Holy Prison

Chapter 1186: Furious Beiming Tuntian Gong

"Chu Feng, maybe the power of the law of space will be okay at that time, and even if the power of the law of space is not enough, you can still compress it a little bit." Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng seemed to be drunk and not drunk: "One, compress it a little bit, Miao Xian'er, can it be done like this? Even if it is successful, my compression speed will be slower than Bing Ning and the others after reaching the Emperor God level. Ten thousand times! No, maybe it will be more slow, one hundred thousand times, one million times! When they become saints, maybe I and I can struggle to reach the middle level of the Emperor God, don't you think?"

"I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled!" Chu Feng said that with a trembling hand, he poured himself another glass of wine. "Chu Feng, you are a man, do you need me as a little woman to comfort me? If you drink this glass of wine, you will definitely get drunk! You just upgraded your cultivation base, you should consolidate your current realm, otherwise you will There is no hope of improvement!" Miao Xian'er said loudly, "Feng Bingning and the others are not here, but Miao Feiying is still here. Go and tell Miao Feiying your current situation."

"Don't!" Chu Feng grabbed Miao Xian'er, "Miao Xian'er, there is a poison pill in her body. If she is stimulated, the poison pill will probably break out abnormally!"

"Well, you can drink this glass of wine. I can drink so much. Now it feels pretty good." Chu Feng stretched the glass to Miao Xian'er, very drunk. "You still have some conscience." Miao Xian'er took the wine glass and hummed.

Chu Feng lay on his back on the sofa and said unconsciously, "Miao, Miao Xian'er, how do you tell me how to do Bing Ning's reliance on Master, Master asked me to take care of Song Ye, but like, if there is no strength , I can’t even guarantee my own safety, I can’t guarantee it"

"Chu Feng, your current state is very bad. If you don't immediately consolidate your cultivation base, it will definitely have an impact on your cultivation base. You should enter the first level of mind quickly, and if possible, it is best to enter the second level. The state of mind." Miao Xian'er shook Chu Feng.

The first level of mood, the heart is like a mirror, not stained with dust; the heart is like a knife, cutting thousands of dust! If you can enter the first level of mind, it will be difficult for foreign objects to affect Chu Feng's mind, and naturally you can have time to consolidate the cultivation base. "Mind, state of mind, what state of mind?" Chu Feng said in a daze.

"Chu Feng, you won't even forget the state of mind? The first level of the state of mind, the heart is like a mirror, not stained with dust, the heart is like a knife, cutting thousands of dust; the second level of the state of mind, heaven and man are me, I am the sky , Heaven is me! The third level of the state of mind, the heart is infinite, the heaven and the earth are all in my heart, the fourth level, the heaven and the sacred heart; the fifth level, there is no heaven and earth, there is no way to be without me!" Miao Xian'er will Chu Feng He straightened up and said loudly, "You quickly enter the first level of your mood, otherwise your cultivation will regress and you will not be able to rely on Feng Bingning and the others!"

Although he was a little drunk, Chu Feng was not completely drunk yet. Miao Xian'er's words stimulated him to wake up a bit. "The heart is like a mirror, not stained with dust, and the heart is like a knife, slicing thousands of dust." Chu Feng muttered with a powerful momentum rising from his body, that momentum was mighty and mighty, not a primary figure of Yuandi God Can be compared! , Miao Xian'er was surprised that Chu Feng was only the primary cultivation base of the Emperor God, but the momentum that rose up, I am afraid that even those who respect the primary gods are slightly inferior.

"The heart is like a mirror, and the heart is like a knife!" Chu Feng's aura receded, and at the same time, his expression was restored to his former calm, but after being drunk with the gods, his eyes are still somewhat drunk now. "Miao Xian'er, I will first consolidate the cultivation base!" Chu Feng said flatly to Miao Xian'er.

"Okay, I won't bother you." Miao Xian'er said as she disappeared immediately.

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and in his mind, the Great Dao Merit Sutra that had ceased functioning after the cultivation level was upgraded began to function again.

The Dao Merit Sutra began to run, and Chu Feng called out his own information.

Name: Chu Feng; Age: 478; Kindness Value: 625856 million Dharma; Guilty Value: 23; Cultivation of the Emperor God Elementary; Strength Evaluation: Eight Stars +; Money: 10252 billion; Domain Tower Value: 6536; Merit Points: 14322542 ; True Self Skills: Destruction Sword (Evaluation 6); Common Skills: Space Teleport (Holy Art Master); Space Escape: (Holy Art Master); Space Slash: (Holy Art Master); Space Broken: (Holy Art Master) )

This is just simple information. Chu Feng checked his more detailed information. As expected, the improvement of the body is weaker than the improvement of the soul, and his soul, compared to his huge mental power Very weak! "Such a huge mental power, what's the use of a weak soul?" Chu Feng showed a complex expression in his eyes, but under his current state of mind, the complex expression immediately disappeared.

For Chu Feng, he has always developed in a relatively balanced manner. At this time, the strength of his body is a little behind that of the soul. Chu Feng's mind moves and a exercise method appears in his hand. This exercise is the eighth layer of the Beiming Heaven Tuning Technique. In his body, there are now a million Heaven-swallowing formations that have reached the seventh level, and every Heaven-swallowing formation has reached the purple color. He learns the eighth level of Beiming Heaven-swallowing art. Naturally, there is no problem with the exercises.

His eyes fell on that exercise, and immediately countless things were quickly absorbed by Chu Feng. Chu Feng was a little surprised to find that the speed of absorbing those things was much faster than when he learned the seventh layer of Beiming Heaven Tuning Art.

"Shenhai?" Chu Feng quickly divided out a little bit of God's attention to his own Shenhai. The originally peaceful Shenhai was rippling slightly at this time, and countless information was received by the soul and passed into the Shenhai. Hai's huge mental power immediately processed the information quickly!

Chu Feng is in such a situation now, it's like his **** infant is a host, and countless mental powers are computing units. The host can process massive amounts of information at once, but transmit massive amounts of information to those calculations. There is no problem with the unit. After processing the information, those computing units will respond to the host, which is Chu Feng’s Shen Ying.

"Unexpectedly, Shenhai would have such an effect. The person who created the bird technique of Beiming Swallowing Heaven back then was probably a person with a relatively broad Shenhai, otherwise it would be treated as the soul of an emperor god-level expert. That massive amount of information will also be extremely difficult." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart.

The Northern Underworld Swallowing Array reaches one million, and every time you add one, you need to consider the connection with each of the previous Swallowing Arrays, and you need to consider that a new Swallowing Array increases the impact on the entire huge system. Influence, people who have not practiced this kind of exercise will never know the difficulty of it. If Chu Feng did not practice Beiming Tuntian Gong in the holy prison space, he would not be able to get started at the beginning, let alone Said that the future has reached the point it is now!

With the help of Shenhai, Chu Feng felt that it was easier to practice the Heaven Swallowing Art from Beiming for the first time. The eighth layer was more difficult than the seventh, and every additional Heaven Swallowing Formation was extremely difficult. It's easy, but it only took Chu Feng three days, and the number of Beiming Tuntian Gong in his body has actually increased from one million to two million!

Beiming Tuntian Gong has an excellent effect on physical training. In just three days, the strength of Chu Feng's physical body has already caught up with the strength of his soul, and even some transcendence!

Without stopping, Chu Feng continued to practice. Ten days, twenty days, and three months passed in a blink of an eye. The number of Beiming Heavenly Swallowing Arts in Chu Feng's body has reached five million!

"Chu Feng, you have to stop temporarily. Your body's strength is rapidly increasing. It will take some time to adapt, otherwise the body will not be able to bear the collapse!" Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind "Moreover, three months have passed. If you don't go back, Feng Bingning and the others will be a little worried. It won't take so long to consolidate the cultivation base."

Chu Feng's eyes opened slowly, and at the moment when he opened his eyes, a purple glow shot out of his eyes, which seemed to be a few meters away, and the surrounding space seemed to tremble slightly. a bit!

"What a powerful body!" Chu Feng shook his fist. He could clearly feel the terrifying power in his body. Under that terrible power, Chu Feng believed that a character at the junior level or even the middle level of the Emperor God Can't bear his punch!

"Chu Feng, you have already recovered?" Miao Xian'er smiled and appeared in front of Chu Feng. Chu Feng had already withdrawn from that state of mind at this time, but Chu Feng did not have the previous decadent aura. "Miao Xian'er, thank you!" Chu Feng said sincerely. "Don't thank me, I think even if I don't say it, you won't really get drunk. I believe you are not that kind of person." Miao Xian'er sat down beside Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, what happened? What happened to you?" Miao Xian'er said strangely. Shenhai reached three kilometers. She knew that Chu Feng would definitely recover, but she never expected it to be so fast. "Shenhai's problem, have you thought of a solution?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "It's not that I thought of it, it was that some strong people thought of it before! My current cultivation is still at the primary level of the Emperor God, but my physical strength is estimated to be an intermediate strong person who specializes in physical training. It's not as good as that!"

"Your body improves, and the Beiming Swallowing Heaven Formation increases. Could it be possible to compress the Shenhai?" Miao Xian'er said in surprise. "I haven't tried it yet, but I feel like this. Maybe, even if it doesn't work now, I should be able to make greater progress in the Beiming Heaven Swallowing Technique by then!" Chu Feng said with a light smile, his He looks very relaxed, but deep down in his heart, Chu Feng still has a little bit of worry, three kilometers Shenhai, this is too abnormal!

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