Holy Prison

Chapter 1177: Practice

"Chu Feng, is this really appropriate? If Bing Ning and the others know it, I'm afraid" Song Ye hesitated. "They, they say you are a good girl, urging me to turn you into their sisters. Anyway, there are seven or eight places. They naturally hope that someone more agreeable can become their sisters." Chu Feng smiled. .

"Then, I'll accept it first, Chu Feng, if you feel that I am not suitable for holding it, then just tell me and I will hand it over." Song Ye considered accepting the token. He smiled slightly. "Well, if it is really not suitable, I will not tarnish your feelings." Chu Feng said.

"What are you polite?" Chu Feng said, and Song Ye appeared outside. "Meilianzi, take your time to get busy with you. Feiye will not leave Orga Village in this period of time." Chu Feng said.

"City Lord Chu, the relationship between you and Feiye is not simple." Meilianzi smiled, "Feiye, you really don't come out casually during this period of time. Some things are not easy to tell you, but you will know later. Yes, if you are boring, you can send it over. If you are close anyway, there will be no problem with the sending."

"Well, Meilianzi, let's go first." Song Ye said. "Okay, goodbye." Meilianzi waved her hand, Chu Feng and the others went away, and disappeared in front of Meilianzi in a short time.

"Miao Xian'er." Chu Feng's voice sounded in his mind. "Received!" Miao Xian'er said that the image of Meilianzi appeared in Chu Feng's mind. Meilianzi's heavenly eyes can be locked, even if it is far away, Chu Feng can know what Meilianzi is saying. doing what.

Soon after returning to Orga Village, Feiye said softly, "Chu Feng, are you going back?" "Go back? No, in a few days, my hands are itchy, and I want to play with those boys. !" Chu Feng laughed happily, his voice was not small, and many people in Aojia Village heard clearly!

"Oh heaven, earth, how long has this been, and it will be rubbed and abused again!"

"The village chief, toss us as much as we want, we can bear it!"

"Damn, Brother Wang, what are you talking about, I'm full of goosebumps, "Toss as much as you want" us, why do I hear such evil?"

"Get up, villagers who don't want to be oppressed!"

With a word from Chu Feng, the entire Aojia Village became lively. "You, how come you are like a child sometimes." Song Ye said funny.

"I'm not old, I'm just over four hundred years old. Compared with those old guys who are tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of billions of years old, I am already very young." Chu Feng laughed, "Boys , Assemble, all the martial arts are assembled, except for the closed ones, all come out to me!"

"Roar, kill the village chief, we all turn over and become the masters!" Someone said with a weird smile, "Yes, kill the village chief, pity me, I was kicked dozens of feet by the village chief last time, and now it hurts!"

"You also said that I was slapped by the village chief. It is estimated that it will be a shadow of my life, brothers, this time everyone must play the strongest level!"

"Fuck, burst the village chief's chrysanthemum!"

It's noisy. Thousands of people say everything, but Chu Feng's old face went black when he heard the very lethal sentence just now, "Wu Ling, I heard you clearly. You must not think about it within two months this time. Get up from the bed!" Chu Feng said gloomily. "Well, the village chief, I don't know what to say, and I don't know what to say," a young man who seemed to be in his twenties laughed.

"Understand and understand, speak without a word, swords have no eyes, don't you? Don't worry, I will definitely control it by then, saying that if you can't get out of bed for two months, it will definitely not be two years!" Chu Feng took a photo. Pat the young man on the shoulder said. "Oh, tap it, the village chief, your old man tap it, it doesn't matter if it hurts me, it doesn't matter how bad your hand is if it hurts the village chief," the young man grinned.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Thank you for your concern." "It should be," the young man said quickly when Chu Feng stopped.

"Then use this shot." Chu Feng said that the Black Ming Sword appeared in his hand. "The village chief, your old man should use his hands." The young man's forehead flashed black.

"Wu Ling, you just said that you care about the village chief, but you don't care anymore, right? I originally planned to take a few fewer shots, but now I have decided to take a few more shots." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"Sister Song Ye!" Wu Ling shouted at the back of Chu Feng, Chu Feng turned his head slightly, and Wu Ling immediately rushed forward. "Pop!" Chu Feng's Black Mingjian slammed Wu Ling's body with a heavy sword.

There was a scream of weeping ghosts and spirits, and Wu Ling was smashed down quickly, "Boom!" A small mushroom cloud appeared on the ground, and Wu Ling was smashed to the ground and smashed the ground out to a depth of several hundred meters. The big pit! "Brothers, everyone wants to avenge me! Let's go together!" Wu Ling shouted authentically.

"It's probably lightly tapped just now!" Chu Feng's voice sounded, and he instantly went behind Wu Ling and kicked him onto the top of Wu Ling.

"Go, let's go together, don't let the village chief kill us all at once! Add various state attacks to the village chief who can attack the state! Those who have the means of imprisonment are immediately imprisoned, and the village chief is faster than us. Too much!"

Within the martial arts field, a fierce battle soon began. Except for the assassin, Chu Feng and the others were really not very polite. Chu Feng did not act lightly. The people in Aojia Village knew that Chu Feng would definitely be able to cope with his attack. Will be polite with Chu Feng!

There are about fifty people in Aosong Village who have reached the Emperor God level. As for the rest, most of them are now at the King God level. A total of 5,000 people have to deal with Chu Feng. Although Song Ye has no The highest strength of those who did it was only the Intermediate Emperor God, but with a large number of people, Chu Feng was also under great pressure. Anyone who was not careful would fall into their trap and make them feel embarrassed to rush out!

The battle continued, and the time quickly passed for ten days, "Ah, the village chief is forgiving, surrender, we surrendered." Wu Ling and the remaining few Emperor God-level powerhouses left one by one. As for The other people were already brought down by Chu Feng one by one at this time. They were lightly injured and had to lie on the bed for three to five days, and the injured were severely injured. If Chu Feng did not treat them, they would definitely not be able to get off for a month. Of the bed.

"Spare? Xiaowu, you left the wound on my chest, right? Wu Ling, the footprints on my back were left by your stinky feet! You are all good, all of them persisted to the end, as a reward , You alone will lie in bed for a month!" Chu Feng said, rushing towards Wu Ling several people, punching and kicking, Wu Ling and the others resisted with all their strength, but they are not Chu Feng's. Opponent, after a few minutes, all of them lay motionless on the ground.

"It's dark, it's too dark, village chief, your old man can't use that trick to slap her feet." A young man said depressed and authentic. "My unique knowledge, don't you make it quite slippery?" Chu Feng smiled. "The village chief, I don't count that, I can't kick you." The young man said.

"Then it has nothing to do with me, okay boys, this time the training is here, your progress is pretty good, this time I am a little bit more wolfish than the last time. By the way, let me tell you a good one. The news, your village chief, I am now the Emperor God Dzogchen, and it is estimated that in the past few years, I will reach the bottleneck and then reach the primary level of the Emperor God. When I reach the primary level of the Emperor God, it seems that my strength will be greatly improved. Blessed!"

Chu Feng's voice fell, and a wailing sound suddenly sounded. "Pervert, brothers, in order to defeat the village chief, we all have to cheer!"

"Yes, I have decided. I will work hard for the next few years. Who wants to double cultivation with me?"

After the battle, all the wounded were taken back to Orga Village by Chu Feng. "Chu Feng, it's really too dark for you to start, and people who don't know think that there is a big feud between you." After Chu Feng cleaned it up, Fei Ye said. "This will have an effect. If you don't fight cruelly, then why waste that time." Chu Feng smiled.

"But it's too cruel. If you don't treat them for several, their injuries are estimated to follow them for thousands of years." Song Ye gave Chu Feng a glance.

"I'll go and treat them, don't worry, it's okay." Chu Feng smiled.

"Your own injury"

"Don't worry, while I fight them, I will treat myself at the same time. Otherwise, there might be only such a little injury on my body. Those boys would treat me as their father and enemy when they fight." Chu Feng smiled.

Treating some people in Oga Village, Chu Feng asked in his mind: "Miao Xian'er, is there any problem with Meilianzi?"

"Chu Feng, Mei Lianzi seems to be really ready to start again. What she has done these days is definitely a good person." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng frowned secretly: "However, Miao Xian'er, nature is hard to change. How much can a person change in a short time?"

"The destruction of the netherworld, Meilianzi wakes up and takes this opportunity to start again. It is not impossible." Miao Xianer said. "I still have some doubts. The treatment will take one or two days. Please pay attention to these two days." Chu Feng said, the sky eye needs money to be used all the time, but Chu Feng doesn't care about the amount of money. .

"You are the master, what you say is what you say." Miao Xianer said.

Two days later, the more injured people in Aojia Village were basically cured by Chu Feng seven or eight, and the remaining injuries would heal after a few months.

For two days, Miao Xian'er had been monitoring her, but she still didn't get any harvest from Meilian seeds. "Song Ye, I have to go, you are careful yourself." Chu Feng said.

"Don't worry, I won't have anything to do. Now the defense of Osong Village is very strong! Even if it is an attack by Sister Yilian, there should be no problem blocking it for a minute or two in the main line. One or two minutes is enough for people I went to Shenchu ​​City to find someone to help." Song Ye smiled.

"Okay, I'll go now!" Chu Feng said as he entered the teleportation formation, the teleportation formation was activated, and Chu Feng disappeared in the teleportation formation in the blink of an eye.

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