Holy Prison

Chapter 1250: Gather command

"Song Ye had such an accident, and there was a reason for it. Pass my order to every person in Orga Village. If it doesn't work for me as the village chief, then I want to be the lord of Godchu City. I want to meet you. They should still have no problem." Chu Feng said solemnly.

"Village Chief, do you suspect that such a thing happened in Ferry Leaf," the old man said. The faces of the people in the five Orga Villages have changed. In the rest of the area, many people in Orga Village are also concerned. Here, they heard the old man's words and his face changed instantly.

"Internal rape? Impossible, how could there be an internal **** in Oga Village, and the victim was still Shaoye" The other person couldn't believe it.

"Yes, Shaoye is kind to people and is good for everyone. How could someone harm her?"

Chu Feng waved his hand and those people stopped talking. "Don’t be stunned here, and immediately issue my order. Make sure to pass the order to every person in Orga Village. If you don’t obey the order and don’t return to Orga Village this time, then I will suspect that he is Oga Traitor of Jiacun!" Chu Feng said coldly.

The entire Orga Village was a little messed up, and a series of messages quickly spread from Orga Village to the hands of everyone in Orga Village!

The news spread to the gathering of all the people in Aojia Village. It took a lot of time. Chu Feng did not stay in Aojia Village. From Aojia Village, Chu Feng and Miao Feiying arrived soon. Rhine City where Meilianzi is now located.

"Chu Feng, why didn't you come here with Song Ye? All the men are probably this kind of sex." Meilianzi glanced at Miao Feiying and hummed.

"Don't you know that something happened to Songye?" Chu Feng stared into Meilianzi's eyes. "What?" Mei Lianzi said in surprise, "What happened to Song Ye?"

Chu Feng directly passed the information about the body of Song Ye to Mei Lian Zi. "How could this happen, how could it happen!" Meilianzi's expression changed, "I finally made a friend, how could something like this happen? Chu Feng, who is the murderer, have you caught it?"

"I want to know if the murderer is you." Chu Feng said, Lin Kuang whose mind turned into his body appeared beside him. "Master, the breath does not match." Lin Kuang's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Chu Feng, please don't spit people with blood, the issue of Feiye has nothing to do with me! She is my only friend at the moment, how could I kill her" Meilianzi said angrily, "Chu Feng, if Feiye was my killer Yes, I curse that I will never be rewarded! You leave me, thank you!"


Chu Feng said, turning around and preparing to leave, "Song Ye loves you very much. She has something to do. I hope you can find the murderer. If you find the murderer, please tell me!" Mei Lianzi said.

"Song Ye may not have died yet, I will find a way to recover her. As for the murderer, don't worry, I will find him no matter where he escapes!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Chu Feng and the others left quickly, and Meilianzi sat down in a daze. "How could this happen, who on earth dealt with Shaoye" Meilianzi murmured.

Leaving Meilianzi, Tianyan kept staring at Meilianzi's side. "Chu Feng, it is probably not Meilianzi, if it is Meilianzi, then it can only be said that her acting skills have reached the level of unpredictable ghosts!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind.

Chu Feng also agreed with this view. If it was Meilianzi, then after they left, Meilianzi's eyes or expressions should have changed more or less, but they did not show the horse horns at all, and did not show anything at all. Here, there is generally only one possibility, that is, the murderer is not Meilianzi!

"Chu Feng, what are you thinking about? I don't think Meilianzi has dealt with Shaoye." Miao Feiying said. "I know." Chu Feng nodded slightly.

Yilian's voice entered Chu Feng's mind, and soon Yilian and Chu Feng all appeared in front of Chu Feng.

"Elian, why are you back?" Chu Feng said. "How can we not come back after such a thing? Elder Meng temporarily guards the City of Innocence." Yilian asked back, "Has the murderer found out?"

Chu Feng shook his head and looked at Tang Wan: "Tang Wan, you have a magic eye in your body, and the magic eye may send out news, so I think."

"Go to your treasure space and verify if the news from the magic eye? No problem." Tang Wan said before Chu Feng finished.

Without saying more, Chu Feng and the others immediately entered the holy prison space.

"Wan'er, let the magic eye come out." Zhou Wen said.

Tang Wan nodded and called in her heart, and soon a little black light appeared in her eyes. "A few little guys actually suspected me. If I still had the strength at the beginning, I would definitely let you know what life is better than death! I didn't spread the news of Tianxinzi." Tang Wan sneered.

"Hmph, it's better not to look for me for such **** in the future, I won't hurt you little guys, you are stronger, it will do no harm to me!" The magic eye said that the black light in Tang Wan's eyes disappeared instantly. "It doesn't seem to be the magic eye. Could it be that the news of Tianxinzi, No. 1 or Pope Guangming has been passed on?" Tang Ming frowned.

Zhou Wen said: "At the beginning, there were only a few of us, the three of them, and Pope Guangming has the number one! Only these people know the news of Tianxinzi. First make sure that no one of us has said anything, although this is not It is possible, but don't make us all suspicious."

"Fatty, what are you talking about, people like us naturally cannot spread the news." Chu Feng said. "Boss, I know this naturally, but it's better to be sure! I didn't spread the news of Tianxinzi." Zhou Wendao. "Neither did I." Tang Wan said.

Tang Ming and the others also said that the people here, naturally, no one told Tianxinzi's message. "Boss, no one of us lies, right?" Zhou Wen said with a smile.

Chu Feng rolled his eyes and said, "What do you mean? Give one more idea. It is impossible for us people to spread the news. It is also possible for them to be together. They have been together for so long. If these few can't be trusted If so, then this world is really terrible!"

"Then there will only be Number One and Pope Bright!" Elaine said. "Husband, the Sky Eye locked them? Have you found them appearing infinitely?" Yilian Chuanyin asked.

"No, since they left before, they have not appeared in the sensing range of the Sky Eye, but it cannot be ruled out that it is not them! When the Song Ye accident, I was very far away from Orga Village, even if Pope Bright and they just It is impossible for the god-level cultivation base to sense such a long distance, not to mention that they have a quasi-saint-level cultivation base, and the cultivation base is strong, and the sensing range of the sky eye is correspondingly reduced." Chu Feng is also a voice transmission.

Chu Feng and the others discussed a lot of time, but the discussion did not come up with a result. "Hey, it seems that we have to wait for the people in Aojia Village to gather and know who the traitor is. Maybe there will be a clue then." Zhou Wen sighed, "I'm so impatient to live, and I'm looking for trouble in God Chu City. "

"Fatty, don't be arrogant. Although our Godchucheng is now strong in overall strength, there are still many people who are not afraid to move our Godchucheng! We are confident that we can't know our identity. If one person is hungry and the whole family is not hungry, Neither of these two types of people are so afraid to deal with the people in God Chucheng, as long as they have enough benefits, they will take action!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"I know, boss, why do I have a feeling of wind and rain? Could it be that the saint is about to wake up? But don't wake up so early, our cultivation is only the emperor's great perfection, and there is no emperor's calamity. Get over! If there is a saint who is the enemy by then, then we will hang it." Zhou Wen said helplessly.

Chu Feng shrugged and smiled: "God knows when the saint will wake up, but I think there should be a lot of time. Don't scare yourself, worry about this, it's useless! Okay, let's go out, and I Yilian stays on the side of Orga Village, you all go back to God Chucheng, spend more time practicing, such things as Songye, I hope there will be no more troubles!"

"Yeah!" Tang Ming nodded and replied. It is not a single thing for so many people to gather on the side of Orga Village. With Yilian on this side, the strength of this side is sufficient.

Tang Ming and the others left, Chu Feng and Yi Lian returned to the Holy Prison Space and entered the Seventh Domain Tower.

"Husband, you got three Tianxinzi before, and the value of the domain tower has risen sharply. You should be able to reach the 15th floor of this domain tower, right?" Yilian said.

"Sixty-six thousand domain towers, can you reach the 15th floor, it's hard to say, the tenth floor of the tower gates don’t know where! Let’s do that task first, we are busy for a while. Well, that B-level mission didn't do much at all. But these hours are not in vain, our strength has improved a lot, and the possibility of completing that B-level mission is much higher." Chu Feng smiled.

Time passed day by day, and Chu Feng came out to see it every few days. When three months passed, all those who were not in Aojia Village finally returned to Aojia Village!

"Everyone, gather in the village square!" Chu Feng's low voice resounded throughout Orga Village. Not long after his words fell, Yilian from the seventh domain tower appeared beside him.

"Husband, are you all here?" Yilian asked.

Chu Feng nodded slightly and flew slowly towards the square. Yilian naturally followed him. In Aojia Village, all the people who were in Aojia Village before and those who came back later were all facing towards him. The small square in Aosong Village is concentrated!

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