Holy Prison

Chapter 1409: Marry another daughter

"Miao Xian'er." Returning to the sacred prison space, Chu Feng whispered in his mind, and Miao Xian'er's lazy voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "In a good mood, what's the matter?"

Chu Feng sat down on the sofa leisurely, and Yilian basically regained consciousness, and when the time came to transform into a human form, his strength was stronger than before. Of course, he was in a good mood.

"Miao Xian'er, those sky guards, can you use some treasures to improve their cultivation?" Chu Feng asked, each of the sky guards has the power of Quasi-Sage 8th rank. This is not weak anymore, but they meet The quasi-sage tenth-tier powerhouse only suffers. Now that the heavenly guards may have to go out sometimes, Chu Feng doesn't want to lose a hundred quasi-sages!

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "Chu Feng, I thought you had forgotten your heavenly guards. Those heavenly guards can use some treasures to increase their strength, but it's not worthwhile. Most of their power is The holy prison is upgraded and strengthened, and it has great resistance to foreign objects! The things needed to upgrade a heavenly guard to the tenth rank of the quasi-sage can promote more than ten strong talents of the eighth-level quasi-sage level to the quasi-sage Tenth order!"

Chu Feng frowned. The heavenly guards are absolutely loyal. If the heavenly guards and ordinary quasi-sages need to upgrade almost or not too much, he will definitely choose to upgrade the heavenly guards, but more than ten times, This is too much! The promotion of a sky guard is definitely not as good as the promotion of more than ten eighth-tier quasi-sages!

In addition, the upgrade consumption of the sky guards is so high that all the treasures he possesses are consumed, and only one sky guard can be upgraded to the tenth quasi-sage!

"Chu Feng, you should keep those things. When your cultivation level is high, you can use them. The place of Death Heaven will give you and kick you out. If you want to enter again, I am afraid that there will be none in a short time. Maybe!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. If the consumption is relatively small, one or two Sky Guards can be upgraded. If so much consumption is consumed, it will naturally not be used to upgrade the Sky Guards anymore, and Feng Bingning will not be able to upgrade at that time!

Before entering the sacred prison space, people had been given news to the earth, and there were still more than two days before the wedding with Song Ye. At this time, it should not be wasted. Chu Feng thought of a lotus flower and appeared in his hand.

Nine seed lotus, this is among the treasures that Chu Feng obtained in the heaven of death, it can be used to improve the cultivation of the middle-level person of the gods. A lotus seed can raise a person with the middle-level cultivation of the gods to the high-level of the gods. Chu Feng didn't have that extravagant expectation. He had a vast land of gods, and he would be grateful that the nine lotus seeds in the lotus can elevate him to the high level of gods!

On the emerald green lotus, the nine lotus seeds are crystal clear and full. When I got this lotus, I took some hands and feet. Now it is very easy to peel the lotus seeds. Chu Feng gently peeled it with his hands, and a crystal lotus seed appeared on him. Hands.

"Chu Feng!" Miao Xian'er's voice rang again, "Don't eat them one by one. Your situation is special. It's better to eat them all at once! If you can refine them into one pill The best, it's a pity that such a top-notch pill, it takes too long to refine, you can't wait!"

Chu Feng said with a chuckle: "Miao Xian'er, nine, I won't get upset all at once, am I?"

"It's just that you have such a vast land. It is a question whether the nine stars can raise you to the high level of the gods!" Miao Xian'er said, "Hurry up, the first one will be peeled out for a while, it will take a long time. !"

As Chu Feng said, he quickly peeled off the other eight lotus seeds. As soon as the eight lotus seeds were peeled out, the emerald green lotus suddenly withered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Miao Xian'er, are you not particular about eating?" Chu Feng said. "Lotus heart poison, you don't have to eat lotus heart!" Miao Xianer said.

The lotus seeds are delicious and the lotus heart is bitter, Chu Feng still knows this.

Putting the nine lotus seeds on the palm of his hand, Chu Feng patted it lightly, and all the nine lotus seeds were shaken into two halves. Nine lotus hearts flew from the palm of his hand.

I filled the lotus heart with a small bottle. Chu Feng grabbed the handful of lotus seeds and threw them directly into his mouth. After chewing three times, all the lotus seeds in Chu Feng’s mouth turned into a warm stream quickly. Entered the body.


Chu Feng smiled, the big warm current entered each part of his body, and then the big warm current turned into a thin warm current into every cell of his body.

Every cell of Zhuang Jia, who has been sweating for a long time, absorbs the rain freely, which naturally brings Chu Feng a very comfortable feeling, but soon, Chu Feng feels uncomfortable!

Jiu Khan’s Zhuangjia encounters rain, if the right amount is naturally good, if it is heavy rain and it is falling frantically, it is not so beautiful.

Chu Feng frowned, and every cell in his body gave him a feeling of being charged. A small number of cells was okay, and so many cells in his body brought him that feeling of pain when combined, but it was extremely terrifying.

"Chu Feng, scream, no matter how loud you eat, no one else will hear it." Miao Xian'er said with a grin. Chu Feng rolled his eyes secretly. This sounded a little weird, as if Miao Xian'er was a rapist, and he was naturally a victim of X00.

The Great Dao Merit Sutra, the Beiming Tuntian Kungfu works in the body all the time, but at that time it is not fully operated. Chu Feng is now focused on the operation of the exercises. A trace of warm current appeared above the infant, and the warm current quickly flowed into the divine soil to moisturize the divine soil. At the same time, the pressure on Chu Feng's body was also a little less.

Fully running the exercises had an effect, Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although he knew that Miao Xian'er would not harm him, the feeling that his body was about to explode was still more uncomfortable!

As time passed slowly, Chu Feng began to sweat constantly on his forehead, and the sweat disappeared after half a day. After two days passed, Chu Feng already felt that everything was normal in his body except for training. The speed was much higher than before. Times!

If there is no help from outside objects, Chu Feng estimates that it will take at least 100,000 years for him to go from the intermediate level of respecting the gods to the advanced level of the respecting gods. Now, with the terrible training speed of eating nine lotus seeds, Chu Feng is confident of 100 Reached a high level of respect for God in a year!

The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult it will be to improve. Without external objects, when the cultivation base is low, Chu Feng can improve several levels in a hundred years. Now that he has reached the god-exalted cultivation base, that kind of improvement is gone forever. Back, every level of improvement takes thousands of years, which is normal!

"God is high-level!" Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face and opened his eyes. The effect of nine lotus seeds is very good. Now he has not reached the high-level of the gods, but within a hundred years, he is confident to reach the high level. God's advanced cultivation base.

Because it is the use of foreign objects, if the body is not adjusted by that time, it is estimated that there will be no progress in the cultivation base for hundreds of thousands of years. However, it is very good that the cultivation base can be from the intermediate level of respecting the gods to the advanced level of the gods over the next thousand years!

More than two days have passed, Chu Feng appeared outside the holy prison space, Zhou Wen Tang Wan, Tang Ming Han Xiang and the two pairs had already temporarily finished their training at this time.


"Chu Feng!"

Seeing Chu Feng appeared, Tang Ming and the others yelled quickly.

"You all look pretty good. Within a thousand years, should you have the confidence to reach the god-excellent level cultivation base?" Chu Feng laughed. After more than two days, Tang Ming and the others all used the promotion cultivation base one by one. If you use it a little earlier, you will benefit a little earlier, even if it is a few days earlier to reach the god-excellent level cultivation base, it is good!

"Boss, the main thing is that things are good!" Zhou Wen smiled, "Lao Meng and the others were already ready, and the ten or so people notified on the side of Aojia Village have arrived. Can we go now?"

When Chu Feng released his divine sense, he immediately discovered that the three of Menghao and the ten people from Aojia Village and ten people from Aojia Village. When he thought, Chu Feng instantly regarded Menghao, the ten people from Aojia Village and Tang Ming as income In the holy prison space.

Earth, Big Banyan Village.

The whole village was immersed in an atmosphere of joy. Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu were busy with their work. Although they ordered to go down, many people would do things for them, but Chu Feng found them a daughter-in-law. At this time, many things they want to do by themselves!

"Dad, mom!"

The moment Chu Feng's voice sounded, he appeared in front of Chu Zhen and Mo Xiu. "I'm back." Chu Zhen said with a light smile, "Tang Ming and the others, let them come out, so crowded!"

Chu Feng smiled slightly, Feng Bingning and their daughters, Tang Ming, and the two, Meng Hao, the three of them, and a dozen people from Aojia Village all appeared outside.

"Old man, old lady!"

The people in Aojia Village hurriedly saluted. Although Chu Zhen's cultivation level is relatively low and their age is younger than most of them, they are Chu Feng's parents and they must not be neglected.

"Don't be polite, you are the guests!" Chu Zhen said with a smile and looked at Song Ye, "Song Ye, Chu Feng said that there is no need for a grand wedding, just simply hold it here, don't mind."

"No, no." Song Ye quickly said, "A simple wedding is very good, besides, Sister Bing Ning and Lan Wen were also held on the earth like this. It is very good, I like it!"

Chu Zhen nodded: "That's good. Now that the arrangement is basically done, you can bring up any dissatisfaction, and we will change it for you. Chu Feng, this stinky boy, has been married several times. This wedding is mainly Listen to your opinion haha!"

"Dad, I've been married a few times. Okay." Chu Feng protested, but his protest was immediately suppressed by Zhou Wen and some of them.

There is no luxury, but it is very warm; there are not too many guests, but every guest’s blessing is sincere. Chu Feng and the others returned to the earth. The wedding ceremony was held as scheduled the next day, and it ended perfectly!

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