Holy Prison

Chapter 1407: Return to Shenchu ​​City

"Brother Chu, what's the benefit?" Lei Zheng smiled in the Asura Purgatory. The Asura Yufu in Chu Feng's hand at this moment has no abnormalities and the eyes that Chu Feng had closed before opened.

Chu Feng moved the Shura Jade Talisman into the sacred prison space, nodded and smiled slightly: "There are still some benefits, but for the time being, it is not particularly many. Whether there will be more benefits in the future, it depends No luck!"

"What are the benefits?" Lei Zheng asked directly.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "First, even if it is not in the black thunder, among other things, I can enter the Asura Purgatory, and I can bring a small number of people into the Asura Purgatory at a time. Second, I can enter the Asura Purgatory. Speed ​​and attack power both have a four to five times bonus. Now this point is not obvious for the time being. If the cultivation base is high, it will be obvious! Third, it is more convenient to locate a person in Shura Purgatory. If someone is unhappy , You can kick someone out of Shura Purgatory directly!"

"Nothing?" Lei Zheng frowned slightly. Although these benefits are okay, they are far from what he estimated!

"There are some small benefits, but for now, these are the main ones." Chu Feng said.

About the Tongtian Pagoda, Chu Feng was not going to tell Lei Zheng for the time being. This Dongdong told Lei Zheng for the time being that there was no benefit. If there were any benefits at that time, he would not forget the benefit of Lei Zheng.

"It's really strange. When the Black Mountain Old Demon was killed, the fragments of the Shura Jade Talisman were not damaged in such an explosion. The Shura Jade Talisman should be a good thing. There is only such a small benefit. God is too stingy. Some." Lei Zhengdao.

Chu Feng smiled slightly. If the Tongtian Pagoda is opened, his Shura Jade Talisman is definitely more than the first point of use, but now the Tongtian Pagoda is in an unopened state, and it is not bad to have such a little benefit!

"Brother Lei, let's leave first. Although there are some good things in the Asura Purgatory, I can block it here. Whenever I want to get it, I will come in again!" Chu Feng said.

"Well, it's been more than ten years, and I don't know what Lei Zong has become outside." Lei Zhengdao.

As the tower master of the first floor of the Tongtian Tower, Chu Feng made it easy to go out. When he waved his hand, a light mirror appeared in front of him. Through the light mirror, we could see the scenery above the black thunder!


Chu Feng said that the two of them passed through the light mirror in an instant, and the light mirror disappeared in the next second, and Chu Feng and Lei Zheng also disappeared in the Asura Purgatory!

In the middle of the black thunder, the figures of Chu Feng and Lei Zheng appeared among the lofty mountains.

"Brother Lei, let's separate here. You should go back to Lei Zong to have a look. I have to return to Shenchu ​​City. I don't know if the other forces attacked Shenchu ​​City in recent years!" Chu Feng said.

Lei Zheng nodded, and Chu Feng disappeared in front of Lei in the blink of an eye. When he was in the deadly paradise, Chu Feng was not so anxious. When he got outside, Chu Feng was really homecoming!

The evil spirit enveloping the black thunder has long since disappeared. With the help of the Linglong, Chu Feng quickly reached the witch and then went through the void channel to infinite speed!

Infinite, God Chucheng.

Tang Ming felt a little headache rubbing his temples. It has been more than ten years since Chu Feng and Shenchu ​​City had many powerful people left. By extinguishing the power of several powers, for the first few years, no power dared to fight Shenchu. Cheng's idea, in the past year or two, some forces are a little bit ready to move.

Back then, the forces that attacked the city of God’s Beginning consisted of five relatively large forces, nineteen relatively small forces, and five relatively large forces. Now the Black Mountain leader has been destroyed. Seven of the nineteen smaller forces have been destroyed by the gods. At the beginning of the city, there are four big forces and twelve smaller forces!

With the lessons learned from the previous forces, these forces all want to destroy Godchu City for peace of mind, but they are afraid of Godchu City, and they all want other forces to contribute their own forces to enjoy their success, so they have not been in the past ten years. The forces really attacked God Chucheng!

"Boss, boss, what are you doing? He hasn't come back for more than ten years, and the Black Mountain collar has already collapsed!" Tang Ming muttered, the old Black Mountain demon died, and a large number of people led by Black Mountain were imprisoned in the holy prison. Among them, their soul jade slips shattered, and Heishan led a large number of people to escape early. At this time, Hei Lei was the only one in Lei Zong's family.

"What are you talking about?"

A voice rang in Tang Ming's mind, and Tang Ming suddenly stood up with surprise in his eyes.

"Boss!" Tang Ming shouted.

The next moment Chu Feng smiled and appeared in front of Tang Ming: "Xiao Mingzi, how does it feel to look after the house?"

"Bah, you are so embarrassed to say that you and Fatty have gone on a trip, leaving me alone in this Shenchu ​​City, so many forces want to swallow Shenchu ​​City, but I have lost ten or twenty catties in the past ten years. !" Tang understood Chu Feng and said, Chu Feng came back, and he felt loose. Chu Feng is in Shenchu ​​City, and Chu Feng is naturally carrying the burden of Shenchu ​​City!

"I didn't see it!" Chu Feng curled his lips. "You are delicious in Shenchu ​​City. We live and die outside. I think you are fattened!"

Tang Ming smiled and said: "Then next time you change to the fat man and stay behind, by the way, the boss, where is the fat man?"

Chu Feng thought, a large number of people in the holy prison space appeared outside the holy prison space. Zhou Wen, Tang Wan and a few others appeared beside Chu Feng and the others, and the rest appeared in other places in Shenchu ​​City.

"Uh, I'm back." Zhou Wen said, "Boss, Xiao Mingzi, how is the Black Mountain leader Lei Zong?"

In the past ten years, Zhou Wen and the others have basically been practicing, so they are not very clear about the current situation of the Black Mountain leader.

"Sit down and talk." Chu Feng said with a light smile.

Chu Feng and the three sat down together, and Feng Bingning and the girls got together and chatted together.

After chatting for a while, Chu Feng and Zhou Wen learned about the current situation in Shenchu ​​City, and Tang Ming also had a general understanding of Chu Feng and their experiences over the years.

"Damn it, those forces just owe it to you. We have just disappeared for ten years, and we are just about to move!" Zhou Wen scolded, "Boss, it seems that we need to take another expedition after a period of rest!"

Tang Ming said: "Some forces really need to beat, Fatty, you can stay behind when the time comes."

"This can't work, I'm not good at staying behind, this matter, Xiao Mingzi, you are better at it, boss, right?" Zhou Wen laughed.

Chu Feng tapped on the armrest of the chair lightly: "Xiao Mingzi, what kind of sacred metaphors have appeared during our absence in the past few years? Can something significant happen?"

Tang Ming was in charge of intelligence. Chu Feng asked about Tang Ming's director. What Tang Ming knew was very clear and quickly said: "In the past ten years, there hasn't been any sacred metaphors. Is there any secretly, except the person involved, outsiders? It’s harder to know."

"Some important things have happened, but I don't know what is important to you, boss. Just pass some information to you, boss." Tang Ming said.

Chu Feng nodded, Tang Ming's spiritual sense connected to Chu Feng, and a lot of information was directly transmitted to Chu Feng in a short time.

Chu Feng absorbed the information, some of which are indeed significant, and most of them are not significant in Chu Feng's eyes. The holy prison has been upgraded, and the strength has been greatly improved. Chu Feng's vision has also improved. In his opinion, it can only be regarded as a small matter!

When Tang Ming passed the information to Chu Feng, he naturally passed it to Zhou Wen. After absorbing the information, Zhou Wen was surprised and said: "In just over ten years, there has been such a powerful force as Tian Yuanzong!"

The giant and largest piece where Infinity is located is Tianyuan. Tianyuan has the largest area and the best geographical location. Many forces contend for Tianyuan. Chu Feng thought that Tianyuan would be in chaos for a long time, but from Tang Ming's information he But it is known that the Yuan has basically been unified by the Tian Yuanzong today!

Tang Ming frowned and said, "Tian Yuan Sect was formed by a number of powerful forces at the beginning, and then continued to annex some smaller forces, and developed extremely rapidly. Boss, I suspect that there is a saint behind the Tian Yuan Sect! If there is no upper bound If the power of the sect intervenes, then the formation of a large sect like Tianyuanzong should take more than this time."

"Xiao Mingzi, the saint intervened, are they so idle that it hurts?" Zhou Wen said.

"Fatty, don't talk nonsense, criticize the saints of the upper realm, be careful to be punished by the saints of the upper realm!" Tang Ming said, "Boss, what shall we do now? If Shenchu ​​City does not expand, the situation now is more dangerous. Not to mention other forces, the Tianyuanzong has far more powerful people than our Godchucheng. If there is a sacred metaphor, Tianyuanzong will attack our Godchucheng"

Chu Feng smiled and said: "The internal conflicts of forces like Tian Yuanzong that have been forcibly gathered in a short period of time are certainly not small, and it is okay if there is no problem. Once a problem occurs, such a force may collapse from within. Don't worry too much. Our Shenchu ​​City is still expanding steadily at the previous speed, and I will solve the matter of Tianyuanzong."

"The most important thing now is not how the other forces are, but our own strength to improve." Chu Feng said that with a thought, two spatial rings appeared in front of Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, "Inside are some things to improve cultivation. , You and Han Xiang will use it to try to raise the gods to the exalted **** level within a thousand years!"

For a thousand years, the god-level.

Tang Ming, Zhou Wen and Han Xiang Tang Wan's eyes lit up! "Boss, what is a good thing that can raise us to the god-exalted level in a thousand years?" Tang Ming said with excitement, reaching the god-exalted level in a thousand years. This speed is very abnormal. If we can reach the god-exalted level, Then their strength can be greatly improved!

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