Holy Prison

Chapter 1405: Holy King Tower

Putting the space ring given by Lei Zheng into the sacred prison space, Chu Feng quickly asked Lei Zheng to recognize the fragment of the Asura jade talisman given to him.

Lei Zheng had already caused his own mark in the fragments of the Shura jade talisman to disappear, and it only took Chu Feng about two minutes to control the fragments of the Shura jade talisman!

A piece of Shura jade talisman fragment in the left hand, a piece of Shura jade talisman fragment in the right hand, Chu Feng approached the two pieces of Shura jade talisman fragment.

When they got close to a certain level, the two pieces of Shura jade talisman moved and collided with each other. Under Chu Feng's gaze, the two pieces of Shura jade talisman quickly merged together, and they couldn’t see it with Chu Feng’s eyesight. There are any traces where it comes out to join!

The combined Shura Jade Talisman is already the size of a palm. Judging from the gap, the current Shura Jade Talisman is about four-sevenths of the time when it was complete, and three-sevenths of it is unknown.


Just when Chu Feng was about to put the Shura jade talisman away, the Shura jade talisman actually trembled and made a series of sounds. The sound came out in a very short time and it spread far and wide. distance.

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes. Through the fragment of the Shura jade talisman in front of him, he actually felt where the other fragment of the Shura jade talisman was!

After just ten seconds, the direction of the second and third Shura Jade Talisman was also sensed!

"The Shura jade talismans have gathered to a certain level, and they actually have feelings for other Shura jade talismans. In such a situation, I can finish this Shura jade talismans in a short time!" Chu Feng secretly said with joy on his face. The color.

The Shura Jade Talisman is not simple, if it can be gathered together, there may be unexpected benefits!

"Brother Chu, what's the situation?" Lei Zheng asked. Chu Feng didn't conceal the situation and smiled slightly: "The Shura jade amulet sensed the location of the other pieces. Brother Lei, if you are in a hurry, you can go out first. Stay here a little longer."

"In Asura Purgatory, it is much safer than in Death Paradise. Knowing the location, it should not take a long time to gather the pieces. Although I want to go out and see what Lei Zong has become, I am not in a hurry. Let's get together!" Lei Zheng laughed.

Chu Feng did not refuse, and Lei Zheng, a rank ten quasi-saint-level expert, could save a lot of trouble.

The three fragments were scattered, and a lot of powerful beasts gathered near one of the fragments, but after spending so long in the heaven of death, now in the Asura Purgatory, Chu Feng and the others are more relaxed, only ten days. In less than time, all three fragments were in Chu Feng's hands!

"Brother Chu, this is the last piece, merge it, let this Shura jade talisman merge again, I don't know if it will be of any benefit." Lei Zheng said with a light smile.

Chu Feng both held a piece of Shura jade talisman in his left and right hands at this time. The Shura jade talisman fragment in his left hand is very large, while the one in his right hand is relatively small. If the two Shura jade talisman fragments are fused together, then It is a complete Shura control jade talisman!

"Brother Lei, I don't know what will happen, you should step back a little bit, don't accidentally hurt you." Chu Feng said, Lei Zheng nodded slightly and exited for several tens of meters, Chu Feng two hands Now, the two Asura jade talisman fragments slowly approached.

Whenever there is something wrong, Chu Feng will immediately stop fusing the two Asura jade talisman fragments, but it's not bad, when the two Asura jade talisman fragments have a strong attraction between each other, there is no danger in Chu Feng's heart!


Chu Feng loosened his hand, and the two Shura jade talisman fragments merged into one in an instant, and the small Shura jade talisman fragment stuck into the broken place of the large Shura jade talisman fragment to just fill the gap!


Shura controlled the jade talisman and the blood light flashed, and at the same time a louder sound rang. Shura's control of the jade talisman was complete. As its owner, Chu Feng knew clearly that at this moment, the sound that Shura controlled the jade talisman made immediately It spread to every corner of Shura Purgatory!


It seemed that they felt something. The countless fierce beasts in the Asura Purgatory roared loudly. They were looking for something that made them feel a little uneasy, but for sure they didn't find anything, and everything around it was not much different in peacetime!

Chu Feng closed his eyes at this time, and Shura controlled the jade talisman fragments to slowly rotate on his head, and a large amount of information quickly poured into his mind!

The infusion of a large amount of information is rather arrogant. If Chu Feng is just an ordinary god-respecting mid-level powerhouse, it is estimated that it will be a little unbearable at this time, but for Chu Feng, the large amount of information does not have too much pressure. The soil is vast, and the spiritual power is 90,000 times the spiritual power of the average god-respecting intermediate power!


An old voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, and that voice rang, and in a short time an image of an old man in a blood robe formed in Chu Feng's mind. The old man looked thinner, but Chu Feng saw it in his mind. The image of the old man involuntarily gave birth to a sense of inferiority, that kind of feeling, as if he was just a little ant and the old man was a high holy king!

Chu Feng was horrified, that feeling was uncomfortable, and the ant-like feeling of shaking his head disappeared a lot.

"Junior, you are not bad, the 3,000-meter spiritual world has actually reached the cultivation base of the god-excellent level!" said the blood-robed old man with a little admiration in his eyes.

Chu Feng formed a figure in his mind. "Senior, what are you?" Chu Feng respectfully said. Although he doesn't know the identity of the man in front of him, Chu Feng knows that he must be a saint, and a powerful saint!

"It doesn't matter if I don't mention my real name, you can ask me to kill Saint King." The blood-robed old man said indifferently.

Chu Feng was not shocked when he heard this, but if he knew more about the holy world, he would definitely be shocked!

There are many kings in the mortal realm and the **** realm, but in the holy realm, there are very few kings!

A king in the holy world is not self-appointed but requires a large number of people to approve it, otherwise it is a joke!

Below the indestructible saints are not qualified to be crowned kings, only those who have reached the level of indestructible saints have such qualifications are just qualified! Only the few powerhouses among the immortal saints can gain the recognition of a large number of saints for their strength. Every saint king is a legend, and he is definitely a hegemonic powerhouse in the holy world!

This blood-robed old man actually claimed to be the King of Slaughter. If there is no bragging element included, it means that he is an indestructible saint-level powerhouse, and his strength is above the vast majority of indestructible saint-level powerhouses!

"Senior Slaughter Saint King, juniors are polite!" Chu Feng saluted again.

"Junior, there is no benefit for me to give you a lot of gifts!" The blood-robed old man said indifferently.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Senior Slaughter Saint King was joking. It is good to be good, but there is no benefit, but juniors will not force anything. Senior Slaughter Saint King, can I ask a question?"

"Junior, what can I ask directly, I don't like politeness, waste time, waste life!" The blood-robed old man said in a deep voice, killing the Saint King. Chu Feng nodded: "Senior, then I will ask directly, why does the predecessor appear in my mind at this time?"

The Slaughter Saint King said indifferently: "My sacred thought is hidden in the Shura jade talisman, and the Shura jade talisman is broken. My sacred thoughts are also separated. They are gathered now and naturally appear in your mind!"

"Junior, tell me, what happened, I feel that the world is not right, and I can't feel the existence of my deity!" The Slaughter Saint King frowned slightly and asked.

Chu Feng said: "Senior, now the three realms are separated, the holy realm, the **** realm, and the mortal realm are separated. This is the **** realm. Your deity is probably in the holy realm. So senior, you still want to ask a question. Is it an abyss powerhouse?"

The Slaughter King's momentum rose and said coldly: "Are you a person who took refuge in the abyss?"

Chu Feng was shocked. When the Slaughter Saint King's momentum rose up, he was really frightening, as if he was about to disappear in the Slaughter Saint King's momentum!

"Senior Mingjian, I am not a person who seeks refuge in the abyss." Chu Feng said quickly.

The Slaughter Saint King nodded slightly: "I believe you are not. This king is not an abyssal powerhouse but a powerhouse in this universe. Junior, do you know what this tower is used for?"

"Tongtian Tower?" Chu Feng said in surprise.

The Slaughter King said indifferently: "The Asura Tower you mentioned is the Tongtian Tower. The Huangquan Tower in the Huangquan Purgatory is also the Tongtian Tower. The Tongtian Tower is the general term, understand?"

"Understood, please enlighten me from seniors. What exactly is this Tongtian Tower used for? I have received a lot of information, but it's only about Asura Purgatory. I don't know about this aspect." Chu Feng said.

A look of memories appeared in the eyes of the Slaughter King: "Tongtian Pagoda has existed for a very long time. It was created by many holy kings and even powerful masters a long time ago!"

"Junior, there is a universe outside of the universe, that is to say, I know this one. At the beginning, many saint-level powerhouses founded the Tongtian Pagoda. It was created to prosper our universe and make our universe more powerful! Founded! After that, it did allow many powerful people to emerge in our universe in a relatively short period of time. However, some problems also appeared. Later, the Tongtian Tower was closed!"

"What's the problem?" Chu Feng asked curiously, he was very interested in knowing such ancient secrets.

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