Holy Prison

Chapter 1199: One piece of Tenshinko

"Master Chu Feng, I want to talk to you."

At the West Gate of the Sin City, a clone of Chu Feng was practicing quietly, and a voice rang in his mind abruptly!

Someone speaks!

Chu Feng's eyes opened slowly, "Don't let me down again." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart that his eight clones stayed near the eight gates of the City of Innocence just to wait until someone sent Tianxinzi. I came home, but after three months, someone contacted him, but none of those people wanted him to help auction Tianxinzi!

"What's the matter?"

Chu Feng's voice sounded in the mind of a junior person who was not too far away from him. "Master Chu Feng, it's about Tianxinzi, I have a Tianxinzi!" The voice sounded again in Chu Feng's heart, but there was no strange color on his face. Pay attention to his eight clones. It must be quite a lot, but it would be bad if people noticed something strange.

"You enter the City of Innocence and just find a hotel to stay in. Then there will be a suction force acting on you, don't resist!" Chu Feng said through the voice. After he finished speaking, he sighed and closed his eyes again. .

The powerhouse of the elementary **** stopped and read the announcement for a while, and then according to what Chu Feng said, he quickly entered the City of Innocence and opened a room.

Sitting nervously in my heart, a suction force quickly acted on a strong man who is a god-level junior. The strong man who is a god-level junior did not resist, and his people disappeared in the room in an instant. In the holy prison space.


In the holy prison space, Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Master Xie Chufeng!" The powerhouse of the elementary **** respectfully saluted and then sat down.

"Master Chu Feng, hehe, I'm just the primary cultivation base of the Emperor God." Chu Feng smiled, "You just said that you have a heavenly heart?"

"Master Chu Feng joked. As the master of God Chu City, what does your own cultivation base make a little bit low? Besides, Master Chu Feng, your strength does not match your own cultivation base." The strong man said, "Master Chu Feng, I do have a heavenly heart, but I don't have it!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Friend, you can just say anything straightforward. You have a heart, and you are willing to come to me. That is your trust in me. Chu Feng should be considered a trustworthy person. You can rest assured. , As long as your conditions are not too excessive, you can still discuss some things with your Tianxinzi."

The powerhouse of the elementary **** god heaved a sigh of relief: "Master Chu Feng, I need 60% of the auction proceeds, 50%, this is a little too low! In addition, I want to get the innocence The super innocence order of the city becomes a member of the city of innocence!"

"Sixty percent, innocence order, are these two things?" Chu Feng said. The powerhouse of the elementary **** nodded quickly: "Yes, Master Chu Feng, these are the two."

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Sixty percent is no problem, but I want to know why you want to join the City of Innocence, have you gotten into some powerful forces?"

"It's not. I didn't get into a powerful force. It's just that" the old **** who is a junior strong man blushed. "I came to the City of Innocence this time and I saw a woman. She is the City of Innocence. The person who has lived for so long has never touched her heart. She did not expect this. She is from the City of Innocence. She said that if I want to be nice to her, at least I must be from the City of Innocence. "

"That's it, there is no other reason?" Chu Feng smiled, "Actually, with your cultivation base of the god-exalted level, to become a member of the City of Innocence, you don't need to mention this condition to me. It won't take long to apply. Time will be a member of the City of Innocence."

The powerhouse of the primary **** nodded, "I know, but it won't take long, and it will take at least three or four years. I can't wait."

"Haha, the power of love is really great!" Chu Feng laughed. Shan, who is an elementary god, said with a smile: "I have always been dismissive of women, I didn't expect it."

"Understand, the more you are, the stronger the feeling will be if you meet someone who is tempted!" Chu Feng smiled, "My friend, since you want to stay in the city of innocence in the future, then I miss me I can know your name."

"My surname is Cheng, Cheng Yuan!"

Miao Xian'er has not spoken, indicating that Cheng Yuan did not lie. "Cheng Yuan, I agreed to your request, where is Tianxinzi?" Chu Feng smiled.

Cheng Yuan hesitated for a moment. A Tianxinzi suddenly appeared in his hand. "Master Chu Feng, take a look, there is nothing wrong with Xinzi this day, right?" Cheng Yuan said.

Chu Feng took over that day's Xinzi, the strange aura that Tianxinzi exudes cannot be forged, and what Cheng Yuan took out is naturally a real Tianxinzi, not a fake one!

"That's right." Chu Feng was overjoyed, but his face was still relatively calm, "Cheng Yuan, you can apply to join the City of Innocence now. I will tell Chu Long that your application will be processed quickly. ! In fact, it is possible to give you a special order of innocence directly, but in that case, your risk will increase! By the way, 60% of the auction money is not a small amount, so you put such a large amount of property It's probably uneasy on your body, you can choose to withdraw only a small part of the remaining items for the time being and then withdraw later!"

"Of course, this is your freedom, and there is no problem if you want to withdraw all at once."

Cheng Yuan stood up: "Thank you, Master Chu Feng, Master Chu Feng, then I'll leave first!" Chu Feng nodded slightly, and with a wave of his hand, Cheng Yuan disappeared in the holy prison space and returned to what he had opened before. In that room.

"Jiejie, it seems that luck is pretty good!" As soon as Cheng Yuan disappeared, Chu Feng's face suddenly smiled with great satisfaction. "Shit luck." Miao Xian'er smiled and appeared beside Chu Feng, "I didn't expect that guy didn't give Tianxinzi to the strong man in the abyss, but gave it to you!"

"This fully shows that my character is strong!" Chu Feng laughed and said, "Miao Xian'er, this Tianxinzi can receive rewards now?"

Miao Xian'er nodded: "Naturally, it is okay, but when two Tianxinzi are auctioned off, you won’t get any rewards if you get two Tianxinzi in a row! And if the task is not completed by then, you can receive it like this The rewards and punishments are huge."

"I will receive the reward first! Receive the reward!" Chu Feng said.

"OK!" Miao Xian'er said, Chu Feng quickly checked his own information. The previous domain tower value and merit points were 6746 and 14323252; after receiving the reward, the merit points increased by 2 million. More than 16 million, and the domain tower value reached more than 26,700!

"More than 20,000 domain towers are worth, and reaching the tenth floor of the seventh domain tower is no problem." Chu Feng said and quickly entered the seventh domain tower.

The domain tower on the seventh floor requires 15,000 domain tower values ​​from the ninth to the tenth floor. Chu Feng found the portal long ago, and it didn't take long to get to the location of the portal.

He gently pressed his hand on the portal that only he could see, and he instantly opened the portals on the ninth and tenth floors of the No. 7 Domain Tower!

"Thunder-winged tiger, stop!"

As soon as he reached the tenth floor, Chu Feng immediately saw a fierce battle. "Transformers?" Chu Feng's eyes were surprised, dozens of kilometers ahead of him, just now, a robot with a height of hundreds of meters suddenly turned into a mechanical tiger with huge wings and quickly fled.

"Mocha, stop, or I will kill this human!" The huge mechanical tiger instantly rushed to Chu Feng's side and said viciously at the approaching huge robot.

"Thunder-winged tiger, this is a battle between our mechanical races, don't hurt humans!" The huge robot stopped thousands of meters away from Chu Feng and buzzed. "Mocha, if you want him to live, then you leave me immediately, otherwise, I will slap him to death!"

Chu Feng watched with interest. Of course he would not be afraid. These two mechanical life strengths are very strong, but they are only equivalent to the strength of the Emperor God level. Even if he is just an ordinary Emperor God junior powerhouse to win them What suspense.

"Thunder-winged tiger, justice will defeat evil, and you will die in my hands sooner or later!" Mocha said angrily. "Humans have a saying, Dao is one foot high, Devil is one foot high, hahaha!" The thunder-winged tiger laughed wildly.

Chu Feng appeared on top of the thunder-winged tiger's head with a sway, and stomped lightly, and suddenly the thunder-winged tiger, who looked very strong and short under his feet, knelt down with two front feet. "Little tiger, do you want to kill me?" Chu Feng smiled softly. He stomped his foot again, and the thunder-winged tiger's head was directly on the ground.

"Roar! Roar!" Thunder-winged tiger struggled violently, but no matter how hard it struggles, it can't lift its head. Mocha looked at Chu Feng's actions in shock. He didn't expect that the Thunder-winged Tiger, who had fought with him for many years, would be trampled by a human being Chu Feng!

"Another superhuman?" Moka thought of a possibility in an instant. Except for this possibility, he really couldn't think of other possibilities. According to his knowledge, there are two parts in this world, one of which is a mechanical race. There are many other races in the other area. Humans are one of the most powerful races. On this area, humans are very weak, but on that area, many humans are stronger than them!

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