Holy Prison

Chapter 1408: Three leaves

"Your talent is good. It should be possible for a thousand years. If you work a little bit, you may reach the god-exalable level in eight or nine hundred years." Chu Feng smiled, "Of course, if you don't work hard, it will take thousands of years. It is also very possible to reach the god-exalted level!"

Zhou Wen laughed and said: "Thousands of years, that's still slow? I don't have much demand. It would be more satisfying to reach the god-exalted level for thousands of years! If it can reach the god-exalted level, it is estimated. At that time, even the more powerful Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses could do it, so there is no need to be suffocated from time to time like now!"

"Boss, thanks!" Tang Ming smiled.

Zhou Wen said, "No thanks, no thanks, who made him the boss, he should be the boss, right?" "You're welcome." Chu Feng gave Zhou Wen a blank glance.

"There is Xiao Mingzi who is polite alone, we are all polite, how boring haha!" Zhou Wen laughed, "Boss, our main task for the next period of time is to practice?"

Tang Wan and the others also pricked their ears to listen. Chu Feng nodded and said, "Yes, our next main task is to practice. Some saints think I am unhappy. Come on, don't let the saints come down. Because it is still so low, with such a little cultivation base, when encountering a saint in the upper and lower realms, it is only for being tortured to death!"

"Boss, don't worry, don't care about other aspects, how can you not care about this aspect of improving your own cultivation level." Tang Ming smiled authentically.

Chu Feng beckoned to Fei Ye, Fei Ye smiled and got up and sat down beside him: "Practicing is necessary, but there is one more thing before the retreat. Fei Ye does not want a grand wedding, but a warm wedding is required. Yes, Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, prepare to go to the earth at that time."

"Ah this is a good thing, boss, sister-in-law, Song Ye, congratulations!" Zhou Wenxi said, "Boss, my respect for you is like the water of the Yellow River."

"Stop!" Chu Feng interrupted Zhou Wen quickly, "Look at Tang Wan and admire it."

Zhou Wen looked at Tang Wan. At this moment, Tang Wan also looked at Zhou Wen's eyes with dangerous light flashing. "Husband, what do you admire? Do you want to find me a sister? If you want, I have no opinion." Tang Wanrou said.

Zhou Wen felt a tremor in his body. Tang Wan spoke in such a tone. It wasn't that he had no opinion but that he had a big opinion! "Wan'er, this, I absolutely don't have such thoughts. If so, let me thunder and strike!" Zhou Wen cursed and swore authentically.

There was a thunder in the sky, Zhou Wen shrank his neck but saw Tang Ming smiling carelessly there. He had made this thunder.

"Okay, you can start using some of the things for you now. Although you don't need to prepare much, you have to inform your father and them in advance. We will not go to the earth together until three days later." Chu Feng said.

After sending away Zhou Wen and the others, Feng Bingning and the others went to practice one by one, and Chu Feng sent out the message, and it didn't take long for Menghao Bruin and Jitianluo to appear in front of him.

Bruin and the others have been following him for a long time, and Chu Feng will not treat them badly. The three of them are all treasures that have been upgraded to the level of cultivation. It is estimated that those things can make them all upgrade from the second level of quasi-sage. To the sixth and seventh quasi-sage!

The quasi-sage ranks six and seven are not weaker than Duguyu. It takes about two thousand years to reach that strength. This time is extremely long for ordinary people, but for the quasi-sage-level powerhouses like Bruin and others. For this little bit of time is really very short!

"Lao Bu, Lao Ji, Lao Meng, in the next period of time, you will put aside the things at hand, and first try to improve your cultivation base. There may be a lot of fierce battles in the future. Now your cultivation base is low. Something." Chu Feng said.

Bruin glanced at the space ring in his hand and sighed and said, "Chu Feng, you are too good for us. In such a short time, you can reach the strength of Quasi-Saint Sixth and Seventh Ranks. It is really like a dream. . Such a heavy gift, I really don’t know how to return you!"

"Old Bu, today without your help and without me, this is what you deserve! Okay, don't be sentimental here, go back and practice quickly, leave on time in three days, don't forget it!" Chu Feng said .

Meng Hao and the others should have ordered the three of them to salute slightly and then all retreated. Although they were more casual in front of Chu Feng and the others, they still adhered to some etiquette. Chu Feng said that they had no effect for several times and let them. Up.

Meng Hao and the others retired, and Chu Feng sipped the tea and thought about it. This time he has gained a lot of benefits in the death paradise. Now he still has a lot of good things in the holy prison space. Who should those things be given? Need to think about it.

"Long Xiao, an ally, can give some benefits, Long Wuji can give some, and the rest, part of rewards for meritorious people, and part of it, keep it." Chu Feng quickly made a decision in his heart.

The reward that should be given away, the reward that should be given away, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to get one-fourth or five out of the benefits from this trip to Death Paradise.

I haven't come back for more than ten years. Although Tang Ming has handled the matter, there are still some things that need to be handled by Chu Feng himself. After that, Chu Feng has entered the holy prison space.

The Seven Domain Tower.

Chu Feng entered the sacred prison space and quickly entered the tenth floor of the No. 7 Domain Tower. The small tree that Yilian transformed into got the three leaves and returned to the edge of Wangtian Cliff.


Chu Feng gently called to sit down next to the small tree. After getting the first leaf, Yilian awoke for a while. Chu Feng thought she would wake up relatively quickly, but she didn't expect that ten years had passed. Now he still didn't wake up in his deep sleep.

"Ilian, you have to wake up sooner. If you don't wake up, you won't see Nature and Datan close together. It is estimated that the two pieces have been closed for 20 years! If you wake up, we can be together Go to complete that B-level mission!" Chu Feng said softly, pouring the little tree with life crystal dew.

"Fang Ye wakes up, Miao Xian'er wakes up, if you wake up, then I will be the happiest." Chu Feng said, stroking the leaves of the small tree.


A voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, and Chu Feng stayed for a while and then shouted in surprise: "Yilian, are you awake?"

"Husband, you are so wordy, I often listen to you talking about me!" Yilian's voice came up again. She said this but her heart was sweet. Chu Feng talking about her here shows that God loves her, as long as Yilian cares. Chu Feng would definitely not find it annoying for Chu Feng to talk like this.

Listening to Yilian’s words, Chu Feng knew that Yilian should have no major problems. He relaxed and said with a smile: "I think your husband is wordy? I think your little **** is itchy, and you will have to wait for it. !"

"Hmph, you couldn't beat me at that time. When I regained my human form, you would definitely not be able to beat me even more, so I'm not afraid of you!" Yilian completely ignored Chu Feng's threat.

Chu Feng lightly coughed and said with a serious face: "Yilian, what is your condition now? I think you have fully awakened, and you should be able to transform into a human form."

Yilian said in a depressed manner: "Husband, I can't, it will take some time. If you only get the first life leaf, it can already be transformed into a human form at this time, but the life leaf is the one The blue ground leaf and the purple sky leaf were absorbed!"

"Ming Ye, Di Ye, Tian Ye?" Chu Feng said with some doubts, "Yilian, what is the matter with those three leaves, if you are not tired now, you can tell me."

"It's not tired, it's just that I can't transform into a human form for the time being. I can actually wake up when you arrive before. I just want to hear you say a few words." Yilian said with a smile, "Humans and most lives They are all three souls and seven souls. The three souls are Heavenly Soul, Earth Soul, and Ming Soul. Ming Ye, Earth Leaf and Tian Ye are formed by the gathering of the Heaven Soul, Earth Soul, Life and Soul power of many people in Gu Xiuluo's Purgatory. !"

A look of surprise appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "Heaven, soul, soul, life and soul are gathered together? It sounds a little bit evil, Yilian, is there any sequelae?"

"Husband, don’t worry, there are no sequelae, and it’s not as evil as you said. People have both good and evil sides. There are also people who died in Asura Purgatory, in their souls. The evil part is absorbed by the evil spirit, and the good part gathers into the sky leaf, the earth leaf, and the life leaf!" Yilian said.

"If this is not the case, part of their good will be contaminated by evil spirits. Now they have gathered in the leaves of heaven and earth and become my weapon. They are helping me now. If I can reach a higher level of cultivation, I can Let Shamrock Fusion help them. Shamrock Fusion can form a special space in which they can wake up and continue their lives!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly, concentrated kindly, this would not be a problem.

"Fang Ye, how powerful are those three leaves? You don't have a good weapon. If those three leaves don't work, I will prepare other weapons for you." Chu Feng said.

The little tree shook Yilian softly and said: "Husband, you don't need to prepare other weapons, they are very strong! Ming Ye can provide me with vigorous vitality, even if I am seriously injured, I can recover in a relatively short time. Using Mingye, the same can help others faster!"

"Earth Leaf has a powerful defensive power. If I completely awaken in a human form, the defense provided by Earth Leaf is much stronger than my previous defense. I know that the highest cultivation level among the three realms separated from the God Realm is For the tenth-level quasi-sage, the earth leaf may be able to withstand the attack of the tenth-level quasi-sage!"

"As for the sky leaf, it can provide me with powerful attacks, because too many sky souls have merged into sky leaves, so I can basically use any attack, but life attack, soul attack, lightning attack, These three aspects are the most powerful, and all other aspects are much weaker."

Needless to say about life attacks, Yilian is already good at this; soul attacks, countless heavenly souls gather, and soul attacks are very strong. This is also easy to understand; as for lightning attacks, they are also very strong, perhaps because each one is relatively high in strength. Of people have experienced thunder.

"Other aspects of attack are not very strong, life attack, soul attack is not the home of thunder and lightning attack, I may be able to reach the level of quasi-sage ninth or even quasi-sage ten!" Yilian said with some joy and some joy.

If it weren't for those three leaves, Yilian estimated that even if she regained consciousness, her strength would drop a lot by then. If her strength drops, then she won't be able to help Chu Feng much, and Yilian doesn't want to just become a vase by herself.

"Great, Elian, how long will it take you to transform into a human form and fully awaken?" Chu Feng laughed. With high strength, Yilian will be much less likely to encounter danger. For Chu Feng, it was a happy event!

Yilian smiled and said, "Ten years, about ten years, I can fully recover, husband, is everything okay outside now?"

"Well, Yilian, I decided to hold a wedding on Earth and Shaoye in three days. Since you can recover after ten years, or else, postpone the wedding until ten years later, when you will be more lively. "Chu Feng said, he felt a little regretful. If I came to Yilian earlier, it would be fine. In that case, the wedding could be delayed for some Yilian or even attend the wedding. In today's situation, the postponement is not very good.

"Don't!" Yilian hurriedly said, "Husband, although Feiye is not a stingy person, but if the scheduled wedding time is changed, she will be a little unhappy. You will prepare a jade slip for me, and I will record it to her Your blessings, you just leave it to her then!"

"This is the only way." Chu Feng said that a piece of jade slip appeared in his hand, and a branch of the small tree that Yilian turned into was bent down and just touched the jade slip. In a short time, Yilian stayed in the jade slip. A lot of images were taken.

"Husband, it's okay. There will be one more sister, plus Yilian is five, and there are three from eight. Husband, do you have those three?" Yilian grinned.

"No!" Chu Feng shook his head. He has been in the death paradise for the past ten years. In the death paradise, apart from the beast, there is only one man like Lei Zheng!

Yilian smiled and said: "Really not? If not, how about I introduce one or two to you in this domain tower?" "Ilian, I'm pretty sure about one thing, your little **** must be itchy Now!" Chu Feng pretended to gritted his teeth a bit.

"Not afraid of you"

I haven't chatted with Yilian for a long time. Now the chatting with Yilian doesn't affect her body. Chu Feng talked with her for several hours, and finally left and returned to the holy prison space with a smile on her face.

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