Holy Prison

Chapter 1135: The only way

"The quasi-saint-level strength can only show such a little strength after becoming a witch beast, Xiao Jin is probably depressed enough." Zhou Wen smiled.

Lan Wen said a little bit helplessly: "No way, my strength is too low, the strength of the wizard beast must be restricted by my strength!"

"Fatty Zhou, what are you talking about? What is such a little strength? Xiaobai and Xiaojin can display the strength of the emperor's peak, and the other can display the strength of the emperor's great perfection. If they cooperate with the action, it is estimated that they are average The powerhouses of the Emperor God level are not their opponents!" Tang Wan gave Zhou Wen a white look, "Sister Lan Wen is just as good as the junior emperor god. If you reach the God level, many witch beasts will join forces. You and Tang It is probably not her opponent!"

Tang Ming said with a smile: "Lan Wen's sister-in-law is more powerful as you go to the back, and the farther you go, the more witch beasts you get. If there are eighteen powerful witch beasts, it is really terrifying!"

Chu Feng smiled, Lan Wen and the others were not so good. Chu Feng didn't really value it. It would be nice to be so safe now. "Master!" At this moment, a servant of Chu Mansion hurriedly reached the room where Chu Feng and the others played cards.

"What's wrong?" Chu Feng asked, with a little ominous feeling in his heart. "Master, this is the jade slip that was just delivered by one person, and that person said that it must be delivered to your master immediately!"

"What?" Zhou Wen said curiously.

Chu Feng waved the jade slip into his hand, "Go down, don't panic in the future, the sky won't fall down!" Chu Feng smiled and waved his hand at the man. "Yes, yes, sir, I am reckless." The subordinate who sent Yujian over said embarrassedly.

The man retired, and Chu Feng's spiritual knowledge penetrated into the jade slip. "Chu Feng, I think this is the second time we have dealt with each other. Your woman named Yilian is very powerful, and I was injured last time, but do you think that your current strength is already in the underworld? Are you above?

The information in the jade slips had no images but only sound, but even through the sound, Chu Feng could hear the deep disdain in the words!

"The underworld and the dragon are old rivals. You shouldn't get involved, Chu Feng, issue a statement stating that you will never interfere in the underworld and the dragon. If you interfere, then some of your forces will be attacked by the underworld forces. Strong suppression! Trumen, Skynet, Blood Knife, that village called Orga Village!"

"Your relatives and friends will also be attacked by the powerhouses of the underworld. Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, Tang Wan, Han Xiang, these are all your friends, oh, the one named Rankin seems to be your friend!"

"By the way, I want you to agree with Menghao and the others. The previous ten thousand years agreement will be invalidated. If you use any of their power, then I will order some of their relatives and friends to be killed. I don't think you want them. 'S relatives and friends die!"

"Chu Feng, if you want to join the underworld, then you can become the vice-lord of the underworld and think about it. The above is all I want to say, good luck, hahaha!"

After Sun Shu's words were over, Chu Feng's face suddenly became gloomy. "Boss, what's the matter" Zhou Wen quickly said, Chu Feng's originally happy expression suddenly became so gloomy, this is too abnormal!

"Look at it yourself." Chu Feng said, his voice fell to Zhou Wen, and all their spiritual consciousness penetrated into the jade slip. "Me, this guy is really arrogant!" Zhou Wen cursed.

Tang Ming frowned and said, "It's really arrogant, it's a direct threat!" "Feng, how can this be good?" Feng Bingning said with some worry.

Chu Feng shook his head and sighed inwardly: "It was so easy to calm down a little bit, and there were waves again, really!" Chu Feng said quickly and transmitted the sound, but Meng Hao and the others arrived in a very short time. "Chu Feng, what's the matter?" Meng Hao said in surprise. They had just gotten married and should have been happy, but they saw that Chu Feng and their faces were both bad.

"Look at it yourself." Chu Feng threw the jade slip to Meng Hao. "Chu Feng, what do you think?" Meng Hao frowned.

"It is estimated that Sun Shu's strength has increased!" Chu Feng said.

Tang Wan wondered: "Then Sun Shu is the palace lord of the underworld? This name is really not good." "The name is not good, people are powerful." Zhou Wendao, "the palace lord of the underworld is indeed called Sun Shu!"

"Lao Meng, I am now officially announcing the termination of the previous ten thousand year agreement. Fatty, all of them are witnesses. You don't have to fulfill the previous agreement anymore!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Chu Feng!!"

Meng Hao and their brows frowned tightly. "Chu Feng, are you so willing to lose under the coercion of the underworld? The underworld asked you to publicly announce that you don’t support the dragon clan. Did you also declare that you could not do it? You just announced your support for the unification of the dragon clan. Yu slapped himself in the face fiercely!" Meng Hao said solemnly.

"Chu Feng, this matter can't follow the meaning of the underworld, we will move some important figures in the family to Shenchu ​​City." Bruin said.

Jitian Liao said indifferently: "Chu Feng, the underworld is going to fight, we will fight the underworld once, who is afraid of whom?" "Lao Meng, Lao Bu, Lao Ji, although the previous agreement was resolved, I did not say that I directly surrendered !" Chu Feng smiled slightly, "Everyone sits and talks. Why are you standing like this?"

All the people sat down in a circle, "Brother Feng, what do you think?" Tang Ming said. Chu Feng glanced at everyone and said, "Now that our excellence is dominated by the top powerhouses, this point will not change even if Sun Shu's strength has increased to a certain extent, otherwise he would not send such things over. It will be killed directly at that time!"

Meng Hao and the others nodded slightly, and Chu Feng smiled and continued: "The reason why I sent this thing is just to prevent the expansion of my strength! If there are many strong people around me, then there may be some forces relying on the situation. Coming here, even in the underworld, some people may be shaken!"

"As long as I get rid of the strong people around me, there will be no popular feelings within the underworld, and the whole infinite, there will be no strong people coming by!"

Zhou Wen was stunned: "Brother Feng, then you still follow other people's intentions to let Meng Lao and the others leave?" "If you don't leave, what can you do?" Chu Feng shook his head and said, "I'm sure, I'll leave you old now. In the past, picking up people was slow, and some important people in your clan have already been picked up by the strong men of the underworld!"

"Asshole!" Meng Hao's faces were full of anger, and they thought of this too, but there were some fluke in their hearts. Now Chu Feng thinks like this, they know that their guesses cannot be wrong!

"Chu Feng, tell me your plan, although we live a lot longer, but you guys have more ghost ideas than us!" Meng Hao said.

Chu Feng said: "There is no other good way, we can only drag, drag the contradiction between the two sides back!" "Those people in the underworld do not want you to drag!" Meng Hao said.

There was a little bit of clarity in Tang Ming's eyes: "I think I guessed Brother Feng's thoughts. Brother Feng, do you want to take the opportunity to delay?"

"What kind of momentum?" Zhou Wen asked in confusion.

"Second brother, I tell you, haha!" Tang Ming smiled. "I'm going, you want to be beautiful! Brother Feng, tell me." Zhou Wen curled his lips and said.

Chu Feng laughed and said: "My thoughts are definitely the same as Xiao Mingzi's thoughts. Take advantage of the situation and take advantage of the general trend of the world! If the abyss can reach infinitely, there are not a few quasi-sage-level powerhouses above us. From the battle in the underworld, it will be harmful to the entire infinite man."

"In extraordinary times, it is estimated that many people do not want us to fight with the underworld. If the underworld insists on provoking a battle, then it will definitely be hostile by many strong people. Although there are many strong people in the underworld, if there are more than the whole Infinite powerhouse, we will announce the whole thing. I gave up the protection of the three of you. This is a concession I made. If I made a concession, then the underworld should also make a concession. If not, the underworld is at the bottom! "

"If I am the palace lord of the underworld, and can take away the three quasi-saint-level powerhouses around me, then I will accept it as soon as I meet. It is not good for anyone to die!"

Zhou Wen helplessly said: "Why is it so troublesome, just walk together and start fighting!" "The strength between each other has reached a certain level, then it is not just a matter of fighting." Tang Ming said, "Brother Feng, How about leaving this hype to me?"

Bruin frowned and said, "Chu Feng, according to what you said, dragging should be able to achieve the goal, but what good can it be to drag it? Sun Shu's strength is still growing."

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The advantage is that the underworld will not deal with some of our forces casually. The underworld's strength is increasing, and our strength is also increasing. Then see which side's strength increases faster! Otherwise, delay time. , It also gives us a chance to kill each other, whether Sun Shu kills me, or I kill him, this will have to be decided by time!"

"Feng, is this too dangerous? Sun Shu's strength is already at the Quasi-Sage Level, and if his strength is still improved, it will definitely be at the top of the Quasi-Saint Level." Feng Bingning worried. "Don't worry, I won't get into trouble that easily. Lao Meng, I suggest that after you leave, the three of you stay together and some of the three families move together!" Chu Feng said.

Meng Hao frowned and said, "Chu Feng, is there no other way? This method is really more dangerous, unless you stay in the city of Shenchu, otherwise, even if Yilian is with you, the danger is higher! "

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