Holy Prison

Chapter 1406: Holy king

"There is a better aura in the Tongtian Pagoda, you can feel the power of the law more clearly, and it has the ability to accelerate time. More importantly, crossing the tribulation in the Tongtian pagoda can increase the chance of passing the sacred tribulation!"

"Such four points, you should know the importance of Tongtian Tower to many people." Slaughter Saint King.

Chu Feng's eyes glowed and nodded, and nothing else, the last point can make it extremely attractive.

"Senior, what does it mean to accelerate time, and how much is the chance that Tongtian Pagoda can let people survive the holy calamity?" Chu Feng asked.

The Slaughter King said indifferently: "The time acceleration of each layer of the Tongtian Tower is different. Within the same layer, different people's training time accelerates differently. The lower layer and the Tongtian Tower can accelerate the time by up to ten times. Ten days! The chance of passing the Holy Tribulation depends on a person's luck. On average, the chance of crossing the Holy Tribulation in the Tongtian Tower can reach one tenth!"

Chu Feng was amazed in his heart. One-tenth of the chance of crossing the Tribulation didn't seem to be high, but compared with the outside, that improvement was not a little bit! Outside, the probability of successfully crossing the Tribulation is definitely less than one percent, and even one in a thousand is not even possible!

"In the beginning, the desires of those strong people who built the Tower of the Heavenly Tower were wonderful, to allow more people in this universe to reach higher strengths, and to increase the strength of the entire universe. There was a contradiction between the powerful Saints of the sage level, and the conflicts gathered more and more, and finally a tragic battle broke out, alas!" The Slaughter Saint King said and sighed slightly.

"After that great battle, because of the Tongtian Pagoda, a lot of big and small battles took place. After that, many strong people who created the Tongtian Pagoda decided to close the Tongtian Pagoda!"

"Tongtian Tower is closed, and other functions are gone. The Tongtian Tower has become a place for some saints to fight. For countless years, every layer of the Tower has gathered countless evil spirits."

"After that, the abyss invaded. Many powerful people in our universe introduced many powerful people from the abyss into the tower. That battle lasted for many years. In the end, some low-level tower symbols of the tower were broken. The few strong ones fall, and the one who wins is not the strong one in our universe but the strong in the abyss!"

Chu Feng frowned secretly. There must be many saint-level experts parasitized in this universe.

"Senior, in the original battle with the abyss powerhouse in the Tongtian Tower, not many of us who participated in the battle in the universe finally escaped, who are they?" Chu Feng asked.

Killing the Saint King said: "Although it failed, there are still many people who escaped. Among them, two strong people at the holy king level escaped, nine people from the holy king level escaped, and the saints of the immortal level Fifty or sixty people escaped, and there are even more people below the immortal level!"

"So many strong people!" Chu Feng took a deep breath.

The Slaughter Saint King said indifferently: "This is the credit of the Tongtian Pagoda. During the years when the Tongtian Pagoda was opened, we, a cosmic powerhouse, had a lot more top powerhouses!"

"What did you ask the Saint King who escaped back then?" The Slaughter Saint King said. "I'm just a little curious about this, seniors, just say what you can, and forget it if you can't." Chu Feng said.

The Slaughter King frowned slightly: "Failure has no face, but this is not a secret that can't be said. The saints who escaped back then were the Primordial Chaos Venerable Hongjun and the Kaitian Venerable Pangu. "

There was a look of horror in Chu Feng's eyes, Hongjun, Pangu, these two uncles were Tang Ming and Zhou Wen's masters, Chu Feng felt a little cold in his hands and feet, if these two uncles were parasitic.

"Nine escaped Saint Kings, Saint King Primitive, Saint King Tongtian, Saint King Donghuang Taiyi, Saint King Yunmei, Saint King Yin Xiao, Saint King Nine-Tailed Sky Fox, Saint King Zeus, Saint King Fighting Saint Buddha, Saint King Baiqi."

Chu Feng was very surprised in his heart, primitive and open to the sky. It was not too surprising that they were the holy king, Chu Feng, but Zeus, the fighting holy Buddha, and Bai Qi were also holy kings, this.

"Senior, Zeus, I have heard that he has the strength of the Holy King? And the Fighting Holy Buddha, is it Sun Wukong? His strength is now only the Emperor God level. The Holy King has appeared in history. That's just a figure thousands of years ago." Chu Feng said.

The Slaughter King said indifferently: "Zeus palms the ancient holy court, how can the strength be low? The fighting sacred Buddha is indeed Monkey King. As for the white rise, that is me. The white rise that appeared in your history should be just me. Can Nian just fits into his body, Sun Wukong and Zeus you know are probably the same situation!"

"So it's like this." Chu Feng suddenly said, "Senior, the other strong men who participated in the battle don't know who they are?"

"Your curiosity is really not small." Bai Qi said indifferently, "Just pass the list to you directly!"

In a short period of time, a lot of information flowed into Chu Feng's mind. Bai Qi also participated in the original battle. He knew who participated in the battle, who died, and who went out alive.

"Thank you, senior!" Chu Feng quickly thanked him. These materials are very useful for him. After participating in the original battle, the possibility of these people being parasitic is not small. If you come into contact with them, you must be careful and careful!

"Senior, what will happen later?" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi looked at Chu Feng: "You will need to tell me what happened later! At the beginning, this level of Tongtian Pagoda was controlled by me, and the Shura jade talisman was broken. I can barely know the situation in the Tongtian Pagoda. I don’t know anything other than Tongtian Tower!"

"Senior, do you know Shengyuan Star?" Chu Feng said. "What Shengyuan Star?" Bai frowned.

Bai Qi said that, Chu Feng immediately determined one thing. The establishment of Shengyuan Star should be after the battle in the Tongtian Tower. After the battle in the Tongtian Tower, the battle was lost. This cosmic power finally gave up the previous contradictions and united and established Shengyuanxing, but at that time there must have been many saint-level powerhouses parasitic!

"Sheng Yuan Xing is the unity of many powerful saints." Chu Feng told some things about Sheng Yuan Xing. He also mentioned the separation of the three realms, but he didn't mention that the separation of the three realms was done by himself.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Bai Qi breathed a sigh of relief: "It turned out to be a victory, that's good! Junior, tell you this, it's because you are now the master of the Tongtian Tower, you have the right to know, Now I can't stay in the Shura Jade Talisman. Find me a good place to live! When the time comes, my deity will wake up and leave!"

"Leaving can't let you leave like this, who knows if your deity has been parasitized!" Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. "Senior, the environment in my treasure space is pretty good. Senior must like it." Chu Feng said, a suction was applied to Bai Qi.

Bai Qi did not resist, and instantly the idea in Chu Feng's mind disappeared, and in one of the small spaces of the holy prison space there was an old man in a blood robe.

"Senior Baiqi, are you satisfied? If you are not satisfied, you can change it if you tell me." Chu Feng said in the holy prison space, at this time Chu Feng is just a piece of his spiritual consciousness.

Bai Qi touched his arm and looked around, his eyes showed a look of surprise, he was just a holy thought of the deity, but he felt like a real entity!

"Not bad, it would be better if you have wine!" A little smile appeared on Bai Qi's face, but maybe because he hadn't smiled for a long time, his smile was really flattering!

"Senior, there is wine!" As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, a lot of wine jars appeared next to him. All of these wine jars were fine wines. "Wine is probably not in the eyes of seniors, but I can't help it. I can only get this kind of wine!"

Bai Qi mentioned an altar, poured a few sips and nodded slightly: "Although it is not particularly good, it is not bad. It is better than this, and I can't drink it in this situation! Junior, if there is anything else you want to ask, just ask directly. Well, when I am in a good mood, anyone who can answer will tell you!"

"Thank you senior. Senior, how can you reopen the Tower of Tongtian? How can you become the master of the Tower?" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi said funnyly: "Do you want to be the master of the Tongtian Tower? Become a saint first! To re-open the Tongtian Tower, this requires all the tower owners of each floor of the Tongtian Tower to agree. You are now one of the masters of the Tongtian Tower, but only Tongtian The tower owner on the first floor of the tower!"

"Tongtian Pagoda has nine floors. The control jade talismans on the lower four floors are all broken. The control jade talismans are broken, and the tower owner will replace them. You have little hope for the control jade talismans on the upper seven floors, but you may still get the basement. Control jade charm!"

Chu Feng said in a puzzled way: "Underground? Are there two underground floors? The Asura Tower looks only seven floors!"

"One floor underground, one floor above the sky! There is another floor of the Tongtian Pagoda that you can't see!" Bai Qi said, "It's just a floor of the tower owner. You can move more conveniently on the floor under your own control and nothing else. What benefits? If you can become a two-story tower owner, then there will be some benefits!"

"What's the benefit?" Chu Feng asked quickly.

Bai Qi said faintly: "The training can be faster. The two-story tower master can make a small area of ​​time pass faster, a little higher aura, and it is easier to comprehend something! The range of abilities is small, but let a dozen people cultivate in it. There should be no problem with training."

Chu Feng's eyes flashed, and he could accelerate his cultivation level, which was a great benefit!

"Senior, in the Tongtian Pagoda, I didn't see the stairs to the basement. How can I get the control jade talisman fragments of the basement?" Chu Feng said.

Bai Qi said: "The underground layer is the foundation of the entire Tongtian Tower, connecting the outer universe. It is estimated that the control jade talisman fragments in the underground layer are scattered into the outer universe. You are now the tower owner. If you are closer to a certain fragment, you should be able to There is some induction!"

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