Holy Prison

Chapter 1410: Self-knowledge

After the wedding, there was no time for their honeymoon, and Chu Feng and the others quickly returned to the God Realm. The Earth and the Oro Federation in the Mortal Realm worked very well together with the Pest Control Alliance, and the territories of other stellar Zerg races were slowly increasing. Yes, but the territory of the Zerg race in Star Region 66 was slowly shrinking under the powerful blow of the Exterminator Alliance.

In the God Realm, there are more problems today than those in the Mortal Realm. The forces that attacked God’s Beginning City have not yet dealt with it, and Tian Yuanzong has not let it collapse. These are all urgently to be solved now. problem!

"Boss, there is a lot of new news!" Tang Ming just returned to the God Realm and returned to the city of God's Beginning.

"Oh? Tell me, what's the new news?" Chu Feng raised his eyebrows and asked. He had given news before. At this time, Tang Ming said there was any new news. I'm afraid the new news is unusual!

Tang Ming frowned and said: "I just received the news from the people below that some of the forces that attacked our God Chu City before have merged into the Tian Yuan Sect, and those with higher cultivation bases have all withdrawn to Tian Yuan to join the Tian Yuan Sect!"

"Zhi, it seems that the bosses know the news about your re-emergence! The Black Mountain leader will be destroyed, and he will definitely have to use other forces to attack, those forces are afraid! Those forces merge into the Tianyuanzong, this is a troublesome thing, if it can't be done as soon as possible If the Tianyuanzong is disintegrated, the strongmen of the Tianyuanzong will come to our Shenchu ​​City!" Zhou Wendao.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "It is not surprising that those forces chose this way. Even if they do not join the Tianyuan Sect, they will form an alliance to fight against our Shenchu ​​City! Now this is good, as long as you deal with the Tianyuan Sect! Before, I had to secretly start, but now there is no problem even with a forehand!"

"Boss, how are you going to deal with it?" Tang Ming asked.

"According to what I said before, you started to practice, and there is nothing very important. You don't want to wake me up from the practice. I have my own solution for Tianyuanzong's affairs!" Chu Feng said, "Well, you can do it now. Let’s start practicing, I will let Feiying come out and sit down in Shenchu ​​City!"

Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, and Song Ye, the three of them are still relatively low in their cultivation bases and need to retreat to improve their strength, but Miao Feiying is different. Miao Feiying's strength is already extremely high now, and she has only improved her strength before. The time is suitable for recuperation and adjustment and not suitable for breakthrough with foreign objects. She is just right to sit in Shenchu ​​City!

"Well, boss, is it appropriate for Sister Feiying to sit in Shenchu ​​City? Sister Feiying is safer in the boss's treasure space, and now she is pregnant" Tang Mingdao.

Chu Feng smiled slightly: "Don't worry, she was not strong before, but now she is definitely strong enough to sit in Shenchu ​​City. It is Duguyu and the others, and now she will not be Feiying's opponent!"

"Huh?" Zhou Wen exclaimed, both he and Tang Ming showed incredible colors. "Boss, sister-in-law Feiying has reached the quasi-sage level? What is her current strength?" Zhou Wen asked quickly.

"It's better than Duguyu. It's at least the level of Quasi-Sage Level 7, but the boss, you can rest assured that sister-in-law Feiying is in Shenchu ​​City. It must be more than the level of Quasi-Saint Level 7, at least the level of Quasi-Saint Level 8. Wrong?" Tang Ming said in amazement, the eighth-tier quasi-sages, their strength is much stronger than they are now, but after they borrowed their power, their strength is now able to reach the second-tier quasi-sages and can be maintained. Time is relatively short!

Chu Feng smiled slightly and said: "Xiao Mingzi, you are right. Feiying now has the strength of the eighth quasi-sage. In terms of attack and defense, she surpasses it. In terms of speed, she can burst out at a relatively high speed in a short time. If this is the case, it is estimated to be lower than the eighth-level quasi-saint level powerhouse!"

"Really." Tang Ming sighed, "Boss, Feiying's sister-in-law has poison pills. This progress is terrible! Eighth-rank quasi-sages and even stronger strength are definitely capable of sitting in the city of Shenchu, it seems We really need to retreat and work hard, otherwise we will be shameless to see people!"

"Abnormal!" Two words popped out of Zhou Wen's mouth. Chu Feng smiled nonchalantly, "Fatty man, how can I tell Feiying your evaluation?"

"Don't, don't, boss, you tell Feiying sister-in-law that it's strange that she didn't tear my bones apart. She was not her opponent before, and now it is far from her opponent. I want to live a few more years." Zhou Wenshan With a smile, he knows Miao Feiying better. If you really let Miao Feiying know, even if he doesn't remove his bones, it will definitely make him uncomfortable!

"Okay, it's so decided. In the next period of time, Feiying will be in the Shenchu ​​City. You guys will practice hard. I shouldn't take too long to return." Chu Feng said with a thought, Miao Feiying appeared. By their side, as for Menghao and the others, as well as those from Aojia Village and Tang Wan, they had already lost sight of Chucheng.

"Hello sister-in-law!"

Miao Feiying just appeared and Zhou Wen coughed and said hello quickly.

"Zhou Wen, why are you so polite?" Miao Feiying looked at Zhou Wen with a light smile. Normally, Zhou Wen would not be so polite, "Did you say something bad about me?"

"No, nothing." Zhou Wen said quickly, "We just heard the boss say that your strength has been greatly improved, and I admire it in my heart."

Miao Feiying raised her eyebrows: "Explanation is to conceal. You must have said bad things about me just now! Tang Ming, what did Zhou Wen just say about me? Frank and lenient."

"I'm confession!" Miao Feiying hadn't said the threat, Tang Ming suddenly said, "Sister-in-law, just now the boss said that you are high in strength. Fatty is a two-character evaluation. You are abnormal." Tang Ming smiled and immediately called Zhou Wen. It was sold.

"Xiao Mingzi, you, you are too unjust," Zhou Wen stared.

Tang Ming shrugged: "One side is the sister-in-law, and the other side is you. To be righteous to you is to not be righteous to the sister-in-law. The sister-in-law cultivates a high level. I don't think I need to think about it."

Chu Feng waved his hand: "Okay, Feiying, it's better for Fatty to go and practice immediately. Take this one down first. If Fatty reaches the god-sovereign level within 800 years, then let him go. If not , When the time comes, fix him well. You know what you should know, and you will be in charge of Shenchu ​​City for a while!"

"Don't worry." Miao Feiying glared at Zhou Wen. "Xiao Mingzi, Fatty, have to cheer, don’t that time Han Xiang and the others are stronger than you." Chu Feng laughed, and he disappeared in front of Tang Ming and the others after he finished talking, playing with his friends. Chu Feng enjoys this kind of love, but nowadays, I can only let it go. If some things are not resolved, how can I enjoy it when my life is gone?


There are many void passages in this piece, but Tianyuan does not have a void passage directly to infinity. If there is no spirit dragon, then Chu Feng will have some trouble getting from infinity to Tianyuan. With the spirit dragon, the trouble is still relatively small. of.

Around Infinity, there is a void passage to the demon spirit around the Zerg. Chu Feng rushed to the Zerg first, and then transferred from the Zerg to the demon spirit located in the west of the Zerg.

The sea area is extremely dangerous, but with the spirit dragon, it didn't take long for Chu Feng to transfer to the Zerg.

"Brother Chu, Yin Qianqian is a big beauty, aren't you three short? How about taking her? Now it's not far from Yin Qianqian, do you want to see her?" Linglong grinned and said. . Yin Qianqian's figure flashed in Chu Feng's mind. Yin Qianqian was indeed one of the most beautiful women in his life, and that noble aura made men have the desire to conquer. Just thinking of Yin Qianqian's indifferent appearance, Chu Feng shook his head secretly. It is better for a woman to be gentle, as she might get frostbite if she held it in her arms.

"Brother Chu, why, don't you like it?" Linglong said. Chu Feng chuckled and said, "Who do you think I am? The beauty of the world, so I can't choose? Yin Qianqian used to be a saint-level powerhouse, although she doesn't know what kind of cultivation level she used to be. But a saint is a saint!"

"How high is the vision of a sage-level powerhouse? There are ants under the sage. Although people under the sage don't like to hear this, it is actually like this. The sanctified person is far more powerful than the unsanctified person! I already have five wives, even if I look at her, people won't look at me!"

"Uh, Brother Chu, when have you been so distrustful of your own charm." Linglong said.

Chu Feng smiled and said: "This is not lack of confidence, but self-knowledge! Others don't know that I have a holy prison, so when the holy prison is excluded, what can I make a woman who was a saint commit to marry? Isn't that nonsense? Huh"

Chu Feng said, looking in the direction of Yin Qianqian Nine Dragon Ice Palace, which is not too far away from him now. Chu Feng just felt some abnormal energy fluctuations.

"Brother Chu, there seems to be something wrong on the side of the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, do you want to go and take a look?" Linglong said. Chu Feng nodded after thinking about it slightly: "Let's take a look."

Although he didn't have the idea of ​​making Yin Qianqian her own woman, it was necessary to take a look at it in the past. Yin Qianqian is a tenth-order quasi-sage level cultivation base. If such a strong person can make and maintain a good relationship, it is good.

The spirit dragon is very fast, but in a short time, Chu Feng and the others approached the place where Yin Qianqian Nine Dragon Ice Palace is. "Zerg." Chu Feng frowned slightly. At this moment, there were quite a few Zergs near that small mountain bag. The strong.

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