Holy Prison

Chapter 1192: Group into the abyss

With more than a hundred ghost dolls, the corpse of Venerable Yin was not enough for them. It was just a few seconds before the body of Venerable Yin was eaten by them!

The corpse of Venerable Yin was eaten up, and even the blood on the ground was sucked clean. Although the ghost dolls still looked terrifying, their eyes were not so cruel and became a little bit human.

Chu Feng came out of the flying boat and called in his mind. After three calls, Yilian's figure instantly appeared beside Chu Feng.

"Husband, what?" Yilian said. After she finished speaking, she noticed the more than one hundred ghost dolls. "This evildoer, who is so cruel, actually refines such a ghost with countless children!" Yilian's face is full of frost and frost. Although she is the master of the seventh domain tower, Yilian's current compatibility with the domain tower is relatively low. Without going to a place in person, it is impossible to sense the information of that place.

"It's a Venerable Yin, who has been killed by me!" Chu Feng said, "You are the master of the seventh domain tower. You can take care of Venerable Yin's affairs."

"Venerable Yin, okay, I will take care of it. If someone in his family is involved, none of them will spare them!" Yilian was very angry and authentic. For such a ghost doll, one needs more than a million children. There are now more than a hundred children's bodies and souls here, and the Yin Venerable has fought with Chu Feng, and there must have been many ghost dolls dead in Chu Feng's hands.

"Husband, how much did such a little ghost Yin Venerable refine?" Yilian said. Chu Feng shook his head: "I don't know, but there are more than 3,000 ghost dolls that died in my hands!"

"Damn fellow, I'm afraid that at least tens of billions of children have been killed!" Yilian said angrily. At this point, Yilian looked at the two middle-level gods, "husband, are they involved?" The two mid-level gods were shocked by Yilian's eyes. The feeling that Yilian gave them was too powerful and too powerful, and it seemed that they were not at the same level as them!

Chu Feng shook his head: "No, if they just helped Venerable Yin or I couldn't kill him." "So" Yilian retracted his gaze and looked at the ghost dolls. If Chu Feng they were not here. , Those ghost dolls are probably all gone, but Chu Feng and the others are here, none of the ghost dolls dare to move.

"Let them free them. The souls of those children are entangled with each other. We can't let them disperse at all. Only the power of heaven and earth can make them start again in the future." Chu Feng said softly.

"Yeah." Yilian sighed and nodded slightly. As the master of the domain tower, Yilian can use some of the power of the domain tower in this domain tower. Under the powerful space-swallowing power, those ghosts The doll was swallowed up by the power of space instantly! "Brother Feng, this task should be considered complete, right?" Yilian said.

Chu Feng checked his own data and found that his combat merit points had increased by 20,000, and his domain tower value had also increased by 2,000. "Yes, this task is completed. Yilian, I am going to go to the abyss." Chu Feng said.

"Husband, when you arrive in Philadelphia, remember to call me and I will come out. You are not that safe to go down this time." Elaine said.

The two mid-level gods were scared away a long time ago. Chu Feng hugged Yilian and chuckled: "If you want to protect it, it's useless for others to call your husband."

"Really?" Yilian said with a smile, holding out Chu Feng's chin with the index finger of her right hand stretched out, "Little handsome guy, take care of your sister, sister cover you!"

"How to wait, like this?" Chu Feng said hehe with one hand already climbing a peak on Yilian's chest. "Rogue, this is outside." Yilian patted Chu Feng's hand.

Chu Feng let go of Yilian: "I will let you out then, Yilian, Venerable Yin, don't get angry, there are many such things in the world, and those who can manage can naturally manage, but don't be angry about yourself."

"I know, this is not the first time I have encountered such a thing, but every time I encounter it, I am angry. Husband, please go out first, don't delay things on the other side of the abyss, if you can get a few heavenly hearts by then Son, then it is a big good thing!" Yilian said.

"Hope." Chu Feng disappeared in front of Yilian and appeared outside the domain tower.

"Xiao Mingzi, why are you back?" Chu Feng said in surprise. He came out of the sacred prison space and discovered that Tang Ming and Zhou Wen had all returned to the city of Shenchu.

Tang Ming smiled and said, "Aren't you going to the abyss to have something to do? It's such a fun thing. It's not enough not to call us. Besides, you have reached the Emperor God level but we haven't celebrated with wine. Hurry back!" "Boss, we have never been to the abyss. Go and see, you don't have any opinions?" Zhou Wendao.

"Your master agrees?" Chu Feng said.

"If you disagree with anything, we are not ignorant children." Zhou Wen smiled. Chu Feng shrugged: "Your masters are not against it. What am I against? But you must think clearly that the place in the abyss is not so fun. I can reduce the breath of the abyss, but can you do it?"

"Originally, there was no abyssal anger on his body, but in the past few years, there were a lot of abyssal monsters above Infinity, and more of them were killed. As a result," Tang Ming shook his head helplessly. Chu Feng could feel the abyssal anger on his body more clearly. , For the abyss creature, it can feel more clearly!

"But boss, don't worry, when we use our natal weapons, we can suppress a lot of the abyss of death, as long as it is not very close to us, we should not find it."

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Since you have decided on the past, let's go and take a look. Now that the top powers in the abyss cannot come out, our security in the past was relatively high. It is good to know some of the situation in the abyss earlier. At that time, if you fight with the abyss, it will not be so easy to lose."

"Chu Feng, are you ready to set off?" Meng Hao's laughter came over, and in a short time he and Jitian Slaughter Bruin appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Lao Meng, don't you want to go too?" Chu Feng said. "This time you enter the abyss, not only the matter of your heart, but also the matter of Sun Shu, you have to deal with it. One more person is more safe." Bruin said.

Chu Feng frowned: "Old Bu, that's what I said, but if there are no quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the city of God, I am afraid it is not too safe."

"Chu Feng, you are too worried. Your strength has improved. How many red flowers have reached the full strength of the gods in the first city of God?" Bruin laughed.

"One hundred and sixty-two." Chu Feng said.

Meng Hao patted Chu Feng on the shoulder and laughed: "Young man, with such a defense, what are you worried about? A quasi-sage-level powerhouse, dare to enter the city and make trouble? One hundred and sixty-two commanded gods The consummation powerhouse, with this powerful force, even the combination of five or six quasi-saint-level powerhouses would not dare to enter the Divine Beginning City to make trouble!"

"Besides, there are hundreds of god-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. Unless a large number of people are dispatched to completely destroy the entire Shenchu ​​City, but if there is such a power, even if there are one or two quasi-holy-level powerhouses. It is of no use in Shenchu ​​City!"

Zhou Wen smiled and said: "Boss, An La An La, so many of us are outside, unless we hang up, who would be so stupid to destroy God Chu City, destroying it will not have a big blow to our strength."

Chu Feng considered it for a while and nodded: "Well, this time we will go on a tour together. But if you say in advance, when you get there, you will sometimes stay in my treasure space."

Tang Ming and the others nodded in agreement. Chu Feng confessed something, and then the group of people quickly teleported towards Philadelphia. Now infinity is not only the teleportation array that reaches the abyss in Philadelphia, but it is far away from Shenchu ​​City. The nearest one is the teleportation array in Philadelphia.

"Finally here, boss, we will still have our own teleportation array to the abyss when we are in the first city of God. Now this is more troublesome, and sometimes things may go wrong." Zhou Wen came out of the Philadelphia teleportation array and glanced around. Tao.

"This is possible." Chu Feng nodded slightly, "However, such teleportation arrays are generally immovable, and we don't have the ability to build such teleportation arrays. If we know where there are mobile teleportation arrays, then We will think of a way to see if we can get to Shenchu ​​City."

Chu Feng and his party have hidden their appearance, people with a low cultivation base can't see it, but people with a higher cultivation base can still see it!

"It's Chu Feng from Shenchu ​​City. Those three who can't see the cultivation base should be Meng Hao and other quasi-sage seniors!"

"It's not far from the days that Chu Feng said before. They went to the abyss to estimate that they wanted to hand over Tianxinzi, but with so many people going out, I am afraid that it is impossible for others to want his Xinzi without paying some price."

Some people who knew Chu Feng and their identities secretly talked about it. On the face of it, they all knowingly didn't come up to salute or anything.

"We need to use the teleportation array." Chu Feng said directly to the teleportation array. Although it hasn't changed back to its original appearance, the god-level powerhouse next to the teleportation array will not fail to see their identity. "City Master Chu!" The god-level powerhouse respectfully said, "City Master Chu, of course you have no problem with using it."

Chu Feng nodded slightly and thought Yilian appeared outside. As for Feng Bingning and Lan Wen in the holy prison space, Chu Feng did not let them out. Feng Bingning was pregnant, but Lan Wen, though Became the master of the domain tower, but the strength is not high now.

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