Holy Prison

Chapter 1420: Overthrow Yin Qianqian (1)

"Yin Qianqian" Chu Feng murmured and nodded slightly, "Is there a heaven guard or a follower outside? Order, take the holy prison to the demon spirit."

Miao Xian'er said: "Nowadays, the vicinity of the Void Channel is occupied by one by one. It is not convenient for Tianwei to approach the Void Channel and can only follow."

"The follower will follow. By the way, which force currently occupies the void passage to the demon spirit?"

"It's the Demon King City. There are many strong demon spirits who have arrived in Tianyuan. Some of them have a strong position in the Demon King City. Originally, the empty passage leading to the demon spirit is occupied by the Tianyuan Sect, but the Demon King City is fighting for it, plus The barbarian tribe, machine empire and several powerful forces are all exerting pressure, and Tian Yuanzong can only let the void point out!" Miao Xian'er laughed.

Chu Feng and the others were chatting in the holy prison space. Outside, an emperor god-level entourage rushed forward with the holy prison and rushed to the void point to the demon spirit.

This Emperor God-level strength follower is a demon spirit follower. If it is another race, it may be subject to some interrogation, but it is a demon spirit, and the emperor god-level strength monster spirit is not eye-catching, and soon Chu Feng The demon spirit with the strength of the emperor **** level took the holy prison into the void passage.

"Miao Xian'er, let a sky guard appear outside and take the holy prison forward." Chu Feng said. Although the void channel can accelerate many times, the speed of the power of the Emperor God level is too slow. If the sky guard is not allowed It takes a lot of time to advance with the holy prison but to let that emperor god-level strength follower carry the holy prison to the demon spirit!

Miao Xian'er responded, and immediately a Tianwei appeared outside and the entourage with the strength of the Emperor God level took away. "Husband, Yin Qianqian, what do you think of this person? If she becomes our sister, do you think it is appropriate?" Yilian turned her head and looked at Chu Feng with fingers slowly drawing circles on Chu Feng's chest. .

"Although I don't have much contact, Yin Qianqian should still be a good person. The background is too good. I used to be more arrogant. But now that her parents are parasitized, she is still less arrogant. Because her parents are parasitic, she is not familiar now. If she is a person who is thousands of miles away, if she is familiar, she should not be the kind of person who is not easy to get along with." Chu Feng said, "In fact, there is no need to care too much about this. You just need to barely see the other person's eyes. Anyway, it's just a transactional nature. I didn't fall in love with her, and she, it is impossible to fall in love with me!"

"Yin Qianqian is a big beauty, you are not a little tempted?" Yilian said with a smile. Chu Feng chuckled and said, "There are so many beauties in the world. If any one of you is tempted, can I move it? With the five of you, it is really not that easy to want me to be tempted now."

"Husband, if you are not tempted now, it does not mean that you will not fall in love with each other in the future, so we still need to know more about it at that time, but it can't just be pleasing to the eye, it's better to get along better." Yilian said. "Okay, what you say is the same." Chu Feng smiled authentically.

The eighth-level quasi-sage-level sky guards moved forward very fast, and it didn't take long for the eighth-level sky guards who were advancing with the holy prison to appear on the goblin.

The spirit dragon is still faster to advance, and the spirit dragon does not know the existence of those heaven guards. Chu Feng can only go outside by himself, and then the spirit dragon takes him to the Zerg and to Infinity!

"Finally home!"

There was a smile on Chu Feng's face in front of the gate of Shenchu ​​City. After reaching the limit, it was easy, but in a short time Chu Feng returned to Shenchu ​​City from the edge of the sea.

"City Lord!"

Before the domain gate of Shenchu ​​City was guarded, when I saw Chu Feng, the several god-level powerhouses who were drinking and chatting at the domain gate quickly got up and saluted.

"You don't need to be polite." Chu Feng waved his hand and instantly disappeared in front of several god-level powerhouses into the Chu Mansion.

In Chu Mansion, Miao Feiying felt that Chu Feng's breath immediately ended her training, but before she went to the Yumen side, Chu Feng already appeared in front of her.

Miao Feiying snorted and turned her head. "Oh, who is it that made our family Feiying angry, Feiying, tell me, I will teach that person a good lesson!" Chu Feng embraced Miao Feiying and kissed him. "Don't kiss me, it won't take much time to come back, you won't come back for ten years!" Miao Feiying said unhappily.

"Fei Ying, I have been practicing in retreat for the past ten years." Chu Feng said helplessly. "How come? The Shadow of Death, didn't you make it?" Miao Feiying turned her head in surprise.

"I didn't get it. It was made by Miao Xian'er. I use treasures to improve my cultivation. Where can I have the time to slowly play with those of Tianyuanzong."

"Hmph, it's okay for your explanation, if you don't come back for a lot of time, don't think I will forgive you all at once!" Miao Feiying's expression turned from cloudy to clear. "Hey, now that you forgive me, can I give your husband a good kiss?" Chu Feng smirked and kissed him immediately and got his tongue into Miao Feiying's mouth.

Soon, Chu Feng and Miao Feiying entered the sacred prison space, Feng Bingning, Lan Wen, and Song Ye all awakened at this time. There hasn't been that for ten years, and it must be another battle. The battle of so many people made Song Ye, a semi-new person who had never experienced such a formation, still shy, but in the end, it was natural that Chu Feng, a **** monster, succeeded in the face of Feng Bingning and the other women. Desire!

"Ilian, when did you wake up? Husband, you wake up, he didn't wake us up sooner." Feng Bing said with a white glance at Chu Feng.

"It didn't take long. He wanted to come back and wake you up again. In this case, you can practice for a little longer." Yilian said.

Lan Wen stretched a hand to Yilian’s chest and grabbed one of the little white rabbits with a smirk: "Sister Yilian, you have recovered this time, and your skin seems to be better. When you wake up, Brother Feng will be the first It’s strange to wake us up for a while, it must be a 300-round battle with you first!"

"It turns out that Yilian ate it stealthily, so I have to punish it well!" Miao Feiying said that a pair of magical hands also touched Yilian's perfect body!

The women were playing each other, Chu Feng watched with a smile. The scene like this is really tempting now. Chu Feng looked at his collapse, and Xiao Chufeng showed signs of raising his head again.

After some drama, Chu Feng and the others got up in their clothes.

"Feng, we are all here now, let Yin Qianqian appear here, let's have a good chat with Yin Qianqian." Feng Bing said in a condensed manner.

"Okay, but let me talk to her first. She chose the first one before, so let's make sure." Chu Feng said, he disappeared in front of Feng Bingning and the others in an instant.

Outside the Nine Dragon Ice Palace, Chu Feng's figure appeared, and soon Yin Qianqian, who was worried in her heart, appeared in front of Chu Feng. She knew that it was estimated that she was going to see Feng Bingning and the others. Seeing Feng Bingning and the others, there was nothing wrong with this. , But if you feel that they are compatible with each other, you must have a relationship with Chu Feng and become Chu Feng's woman.

Although she used to be a high-ranking saint with high strength, in terms of sex, Yin Qianqian did not have any experience in this aspect. To put it bluntly, she is still a person!

The former Yin Qianqian was very arrogant. She was extremely talented. There were basically no men of the same age who had better cultivation than her. With such a talent, coupled with such a life experience, no man could get into her Dharma Eye. No man can get into her Dharma vision. She can spend all of her time on training. As a result, her cultivation base has risen at a high speed. The men who were not much worse than her cultivation base were thrown off by her. As a result, There is no man who can be attracted by her!

"Yin Qianqian."


Yin Qianqian was in a daze, but when Chu Feng called her, she immediately regained her consciousness. "Damn, how come I am distracted, it's just a deal, I get the strength, I can get revenge at that time; he can also grow his strength, and then he can deal with the abyssal strong!" Yin Qianqian secretly said in his heart.

"Yin Qianqian, ask at the end, are you still choosing before? If you change, you'd better say it now." Chu Feng said.

Yin Qianqian took a deep breath and said, "I have considered it very clearly. Let me see Feng Bingning and the others. I am a little interested in knowing how good your wives are."

"They are waiting for you, let's have a good chat." Chu Feng said with a wave of his hand, Yin Qianqian disappeared and appeared in the space where Feng Bingning and the others were.

Time passed slowly. I didn't know what Feng Bingning and the others were talking about. Chu Feng felt a little itchy, but he had promised Yin Qianqian before. Chu Feng was embarrassed to eavesdrop on what Yin Qianqian and the others were saying.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, one hour, two hours.

In a blink of an eye, three days passed, and Miao Xian'er's voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind: "Chu Feng, it's okay, they call you."

For three days, Chu Feng was still waiting in the sacred prison space at first, but more than an hour passed without any results, Chu Feng went outside to deal with matters in Shenchu ​​City. Now three days have passed, and the accumulated accumulation in the past ten years One thing has already been dealt with.

Hearing the voice of Miao Xian'er, Chu Feng immediately entered the holy prison space and appeared in front of Feng Bingning and the others.

Chu Feng appeared, Yin Qianqian's face turned red and did not look directly at Chu Feng, Feng Bingning and the women looked at Chu Feng with a smile.

"Ah, you guys have been talking for a long time, you actually talked for three days!" Chu Feng coughed lightly. Now this situation is a little bit weird.

Feng Bingning smiled and said: "Feng, we have already talked with Yin Qianqian, she is a nice person, so we have no opinion, and she insists on the previous choice, so this is left to you, we will withdraw first!"

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