Holy Prison

Chapter 1411: Enter the Kowloon Ice Palace

"Brother Chu, what the **** are these worms, ugly guys." Linglong said, he hates those zerg. "They are afraid they have discovered the Nine Dragon Ice Palace." Chu Feng said, when the spirit dragon strayed into the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, the Zerg is naturally also possible. If a Zerg disappears here, it is normal to attract more Zerg to this neighborhood!

Linglong said, "Brother Chu, although Yin Qianqian is strong, but if a large number of Zerg powerhouses besieged, I'm afraid I can't bear it?"

Chu Feng nodded slightly. This is natural. Ants often kill elephants. What's more, those Zerg experts are not ants. They are all powerful!

"Brother Chu, hero save the United States, can't you get on?" Linglong laughed. Chu Feng curled his lips, Linglong this guy is now more and more glib.

"Linglong, or else, go and be this hero!" Chu Feng said.

Linglong's head shook: "Brother Chu, I don't like Yin Qianqian. Now I only like to improve my own strength. You should go to the heroic saving the beauty of this beautiful thing."

Chu Feng chuckled: "Your kid is slippery now. Let's take a look first. If we can help, as long as we don't endanger ourselves, we can help a little bit. We owe her a little favor. If it is very dangerous, that counts. Now, that little favor is not worth our lives!"

"Brother Chu, such a beautiful lady, if it falls, it would be a pity," Linglong said with a weird voice. "Linglong, does Jinglong have an estrus period? Have you entered the estrus period?" Chu Feng asked solemnly.

"Brother Chu, what are you talking nonsense, it's just Feng Bingning and the others" Linglong stopped at this moment.

Chu Feng's eyes widened: "Say, what did they say?" "Brother Chu, they didn't let me say this. Okay, okay, Brother Chu, I won't hide it from you, they know that I often talk to you piece by piece. , Just tell me if I meet the right woman, I will remind you to seize the opportunity to find them all sisters earlier!" Linglong said.

"That's it?" Chu Feng said.

Linglong said weakly and weakly: "There is a little bit. If you encounter something more suitable, they will let me tell them to facilitate their investigation and inspection!" "Damn, Linglong, when did you become a spy?" Chu Fengqing Scolded, "Is there any more, tell them all."

"No, no, Brother Chu, this is a good thing, Tang Ming and Zhou Wen, two of them, are pitiful, they are probably hanged on a tree in their entire life." Linglong said.

Chu Feng secretly guessed in his heart, Feng Bingning and the others are thinking about it. It is a joke to say that they like to find other women very much. Which woman would like to find another woman for her lover. Tolerance is in this respect. A false proposition. But listening to Linglong's words, Feng Bingning and the others really meant to let her quickly find eight women.

"Miao Xian'er, you are also a woman, please help me analyze it." Chu Feng said in his mind, letting Linglong analyze that is useless, but Miao Xian'er's words are reliable.

Miao Xian'er said, "Isn't it easy?"

"Simple? Then you can quickly analyze it for me." Chu Feng said hurriedly. Now there are five wives. It's okay if there is no problem. If there is a problem, his head is estimated to be three or four big family members. Internal conflicts cannot be resolved by his strength.

"Sooner or later, you will find eight, right?" Miao Xian'er said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. He was already five wives. In fact, he was quite satisfied. Even if she fancyed a woman who became lustful, she could completely let Miao Xian'er simulate the other party's information, so that it was cool and there was no need to bear any responsibility, but Yuta There are eight, when his woman can become the master of the domain tower, in front of a powerful threat, if you don't find all eight, it is a fool!

"Anyway, you're looking for eight people. It's the same for Feng Bingning and the others if you're looking for it early and late. After so long, it's estimated that they will look away. Instead of looking for it late, your heart is still lingering outside. It's better to find all eight for you earlier, if you let go, your heart will be completely taken back!"

"Besides, you already have a son, Chu Han, and Lan Wen and the others will give birth in hundreds of years. You will have several children. If you look for it again, you won't be comfortable now, right?" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng touched his nose, listening to Miao Xian'er and her analysis, Feng Bingning and the others really wanted him to find their sisters earlier. "What's all this?" Chu Feng muttered in his heart, he was a little bit happy and helpless at this moment.

Men, if you can find more wives for yourself, not many people will refuse, like Tang Ming and others, they must think too, but they don't have the guts.

It's a good thing to be able to find more wives, but if you have to find more wives because of the reality of this egg, it will make people feel helpless. Chu Feng frowned secretly, indeed he wanted to speed up the search, but in this regard, Chu Feng really didn't want to find a woman to charge up the number, if that was the case, it would be better not to find it!

"Brother Chu, another Zerg expert is here!" Linglong watched Chu Feng there and reminded him in a daze. Chu Feng shook his head, emotional matters are the most troublesome thing, but fortunately, Feng Bingning and the others have been getting along very well and didn't make him feel anything.

Chu Feng and the others are not too far away from the small mountain bag that surrounds many Zerg powerhouses. The spirit dragon has a high hiding ability. At this moment, the spirit dragon is hidden on a boulder. Chu Feng can be more clearly in the spirit dragon head. See the Zerg situation ahead.

Originally, there were only dozens of Zerg powerhouses in the small mountain bag. At this moment, the sound of breaking through the air was heard. In a short time, hundreds of Zerg powerhouses came over, and among them, there were several quasi-sage-level powerhouses!

"Brother Chu, the Zerzu has made a lot of momentum. I am afraid that many Zerg experts are trapped in the Nine Dragon Ice Palace!" Linglong said, Chu Feng nodded slightly, and under the gaze of Chu Feng, the Zerzu came over Several quasi-sage-level powerhouses and two to three hundred god-level powerhouses quickly entered the pool on the top of the hill!

A little bit of time passed, and the strong people who entered inside did not make any movements. The Zerg powerhouses outside were talking about it. About ten minutes passed, and more Zerg powerhouses arrived. This time, the quasi-sage-level Zerg powerhouses arrived. Twenty or thirty, and there are more than 1,000 god-exalted powerhouses!

Chu Feng was surprised, and he didn't expect to provoke those many Zerg experts over. "Miao Xian'er, catch a god-level Zerg with relatively low strength!" Chu Feng said in his mind. Now he is not too far away from those Zerg, but the more powerful god-level Zerg Celestial Hand still cannot catch it. Those who enter the holy prison space, those with lower strength will have no problem.


Miao Xian'er responded, and Tianshou stepped out, and in an instant, a Zerg expert with the primary strength of a **** was immediately caught by Tianshou into the holy prison space.

Chu Feng's divine sense entered the holy prison space and formed a body in front of the Zerg clan powerhouse.


The zerg expert entered the sacred prison space and was a little stunned, but when Chu Feng appeared in front of it, it immediately reacted and issued a fierce scream at Chu Feng!

"be honest!"

As soon as Chu Feng waved his hand, an energy slap slapped over and immediately knocked the Zerg clan powerhouse a few times! "Tell the outside what happened and why so many Zerg experts came here!" Chu Feng's divine sense directly passed the voice into the mind of that Zerg expert.

"God-level strength, don't tell me that you can't tell me this. If you can't, then you will die!" There was a dangerous light flashing in Chu Feng's eyes. The zerg was a fierce race, but it was revealed at this time. With the color of fear, Chu Feng can easily get him here, and he can slap him away. It will definitely not be difficult to kill!

"Baby, there is a baby in there!"

Without disappointing Chu Feng, the Zerg expert quickly passed a message to him. Although the information passed intermittently, Chu Feng still figured out what the Zerg expert meant.

"What baby?" Chu Feng asked again. The Zerg clan powerhouse is now in the sacred prison space, and Chu Feng can be sure that it is not panicking.

"do not know."

No matter what the Zerg expert said, Chu Feng couldn't ask what he saw. He put the Zerg expert in a jail while thinking about it. The evil value of this Zerg expert exceeds the value of goodness, so it is naturally possible. Detained in a prison.

A god-level powerhouse disappeared, and the zerg powerhouses outside were in a panic, but they did not suspect that someone had taken their companion away at this time, but suspected that the companion was sucked into the small mountain. In the weird space.

"Brother Chu, what shall we do?" Linglong said, staying here for some time. It is not easy to enter the Nine Dragon Ice Palace at this time. If you leave, you will all be here. If Yin Qianqian really needs help, just leave like this. Well, they broke into Yin Qianqian twice and didn't take their lives, and Yin Qianqian returned the canonization charm to Chu Feng!

"Wait." Chu Feng said, now the situation is not particularly dangerous in Chu Feng's view. If Yin Qianqian needs some help, it is very good to provide some help and return the favor.

Chu Feng stared at the Zerg side, and most of the many Zerg experts who had just arrived had entered the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, "What treasure, is it worth so many Zerg experts to dispatch?" Chu Feng secretly asked.

At this moment, both Chu Feng and Linglong felt a suction, and there was also a familiar breath that appeared together with that suction, that breath belonged to Yin Qianqian!

"Brother Chu" Linglong stunned, the suction force is almost always sucking them into the Nine Dragon Ice Palace. If they resist, they can not be sucked in. If they don't resist, they will be sucked into the Nine Dragon Ice Palace immediately.

"Linglong, you enter my treasure space." Chu Feng said, he said that the suction power of the holy prison space also appeared, and the Linglong did not resist this suction, and was instantly admitted to the holy prison space by Chu Feng.

The Linglong disappeared, Chu Feng frowned slightly and did not resist Yin Qianqian's suction. In the blink of an eye, his figure disappeared in place like the Linglong!

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