Holy Prison

Chapter 1417: Positioning

"Who, who, actually killed my son!" The middle-aged man roared out, and after a short time, the middle-aged man and some powerful men from the Wei family came towards the city where Chu Feng was.

On the other huge mountain, some strong men from the He family also dispatched in a very short time!

As for the people of some other families, they did not move at this time. Chu Feng also arrested some other people, but those people Chu Feng did not cut off their soul connection with the outside world. The soul connection remained unbroken, and their soul jade was naturally not. Will be broken in such a short time to let the family know!

Chu Feng looked out the window, and the billowing coercion came over like a mountain. Many experts from the He family and Wei family have already arrived in the city where Chu Feng is located!

"Wei Hong and He Hai, these two little things, I didn't expect that they would be highly valued within the family." Chu Feng secretly said in his heart. He thought that for the first time at most a few god-level powerhouses, he did not expect that the Wei family and He Hai would be both A quasi-sage-level powerhouse came each, and every family of god-excellent-level powerhouses came about ten!

"Who, who killed my son, get out of me." Wei Hong's father said authentically, his voice recalled that in the entire city, many people with lower cultivation bases were directly pressed to the ground by the terrifying pressure. Today, in the God Realm, except for anyone under the age of eighteen, there is a general **** level, but the difference between the **** level and the quasi-sage level is extremely large, even if Wei Hong’s father and his coercion It is scattered and not a god-level figure that can resist.

"My lord, there, there" someone flew into the air and pointed in the direction of Chu Feng, "that restaurant, the person who was in conflict with Shao Hong and the others has not left yet!"

The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and the twenty or so strong men of the Wei family and He family arrived in the restaurant where Chu Feng was located in a short period of time. At this time, Chu Feng was still drinking wine in a leisurely manner. The old man in clothing stood quietly, he looked ordinary, but it is impossible for someone to stand here so quietly at this time!

"Your Excellency killed my son?" Wei Hong's father said coldly. He glanced at the black-clothed old man, but felt that the black-clothed old man was only a god-level strength and didn't look at it again.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Your son? I just slapped a few flies to death. If there is your son among them, then I am sorry!"

"Bold!" Wei Hong's father was a quasi-sage-level strength. He hadn't spoken yet. One of the ten or so god-exalted powerhouses who came from the Wei family yelled. In their feelings, Chu Feng and that An old man in black is a god-level strength!

To Chu Feng, they felt right. Chu Feng was indeed a god-level strength, but to the black-clothed old man, their senses were quite wrong. The black-clothed old man was one of Chu Feng’s hundred heavenly guards. For the eighth level of the quasi-sage!

It would not be a good thing to let Tianyuanzong know that it was Shenchucheng who was taking the shot at this time, so it is not necessary to mislead Tianyuanzong, a strange quasi-sage eighth-order powerhouse appeared, and the misleading effect would be very good!

"what did you say?"

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you from Tianyuanzong great? Get out of my seat immediately, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Bold fanatic, second uncle, let me teach him!" The god-level powerhouse said angrily again. "No. 7, kill him!" Chu Feng said lightly.

"Yes, sir!"

The black-clothed old man next to Chu Feng was respectful and authentic. The next moment the black-clothed old man made a move, he immediately used the power of Quasi-Sage Tier 4 as soon as he shot it. Wei Hong was only a Quasi-sage Tier 1 powerhouse, and he resisted it. But the powerful power of the black-clothed old man directly shook him out.

The palm of the black-clothed old man was lightly printed on the body of the god-level powerhouse, and the god-level powerhouse's eyes shot out with blood!

The breath of life passed quickly, and the god-level powerhouse died completely after Wei Hong and his father's attention passed away in a short time!

"You, you" Wei Hong's father was furious. This city is not far from the Tianyuan Mountain Range. He didn't expect that he not only died here, but also a god-level powerhouse in the family. Reported, then the Wei family must be labeled as incompetent, and then the Wei family's status within the Tianyuan Sect will be greatly reduced!

"If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!" Chu Feng said coldly.

"Your Excellency is good. Since you have such a skill, you might as well stay here for a while. My Wei family will soon have other strong people come to ask for advice!" Wei Hong's father took a deep breath and said coldly, as he passed on. The sound was given to He Hai's father. If Chu Feng and the others escaped, He Hai's father would also resist!

Although the two families of He and Wei had a little conflict, they belonged to the Tianyuanzong after all. If Chu Feng and the others escaped at this time, it would not only be the face of the Wei family, but also the face of the Tianyuanzong. affected!

"This seat will let you roll, if you don't roll, then you will die for me!" Chu Feng said lightly, and instantly No. 7 shot, the entire restaurant was shrouded in black mist, so close, Chu Feng thought. Heavenly hands arrested people, and in just a short time, all twenty or so god-excellent powerhouses were arrested into the holy prison space!

As for the father of He Hai and Wei Hong, when the strength of No. 7 was upgraded to a quasi-sage of rank 6, each of them was severely wounded by the hand of No. 7 and could not resist the suction power of the heavenly hand. They were immediately admitted into the holy prison space. .

"It's cool to upgrade the holy prison to level twelve!" Chu Feng smiled slightly. If the holy prison is only at the eleventh level at this time, it will be very troublesome to deal with things like Tian Yuanzong, but with the power of the twelfth holy prison Now it is much simpler to deal with Tianyuanzong!

With emotion in his heart, Chu Feng and No.7 disappeared in the restaurant instantly.

The black mist covering the restaurant disappeared, and the daring entered the restaurant and looked curiously, but at this time, neither Wei Hong's father nor Chu Feng was in the restaurant.

"Chu Feng, the Wei family and the He family are now just quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Ten god-exalted powerhouses have disappeared. This has little effect on the Wei family and the He family, right? Let's stop?" Miao Xian'er is in Chu Feng In his mind, Chu Feng had already arrived in another city at this moment. The way Miao Xian'er looked at Chu Feng didn't mean to continue dealing with the Wei family and the He family.

Chu Feng smiled slightly in his mind and said: "If I take the initiative to deal with the Wei family and the He family, then I will be a little too familiar, and others will see that this is someone deliberately asking for trouble. If I don't worry about dealing with the Wei family and the He family, I won't look for it. They will also find me and get slapped like this. They will definitely find a way to locate my location."

"If they ask for trouble again, then I will deal with the Wei Family and He Family in an upright manner. Others will not suspect that this is the first city of the gods. Although the Tianyuan Sect is not united, the overall strength is indeed terrifying. If many powerful people kill the first gods Going to the other side of the city, today's Shenchu ​​City is really unstoppable."

Miao Xian'er said: "Compared to Tianyuanzong, Shenchu ​​City's strength is indeed weak now. Or, expand its strength faster?"

Chu Feng shook his head: "This is not good. It is enough to maintain a steady expansion rate. If you expand quickly, it will definitely attract the attention of a large number of forces. Those guys in the holy world will pay more attention to God Chucheng! Now, silently Improve the strength to be better!"

Chu Feng was far away from the Tianyuan Mountain Range. He lived a leisurely life. He spent part of the day practicing and partly inquiring about the situation of the Tianyuan Sect. The days of the Tianyuan Sect, the Wei family and the He family were very good. No, although the death of a quasi-saint-level powerhouse and ten or so god-level powerhouses is not a pain for the two families, but their deaths are like two resounding slaps on the Wei family. Face!

"Old stranger, what do you think?" Wei Xian said with a sullen face. Since the news that Wei Hong, Wei Hong's father and others have died, his face has not cleared up!

He Qian, who was called Old Monster He by Wei Xian, said indifferently: "In this situation, there is nothing to think about. I can only do my best. If we don't kill each other, my He family and your Wei family don't have to be in the Tianyuan Sect. , Everybody is watching our jokes!"

"They belong to Tianyuanzong, those guys, hum!" Wei Xian snorted coldly.

He Qian smiled and said: "Old Wei, what you said is like the situation of Yuanzong today. You are not unclear. It would be good if they don't fall into the trap. You still expect them to help us fight against the strong who don't know the details? Maybe? , Maybe the strong man who does our work is assigned by someone!"

"My Wei family has a treasure that can locate people! I know your family also has it, use it?" Wei Xian said solemnly.

He Qian’s right **** gently tapped on the desktop in front of him: “Old Wei, honestly I’m a bit unpleasant to you, but this time, we have to cooperate. We are not hiding ourselves. This time we must take the murderer. Get it! Otherwise, some guys think we're bullying, and if this kind of thing happens again, our old faces can be gone!"

"Don't talk nonsense, I brought everything here, and locate it immediately!" Wei Xian said solemnly.

Ten minutes later.

Wei Xian and He Qian's eyes lit up, and the positioning lasted for several minutes. They thought they were about to fail. They didn't expect that just now, they simultaneously felt that the positioning had been successful!

"Okay!" Wei Xian slapped the stone table in front of him to shatter.

"Damage things, pay the original price at that time! Old monster Wei, you should be concentrated, right? Once concentrated, we will set off immediately!" He Qiandao, his eyes flashed with murderous intent, and this time it was not just a shame. He was angry. He Hai's father was his son. This time he died a grandson and a son!

"Get ready, let's go. We can't find the other party in half an hour. Our positioning this time is a waste." Wei Xian said coldly.

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