Holy Prison

Chapter 1136: Those who follow me prosper, those who oppose me die

Chu Feng shook his head slightly: "This may be the only way to avoid a fight for the time being! Xiao Mingzi, let's pass the news, the underworld is hidden so deeply, it's time to let it surface and let out a breath. The behemoth is there, it is estimated that some forces will be frightened!"

"Haha, okay, knowing that there is such a powerful organization hidden in the dark, it is indeed shocking. The news spreads. If the underworld does not agree with it, then it is estimated that there will be a lot of forces to support you, the boss openly and secretly! "Tang Ming laughed, "Then I'll go and decorate first!"

"Okay!" Chu Feng nodded, Tang Ming left, Zhou Wen shook his head and said: "I don't know how your two heads grow, thinking so much, thinking so much, thinking headache!"

Tang Wan gave Zhou Wen a glance and said, "You think everyone is as lazy as you."

"Chu Feng, if you need our help, let us know, and we will find a city with a domain door to stay." Bruin laughed.

"Well, you guys be careful, the guy Sun Shu may also take action against you!" Chu Feng said. "Relax, if we don't follow your kid, we won't run around. Three people get together, even if Sun Shu arrives and wants to kill us, there should be no possibility! If he comes to deal with us, let us If you seize the opportunity, we might have caught him haha!" Meng Hao laughed.

A few minutes later, Meng Hao also left, "Boss, do you have any confidence? There are too many strong men in the underworld. Now there is only Sun Shu who is the quasi-sage-level strong, but now the world has changed, maybe by then Among those many powerful men, a few have quasi-saint-level strength!" Zhou Wendao.

"Then do you say I have confidence?" Chu Feng smiled.

"Uh, you didn't rely on it, Boss, then you smile very happily with such a relaxed look!" Zhou Wen stared. Chu Feng shrugged: "How about it? I will cry for you to see."

Lan Wen and the others laughed. "Boss, you are heartless!" Zhou Wen rolled his eyes and said. Chu Feng smiled and said: "If things are dealt with this way, things can be delayed, and there is still a chance to turn things around. If we don't deal with it this way, then the underworld will immediately take action. Even if we can live, we will suffer heavy losses!"

Chu Feng said, looking at Feng Bingning and the other women, he said, "If it is related to Bing Ning and the others, I might be a little confused. Isn't things still that way? I'm not stupid. Why don't you face it with a smile? For so long, I have encountered a lot of difficulties. Although the underworld is strong, the gap between us and the underworld is not greater than the gap between us and the Feng clan at the beginning!"

"That's true. Now the top powerhouses on our side still have the upper hand. The gap between you and the Feng Clan, the boss back then, is really too big to describe." Zhou Wen laughed.

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "Feng, even so, but you can't be careless!" "You know, Bing Ning, you don't care about such things, now you are our Chu family's number one protection object!" Chu Feng laughed. "Your task, eat, drink well, practice when you want to practice."

"I became a panda." Feng Bingning said with a smile. "Sister Bing Ning, we still want to be this giant panda, but some people don't give it a chance." Lan Wen said with a grin.

Chu Feng and the others laughed, and the pressure of just receiving the news quickly disappeared, but everyone had made up their minds that in the next time, they should be more careful and practice harder!

Tang Ming controls the Tang Sect and is responsible, and he is majoring in soul. It is really suitable to be in charge of that propaganda. In the past few days, an infinite number of places have been talking about one thing.

"Brother, have you heard of the underworld?"

"Hey, how can I have never heard of the underworld? I heard that this underworld is very powerful. It has secretly controlled a lot of strong people. It is estimated that there are ten or twenty thousand strong gods! God, what kind of strength is that? There are many superpowers, and there are about a hundred powerhouses at the god-exalted level!"

"The underworld is powerful, but Chu Feng is also great. One of his wives is actually a quasi-sage-level strength, and there are several friends with a quasi-sage-level strength! The underworld is dominated by a family, and it is normal for Chu Feng to rise. , The little devil suffers, we may also become victims!"

"How to say? How can our strength become victims? Our existence has no effect on them at all."

"That's not the case. We have an infinite total of so few Quasi-Holy-level powerhouses. The number of top-exclusive god-level powerhouses is definitely limited. If Chu Feng and the underground palace really fight to the death, or we will not Died directly in the chaos of war, but you know, there is an abyss! Saint Abyss Star has other things besides Infinity. If the infinite top powerhouse is the least among all, then if you are the abyss powerhouse, you will choose to get Which prey?"

"Then it needs to be said, of course it is infinite! Hey, listening to you say that, it is really such a thing. There are so many powerful people in the abyss. If many powerful people reach infinite, it is possible that none of them can survive. !"

"Yes! The conditions for the opening of the underworld are too harsh. It is estimated that Chu Feng can agree to the three quasi-saint-level powerhouses around him to leave to the greatest extent. If the underworld does not make concessions, it is estimated that they will definitely fight!"

Tang Ming was only in charge of the initial dissemination, but he didn't do anything later. This kind of explosive news spread extremely quickly. It can be said that in less than ten days, most of the entire infinite people knew it!

People of ordinary strength talked a lot, and many larger forces were also urgently discussing this news, "What do you think?" In the north of Infinity, a large force, the Palace Master of Xuanhan Palace, said solemnly.

"Palace Master, this underground palace has been hidden so deeply for countless years. It is really terrifying. We can't directly confront the underground palace, but I think we should support Chu Feng!"

"The news is estimated to be sent by Chu Feng. This also shows his attitude. He has already made concessions. If the underworld does not make concessions, the two forces will probably fight. If it is normal, their two forces Fighting is only good for us and there is no harm, but now it is a very moment."

"Yes, the abyssal monsters peek at each. If we infinite lose many strong men due to the civil war, then many of the abyss strong men will be absorbed to the infinite. It is hard to say how many people will survive infinitely! This time it is not two. The struggle between these forces is about the survival of the whole!"

The palace lord of the Xuanhan Palace nodded slightly: "It seems that everyone has a relatively unified opinion on this matter, then we Xuanhan Palace will oppose the fight and support each step back and suspend the dispute!"

"The palace lord is wise!"

Northern Xuanhan Palace, Ice and Snow Temple, Wan Family, Eastern Titan Family, Sanxiu Alliance, Western Fei Family, British Family, One Horned Black Snake Family, Southern Tianshui School, Palace of Jade Blood, Phoenix Family, Wanhua Sect of Middle Earth, Seven Color Leaves Half a month after Tang Ming spread the news, each of the super powers expressed their opinions. In just ten days, there were 20 or 30 super powers who expressed their opinions!

After many superpowers expressed their stances, one by one large powers followed their stances. Although these large powers are not comparable to those superpowers, the number of large powers above the infinite is much more than the number of superpowers. Ten days have passed, and more than a thousand large forces have expressed their views!

"Meilianzi, what's the situation?" Sun Shu's faint voice came out from the black fog. At this time, his whole person was shrouded in the faint black fog, and there was a faint voice in the hall where he was. Thousands of women, every time a woman was sucked into the black mist, the black mist surged, and it didn't take much time for the woman who went in to have no scum!

Mei Lianzi quickly said: "Wang, the situation is a bit bad. The entire infinite number of people are opposed to the outbreak of war between our underworld and Chu Feng. Now Chu Feng has given way, and now there are many voices above Infinity asking our underworld to give in. You can't overbearingly ask Chu Feng not to help the Dragon Race!"

"About how many people are there? Are there statistics?"

Mei Lianzi nodded: "Wang, I have counted. There are nearly 200,000 people who have reached the strength of the gods, and there are more than 5 million people at the emperor gods. As for the people of the emperor gods, that number That's more!" "Interesting, Chu Feng and the others actually came up with such a delaying method. After delaying, do they think they can survive then?" Sun Shu said with a light smile.

"Wang, what shall we do?"

Sun Shudao: "Since Chu Feng wants to procrastinate, let him follow his wishes. The Dragon Clan should be unified, or unified, they can all be destroyed at that time. The current Dragon Clan is far from our underworld rival! Meilianzi , If the order is passed on, the largest city belonging to our underworld will be established in the infinite center. The era of our underworld is coming soon!"

Mei Lianzi's eyes lit up: "Wang, are we going to darken it?" "Yes, it's been so long, it's time to let the world know the power of our underworld!" Sun Shu said solemnly.

"Wang, would that be easier to attack?" Meilianzi said hesitantly. "Which force dare to be an enemy of our underworld? After turning from darkness to light, it expands wildly. I want to unify the whole infinity. Those who follow me will prosper, and those who oppose me will die!!" Sun Shu said, laughing!

Listening to Sun Shu's laughter, Mei Lianzi's heart trembled. For a while, she felt that Sun Shu was much scarier than before!

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