Holy Prison

Chapter 1418: Lazy Chu Feng

"That guy, why did you run in such a deviated place? Old stranger, do you think there is any problem?" Wei Xian frowned and flew quickly.

He Qian said indifferently: "Above Tianyuan, do we have to be afraid? With the combination of our two forces, even if it is calculated, there should be no problem with resisting for a period of time. As long as it can resist for a period of time, Tianyuanzong's assistance should be Will arrive."

"That's true!"

Wei Xian nodded slightly. Together, the Wei Family and the He Family dispatched a hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses and more than 30,000 god-level powerhouses, and 300 thousand emperor god-level powerhouses. The gathered strength is very powerful. !

"The other party is not far away from us. It is estimated that we can see each other in three minutes, pay attention!" He Qian said in a deep voice. Although he said it was relaxed before, he actually felt a little nervous in his heart. "Old Wei, if you find him by then, you will kill him with one blow, don't have any nonsense!"

"Just take care of yourself." Wei Xian hummed softly.

Chu Feng sat quietly not too far away from Wei Xian and the others. He had already had a little time with Wei Xian and them here.

"It's finally here."

Chu Feng said in his mind, the crown of merit was trembling lightly in his mind at this time, and now that such a situation occurs, it must be Wei Xian and the others who are approaching quickly.

Another minute passed, and Chu Feng's mind moved into the holy prison space instantly.

"What's the matter?" Wei Xian was advancing quickly, and He Qian's expression changed. He was able to locate Chu Feng's position just now, but now, the positioning has lost its effect in the blink of an eye!

"Speed ​​up!" He Qian said in a deep voice. They were afraid that Chu Feng would find out that they were not advancing at full speed. At this time, they couldn't care that the two of them were advancing at full speed when they increased their speed to the highest speed!

Both Wei Xian and He Qian had the cultivation base of Quasi-Sage VI, and they moved forward at full speed, and in only half a minute they rushed to the place where Chu Feng just disappeared.

"Damn it, run away! Old stranger, we seem to have been tricked by that guy!" Wei Xian said with an ugly expression. "Let people come out and look for it. Maybe he used some treasure to interfere with the positioning and didn't leave at this time! If he leaves via spatial teleportation, then there must be some spatial fluctuations in such a short time, but no!" He Qiandao.

In a short period of time, Wei Xian and He Qian all brought out fifty or so quasi-sage-level experts in his own treasure space. The order was passed down, and a hundred quasi-sage-level experts immediately searched around quickly. past.

"Chu Feng, what are you going to do?" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind in the holy prison space. "Miao Xian'er, let No. 1 dispatch like I showed before, No. 7 dispatch, if the two together, anyone outside should be seriously injured or even killed. First attack Wei Xian and He Qian and kill them. They were killed, but they were not killed, Tianshou immediately caught them in the holy prison space." Chu Feng said.

Wei Xian, Sun Qian, these two people are not good things. Chu Feng asked Tianshou to take action against them. Although it would be a pity that the more powerful quasi-saint-level powerhouses were killed, they shouldn’t be allowed just because they are pity. Your own actions are tied!

The powerhouses of the Wei family and the Sun family dispersed. Wei Xian and Sun Qian also dispersed at this time. Under the control of Miao Xian'er, two quasi-sage, eighth-tier powerhouses, No.1 and No.7, instantly appeared outside Next to Wei Xian.

The two heaven guards were already prepared in the holy prison space. As soon as they appeared outside, the two of them attacked Wei Xian with all their strength.

Wei Xian's face changed drastically. He was more vigilant at this time, but he didn't expect that the danger came so quickly and the defense didn't mention the highest defense. As a result, in the very short time when the two sky guards attacked, how could the defense be completely improved!

The two heaven guards are the powerhouses of the eighth quasi-sage level, Wei Xian is only the quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the sixth order, the side of the sky guards takes full action, and Wei Xian is not fully defensive. Under a single blow, life and death are determined!

Wei Xian's defense is not weak, but the terrible attack energy of the two heaven guards entered his body, and his body and soul suffered extremely heavy damage in a very short time!

Feeling the abnormal energy fluctuations on Wei Xian's side, He Qian immediately turned around and looked towards Wei Xian, but at this time, there was neither Wei Xian nor anyone else in the place where Wei Xian was just now!

"What's the matter?" He Qian's expression changed drastically, and when his consciousness spread out with all his strength, he did not find Wei Xian at all.

The Wei family searched around and some strong men immediately returned. One of the quasi-sage-level strong men looked very ugly and took out a piece of jade slip. That piece of jade slip was good a little while ago, but it is already Broken into many pieces!


There are strong men in the Wei family who screamed mournfully. The strong men who left the Wei family a short time ago and the strong men who left before in the He family have all returned. Looking at the broken souls in the hands of several strong men in the Wei family, Yu Jian's face is extremely ugly. !

"Who saw it just now?" Sun Qian said with a chill in his heart. What happened just now was too fast. When he just turned around, Wei Xian was actually killed, and he didn't even see the murderer!

"Patriarch He, I saw it. They are two people, the same two people who were in the restaurant before! They are very strong and powerful. They attacked the patriarch under a sneak attack, and the patriarch could not resist and instantly turned into nothingness!" A quasi-sage-level powerhouse spoke with a gloomy face. He just looked at Wei Xian's direction and happened to see it, but the attack happened so fast that he didn't have time to help!

"They didn't even run and are still nearby!" He Qian said in a deep voice, "By the way, you Wei family who came here this time are the powerhouses of the Exalted God-level Emperor God-level, are they in your space ring?"

Those quasi-sage-level powerhouses of the Wei family heard He Qianzhi’s words and their expressions were even more ugly. All the god-exalted powerhouses and emperor-level powerhouses were in Wei Xian’s space ring. Now the space ring is missing. Now, the soul jade slips of those who are at the exalted **** level and the emperor **** level have not broken yet, in all likelihood, the space ring was taken away by the enemy.

In the sacred prison space, Chu Feng showed a faint smile on his face. Miao Xian'er did a good job of this. Wei Xian was caught in the sacred prison space, but the soul aura was separated from the outside world. He is dead!

Wei Xian's space ring containing a large number of the Wei family's strong gods and emperors was in Chu Feng's hands. Chu Feng gently threw the space ring and smiled: "Miao Xian'er, This incident tells us a truth, it’s better not to put eggs in the same basket!"

There are 15,000 god-level powerhouses and around 150,000 emperor god-level powerhouses. Many of them meet his mission requirements. Although the holy prison has been improved, it will take a lot of time to catch it. It is easy to catch these people!

"Don't be proud, if Tianyuanzong's affairs are not handled properly, when Tianyuanzong attacks Shenchu ​​City, it will be a rock and an egg!" Miao Xianer said.

Chu Feng put away the spatial ring and said: "Miao Xian'er, Tian Yuan Sect's affairs, in fact, as long as you be careful, the problem is not big. If you find a chance to kill the leaders of some powerful groups of Tian Yuan Sect, Tian Yuan Sect will definitely collapse from within. ! Tianyuanzong’s affairs are mainly not anxious, so I can only do it slowly, Miao Xian'er, I don’t have this time."

"Chu Feng, what do you mean?"

Chu Feng coughed lightly: "Miao Xian'er, this, I mean it is clear, isn't it? You should know with your cleverness. For example, the guards are very powerful today, and the Tianwei or the entourage can bring them outside. Walking in the holy prison, I practice in the holy prison space, you can help and destroy the Tianyuanzong, I believe this should not be very difficult for you!"

"I have eaten those nine lotus seeds. It is nothing if I don't practice seriously in a short time. If I don't practice seriously for a long time, then it will have a great impact on my cultivation level." Chu Feng said.

Miao Xian'er said softly: "When you ate the nine lotus seeds before, did you count on me? You go to practice and pull me to do coolies. It really makes sense!"

"Don’t say that, this Miao Xian'er, how can this be coolie? You have to be bored and play games, right? Anyway, you know how to do it. If you encounter something that is difficult to decide, then you Wake me up," Chu Feng said, "Miao Xian'er, what's the relationship between us, this is a small favor, will you not help?"

"Huh, you know to be lazy!" Miao Xian'er snorted, "Go to practice, work harder, if you don't practice hard, I won't do this thing!"


As Chu Feng said, he disappeared in the same place and entered the domain tower where Lan Wen was. Now Lan Wen has a higher degree of compatibility with her own domain tower. She has the greatest cultivation in this domain tower. Practice bonus!

For Miao Xian'er Chu Feng, he was very relieved. After entering the domain tower, Chu Feng immediately began to practice. He had eaten nine lotus seeds before, and he felt a little bloated if he didn't practice with all his strength these days. Uncomfortable.

In Shenchu ​​City, Tang Ming and the others practiced with all their strength, and in the holy prison space, Chu Feng and Feng Bingning and their daughters were also practicing with all their strength, and time passed quickly in Chu Feng's training!

One day, two days, ten days, twenty days.

One month, two months.

There are spring, summer, autumn and winter above Tianyuan. As spring passes and autumn comes, ten cold and heat have passed without knowing it, and the training does not know the time. Chu Feng is in the training and has no time at all. It has been the past ten years. !

The mysterious voice of Miao Xian'er resounded in Chu Feng's mind, and the energy aura on Chu Feng's body slowly converged. After half a minute, Chu Feng opened his eyes and completely woke up!

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