Holy Prison

Chapter 1421: Overthrow Yin Qianqian (2)

After Feng Bingning finished speaking, she and Lan Wen soon went to the room in their own domain tower, leaving only Chu Feng and Yin Qianqian.

Yin Qianqian raised his head and looked at Chu Feng. The two of you looked at me and I looked at you a little embarrassed. If you have feelings, then this will happen naturally, but Chu Feng and Yin Qianqian don’t feel anything at all. Yin Qianqian has never I don't know what to do with such an experience, and Chu Feng is also a little difficult to start.

"Cough" Chu Feng coughed lightly and eased his embarrassment, "Yin Qianqian, first of all, let's solve a problem. You will become my woman in the future. Although it is only on the surface, you can't call your name directly. How about I call you Qianqian from now on?"

Yin Qianqian nodded expressionlessly: "Whatever you call me, I call you by your name. Feiye sometimes calls you by your name, so there should be no problem."

"It's okay for you to call me by name." There is no objection to this Chu Feng. The two-character name sounds not so hard to call.

"Qianqian." Chu Feng tried to yell. Yin Qianqian was taken aback for a moment. After hesitating for a moment, he gave a soft hum with sentimental expression in his eyes. "Qianqian" has been a long time since no one called. This is how her parents called her, but knowing that her parents were parasitized, she has never heard anyone call her like this since she found a reason to leave.

"Think of something unhappy?" Chu Feng said and sat down next to Yin Qianqian. He is a man. Could it be possible that Yin Qianqian can't take the initiative? Yin Qianqian is like this.

Yin Qianqian nodded and shook his head.

"Think of happy things, but also unhappy things." Yin Qianqian said. Chu Feng stretched out his hand and held Yin Qianqian's small hand in his hand. When Chu Feng reached out, Yin Qianqian's hand showed signs of retreating. However, Yin Qianqian still resisted forcibly and did not withdraw himself, although for men and women The matter is not particularly clear, but basically she still knows that her body will be possessed by then, and it is really nothing to be held.

Holding Yin Qianqian's small hand, seeing a little shame flashing across Yin Qianqian's face, Chu Feng's heart softened a bit. Although the two have no feelings now, if this is Yin Qianqian's first time, he will always Don't make her feel very painful to think about it later.

"Qianqian, the past is the past. The most important thing is the future. If your ability can reach a high level and you can avenge your parents and them, I think they will be very comforted." Chu Feng comforted softly.

Yin Qianqian nodded slightly in a nervous mood: "Thank you, let's start."

"This, there is one more thing I need to ask." Chu Feng said embarrassingly, "I asked you this question before, but you didn't answer me. Your strength is very strong, even if it is a sky-eye scan, it is checked by the doctor. I don’t know if you are a virgin or a girl. I need to know about this."

Yin Qianqian's face turned sneer and said: "Chu Feng, you already have five women. If I am not, would you still be disgusted?"

"Don’t get excited. I didn’t mean that. You used to be a high-ranking saint-level powerhouse. Now your strength is reduced to the tenth-level quasi-sage-level. It is also very powerful. Yin power must be very strong, and I must be fully prepared, if not, then there is no such need." Chu Feng quickly explained.

The virgin. Yuan. Yin, this is only available for the first time. After the first double cultivation, some Yuan Yin power can be obtained, but compared with the first time, the power of the virgin Yuan Yin is much worse!

"I am still."

Hearing Chu Feng's explanation that the sneer on Yin Qianqian's face disappeared, she felt that her face was as hot as burning after finishing the above words.

Although 80 to 90% are certain that Yin Qianqian should be a virgin woman, it is still more happy to hear Yin Qianqian personally confirm that Chu Feng is still more happy. As a man, Chu Feng is definitely more Yin Qianqian for the first time. This has nothing to do with feelings.

"Miao Xian'er, buy what you need." Chu Feng said, Yin Qianqian is a virgin, plus he has taken nine lotus seeds that can improve his cultivation. If he doesn't prepare well, then Yin Qianqian is a virgin. Qianqian's powerful virgin Yuan Yin enters his body, and he is very likely to explode and die!

"Wait a minute!"

Miao Xian'er's smiling voice sounded, and neither she nor Chu Feng avoided Yin Qianqian. Yin Qianqian now understands the situation in the holy prison better!

Fortunately, the Sacred Prison was at the twelfth level, and there were a lot of good things. Soon some things were bought by Miao Xianer and appeared in front of Chu Feng and the others.

There are five things in total. The big one is a big bed. This is not an ordinary bed. It is covered with countless magic circles. It is a good thing for double repair. It has a certain aphrodisiac effect and can ensure that Chu Feng will be able to Absorb the power of Yin Qianqian Virgin Yuan Yin to the greatest extent.

The other four are all pill, one of which must be taken by Yin Qianqian, so that her virgin Yuanyin power can be released at a slower speed, which can reduce the impact on Chu Feng.

The remaining three pills were all taken by Chu Feng, one was to suppress the power of the nine lotus seeds, and the other two pills, one made it possible for Chu Feng to absorb Yin Qianqian virgins faster. Yuan Yin power was not wasted. The other has a strong recovery power. If there is any problem that the doctor can not treat, the power of this pill can make Chu Feng's injury recover as quickly as possible!

"Open your mouth, it's not poison." Chu Feng said, holding a marble-sized pill and stretched it to Yin Qianqian's mouth. After a little hesitation, Yin Qianqian opened his small mouth and inhaled the pill into his mouth. Swallowed it.

Seeing Yin Qianqian swallowing the pill, Chu Feng swallowed all the other three pills neatly. After swallowing the pill, Chu Feng stretched out his hand and grabbed Yin Qianqian into his arms.

With the beauty in her arms and smelling Yin Qianqian's body scent, Chu Feng felt that the little brother below immediately raised his head and became excited.

"Qianqian, happiness is once, unhappiness reluctantly carries on is also once, why not leave a little happy memory to yourself, don't you say?" Chu Feng felt the stiffness of Yin Qianqian's body softly in Yin Qianqian's ear. He spoke and licked Yin Qianqian's lovely earlobe with his tongue.

When Chu Feng licked her earlobe, Yin Qianqian's body became more stiff in an instant, but soon she felt a little weak, and her stiff body was a little softer.

Chu Feng gently touched Yin Qianqian's earlobe. This was the sensitive point of many women. After just trying it, the earlobe was indeed one of Yin Qianqian's sensitive points.

Yin Qianqian's eyes showed a dazed look, and she felt more comfortable being caught by Chu Feng. She enjoyed it a bit, but she was a little resistant in her heart.

"Only this time, only this time. After this time, I am me and he is him. I agree, and he is not forcing me. This guy Chu Feng is right. Happiness is once, unhappiness is barely forced. Yes, it's also one time" Yin Qianqian thought in her heart, her body softened even more, and her mouth made a slight alluring moan.

Feeling the change of Yin Qianqian, Chu Feng smiled and kissed Yin Qianqian's neck, neck, face, eyes, and forehead. In the end, Chu Feng's tongue rushed into Yin Qianqian's alluring mouth.

Invaded by Chu Feng's tongue, Yin Qianqian's tongue was motionless at first, but she couldn't beat a master Chu Feng in this respect. Soon Yin Qianqian's little fragrant tongue was mobilized by Chu Feng. Tongue entangled and chased.

During the deep kiss, Chu Feng slowly stretched a magic hand into Yin Qianqian's clothes. In Yin Qianqian's trembling body, Chu Feng finally held one of the proud little white rabbits in his hand. Hands. Holding Yin Qianqian a little white rabbit, Chu Feng's face was surprised. Yin Qianqian didn't look too big, but when he held it, Chu Feng felt that he could not fully control the baby on Yin Qianqian's chest with one hand. .

Yin Qianqian became emotional, and the groan in his mouth gradually became louder. Chu Feng let go of Yin Qianqian's mouth and whispered: "Let's get to bed."

"Yeah." Yin Qianqian flushed.

The bed with special functions was next to him, and Chu Feng hugged Yin Qianqian onto the bed and pressed it on, and soon Yin Qianqian's clothes got out of her body one by one.

A few minutes later, a perfect snow-white figure appeared in front of Chu Feng, with slender legs, proud, slender waist and full waist, and his beautiful face looked very attractive with flushing at this time.

Chu Feng recklessly looked at this perfect one. If he hadn't started, then he could control himself and wouldn't have wicked thoughts about Yin Qianqian, but at this time, if he pretended to be a saint, he would definitely be struck by lightning!

"Chu Feng, you, what are you looking at?" Yin Qianqian said shyly, without clothes on her body. Chi Guo was really proud and indifferent in front of Chu Feng. At this time, everything fell to the side with her clothes. Now she is just one Woman, a normal woman!

"Qianqian, you are so beautiful." Chu Feng praised sincerely. "How are they compared to Feng Bingning?" Yin Qianqian said.

Chu Feng's head is slightly big, why women love to compare so much in this respect, and even Yin Qianqian, a former saint, is inevitable.

"It's all beautiful, your bodies are masterpieces from the heavens. God is still very cute sometimes. You are all different, but they are all so perfect!" Chu Feng gently stroked Yin Qianqian with a pair of magic hands.

Yin Qianqian snorted, Chu Feng's answer made her a little bit dissatisfied, but it was not bad, it was just a slight dissatisfaction.

"Qianqian, under you, there is some flooding, hehe." Chu Feng smirked, "Take me off my pants, I will see you all, and let you see my baby."

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