Holy Prison

Chapter 1198: Auction announcement

As time passed slowly, the nine wine jars became empty one by one. Chu Feng drank a clean one of the Wuxian wine in just half a month, and his Shenhai from two thousand 700 meters straight down to 2016 meters, although Jiutan Wuxian Wine did not make Chufeng Shenhai within two kilometers, but the distance is very small!

"Huh!" Chu Feng took a long breath and his face was full of smiles. From 3,000 meters Shenhai to 2,000 meters, it would take at least a hundred years according to Chu Feng's original estimate, but how long has it passed now? In less than a year, the 3,000-meter Shenhai is only 2,000 meters away!

"It's a pity that Immortal Dance Wine is gone, otherwise it would be cool!" Chu Feng said with a light smile. "Unsatisfied guy." Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng was sitting cross-legged and stood up at this time: "Can you be satisfied? The subsequent compression is even more difficult. Without the help of Wuxian Wine, it is estimated that it will take at least five hundred years to go from the primary level of the Emperor God to the Emperor God. Intermediate! I haven't had five hundred years from my birth to now!"

"Chu Feng, you will slow down in your training in the future, that's a sure thing!" Miao Xian'er said and appeared in front of Chu Feng, "Such a wide Shenhai, if your training still makes rapid progress, then let others How to live? If you can compress Shenhai to 300 meters to reach the middle level of Emperor God in 500 years, then this speed is not very good, but I estimate that you will reach the Emperor within 500 years The possibility of an intermediate **** is not high!"

"The more difficult the compression becomes, the more difficult it becomes. Your estimate of the difficulty will be small now."

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "If you don't reach it in five hundred years, you won't be able to reach it. The 3,000-meter Shenhai can improve your cultivation. God is already very good to me!"

"Magic Shu asked me to tell her when you wake up, will you tell me?" Miao Xian'er hummed softly. "Tell me, she must know that I'm awake as soon as I go out." Chu Feng said with a smile on his face. The devil's appearance and figure are all top-notch, especially when I am with Miao Xian'er. Double enjoyment!

"Husband, what are you thinking about?" Yilian gently reached behind Chu Feng and massaged him. "Thinking about Tianxinzi." Chu Feng said.

An invisible barrier formed around Yilian's mind. "Husband, didn't you care about Tianxinzi's things a long time ago?" Yilian said strangely.

Chu Feng said: "If I ask someone to take another Tianxinzi to attend the event, and Tianxinzi gives it to him, I won’t be able to get gifts prepared by someone who has prepared something and wants to get Tianxinzi, but if Tianxinzi Give it to others, that's not what I want."

"Husband, if you don't get it, you won't get it, and there's nothing, right? We don't lack treasures." Yilian said in surprise.

Chu Feng shook his head: "You don't understand, from Qiseye, I still owe a foreign debt of 20 billion jin of the best spar." "20 billion jin, this is not a small amount." Yilian Weiwei He frowned. "Well, it's not a small amount. I promised Venerable Qiye to pay it back in a hundred years." Chu Feng said.

"It has been a hundred years, but this is not bad! We figured out a way, it should be no problem to get a treasure worth 20 billion jin of top spar in a hundred years." Yilian said.


At this moment, a little bit of Chu Long in the distance shouted loudly at Chu Feng and the others. Chu Feng and the others couldn’t hear what the outsiders said, but the voices of the people outside the enchantment, Chu Feng, could hear clearly. of.

The barrier between Yilian's moving thoughts disappeared, "What?" Chu Feng looked at Chu Long's side. Within a few steps, Chu Long had already reached the water pavilion where Chu Feng and the others were now.

"Brother, someone posted an announcement at the gate of the East City of the City of Innocence." Chu Long said. "Announcement, what announcement?" Chu Feng asked curiously, and Chu Long hurried over to find him. This announcement is only relevant!

Chu Long waved a light curtain and appeared. What the light curtain showed was the scene at the entrance of the East City. There was a notice in the center of the light curtain!

"The word Yu Chufeng and all of you who have Tianxinzi friends, Tianxinzi, should be randomly given to those who are present at that time! Those who are present with Tianxinzi at that time, everyone will give Chu Feng a certain benefit, and then everyone will get the opportunity of Tianxinzi! or Everyone directly bid for the auction, and the higher the price is! Chu Feng will give it to whoever pleases the eye. This method is not appropriate!"

Even if what Chu Long produced was only an image, Chu Feng was a little moved when he looked at the words. Those words were definitely not written by a god-exalted powerhouse, they must have been written by a quasi-saint-level powerhouse!

The word "agree" was also written by a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, but it was not the same person who made the announcement. The word "agree" is like two peerless swords exuding extremely powerful aura!

"Xiaolong, when did this appear?" Chu Feng said. "Just now." Chu Long said, "First the announcement appeared, and then someone quickly wrote the word agree on it. Brother, how do I reply now?"

"Watch the changes! Okay, Xiaolong, you can do your business first." Chu Feng said.

"Yeah." Chu Long nodded and left Chu Long quickly. Chu Feng immediately opened the Sky Eye, but the scan of the Sky Eye did not find any trace of the quasi-saint-level expert. "Chu Feng, there is no need to scan now. Even if you find a quasi-sage-level powerhouse, who knows if there is a Tianxinzi? Then they will be there one by one who want Tianxinzi." Miao Xian'er laughed.

"Close it." Chu Feng said in his mind. "Husband, what do you do now? Two methods, whether it’s the random at the front or the higher price at the back, your Tianxinzi, you can’t be the master, even if you let people hold Tianxinzi to get there, it will be very big. May not get Tianxinzi." Yilian said.

Chu Feng looked at the lake for a while and said softly: "Since they want to do this, then just rely on them, but my Tianxinzi is not so easy to get."

As Chu Feng said, turned around a large piece of paper and spread it on the stone table in front of him, along with a brush, Mo Shuo.

"Yilian, polish me some ink! Today I am also arty." Chu Feng chuckled. "Okay." Yilian smiled and rubbed the ink.

The ink is the best ink. It didn't take long for the pitch-black ink to appear, and Chu Feng quickly started writing on the rice paper with a brush in his hand.

"I want to get Tianxinzi's friend first. Tianxinzi is mine. I will give it to whoever I want. But since everyone thinks this is unfair, then I will give you a fair way!

Second, Fenglin City will establish a new auction site, named Tianxin Auction Site, which will be used for this special auction of Tianxinzi!

Third, if the holder of Tianxinzi wants to be eligible to participate in the auction, he needs to pay a total of 5 billion billion catties of the best magic stone as the auction fee. The auction fee is non-refundable. If you want to participate, you can participate. Yes, feel free! Those who don’t have Tianxinzi, if they want to watch the auction, they can pay a total of one million billion catties of superb magic stones to qualify for viewing!

Fourth, I accept Tianxinzi. If someone with low strength has Tianxinzi and doesn’t know how to deal with it, please contact me directly. I will auction the Tianxinzi I received at that time. No information will be leaked to the person who is my Tianxinzi! Of course, if someone wants to sell Tianxinzi directly at the Tianxin Auction House, that’s ok. Tianxin Auction House does not charge any fees!

Fifth, I am a clone of Bafang City Gate in the City of Innocence, waiting for those who want me to help sell Tianxinzi! "

"Elian, what do you think?" Chu Feng put down the brush and smiled lightly.

Yilian frowned slightly and said: "Husband, that Tianxinzi is really auctioned off, but in that case, you would have only one of two."

"Even if it is sold, I believe it will come back at that time!" Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "As long as we determine who is in the hands of the thing, we will come to the door when we are more powerful, and Tianxinzi will still be obedient. It will take a long time for the earth to get Tianxinzi in our hands. As long as you know where Tianxinzi is, it’s not that urgent."

Yilian nodded: "If this is the case, then there is no problem. It's just that the entrance fee is 5 billion billion, will this be too high? If you block the person with Tianxinzi outside, it won't Okay." Chu Feng said indifferently: "If you can't even get 5 billion billion catties of the best spar, then come and take a fart? Why don't you give me Tianxinzi to auction off Tianxinzi and make a fortune? !"

Without further modification, Chu Feng’s clones quickly posted the announcement to the gates of the City of Innocence. After the notice was posted, each of Chu Feng’s clones were quietly near the gates. Practice it.

If it was said that the previous quasi-saint-level powerhouse's notice only caused a small wave, then the Chu Feng's notice caused a lot of fluctuations!

"The entrance fee of 5 billion billion yuan, this Chu Feng said is not small, but when the time comes to get so much worth of things, this king will see if you can keep it!"

"It's actually going to be auctioned. It seems that it was not easy for Xinzi to get it that day!"

"One trillion tickets, I'm afraid there is no more expensive ticket in the history of the abyss!"

Only a few months have passed since the agreed date, and countless pairs of eyes were watching the City of Innocence. It was only a short time after Chu Feng's announcement was posted that the content of his announcement was already known to many powerful people!

Day by day, although there are one hundred billion tickets, after three months have passed, the Tianxin auction has sold more than 10,000 tickets, but the more than 10,000 tickets are 100. Huge income of over 100 million catties of the best spar! It's just that the tickets sold here are not bad, and there is no one who finds him to help him sell Tianxin Stone in the eight clones of Chu Feng!

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