Holy Prison

Chapter 1176: The poisoned person?

"Help, help me!" Sammons yelled desperately, but his voice was also very weak. "Bang!" His legs no longer had any strength, and Sammons fell to the ground all of a sudden, and two or three seconds later, Sammons finally completely lost his vitality and finished his guilty life!

Chu Feng waved his hand and the flames rose, and in the blink of an eye, Sammons's thin and old abnormal body turned into nothingness in the flame. "Song Ye is actually on the death list, what a damn!" Chu Feng cursed in his heart and Feng Bingning's voice transmission immediately reached the middle gate of the Shenchu ​​City.

The domain gate was activated, and Chu Feng's figure immediately disappeared in Shenchu ​​City.

Orga Village.

"Hey, the village chief, why did you come here so soon?" Song Ye said in surprise. She was on the side of Shenchu ​​City during her school celebration. Now it has not been long since she came back from Shenchu ​​City. Chu Feng looked at Feiye and his eyes slowly darkened. At the beginning, he thought Feiye had no problem, but the examination by the doctor soon found that Feiye seemed to be poisoned by a chronic poison!

"Chu Feng, why do you look at me like this? Did I do something wrong?" Song Ye was a little frightened by Chu Feng's gaze. "No, Song Ye, have you been in contact with any outsiders these days?" Chu Feng said.

Feiye nodded slightly and smiled: "Chu Feng, you are really amazing. I have met a friend these days. She is quite a good person. I went to the Rhine City a few days ago and I met in Rhine. "

"Why is it a good method?" Chu Feng sat down and said. Fortunately, it didn't take long for the flail leaves to be poisoned, and that kind of poison also needed to be slowly added with some other things to finally evolve into a huge poison. Now that the flail leaves are cured It does not take long. "There are some shops in the Rhine City that feed on spirit beasts. You know that, I saw that she bought some cute spirit beasts at her own expense and released them back into the forest."

"Those spirit beasts are really cute, so I started chatting with her. I didn't expect the chat to be speculative. What's wrong? Is there any problem with this?" Song Ye said.

"Song Ye, the human heart is sinister, you must know this haha." Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Maybe she didn't have a reason to deal with me? Moreover, I am not so easily injured now." Song Ye said.

Chu Feng's smile receded: "Song Ye, don't think that others have no reason to deal with you. The defensive heart is indispensable, especially from now on, you know, the death list is also on the death list" Chu Feng said. Zi paused, Song Ye still didn't know who was on the death list. If you tell her this, then there is a big chance that his strength will drop.

"What's the matter?" Song Ye said.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Nothing, you will know in the future, is your friend still in the Rhine City? Let's go and see them together."

"It should be there, she said that she will stay in the Rhine City for a long time." Song Ye said. "Then, then I will stay in your treasure space, and when you get there, you will release me again." Chu Feng said.

"That's all right." Feiye nodded.

The next moment, a light blue ring in the left hand of Song Ye slightly shone on Chu Feng's body without a faint light, and then Chu Feng was sucked into the ring.

"Zhang Qin hurt me? I hope not." Feiye confessed and left Orga Village very quickly.

The Rhine City is very close to the village of Orga. Even if the flail leaf did not fly quickly, she would have been outside the Rhine City in less than a minute.

"Fang Ye, didn't you say that it might not come out in the past few years? Why did she come out so soon." Fei Ye entered the Rhine City, and soon a beautiful and beautiful woman approached Fei Ye. "A friend of mine, he is a big man, he will come and have a look as soon as he hears that I know a beautiful woman." Song Ye led the beautiful woman with a smile.

"You, friend?" The woman's smile froze slightly.

"Who am I? It turned out to be an old friend." Chu Feng's faint voice resounded and appeared beside Song Ye. "Meilianzi, don't come without problems!"

"City Lord Chu, what's the matter? The little girl didn't go to Shenchu ​​City to participate in the 1.2-billion-year celebration of Shenchu ​​College. City Lord Chu wouldn't blame it?" Meilianzi smiled softly, "I can easily cause trouble. And I also want to start again, isn't City Lord Chu allowed?"

"Zhang Qin, you" Feiye and Meilianzi separated a little bit. "Song Ye, I didn't mean to lie to you, I also thought about telling you my identity, but I'm afraid we won't be friends if we tell you my identity." Mei Lianzi said. "Meilianzi, how about talking in my treasure space?" Chu Feng said.

Meilianzi said helplessly: "Do I have the right to refuse?"

"Yes, but then I will forcibly invite you to sit in." Chu Feng said. "A boring man should be gentle with women." Meilianzi hummed softly.

A suction force acted on Meilianzi and Shaoye. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng and the three of them all entered the holy prison space. "Meilianzi, did you say that you didn't deliberately approached the leaf?" Chu Feng said directly.

"Of course, you think me" Meilianzi stopped here for a while, "Excuse me, I can't say the following things!"

Chu Feng knew it well, I was afraid that Mei Lianzi knew the death list too, "Chu Feng, Mei Lianzi said it was true, she didn't deliberately approached Shao Ye." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind. .

"So, do you know who poisoned her?" Chu Feng said. "Poisoned?" Mei Lianzi said in surprise, "Fang Ye, when were you poisoned? I'm pretty good at this aspect. How can I show you?"

"I didn't say panic." Miao Xian'er said again.

Chu Feng was surprised. Mei Lian Zi said that she hadn't lied and it should be impossible to detect it in the holy prison space. Since she did not lie, the person who poisoned her is not Mei Lian Zi.

"Meilianzi, you weren't a kind person before, why, now the cute spirit beasts are going to be saved?" Chu Feng said. "Chu Feng, Shaoye is poisoned. Don't care about her. What do you do to save the little spirit beast? The underworld is destroyed. I don't want to live my previous life anymore. I want to start all over again. I want to keep the beauty around me and love me more. Isn't it good to be around?" Mei Lianzi said.

"Okay, of course, Meilian seeds and flail leaves are only poisoned with a little bit of poison. It doesn't get in the way. You should go out and save your little spirit beasts first." Chu Feng said.

As soon as Meilianzi was about to speak, Chu Feng immediately teleported her out of the holy prison space. "Song Ye, besides Meilianzi, is there any powerful outsider close to you?" Chu Feng said.

"No." Song Ye thought for a while and shook his head. "Then, have you seen someone with relatively high strength that you didn't see before? A person who has reached the level of a god." Chu Feng said.

Feiye shook his head first, but suddenly stopped. "Chu Feng, there really is such a person, but it should be impossible for him to poison me." Song Ye said.

"It’s a person from Orga Village. A few days ago, a god-level expert in Orga Village came back. He stayed in the village for two days. He is a person that Elder Witherwood values ​​very much. One of the earliest villagers in Orga Village, but now his strength has reached the pinnacle of the gods, his talent is quite high!" Song Ye said.

"The peak of the gods." Chu Feng took a deep breath, "Is it Fei Wuji?" "Yes, Brother Wuji is very good. He often goes back to the village of Aojia, every time he brings back a lot of things to the people in the village. You can ask him anything you don’t understand, and he will answer patiently.” Song Ye said.

"Where is the other person now? Can they be contacted?" Chu Feng said. "I don't know, Brother Wuji has been around, and he can be contacted, but it will take at least a month for him to get back." Song Ye said, "Chu Feng, you suspect that Brother Wuji would not Yes, it can’t be Brother Wuji, how could he poison me to kill me? It’s impossible, you must be mistaken.”

"Don't get excited." Chu Feng patted Shaoye on the shoulder and said, "Since I am my own person, how could I suspect him casually. Shaoye, something is not good to tell you for the time being, you should be able to do it after a while You know. Song Ye, do you choose to live in God's First City, or choose to stay on the side of Orga Village? If you stay on this side, then you need to be extremely careful and watch out for all powerful characters close to you! "

"I think I guessed something." Feiye said in a daze, "I stay on the side of Aojia Village, Chu Feng, I will be careful!"

"Well, if you have something, immediately go to the side of Shenchu ​​City. Lao Meng and their family have moved to Shenchu ​​City. Even if I am not here, if I have something to find Lao Meng them, Lao Meng will definitely do it. I will help!" Chu Feng said that a golden token appeared in his hand. The back of the token was the pattern of Shenchu ​​City, and the front was a big Chinese character Chu.

"Having this token can mobilize half of the powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. It can be used. Don't use it indiscriminately." Chu Feng smiled. "Chu Feng, this" Song Ye said in astonishment, she knew the weight of this token, half of the powerhouse in the first city of God, that was more than two hundred and fifty powerhouses at the god-exalted level, as far as the strength below the god-exalted level. The number of the strong is naturally more!

"Take it, without this token, if we are not in Shenchu ​​City, it would be more difficult for you to ask someone to help. With this token, it is convenient." Chu Feng stuffed the token into Song Ye's hand. .

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