Holy Prison

Chapter 1251: Be confused for a while

The square or open space in Orga Village is more suitable. The so-called square is not flat, and the ground is made of blocks of stones.

Chu Feng stood on the high platform, beside him was Yilian, beside him was Shaoye.

"Everyone, because I don't have the cultivation base to reach the god-exalted level, I have never ordered such a gathering. It should have been a very happy gathering, but I think that few people here can be happy now. !" Chu Feng glanced at the fifteen thousand people present and the voices were relatively plain.

"I believe everyone knows what happened. There is something wrong with the leaf. One of you has betrayed the village of Orga, betrayed your beliefs, and harmed your own sister! Before, every one of us in the village of Orga We can all proudly say that we don't have a traitor in Orga Village, everyone is good, but now we can't say that!" Chu Feng's tone gradually increased.

"Who, who is, he will get out of me, I will tear you up alive!" a grumpy god-level expert said angrily.

"The village chief, who is it, is there really a traitor among us? How could that happen!"

"If you did something wrong, you should stand up, do you want the village chief to point you out? Since the village chief has summoned us all, he will definitely be able to find you!"

Suddenly, there was a lot of discussion in the entire square. Many people here are very identifiable, but at this time they are all cursing and not talking about their identities. This is their home, a place where they can talk as they please. Chu Feng likes Aojia Village Because of this, not many people in Shenchucheng would dare to talk to him casually and make jokes.

"Quiet." Chu Feng said solemnly after they quarreled for a while. Those people calmed down. Chu Feng said coldly: "I do have a way to determine who it is, so don't take a chance, stand up and behave. Tell us all! Why do you want to kill Shaoye!"

"I didn't want to kill Ye Zi!"

A sound rang abruptly, the sound rang, and countless pairs of eyes looked there. "Brother Wuji, what are you talking about?" Someone said in astonishment.

"Brother Wuji, is it you?"

"how is this possible?"

Quite a few people spoke out, and most of them had an incredible look in their eyes, "No, I didn't want to kill Ye Zi!" Fei Wuji cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Chu Feng looked at Fei Wuji coldly. The traitor was Fei Wuji. This was a little bit beyond Chu Feng's expectations, but it was not impossible to think about it. The last time Fei Wuji was poisoned, he had a little doubt about Fei Wuji. Ye said that Fei Wuji was a very good person, and Fei Wuji was not there, so Chu Feng didn't pursue it anymore.

"Brother Wuji, you really killed Ye Zi" The people around Fei Wuji had left him a lot at this time. "Brother Wuji, I am very sad that the Brother Wuji I know is not like this, no! You are like this, it is more painful than directly stab me!" Someone was very uncomfortable holding his chest.

"Why are you like this, my brother, Ye Ye is such a cute girl, how can you be so cruel, if Elder Withered Wood knows the underground, I don't know how painful it should be!"

"I said, I didn't want to kill Ye Zi, I love her! I didn't expect this, I really didn't expect it!" Fei Wuji said in pain and raised his head to look at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Fei Wuji to say such words, he loves Shaoye, and Fei Wuji loves Shaoye! "Fei Wuji, you have made the matter clear!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

"I love Shaoye, but she fell in love with you, the head of the village. I can't bear this. The head of the village is very important to Orga Village. I didn't think about harming you, nor did I think about harming Shaoye. I just want to, Take Feiye far away from Orga Village and even leave Infinity! As long as you erase Feiye’s memory of the village chief, I think I can live happily with Feiye!" Fei Wuji said in a daze, " I didn't expect things to turn out like this."

"Fang Ye was poisoned before, you poisoned it? You should have poisoned Song Ye in the back." Chu Feng said solemnly. "Yes, it is a very powerful poison, but it is not fatal, but has a strong inhibitory effect on cultivation." Fei Wuji said. "Who is the person who conspired with you?" Chu Feng demanded.

Fei Wuji shook his head: "I don't know, I don't know. He is not in his original appearance, and his voice is completely unknown. That day, he was going to kill me, but he left quickly without knowing what happened. Then I received an order from Orga Village to return."

Chu Feng frowned. He thought that the traitor would know who the other party was after he knew who it was, but he still didn't know who he was! "Fei Wuji, don't resist, I want to check some recent memories!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

Fei Wuji smiled bitterly and closed his eyes. He really didn't have the courage to meet some old friends around him. "Husband, I'll come." Yilian said.

"Okay." Chu Feng nodded. Fei Wuji is a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the gods. Even if he does not resist, it would not be easy to search for his memory with Chu Feng's cultivation base, and if it was Yilian, it would be. Much faster! Yilian's divine sense entered Fei Wuji's mind and searched and copied all months of memory in a short time.


Yilian said and shook her head. She quickly passed all the useful parts of those memories to Chu Feng. After absorbing those memories, Chu Feng knew that Fei Wuji had not lied. He really didn't know who the other party was. Moreover, he was almost killed by the opponent!

"The village chief, I am ashamed of Aosong Village, ashamed to all my brothers and sisters, ashamed to the elders of Withered Wood, now I only want to die, please make the village head complete!" Fei Wuji took a deep breath and said solemnly.

Chu Feng flashed his body and immediately came to Fei Wuji and shouted, "Fei Wuji, you open your eyes! Take a good look, you are surrounded by your brothers and sisters! You have already made a mistake once, do you still think about the second mistake? I was a fool before I returned to you and wanted to be a coward."

Fei Wuji opened his eyes slowly, "Village Chief, I don't have the face to live in this world." Fei Wuji smiled wryly.

"Fei Wuji, tell me, do you think that you are like that, is love? You said that you love Song Ye and want to be with her, but you have considered her feelings? If she doesn't want to be with you, use The means ultimately achieve the goal, that is the expression of your love. If it is your love, it is ridiculous!" Chu Feng said.

"Village chief, I know that the **** left with Shaoye, and then knew that Shaoye was sent to Shenchu ​​City like that, I woke up, I was not love, I just wanted to possess it unilaterally." Fei Wuji With a wry smile, "The village chief, no matter what kind of punishment it is, I will accept it."

"Brother Wuji, why are you so confused? Why are you so fascinated that you want to take Ye Zi away and fly high, you!"

"The village chief, although Brother Wudi has done something wrong, I still want to plead for Brother Wuji. He is really a very good person!"

"Fei Wou-ki, you bastard, I can't wait to slap you a few times!" A god-level powerhouse suddenly knelt to the ground on one knee, "Village chief, I beg for this bastard." , Can the punishment be lighter, I will beat him severely when that happens!"

In a short period of time, no less than 3,000 people fell on one knee and pleaded for Fei Wuji. "Fei Wuji, you really shouldn't do it. Take a good look at how many of your brothers and sisters are here, but you have let them down!" Chu Feng took a deep breath and said in a solemn voice, "They are all masters." Get up, when did Orga Village also kneel down?"

"The village chief, this, other times are unhappy, but we are begging for the **** Fei Wuji, can't we stand up and begging?" a strong man said gruffly.

"The village chief, let the punishment be lighter, we all teach him, we must let him know what pain is!"

Fei Wuji opened his eyes, and there were tears streaming from his two eyes, "The village chief, I was wrong!" Fei Wuji said, crying bitterly in front of more than 10,000 people.

A strong man at the pinnacle of the gods, and still a man, cried like that in front of more than 10,000 people, "I am confused, I am confused! Village chief, don't listen to them. Punish as you should. If the punishment is heavier, I feel better!" Fei Wuji roared.

"Come here!" Chu Feng sighed calmly, "Fei Wuji, who caused the life and death of the fellow villager Shao Ye to be unclear, was confused for a while, and did not have a vicious heart. He punished him to think about ten thousand years on the edge of the Shengtan in Aojia Village. , When there is no danger and no effort is required in Aojia Village, one must not leave the holy pool for one hundred meters! This order will take effect three days later!"

After Chu Feng finished speaking, he and Yilian reached the ancient teleportation formation in the underground space of Aojia Village and entered the teleportation formation.

The teleportation formation was activated, and Chu Feng and the others returned to the Shenchu ​​City in the next moment. "Unexpectedly, it was like this." Chu Feng smiled bitterly.

"Husband, don't think too much. At least Fei Wuji is not disgusting. He just did some silly things. He is not a sage. What about Guo Nengwu? And in front of love, many people are blind, like you, we When things go wrong, you are also a little blinded in doing things like something in a hurry." Yilian said.

"Hey." Chu Feng sighed slightly and returned to the Chu Mansion with Yilian. Once in the Chu Mansion, Zhou Wen and the others all gathered together.

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