Holy Prison

Chapter 1187: Light of hope

"Try it?" Miao Xian'er said quickly. Chu Feng hesitated for a while and nodded: "Okay!"

All the minds were concentrated on the Shen Ying, and Shen Ying's eyes became Chu Feng's eyes. Three kilometers is not far away, but Chu Feng felt a trembling feeling when he looked at his Shenhai. The spiritual power in Shenhai is too powerful!

The spiritual power of an ordinary imperial **** elementary peak powerhouse will be very huge, and Chu Feng is now also the emperor **** elementary peak power, his spiritual power is 90,000 times that of an ordinary emperor **** elementary peak powerhouse!

Ninety thousand times, this number is terrifying, even if it is a powerful person who is a junior or even an intermediate god, his mental power will probably not reach 90,000 times the spiritual power of an ordinary imperial **** junior peak power!

"Beiming swallows the sky formation!" Chu Feng thought, his soul issued an order, and Shenhai's huge mental power changed. Within Shenhai, five million small mental power vortices appeared. Each mental power vortex looks unrelated to each other at first glance, but if you look closely, you will find that the five million small mental power vortices are all connected. So many mental power vortices form a complex and perfect. The formation!

The Northern Underworld Swallowing Formation, that complex and perfect formation is a Northern Underworld Swallowing Formation, but it is not an ordinary Northern Underworld Swallowing Formation but a Northern Underworld Swallowing Formation that has been improved by Chu Feng. It was not too difficult for Chu Feng to make a little improvement on the original Beiming Tuntian Formation!

Chu Feng was a little bit nervous, but he still gave the order in his soul, and the order was instantly transmitted to the entire Shenhai to every small spiritual power vortex in Shenhai!

In an instant, Chu Feng’s Shenhai had a big wave, and the Beiming Swallowing Sky Formation formed by five million small mental energy vortices exuded terrible suction. Shenhai’s resistance was very powerful. Before Chu Feng wanted to compress, there was no reaction at all, but at this time, under the huge suction of the Beiming Swallowing Sky Formation, the entire Shenhai's mental power was affected!

The radius of the Shenhai was 3,000 meters, but under the terrifying suction of the Beiming Swallowing Array, the area of ​​the Shenhai of Chu Feng was actually slowly shrinking!

Two thousand nine hundred and ninety meters, two thousand nine hundred and eighty meters, two thousand nine hundred and seventy meters.

Three minutes passed, but Chu Feng was surprised to find that the radius of his Divine Sea had shrunk from three kilometers to only two thousand nine hundred meters!

It is only a mere one hundred meters, and it is more difficult to compress after compression than before, but this has given Chu Feng an immense encouragement!

"Hahaha, hahahaha!" Chu Feng suddenly opened his eyes in the holy prison space and burst out a burst of wild laughter from his mouth.

"Laugh again, and laugh again, the tongue will laugh out! Be careful to laugh too early, and then you can't compress the Shenhai to only 300 meters!" Miao Xian'er poured cold water. "At least, the method has come out. There are methods in this situation. If you can't compress it by then, I believe you can find a method too." Chu Feng chuckled.

"By the way, Miao Xian'er, there is a problem that I am very surprised. The 3,000-meter Shenhai is compressed to only 300 meters. This is only ten times the volume of the mental power in the Shenhai, which is a hundred times compressed. "Chu Feng said. "That's not the case. If this is the case, then the mental power of an Emperor God Intermediate Peak powerhouse will be a hundred times that of a Emperor God Primary Peak powerhouse, do you think there is such a big gap?" Miao Xian'er Tao.

Chu Feng shook his head. The difference in the spiritual power between the Intermediate Emperor God and the Primary Emperor God is certainly not small, but if there is a difference of 100 times, Chu Feng would never believe it.

"Chu Feng, you should have felt a lot of mental energy consumption just now?" Chu Feng said. Chu Feng nodded, "Well, there is some consumption."

Miao Xian'er smiled and said: "That's it, compression will consume it. One hundred mental power is compressed to one percent of the original small site, and 90% of the mental power will be Consumption during compression, in the end, about ten mental powers will occupy one percent of the territory, isn't it ten times compressed?"

"It turns out that this is the case, but my loss doesn't seem to be that big. This should be because I'm in the early stage of compression. I'm afraid that the loss will be much more later!" Chu Feng said.

"Russ can be taught!" Miao Xian'er smiled, "Well, don't delay, go back to Chucheng, Feng Bingning and the others are probably in a hurry. I don't want them to find me then. Trouble."

Chu Feng nodded and didn't say more, he appeared outside in an instant. The second after Chu Feng appeared, the flying boat appeared and Chu Feng entered the flying boat.

"It's been more than three months. Brother Feng should come back to consolidate his cultivation." Lan Wen said quietly, she and Feng Bingning and Yilian Shaoye were sitting together, and the four girls were worried at this time. color. "Bing Ning, you stay in Shenchu ​​City, let me go over and take a look." Yilian frowned, "This Chu Feng is too shameless. I won't be back in more than three months. I wonder if we are worried. If you come back, see if I don't teach him well."

"Yilian, if Feng does come back, don't be impulsive, he must be extremely unhappy in his heart, let's not add to him." Feng Bing condensed.

"Don't worry, I think the village chief is not so easy to be overthrown. He hasn't come back in three months. Perhaps the village chief thought of some method that he was experimenting with. There are so many beautiful wives at home. If he has nothing to do, How can I not come back?" Song Ye smiled.

Feng Bingning grasped the hand of Yan Ye and said, "Feng Ye, we all thought of you as our sister before, but we can't harm you. Now, you should think about it. We can bear it with Feng. He is confident that he will not be knocked down, but he is afraid of his strength"

"Bing Ning, will you stop loving Chu Feng because his strength will not improve soon?" Song Ye said. "This is naturally impossible. We are a husband and wife. How can the promise that we keep together for a lifetime fail because of this?" Feng Bing condensed. "Bing Ning, in your opinion, is my love so untestable?" Song Ye said softly.

Feng Bingning shook her head again and again: "This, Feiye, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, you" "Sister Bingning, you still need not say, Feiye Aifeng will not be shallower than us, let her give up. It is estimated that it is more difficult than letting the strength of Brother Feng maintain rapid growth at that time!" Lan Wen said.

Lan Wen's voice Luo Yilian stood up. "Bing Ning, you talk, I'll go over there and see, I really can't wait." Yilian said.

"Yilian, can't wait for anything?" A voice sounded, and all of Yilian and their four daughters stayed for a while. "Feng, you are back." Feng Bingning said in surprise.

"Brother Feng!" Lan Wen called sweetly.

"Chu Feng, if you don't come back, Bing Ning and Lan Wen can take a shower with the tears coming out!" Yilian hummed lightly, her tone was a bit dissatisfied, but the joy in her eyes still showed her I was very happy at this time. "Wife, I'm sorry, I'm late to come back." Chu Feng's words made Song Ye's face flushed suddenly.

"I'm not your wife, don't talk nonsense. Bing Ning, Lan Wen, Yilian, then I will go first." Song Ye looked at Chu Feng and said. "Song Ye, go now, you don't want to know what Chu Feng is doing these days?" Yilian chuckled.

When Yilian spoke, Chu Feng held Feng Bingning and Lan Wen in his arms. "Bing Ning, Lan Wen, are you two silly girls really crying? You are also a few hundred years old. If you still cry, it's not pretty." Chu Feng said with a smile, "Song Ye, don't worry. Let’s go. I haven’t eaten for a long time. I want to eat. Let’s have a meal together."

"Yes, Songye, let's cook together. Feng, although we told parents that you have something for the time being, they are still a little worried. Go to your parents and them. By the way, Meng old them He is also in Shenchu ​​City now, see if you want to talk to them." Feng Bing condensed.

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded and let go of Feng Bingning and Lan Wen. He opened his right hand and hugged Yilian in his arms, and with his left hand, he was also dragging Fong Ye into his arms. "Left hug and right hug, a great thing in life, haha! Two beauties, let this handsome guy kiss." Chu Feng said and kissed Yilian's lips, while at Song Ye, Chu Feng was only with her. A kiss on the face, "Well, it smells good!" Chu Feng laughed and let go of Yilian and the others.

"When we don't exist." Feng Bingning gave Chu Feng a white look, "Song Ye, you should just slap in the face with your backhand."

"I'm afraid of the three of you. I slapped it. The three of you may wish to kill me." Song Ye said with a blushing face.

"I'll go to my parents and Lao Meng first, and come back to taste your craftsmanship." Chu Feng said and disappeared instantly.

As soon as Chu Feng disappeared, Feng Bingning gave Yilian a look, and Yilian nodded and created a barrier. "Brother Feng seems to have no accident." Lan Wen said.

"If he is a little bit decadent, I'm not worried. Feng him is like this, but I am a little worried." Feng Bingning frowned. "Perhaps Chu Feng has found a solution." Song Ye said.

Yilian shook her head slightly: "Even if Chu Feng can find a way, I don't think it will be so fast. At the 3,000-meter Shenhai, it took more than three months to find a solution. How could it be possible for him to Don't let us worry about deliberately acting very optimistic and open-minded!"

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