here." Chu Feng said.

Lan Wen entered the Taiwu Pagoda at this time. Before Chu Feng caught the quasi-sage level sea beast in the holy prison space and naturally gave it to Lan Wen. Lan Wen Taiwu Pagoda was powerful and gave it to I received it, but it will take some time to completely make it Lan Wen's witch beast!

"Wen'er is now the intermediate level of Kuaihuangshen, Xiaobai can display the top-level cultivation of the emperor, I don't know how much the sea beast can play! With Wener's strength, I should be able to control one or two more powerful witch beasts. , I don't know if there is still a chance to get one or two." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

At this moment, Lan Wen's figure suddenly appeared in the sacred prison space, and her face was full of joy, the sea beast had completely become her witch beast.

Chu Feng's mind immediately made Lan Wen appear outside. "Wen'er, are you done?" Chu Feng smiled and said, the rest of the people stopped playing cards at this time and came around.

"Sister Lan Wen, how is it? That sea beast is a quasi-saint-level strength, now it has become your witch beast, how strong can it be?" Tang Wan asked quickly.

Lan Wen thought, a cute looking sea beast appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others. The sea beast had four legs and a flat tail. The whole body was golden and covered with small scales. The small one-horned horns look cute with small eyes.

"Wipe! Regardless of the fierce beast, it will look more cute when it gets smaller!" Chu Feng cried in his heart. Chu Feng had seen this sea beast getting bigger, and he couldn't see any cuteness at that time! Let’s just talk about the short teeth in this little sea beast’s mouth. It looks only a little bit now, but if it becomes thousands of meters long, each of the teeth in the mouth is seven. Eight meters, and the sea beast has a lot of teeth in its mouth. When the huge mouth is open, the dense teeth can scare many people!

"So cute!" Tang Wan said in surprise, she was going to tease the little guy. "Bah!" There was a fierce light in the little sea beast's eyes, so that Tang Wan immediately withdrew her hand.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "Tang Wan, it's not a pet, Wen Er, what is it called?" "I don't even have a name to see that it is golden all over, then call it Xiao Jin!" Lan Wen smiled and said, "Xiao Jin is here now Outside, it may be able to bring out the cultivation base of the Emperor God's peak, but it has rich experience, and it should be more likely to win against the characters of the Emperor God Dzogchen!"

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