Holy Prison

Chapter 1191: Kill the Yin Lord

Chu Feng remained silent. He used the power of a space law again. This was the power of the fifth space law. At the moment when the power of this space law was used, Chu Feng also used the power of the sixth space law!

When Venerable Yin was in the small world of Obtaining Law, the terrifying Space Slash had already appeared above his head! "Puff!" Venerable Yin spouted out his blood, which turned into a huge skeleton on the top of his head.


Chu Feng let out a deep cry, the space that was about to be swallowed by the skeleton suddenly moved to the front of Venerable Yin, "Ah!" Venerable Yin roared, and he forcibly controlled the skeleton and moved it to his chest. However, what made Venerable Yin jumped with anger was that the Space Slash that had come to his chest was actually on top of his head again!

The sound of gold and iron strikes sounded, and the thin-looking head of the Yin Venerable was surprisingly hard, but the power of Chu Feng's spatial slash this time was also very powerful. The spatial slash fell on the Yin Venerable's head. Most of his hair was swallowed, and on the top of his head, a wound that was ten centimeters long and a few inches deep was terrifying!

"Venerable Yin!"

Two figures appeared in Chu Feng's line of sight, and those who dared to see them were all god-excellent figures, and those two people were both god-excellent intermediate-level cultivation bases!

"You should have heard what I said before. It is good for you to help me kill him!" Venerable Yin looked at the two middle-level gods with a pale face, "Help me, it is good, otherwise I When you leave it, you will not escape to death!"

If the first sentence is considered polite, then the latter sentence is a naked threat! "Venerable Yin, you can't leave alive!" Chu Feng sneered. Until now, the strength of Venerable Yin has not even reached the highest level of the gods. "You two, leave here immediately. There is nothing to do with you!"

The shadow of the tree of human name and the fearfulness of Venerable Yin has long been imprinted in the hearts of the two middle-level gods, so although Venerable Yin looks very embarrassed, the two mid-level gods still face Chu Feng had some hands-on meaning.

"You can take a look and choose whether you want to do it or not. I'm the ugly word ahead. Once you do it, then you will be my enemy. Killing you will not take me ten seconds!"

Chu Feng said that the two mid-level gods were ready to act and calmed down a lot. "Look, let's see again, it's not easy to be able to make the Yin Venerable like this!" One of the two mid-level powers of the gods transmitted the sound to his companion. At this time, the two of them wanted to die. Yes, curiosity kills the cat. What are you doing here? No matter which side it is, it seems that you can’t afford to offend. Venerable Bang Yin may be wrong. If Venerable Yin does not help, the trouble will be greatly reduced. !

The small world of the law just now hasn't dissipated, and Chu Feng Feizhou instantly entered the small world of the law. "Bang!" Feizhou slammed into the fist thrown by Venerable Yin, Chu Feng's skill dissipated a lot, and Venerable Yin, his fist was smashed into blood!

"Venerable Yin, this is for you!"

Chu Feng's voice sounded, and a small lotus flower formed by the sacred flame of merit appeared on the head of Venerable Yin. In the small world of Law, the speed of the lotus was extremely fast. Although Venerable Yin wanted to resist its entry, The lotus flower formed by the holy flame of merit entered the body of Venerable Yin all at once!

Venerable Yin roared, and a white flame ignited on his body. Among the white flames, Venerable Yin's many sinister powers were quickly purified by the power of the Holy Flame of Merit.

"Give it to me!" Venerable Yin spouted a big mouth of blood. Those blood formed a blood-colored gourd. The gourd produced powerful suction. On Venerable Yin, the burning merit and holy flames were actually sucked. Flew into the gourd.

Chu Feng frowned: "My strength is still too low. If I have the strength of a god-level, then how can the strength of the sacred flame of merit be so easily sucked away?"

The sacred flame of merit was inhaled by the blood-colored gourd. Venerable Yin smashed the blood-colored gourd with a palm of his hand. The blood-colored gourd was destroyed, and all the sacred flame of merit in it disappeared.

"Venerable Yin, you can't escape." Chu Feng said indifferently. He still has the power of four wisps of space law, and Venerable Yin has now fallen to only the high level of gods. In the past few days, he has mostly 'S treasures are also exhausted. There were a lot of those ghost dolls, but now it is estimated that there are only one or two hundred, and at most it can destroy his power of one or two space laws!

"not necessarily!"

Venerable Yin said coldly and looked at the two middle-level gods. If they helped, it might be him who won, but they just watched and didn't do anything.

"Venerable Yin, die!"

In this short period of time, most of the power in Chu Feng's body was recovered, and the speed of the flying boat quickly reached a terrifying level and then slammed into Venerable Yin.

"I want to see who is dead and who lives!" Venerable Yin's body swelled rapidly. In an instant, his thin body reached twenty meters high and became a strong man with abnormally developed muscles.

"Drink!" Venerable Yin shouted violently, his arm muscles swelled a lot, and his big hands suddenly grabbed the flying boat that was approaching quickly!

Push, push, push!

Venerable Yin was knocked back a few steps by the powerful impact, blood came out of his hand and mouth, but Venerable Yin, whose eyes were burning crazily, didn't care about that at all.

Venerable Yin roared, his arms gathered incomparably terrifying power, under that powerful force, Chu Feng's flying boat was actually grasped by Venerable Yin and smashed to the solid ground.

Chu Feng didn't care about Feizhou. At this time, he used another space law power. At the moment when Feizhou was smashed to the ground, the space integrated with the space law power fell straight to Venerable Yin's door. Above the chest!

Two cry of pain sounded, one from Chu Feng, and one of course from Venerable Yin. The flying boat was smashed to the ground with terrifying power, and Chu Feng's power was immediately taken away. That kind of power The feeling of being lost instantly is not good! As for Venerable Yin, he was cut to the front door and his chest by the space that was fused with the power of the law of space. The damage caused to him was definitely much greater than that of Chu Feng. After all, Chu Feng had a flying boat, and Venerable Yin did not. !

The incomparably violent attack made the two middle-level gods shocked. They knew very well that although their cultivation base was not low, they would definitely not be able to withstand such a powerful attack!

"I'm smashing your thing!" Venerable Yin did not hesitate to hurt himself. He grabbed Feizhou with one hand, and madly raised his fist towards Feizhou with the other. Every punch of the huge fist on the Feizhou was consumed. It loses a lot of Chu Feng's power. Fortunately, if the power of each punch is large enough, the attack speed should not be too fast. Otherwise, Chu Feng guesses that he cannot withstand the crazy attacks of the Yin Venerable!

"Holy Flame of Merit!"

Chu Feng's mind moved a holy flame of merit to the surface of Feizhou, and then spread directly into his body along the hand of Venerable Yin. When the holy flame of merit entered the body, the speed of attack of Venerable Yin immediately slowed down a lot. A lot of power needs to be left in the body to suppress the power of the sacred flame of merit, otherwise the power of the sacred flame of merit will definitely cause him to lose a lot of skill!

"Bei Ming swallows the sky!"

Chu Feng sneered with a sneer when the Northern Ming Heaven Swallowing Skill began to operate. Venerable Yin has gained a powerful attack power in this state, but his power control has dropped a lot. Before, the Northern Ming Heavenly Swallowing Skill could not swallow the Yin Venerable. Powerful, but now it is possible!

Venerable Yin's face changed drastically. He felt a powerful force being sucked away along the hand he was holding the flying boat. Those forces entered the flying boat, and then all entered into Chu Feng’s Heaven-Swallowing Formation. There are six million Heaven-swallowing formations, and many of them are empty.

"Venerable Yin, you are defeated!" Chu Feng said faintly.

"I'm defeated? I don't believe that your skill is infinite. After so many days of fighting, your skill may have reached the bottom! Maybe it's not that I lost, but you can be caught alive by my own!" Venerable Yin roared, by this time, he had no way to calm down. There was still a lot of time before the ten-day deadline, and he knew that he couldn't last that long!

"Venerable Yin, your hope of victory is only my skill exhausted? If this is the case, it will really disappoint you. Although my skill is not full at this time, there is still most of it!" Chu Feng chuckled.

Venerable Yin roared and dealt with the merit holy flame in his body. Although the sacred flame of merit was dealt with, the sacred flame of merit and the swallowing of the Beiming Heavenly Swallowing skill caused him to lose a lot of power. At this time, his body began to shrink slowly, and the intensity of the attack also began to slowly reduce !

"Venerable Yin is over!"

"Well, good thing, if he is alive, we will definitely be in big trouble by then, I hope the other one won't bother us!"

Weakened with a fist, Venerable Yin's eyes slowly showed a look of despair. By this time, he knew that even if he blew himself up, he couldn't hurt Chu Feng!

"Ghost doll, yes, I still have some ghost dolls, maybe they can help me get rid of this bastard!" Venerable Yin seemed to have caught a life-saving straw, and more than a hundred ghost dolls appeared in his space items instantly. outside.

"It's useless!" Chu Feng said indifferently. He said that a ray of the law of space appeared outside, and the more than one hundred ghost dolls were all trapped in the small world of law.

"no no!"

Venerable Yin screamed desperately. His body shape changed rapidly. In just a few seconds, Venerable Yin, who was originally five or six meters tall, turned back to his original appearance and became even thinner!

At this time, Chu Feng did not save the power of the law of space, and used the power of the law of space. This time, Space Slash, which integrated the power of the law of space, did not disappoint Chu Feng, and was weak enough to even not even the Yin Zun of the primary strength of the god. Under the power of Space Slash, the person was easily split in half!

"Woo" More than one hundred ghost dolls screamed excitedly at this time, their small eyes looking at Venerable Yin's body were full of hatred!

"Poor little guys." Chu Feng sighed and shattered the small world of rules. When the small world of rules was shattered, suddenly the more than one hundred ghost dolls madly rushed towards the corpse of the Yin Venerable and ate them. stand up.

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