Holy Prison

Chapter 1188: I'm fine

"I also feel that Brother Feng pretended to be like this on purpose, so what shall we do?" Lan Wen said. "Lan Wen, then you can only sacrifice in bed to satisfy your husband." Feng Bingning smiled. "Okay, but Sister Bing Ning, you are the eldest sister, you have to set an example." Lan Wen said.

Song Ye's face flushed with a light cough, "Song Ye, don't be embarrassed, you will become your husband sooner or later. We are all our own sisters." Yilian smiled. "I don't know if Chu Feng can't see me." Song Ye said softly. "Song Ye, don't worry, if you don't like you, Brother Feng won't run to the side of Orga Village often, and will not kiss you in front of us just now." Lan Wen laughed. "You, I will definitely be our sister by then."

"Let's talk, are you digressing?" Feng Bing said, "Brother Feng is like this, I think it would be better for him to vent!"

"Then, let's talk about this when the time comes?" Yilian said, "I mean, let's just say it when the time comes, Chu Feng is not such a fragile person, so what if his cultivation level can't be improved? Now the primary cultivation base of the Emperor God can live for billions of years!"

Lan Wen said: "Brother Feng doesn't care how long he can live. What he is entangled in his heart is that he can't take good care of us and be our support! Brother Feng usually acts very casually. He doesn't seem to be a strong person, but in his bones. He is indeed a strong person, with some machismo."

"Yes, if his cultivation base stagnates and our cultivation base keeps rising, then he will feel very uncomfortable in his heart." Feng Bing condensed.

Song Ye said: "The strength of the village chief is actually very strong. Even the strongest of the quasi-sage level may be able to fight." "The quasi-sage level is not his goal. He wants to be a saint, he wants to achieve Immortal or even immortal realm! Yilian is a quasi-sage-level strength, and the strength is relatively strong, then the hope of becoming a saint is relatively large, the strength of the peak is not weak, but compared with the strong of the saint-level, then Much weaker." Feng Bingning said softly.

"Let's cook, and discuss as we cook." Lan Wen said.

"Dad, mom, really, what are you worried about. Didn't Bing Ning tell you that I have something to do before I can come back." Chu Feng said with a smile. "Really all right? When Bing Ning came to talk to us that day, we felt that Bing Ning's expression was a little bit wrong, and we hadn't practiced these days. Bing Ning and the others rarely came here. It was not like this before." Show way.

"Mom, I'm here in front of you, what can you do? Bing Ning and the others think they are more busy practicing these days. Nowadays, in the troubled autumn, the strength can be higher by one point." Chu Feng said, "Dad Mom, please practice yours with peace of mind. You are only Gold Intermediate now. Gold Intermediate can only live for hundreds of thousands of years. I, Xiaolong and Bing Ning can all live for billions of years, so yours The cultivation base needs to be improved a lot."

Chu Zhen chuckled lightly: "It’s something that I could never imagine before. Even if I can only live for hundreds of thousands of years, your mom and I are satisfied, but your mom and I will If you work hard, even if you can't reach the general god, I believe that if you work hard, you can reach the platinum level.

"Dad, mom, there are very few things in the world that can improve your talents, but you don't have to worry too much. You can live for hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years. We can definitely improve your talents. At that time, your talents will come up. Not to mention the general **** level, even the king **** level emperor **** level will not be a dream." Chu Feng smiled, "My parents, I just came back, and Bing Ning and the others Without saying a few words, I will leave first."

"Let's go, don't disturb your mother and me." Chu Zhen laughed. "Dad, don't you think my light bulb is an eyesore? Then I flashed." Chu Feng disappeared in front of Chu Zhen and the others in an instant.

Leaving from Chu Zhen and the others, Chu Feng went to Menghao and the others again. "Lao Meng, why are you all looking at me with such a squinting look, and haven't seen you for a few months, have you all changed sex?" Chu Feng said in an angry manner.

"Chu Feng, your divine sea" Meng Hao hesitated. "It's okay, I will think of a way." Chu Feng smiled lightly. Now that there is a method, it is still a question of whether it can succeed, so Chu Feng did not say with certainty that he has found a method and can solve the problem by then.

"It's okay, it's okay." Bruin said and quickly transmitted the voice to Meng Hao. "Old Meng, don't mention it, Shenhai of 3,000 meters, that's a desperate figure!"

"Chu Feng, did we get a few bottles of good wine and drink together?" Jitian said. Chu Feng smiled and shook his head: "Old Ji, I can't do it now. The wives are waiting for me when they prepare the food. Let's have a drink with you in the evening. Okay, I'm fine, you don't have to worry, I will withdraw first. what."

"Okay!" Meng Hao nodded and Chu Feng disappeared in front of them. "Oh!" Meng Hao sighed when they looked at each other. "Lao Bu, Lao Ji, we also have to think of a way to see if we can help Chu Feng." A barrier Menghaodao was set up.

"What do you mean? Three kilometers of Shenhai." Bruin shook his head helplessly. In the past three months, they checked a lot of information about this area. There is an infinite record of history, the widest one in Shenhai. It’s only 1,800 meters, and there are about ten of them over 1,500 meters. None of those ten have reached the emperor god’s advanced level. There are only two people who have reached the emperor god’s intermediate level. Shouyuan was exhausted and died!

The number of kilometers in the Shenhai area is more, but only one of them has reached the god-exalable level, and that person eventually disappeared. Some people say that he is dead, and there are also rumors that he has achieved the honor of a saint!

"That Zhan Kuang doesn't know who his real name is. It would be great if he could find some more detailed information about him. He is the only one who has reached the god-level cultivation base over a kilometer in the sea of ​​God!" Jitian Slaughter Road.

"He is an ancient man before the saint was asleep. Countless years have passed. It is not bad to have such a little information. If you want to have more information, it is difficult." Bruin shook his head, "Besides, his Shenhai It's only 1,200 meters, and Chu Feng's Shenhai reaches three kilometers. Even if there is a way, I am afraid it is not suitable for Chu Feng."

"Old Bu, do you have no confidence in Chu Feng?" Meng Hao said. Bruin smiled and said: "No, on the contrary, I have confidence in Chu Feng. He is a miracle person."

From Menghao and the others, they left Chu Feng and returned to Chu Mansion. In Chu Mansion, Feng Bingning and the others had already made a large table full of vegetables.

"Wow, it's so fragrant, I'll taste a piece." Chu Feng said, grabbing a piece of meat directly. "Don't talk about hygiene." Feng Bingning slapped Chu Feng's hands away, "Fang Ye is here, I am not afraid to leave a bad impression on Song Ye, she will not follow you then."

"Fang Ye is not an outsider, everyone should sit down quickly, I really don't know the smell of meat in March, and a bird is almost fading out of my mouth." Chu Feng smiled and sat down.

Feng Bingning and the four girls all sat down one by one, "Unfortunately Feiying can't come out, otherwise, if she comes out, we will all be here." Feng Bingning smiled authentically.

"Why can't you come out? Haha, I'll tell her to come out, Yilian, you should pay more attention to it when the time comes. Although Feiying Poison Pill broke out not long ago, it shouldn't be possible now, but I'm not afraid of 10,000, just in case. "Chu Feng said. "No." Lan Wen said quickly, "Brother Feng, let's not call Feiying this time."

"Wen'er, what's the matter?" Chu Feng asked in surprise, "We have many masters here. Although Feiying Poison Pill is scary, it is not easy to hurt us."

"Feng, Feiying Poison Pill cannot be irritated, so let's not call her this time." Feng Bing said, "Feng, only Feiye is not your wife for the time being, but it should be a matter of time, we know you If you are not happy, don’t hold it in your heart. It may be more comfortable to vent it out."

"Brother Feng, Sister Bing Ning will wait on your bed well when it comes to time!" Lan Wen said with a grin. "Chu Feng, you don't care if you act like this. We are very worried." Yilian said, "We are your wife. If you have emotions, don't hide it in your heart. In the 3,000-meter Shenhai, no one will be happy if you put it on anyone. of."

"Chu Feng, we all look for it together, and we will definitely find a way at that time. I believe that there is no way to the sky. Although the sky is cruel sometimes, it will always leave a ray of life and will not completely block all the way out. "Song Ye said.

Chu Feng laughed and said: "I'm talking about you guys, have you finished talking? I really didn't hold it in my heart. Soon after you left, I started to consolidate my cultivation. With the help of Shenhai, Nether Tun Tian Gong has become very easy!"

"The vastness of the Shenhai is indeed difficult to compress, but it is not without benefits. You know the situation of my Beiming Tuntian Kungfu practice. Now I have made a lot of progress on the eighth level of the Beiming Tuntian Kungfu!" Chu Feng said forcefully. When he clenched his fist, the space in his palm under his grip was shattered.

"Pure physical power?" Yilian said in surprise, "Husband, the strength of your physical body is probably not less than that of a senior emperor who specializes in physical training! But you are only a junior emperor!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Yes, my cultivation level is only the first level of the Emperor God. There is no way, the compression has not been completed, and the soul has not been upgraded, but this does not prevent the physical body from upgrading! By the way, my God Sea was three The kilometer is now 2900 meters. I think it’s only a matter of time before it is compressed to 300 meters. So, you don’t have to worry about it. Can we start now? Looking at a table of delicious food, just talking and not eating , This is really a torture!"

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