Holy Prison

Chapter 1415: select

"Don't get excited, sit down and listen to me." Chu Feng said lightly. Yin Qianqian was angry, but looking at Chu Feng's plain appearance, it was a bit uncomfortable.

"Hmph, I want to see, what can you tell me, if you can't, you and I are enemies!" Yin Qianqian sneered and sat down. As her identity, she really hadn't been said that.

Chu Feng frowned, "Yin Qianqian, you were also a saint before anyway, and now you are also a powerful tenth-level quasi-saint, you can't calm down a little bit?"

"You" Yin Qianqian was angry again, but listening to what Chu Feng said, it seemed that what Chu Feng thought was not the same as what he was thinking. He took a deep breath of pressure and became angry and Yin Qianqian said calmly, "City Lord Chu , I'm sorry, I'm a little excited, please be more clear, City Lord Chu."

Chu Feng murmured secretly. He just returned to Chu Feng and became Chu City Lord again. Compared to Chu City Lord's courtesy, Chu Feng is a lot closer.

"Yin Qianqian, before telling you the following things, first determine a problem. If you listen to the following, then you have only two choices. First, have a relationship with me, only once. After that, I will never force you. On the surface you are my woman, secretly, you are you, and I am me. A relationship is not because I am selfish, but I have to have this need. If you choose this, you will be stronger than you. It is much stronger now, and if you can continue to practice, your strength will far exceed your father!"

"The second option, unless the outside environment improves, you will stay here. I will try my best to avenge your revenge. It is definitely more likely than your own revenge. The following things are very important to you. So if you do not agree to the first article, I will enforce the second article and will not let you leave. You can understand that you are under house arrest! As a former saint, you must have many treasures, or have the ability to escape, But if you do that, we are the enemy, and I will kill you as soon as possible!" Chu Feng said.

After these words, Yin Qianqian's face was still not pretty, but it was better than before. "Why should I believe that your ability is greater than me? I used to be a saint. As long as I am willing, it is not too difficult to restore the strength of the saint. Now, whether you can be sanctified by that time is a question!" Yin Qianqian said .

"You will know these later." Chu Feng said lightly.

Yin Qianqian said solemnly: "Why me?"

Chu Feng thought, a glass of wine appeared in his hand and drank a sip indifferently: "First, you are a big beauty, and after being colder than before, you are still cute; second, your parents are strong and you , Talent is also extremely high, even if you want, you can easily restore to the holy level cultivation base at that time; third, I suddenly felt that my wife has enough, and it is not bad to find a make up! Finding an average person will make it easy to fall in love with me. If I find you, I am more at ease."

"You really are not ordinary narcissism." Yin Qianqian sneered.

Chu Feng shrugged and said indifferently: "It's just the truth, I don't need to belittle myself, stop outside, I don't know how many people want to be my woman, ordinary women, if they have a relationship with me, it will be too long. It won’t last long, it’s troublesome."

Yin Qianqian snorted softly. Although she felt unhappy, she admitted that what Chu Feng said was a fact. Given Chu Feng's strength and status, the possibility of ordinary women being emotional is extremely high over time.

"Let's talk, I promised you! However, let me declare that if I feel that the possibility of you giving me revenge is lower than that of my own revenge, then you can't trap me in this broken space!" Yin Qianqian said coldly.

Chu Feng said: "Are you sure? You can listen to nothing, you can stay here, you can leave if you want, I won't stop it, if I have the ability in the future, I will help you get revenge !"

"Let’s talk, I’ll listen!" Yin Qianqian said. In her opinion, although Chu Feng is a bit hateful, this treasure space is still good. In it, her "parents" will not find her, and if she is outside If so, it is not small for her "parents" to discover her. She is not so sure that the Nine Dragon Ice Palace can hide from her "parents" now!

Listen, it's a big deal at that time to choose the second one. If you don't leave here, you won't leave. It doesn't matter. She doesn't have much confidence in her revenge!

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, the words are too slow, I will pass the information directly to you." Chu Feng said that the spiritual consciousness was connected to Yin Qianqian, and a lot of information quickly passed into Yin Qianqian's mind.

Yin Qianqian quickly absorbed the information, and his eyes were constantly changing, surprised, anticipating, hating, and struggling.

There is a lot of information, and I can't finish what I said in a few days or nights, but directly passed on the spiritual knowledge, and in a short time, Chu Feng passed a lot of information to Yin Qianqian.

"Your luck is pretty good. I didn't expect you to get a treasure like the Holy Prison." Yin Qianqian said in a complicated mood. She now knows a lot of information. She knows that Chu Feng has the Holy Prison, and knows some of the Holy Prison's abilities, Heavenly Eye, Tianwei, shop, holy prison heavy artillery.

In addition, Yin Qianqian knew about the existence of the domain tower, and she also knew that if she became the master of the domain, the fit would be high at that time, and the strength she could exert would far exceed her own strength. Ta's strength bonus, she really has a certain degree of certainty that her strength can surpass her father at that time.

Yuqianqian knew the power of the domain tower, and at the same time, she also knew that to become the master of the domain tower, she must have a relationship with Chu Feng, at least once!

"Yin Qianqian, you can think about it carefully." Chu Feng said. Yin Qianqian snorted coldly, "Chu Feng, did you ask Miao Xian'er to collect my information, and then" thinking that Chu Feng might have collected her information and then became XXOO with Miao Xian'er, Yin Qianqian's eyes were too much. A bit vicious taste.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Yin Qianqian, this is not true! Although you are beautiful, but a beautiful woman, to be honest, I have seen a lot of you, before you, like an ice cube, even if Miao Xian'er copied and hugged I don’t even think it’s beautiful."

Yin Qianqian snorted coldly. She knew that even if there was, she would have nothing to do with Chu Feng. Knowing the power of the holy prison and the treasures she had, she did not expect to destroy the holy prison!

"I want to see Feng Bingning and the others!" Yin Qianqian said, "If I promise you the first article, even if it is false, I will deal with them often in the future. It is better to be familiar with each other."

Chu Feng said: "You don't have to choose the first one. Knowing that the holy prison is powerful, you should know that there is still a little hope for revenge for you."

Yin Qianqian snorted coldly: "It's just that the hope is relatively small, right? I used to be a sixth-level high-ranking saint, I will find a way, although it may not be able to recover to the sixth-level high-ranking saint, and the recovery time will be longer, but There is no problem in slowly returning to the upper saint. If I agree with your first article, the chance of revenge will increase by at least 30% by then!"

There was a look of surprise in Chu Feng's eyes. He originally thought that Yin Qianqian's cultivation level was the most middle-ranked saint, but she did not expect that she was actually a high-ranking saint before, and she was a sixth-ranked high-ranking saint. This is not too far from a high-ranking saint!

If Yin Qianqian does not have the cultivation base of a high-ranking saint, then even if she becomes the tower master, her chance of success will not increase by 30%, but there was a high-ranking saint's cultivation base, and if she can recover at that time, it will increase by 30%. The probability of success, Yin Qianqian estimates, is still somewhat conservative.

"How about it? Not only I want to meet with them, they also have to see me, otherwise, you will be miserable then." Yin Qianqian said.

Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, it seems that Yin Qianqian is more willing to choose the first one. There is a big beauty, do you want to congratulate you?"

"Congratulations if you go to rest." Chu Feng said in his mind. Although Yin Qianqian is very tempting, but this time, Chu Feng is really not directed at her body, if it is directed at her If you go to his body, then it's not just a request for the necessary one, for Yin Qianqian to truly become his woman, it is estimated that Yin Qianqian might also agree.

Chu Feng considered it for a while and nodded slightly: "Okay, you must meet. Although you are not my woman then, you will always get along for a long time."

"I'm talking to them, you won't be allowed to eavesdrop at that time!" Yin Qianqian added a condition.

This condition was not excessive. Chu Feng nodded and agreed: "Yes, but Yilian has not yet woken up. Feiying is in Shenchu ​​City. If you want to see all of them, wait for ten years. In these ten years, you Think about it, don’t get into trouble again when your head is hot and impulsive!"

"Okay! I don't want to see you now, you should leave first." Yin Qianqian said in an orderly manner.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly, his own site was ordered to evoke a guest, but he didn't care about Yin Qianqian and disappeared in front of Yin Qianqian instantly.

Leaving Yin Qianqian's place, Chu Feng temporarily awakened Feng Bing Ning Fei Ye and Lan Wen from his training and gathered.

"That's the situation, Bing Ning, what do you think?" Chu Feng briefly explained about Yin Qianqian. "Feng, one less person will share your love. Of course we are willing to make this decision. But is this cruel to Yin Qianqian?" Feng Bingning said as the elder sister first.

Chu Feng said: "Give her time to think about it. If she chooses the second one, I will not force her. If the chance is lower, then the chance will be lower. If she chooses the first one, it is her own choice. Is it really cruel? ?"

"Feng, not this. She is afraid that she will still be a virgin. If it is given to you for the first time, and will not get your love then, is it cruel?" Feng Bing condensed.

Chu Feng smiled lightly: "Bing Ning, you regard me as a treasure. People think I am a root grass, and I am still that kind of weed. Only once, I guess people can't ask for it. But when you talk about this, I have to ask her to verify it. I don’t care if she’s where she is, but if she still has a lover, then this deal cannot be established. I don’t want to give her a man a green hat, wait a moment."

From the news from Feng Bingning and the others, Chu Feng suddenly appeared in front of Yin Qianqian, "Chu Feng, didn't you let you leave? Why are you here again!" Yin Qianqian said coldly.

"Yin Qianqian, I just forgot to ask a question, do you have a lover now, and if so, the first choice can only be invalidated." Chu Feng was a little embarrassed, and from his eyes, he looked like Yin Qianqian should I'm still a virgin, so I didn't realize this before, but who said that a virgin has no lover?

Yin Qianqian's face was slightly better: "You can rest assured, no, I'm not interested in men!" Chu Feng's face darkened and said that it was not good, you are not interested in men, are you interested in women? Feng Bingning and the others are all great beauties. Isn't this a way to lead a wolf into the room?

"What do you think, I am not a homosexual!" Yin Qianqian snorted coldly. Seeing Chu Feng like that, she knew that Chu Feng was thinking wrong.

"This is good, this is good." Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. He really didn't want to get a **** to Feng Bingning and the others, although it wouldn't really let her take advantage.

"By the way, there is one more question, are you still a virgin?" Chu Feng said.


Yin Qianqian said angrily. As soon as her voice started, Chu Feng disappeared in front of her. When this question was asked, the result was basically expected.

"Brother Feng, what's the situation?" Chu Feng asked Lan Wen as soon as he appeared. Chu Feng sat down and said, "She doesn't have a lover, do you have any other questions?"

Song Ye said: "Husband, this is just a cooperative relationship. Will there be any problems? If she tells others about the existence of the Holy Prison then"

"Probably not. Before there is revenge, it will not be good for her, she will not; if she takes revenge, she should not be able to avenge her. When she finishes her revenge, the holy prison is estimated to have a higher level. Even if the existence of the holy prison is known to people, there is nothing, besides, she will be the tower master at that time, and the existence of the holy prison will let people know that if I die, her tower master will not be able to do it." Chu Feng said.

Feng Bingning chuckled softly: "Faiye, you have no confidence in our husband. Over time, I'm afraid we have to accept this sister Yin Qianqian! Feng, we have to communicate with Yin Qianqian. At that time, Yilian will wake up and make arrangements."

"Okay, the discussion is over, you go to practice first, I will notify you when the time comes. The bugs outside have left, I have to rush to Tianyuan too." Chu Feng said.

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