Holy Prison

Chapter 1416: Unscrupulous

Tianyuan, this is a huge piece of infinite tens of times the size. More than ten years ago, there were countless forces competing for this piece. Now, this Tianyuan has basically completed its unification. The Tianyuanzong dominates the entire Tianyuan, and the entire Tianyuanzong is like a cloud. The strength is extremely terrifying!

In the middle of Tianyuan, in the stretch of Tianyuan Mountain Range, tall peaks stand proudly in the sky, and within one of the peaks, many quasi-sage powers are drinking.

"Those who violated my God's First City will be punishable even if they are far away. I want to see how Chu Feng punishes you!" A woman in leather armor smiled and said. This woman in leather armor has a good appearance. She is a beautiful woman. The faint and poisonous aura that came out had weakened her beauty by several percent.

"Shenchu ​​City is indeed powerful, but compared with Tianyuanzong, it is a little insignificant and far behind! We have just joined the Tianyuanzong and it is difficult to make good use of it. After we make some friends, we will suggest some together, Tianyuanzong. As long as a small number of people go out, it’s easy to destroy a Godchu City!"

"Shenchu ​​City is not to be feared. Shenchu ​​City has two or three hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses, and Tianyuanzong, now that quasi-sage-level powerhouses are tens of thousands, can it be compared to Shenchu ​​City? It’s important to worry about God’s First City and think about how to get a higher status within the Tianyuan Sect.” A white-robed old man swept the more than twenty quasi-sage-level powerhouses present indifferently. They are the quasi-sage-level powerhouses within the forces that have provoked the Shenchu ​​City. They joined the Shenchu ​​City and naturally formed a small group. There are many such small groups in the Tianyuanzong!

"Although the Tianyuanzong is strong, there are too many strong ones! Our strength is not weak, but if there is no certain means, it is impossible to have much power in the Tianyuanzong, without certain rights, then we will just be other people's thugs. For your part, would you like that?"

"Naturally don't want it!" The quasi-sage-level experts shook their heads. The white-robed old man nodded slightly and said: "If this is the case, then we all try our best to bring some friends to join us. Our group is stronger, so the status is higher. Some of us can always have a higher position in the Tianyuan Sect. Our status can protect our interests at that time!"

"I agree."

"I agree."

Tian Yuan is not too far from the Tian Yuan Mountain Range. Chu Feng has a faint smile on his face while drinking. It has been several days since he arrived in Tian Yuan. In a few days, he has collected a lot of information. The strength of Tian Yuan Sect It is indeed very scary now, but as he said to Tang Ming and others before, it is not particularly difficult to disintegrate the Tianyuanzong!

There are more than 10,000 quasi-saint-level powerhouses, more than a million god-level powerhouses, and tens of millions of emperor god-level powerhouses. If the power of the Tianyuanzong can be gathered together, then such a force is extremely terrifying. But the forces gathered forcibly in such a short time are monolithic, that is a delusion!

According to Chu Feng’s investigations of the entire Tianyuanzong, there are thousands of large and small groups, and these thousands of groups are divided into small groups inside, and each group often has disputes for the benefit of this group. Although there are not many cases, but there are many cases where you blush and have a thick neck!

"He Hai, you and he must fight with me for this girl? Fighting with me, but there is no good result." Not too far from Chu Feng, a young man said with a cold face, standing behind him Some young people, and there are some young people in front of the same, the two groups have been fighting for a while.

There was a woman in the middle of the two groups. Chu Feng's eyesight was relatively high, but in his opinion, that woman could be regarded as a big beautiful woman. Now the woman looked at this group and looked at the group. , His eyes are full of helplessness.

"Grass, Wei Hong, who are you threatening, others are afraid of you, I He Hai is afraid of your ass. There is a way that we singled out and see if I can't kill you!" He Hai said without showing weakness.

Chu Feng shook his head secretly. In terms of cultivation base, neither of these two groups of people is so low. The lowest is also the Emperor God Intermediate. But in terms of cultivation tolerance, these two people are even better than countless ordinary people on Earth. No, the forces behind him are strong, and they have been arrogant and domineering since childhood.

"He Hai, am I stupid when I play with you? I always like to play in groups! Today you are not allowed, not allowed, when the sword is eyeless, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

"This is what I want to remind you!" He Hai titrated against him.

When the two gangs got to this point, someone from the restaurant finally came out, and if they didn’t come out, it is estimated that the two gangs would fight in the restaurant immediately.

"Shao Hai, Shao Hong, give me a face, if you want to fight, don't fight in the restaurant, okay?" An old man at the peak of the Emperor God handed his hand, he was also helpless, and there was no one of the two groups. If you can't afford it, he doesn't want to come out if he can't come out, but if he doesn't come out again, I'm afraid this restaurant will have to be demolished!

It is easy to rebuild after being demolished, but it is difficult to gather customers again. Many people in restaurants whose safety cannot be guaranteed do not want to patronize.

"What are you, you are not worth my face!" Wei Hong disdainfully said, Emperor God Peak, this strength is not low, but he can not look down on it, although he does not have the cultivation base of Emperor God Peak, but within the family There are many strong gods, and strong quasi-holy ones!

"If you leave this chick to me, there is nothing to do with you!" He Hai said indifferently.

The old man with the peak strength of the Emperor God had a pale face, he was also a strong man on the peak of the Emperor God anyway, and he was so despised by a few two people whose strength was much lower than his own!

If it were not for these second generation ancestors to have a strong backing, the old man with the peak strength of the Emperor God might have shot directly, but now, he can only suppress the anger in his heart. The power behind these two people, he Can't afford it!

"Hai Shao, Hong Shao, you are all from Tian Yuanzong, everyone is your own, why hurt each other's harmony, don't you say? If you hurt the harmony, it will let outsiders see a joke." The old man at the peak of the Emperor God Tao.

Wei Hong's eyes stared: "Who dares to look at my Tianyuanzong jokes, don't want to survive?" Wei Hong stared and scanned, and his eyes quickly fell on Chu Feng. At this moment, there are many in the restaurant. Everyone has already left, and there are not many who drink wine indifferently like Chu Feng.

"Then kid, come here!" Wei Hong said at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng frowned secretly. He just happened to watch the excitement. He didn't expect that this would provoke his upper body. Tian Yuanzong has reached the current level, and some people in Tian Yuanzong are really unable to live!

"Miao Xian'er, take them all!" Chu Feng said indifferently in his mind, as if today, even the powerhouse of the exalted **** level can be directly taken away, let alone the powerhouse of the emperor **** level.

"Hehe, Chu Feng, you don't want to tease them, then get rid of them?" Miao Xian'er said with a grin. Chu Feng said in a funny way in his mind: "A group of second generation ancestors who are not very strong, how can I have time to play that game with them. To play games, it is more interesting to play with the adults above them."

"Then I will accept it!" Miao Xian'er said. In a short while, both Wei Hong and He Hai disappeared and were arrested in the jail. Although the group of them seemed to Chu Feng The strength is not good, but some of them also have the cultivation base of the Emperor God level, and the conditions for arresting the thirteenth level of the sacred prison can be completed a little.

After catching people, Chu Feng didn't leave immediately or drank the wine quietly. The old man with the strength of Emperor God peak hesitated and walked to Chu Feng.

"Senior, if they are you, senior, you should leave quickly. The strength behind them is very strong. It is estimated that some strong people will receive news soon!" The old man with the peak strength of the Emperor God whispered. . "Come here to remind me, are you afraid that they will trouble you?" Chu Feng chuckled.

"I'm afraid, so I'm leaving now. This Tianyuan is not as good as the previous chaos!" The strong man at the peak of the Emperor God said helplessly.

Chu Feng thought of a space ring and appeared in his hand: "Take it, although there are not many, but the spar inside is enough for you to practice for a while."

"Thank you, senior." The power of the emperor's pinnacle's divine consciousness penetrated into the space ring and his eyes lit up. There were a lot of spars in the space ring. He opened the restaurant to earn spar training. The space ring The spar in it is enough for him to practice for millions of years without lack of spar.

The old man at the peak of the Emperor God disappeared in front of Chu Feng in the blink of an eye after speaking. There were still some people in the restaurant. At this time, the bosses were all fled, and most of them left in a short period of time. The restaurant!

Chu Feng was tasting the wine quietly. He had already made up his mind to deal with Tian Yuanzong now, and naturally he would not leave in a hurry. The forces behind Wei Hong and He Hai, Chu Feng, belong to Chu Feng. The strength of the Wei family and the He family is very strong and has an important position in the Tianyuan Sect. If many of the top powers of these two forces die, then Tianyuan The balance of power formed within the clan will be broken immediately.

Once the balance of strength was broken, although Tian Yuanzong could not fall because of this, many strong people in Tian Yuanzong estimated that he would not care about him in a short time.

The Wei family, the He family, these two forces are very powerful in the Tianyuan Sect. Their headquarters are in the core of the Tianyuan Mountain Range. There are too many strong people there and many places have strong formations. Go inside and kill people. Convenient, it would be best if they could come out!

In the Tianyuan Mountain Range, a middle-aged man who was practicing suddenly opened his eyes, and as his eyes opened, the violent aura rolled around and turned everything in the room into dust in the blink of an eye!

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