Holy Prison

Chapter 1197: Spirit wine miraculous effect

"Senior Jiujian, I don't think you can fight anymore. Let's stay here and leave after drinking this wine." Chu Feng said. "Drink it? After drinking this kind of wine at once, wouldn't it be no longer expected, OK?" Jiu Jian shook his head repeatedly.

After Jiujian finished speaking, Long Xiao and the others were all opposed, "Then what do you guys say?" Chu Feng spread his hands and said, "How about the equal distribution? Everyone drank differently, no one who drank more and who drank less? ."

"Agree!" Long Xiao, Meng Hao, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, Chu Long said in unison, Jiu Jian helplessly: "I said you guys, you are not very good wine, why are you arguing with me for this? I will compensate. Will your other benefits come true? Old reptile, if you let me share your share, you will pay back the favor you owed me! Tang Ming, what do you three want? I still have some, I want What do you say. Brother Meng, there are you."

Long Xiao shook his head again and again: "Old drunkard, there is nothing else to say. Don't think that only you can taste the goodness of this spirit wine. I will pay you the favor in the future. You can't give this wine to you!"

"Senior Jiujian, I don't have any needs."

"I do not have either!"

Tang Ming and the others expressed their stance one by one, they all took a fancy to the wine, and no one was tempted by the wine sword. "It seems that it can only be divided equally." Chu Feng smiled.

Chu Feng quickly divided a large jar of wine into equal parts, and one person only got a small bottle. "Senior Long Xiao, after you drank it, did Shentu respond?" Chu Feng asked after dividing the wine.

"Shendi reaction? There seems to be no reaction." Long Xiao said in surprise, "Why, is there any reaction in your Shenhai?"

They were all trusted people. Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Well, after drinking the glass of wine just now, Shenhai's pressure is not so great. I tried to compress it, but I didn't expect it to be easier. Coming to Mi, if we work harder, there should be no problem if we compress it by two or three meters."

"Is it effective for your Shenhai?" Long Xiao said in astonishment, Meng Hao and the rest of the people also showed surprise in their eyes. Shenhai compression is extremely difficult, they have never heard that drinking can make Shenhai compress It's easy! "Well, I'll try again, I don't know if it is the effect of the spirit wine." Chu Feng said as he poured himself a glass from his small wine bottle and drank it.

After quietly savoring for a few minutes, Chu Feng focused on Shen Ying and Shen Hai. "It's really loosened again!" Chu Feng was overjoyed. The Beiming Swallowing Formation that was previously established hadn't dissipated. Chu Feng's mind moved the suction of the Beiming Swallowing Formation again, and the **** of more than 2,740 meters The sea was compressed to only 2,740 meters!

"Is there an effect?" Meng Hao said. Actually, he didn't need to ask. From the joy in Chu Feng's eyes, they could see that the glass of spirit wine that Chu Feng just drank was definitely rewarding.

Chu Feng smiled and nodded: "Well, it does have an effect. I compressed it by about eight meters. I didn't expect this spirit wine to have such an effect. Senior Jiujian, you know a lot about wine. I don't know if there is such an effect. Information?"

Jiu Jian nodded slightly: "There is a little bit. Spirit wine can be alive. I thought it was a legend, but I didn't expect it to be true. If this is the case, then some other information may be true. Spirit wine has spirit, then Spirit, not only makes people happy while drinking, some spirit wines have additional effects!"

"Ancient records say that drinking some spirit wines can increase the talent of people who drink it, some can enhance some strength, and some can make the soul more transparent. What kind of effects can it have, except In addition to spirit wine, it is also related to the person who drinks it! Even if you drink the same spirit wine, different people are likely to drink different effects!"

"Chu Feng, you'd better keep this wine and drink it slowly." Meng Hao's mind moved the small bottle of wine he had just distributed and appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Boss, we drank it and it didn't seem to have much effect. The fairy danced. Is it because you are so charming, so this wine calls you more?" Zhou Wen smiled happily and his bottle of wine also appeared in front of Chu Feng. .

In a short time, even the bottle of wine obtained by Jiu Jian arrived in front of Chu Feng. "Chu Feng, if this wine doesn't have this effect, then you don't want to take it back from me, but since it can make your Shenhai easy to compress, then this wine is too precious for you." Jiu Jian said He forcibly removed his eyes from the wine bottle he had taken out.

"I said what you are doing, you have already given away things, how can I take them back!" Chu Feng scolded with a smile, "Take it away and put it away. Even though I only have one bottle, I want to Think of a way, maybe you can get the second and third altars at that time!"

"Boss, really?" Zhou Wen said.

Chu Feng gave Zhou Wen a blank look: "Do I need to make a joke about my strength?" "Huh, say it earlier, behave my baby, come back soon." Jiu Jian waved, and the small bottle of wine he just took out was renewed. The earth returned to his hand, gently stroking the wine bottle, throwing a sword like he was stroking a stunning beauty!

"Then save it for you first. I will drink a small cup a year from now on. If you want to go back, you have to be as early as possible, otherwise there will be no farts." Long Xiao smiled.

"Chu Feng, if you didn't get the second and third altar, then I really have to say it early and try my best to keep it for you, but this wine is so attractive, we really can't guarantee how long it will last!" As Hao said, he also treasured the small bottle of wine he took out!

"Brother, how did you get the wine? Do you want us to help?" Chu Long said. Chu Feng shook his head: "The wine was obtained in the weird space where Yilian used to stay. Yilian and I can go in with some effort. If you say, it is impossible to get in!"

"It's a pity!" Jiu Jian sighed slightly, "Chu Feng, do you have any other good wines? Although this wine is good, I can't bear to drink it."

Chu Feng smiled and thought. Many kinds of wine appeared on the stone table in the pavilion. The wines that can be taken out by Chu Feng are all good wines, but I just drank the spirit wine, so I will drink these at this time. Jiu made everyone, including Chu Feng himself, shook their heads.

"Oh, it seems that I don't need to drink for at least half a year! Good wine is good, but after a glass of it, my stomach will be spoiled!" Jiu Jian shook his head.

Chu Feng said: "Xiaolong, you entertain people, I will practice." They are all friends, Chu Feng is not very polite, he disappeared in front of Long Xiao and the others as soon as he finished speaking.

Inside the sacred prison space, "Miao Xian'er, buy wine, buy me ten altars of this dancing fairy wine, no, a hundred altars first!" Chu Feng exclaimed a little excitedly.

Just drinking a small cup at a time has that effect. If you drink more at a time, if you can compress it to 300 meters with this wine and reach the middle level of Emperor God, it is simply too cool!

"Chu Feng, no!" said Miao Xian'er and appeared in front of Chu Feng instantly. Chu Feng said quickly: "Miao Xian'er, what are you talking about?"

"Chu Feng, you can't buy a hundred altars of Wuxian wine in the holy prison shop. You know, if you buy more than a certain amount of a product, the price will increase a lot, and the price in the holy prison shop is now the highest The commodity is the standard top grade spar of 50 trillion catties, and Wuxian wine is one of such items!"

Chu Feng frowned suddenly: "Miao Xian'er, how much can you buy?"

"Nine altars, you have already purchased one altar, and the price of ten altars of Wuxian Wine will increase!" Miao Xianer said. "So few!" Chu Feng said in astonishment, he bought a lot of things in the holy prison space, and the price of many things would only change if they were purchased for hundreds of thousands!

"Chu Feng, there are already a lot of nine altars. You should pray that this Wuxian wine will be useful if you drink too much!" Miao Xianer said, "No matter what the elixir, the body will develop resistance if it absorbs too much. Maybe you drink it. One or two jars of this fairy dancing wine will no longer have any effect on you!"

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Miao Xian'er, you can't say something nice. If one or two of them have no effect, then I will trouble you!"

"I'm afraid you won't make it." Miao Xian'er said proudly. Chu Feng stretched out a pair of magical hands to grasp the firmness in front of Miao Xian'er's chest and knead it for a while before he said: "Nine altars are nine altars, Miao Xian'er, buy nine altars, if you don't have enough money, you will lose some spar Right!"

Soon, Jiu Tan Wuxian Wine appeared in front of Chu Feng. Chu Feng checked the goods in the store. Wuxian Wine was no longer among the items for sale!

Chu Feng raised his head, and he drank a big sip of the small bottle of Wuxian wine that belonged to him. This big sip was a lot more than the small glass before.

The familiar feeling came again. Chu Feng felt that his body and soul seemed to relax. A few minutes later, Chu Feng sank into the **** infant. Sure enough, Shen Hai, which had been compressed to the extreme, was at this time again. It became a little looser, and under the compression of the Beiming Tuntian Formation, Chu Feng's Shenhai quickly shrank by twelve or three meters!

One sip, another sip, that small bottle of Wuxian wine is not much, but in less than an hour, all the small bottle of Wuxian wine entered Chu Feng’s stomach. While enjoying the wine, Chu Feng was two thousand seven hundred before The forty-meter Shenhai was compressed to only 2,700 meters!

Forty meters, this looks very inconspicuous, but you must know that at the beginning, the Chufeng Swallowing Array reached 5 million and only compressed a mere 100 meters. At that time, it was easier to compress than it is now. A lot!

"Two thousand seven hundred meters! I don't know if the nine jars of wine combined can make me rush to within two kilometers!" Chu Feng's face was full of smiles. This Wuxian wine was definitely an unexpected surprise for him!

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