Holy Prison

Chapter 1427: A big duel

"Shenchucheng actually challenged, it's weird! Could it be that Shenchucheng has the strength to surpass Master Yang?"

"Yeah, it's really strange. The place I chose is still the stagnant basin. Even if no one is holding back there, it will take some time to enter it and come out. If there is a big difference in strength with people in a decisive battle, I am afraid it is fundamentally impossible. Can't escape from there!"

"Chu Feng is here, will there be any conspiracy?"

After receiving the news from the Dark King, the strong people of Tianyuanzong who were drinking in the tent talked a lot. Above the first seat, Yang Tian frowned slightly. Shenchu ​​City actually chose the Deadwater Basin. A little weird, in the Deadwater Basin, if Duguyu the Dark King fights with him, he is 30% sure that Duguyu or the Dark King can stay in the Deadwater Basin!

"Brother Yang!" A quasi-sage sixth-tier strong said in a deep voice, and when he saw him speak, the others fell silent. The sixth-tier quasi-sage level's strength was among the best among them, and they were present. The person who has the confidence to beat the quasi-saint-level powerhouse who speaks is Yang Tian alone!

"Brother Situ, please say." Yang Tian smiled slightly. It was Situ Jian who spoke. He has a good relationship with him and is shrewd. If he speaks at this time, he may have good information.

Situ Jiandao: "Brother Yang, I think that God Chucheng’s move is probably a conspiracy. We all know a little bit about Chu Feng, and our strength is not very good, but all kinds of methods are endless. We have to guard against him when he gets to the side of Ten Thousand Demons!"

"We all know each of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​City. Before, Chu Feng’s wife, Yilian, was the strongest in Shenchu ​​City. However, Yilian hasn’t been seen since she was injured. Even if she recovers, it is estimated. The strength is not enough to fight against Brother Yang. And the rest of God Chu City, intelligence shows, but no one has the strength of Quasi-Seventh Rank."

"If there are really powerful experts in Shenchu ​​City, this period of time will not fail to stand up. Therefore, there is no such a powerful person in Shenchu ​​City and it is very likely to be ready to conspiracy!"

Yang Tian nodded slightly: "Brother Situ is absolutely right, Brother Situ, in your opinion, what should we do in this situation now?"

"Postpone the time of the invitation to fight, announce the world, and invite many strong people to watch the battle. Under the full view of the public, if Shenchu ​​City uses a shady trick, it will definitely be despised by countless strong people!" Situ Jiandao.

"Brother Yang, Brother Situ is doing a good job. If Brother Yang can teach Shenchu ​​City severely in front of the people of the world, then Shenchu ​​City will be frustrated, and my Tianyuan Sect will be able to rise and fall. It's much simpler for us to destroy God Chucheng's revenge!" Another quasi-sage-level expert said.

"Even if there is a quasi-sage 7th-tier strong in God Chucheng, can’t there be a quasi-sage 8th-tier strong in God Chucheng? As long as the opponent does not reach the quasi-sage ninth-tier strength, then Brother Yang will be invincible and there is no escape What's the problem."

Yang Tianyi moved. He was very confident of his own strength. He could have a hole card. Even if the opponent had the strength of the ninth-level quasi-sage, Yang Tian was also very sure that he could escape from the stagnant basin. With the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, then he is not sure, but the tenth quasi-sage level powerhouse, God Chucheng has.

"Come here!" Yang Tian said solemnly.

"grown ups!"

Yang Tian's voice fell, and immediately outside the tent, a strong god-level man entered into the tent and responded. "Send the message to Shenchu ​​City. After the duel time is adjusted to five days, the location will not change. If Shenchu ​​City agrees, it will immediately announce the world to invite the world's strongest to come and watch!" Yang Tian said solemnly.

"Yes, my lord!"

The god-level powerhouse responded loudly and immediately withdrew from the tent, and then passed the news to Chu Feng and the others in Shenchu ​​City.

"City Lord, Yang Tian's move, I'm afraid that if we agree, the news of the duel will go out immediately, and there will definitely be many strong people coming to watch." The King of Darkness, he and Yang Tian think about it. What kind of insidious trick does Chu Feng have? It's okay to use it in a duel. If you use it in front of countless powerhouses in the world, then God Chucheng's face will be lost.

"City Lord, if this battle is lost, it will have a great impact on the momentum of Shenchu ​​City." Duguyu said in a deep voice. It would be better if the duel is only tomorrow. The time is too short and it will not attract too many strong people, but five In a few days' time, other strong men have time to come over.

It’s easier to see the battles of low-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses, but it’s not easy to see the battles of high-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses. If such a duel is spread, Du Guyu and the others know that there will be a lot of quasi The powerhouse of the holy rush came to watch the excitement!

Chu Feng was sipping his tea, and he seemed to be thinking, but in fact he was just procrastinating. If he responded happily all at once, Yang Tian might have doubts.

Ten minutes later, the King of Darkness frowned and said solemnly: "City Lord, the people of Tianyuanzong are waiting for us to reply. It has been ten minutes."

"Tell him, I agreed." Chu Feng finally spoke. The Lord of Darkness and the others felt relieved, but they soon became a little heavier. Seventh-order quasi-sage-level powerhouses are not ordinary people, they estimate The possibility of defeat in the battle of Shenchucheng is relatively high, otherwise Chu Feng would not hesitate for so long.

Chu Feng replied here, and it didn't take long for the reply to be passed to Yang Tian and the others, "Why did it take so long?" Yang Tian was in a good mood when he received the reply, but he still blamed it authentically.

"My lord, this is not my reason." The god-level expert said, "I passed the adult's release to Shenchucheng, but Shenchucheng took more than ten minutes to reply!"

"It takes more than ten minutes to reply?"

Yang Tian also had many quasi-saint-level powerhouses whose eyes lit up. "Okay, there is nothing for you, you have done well, let's go down first." Yang Tian waved his hand.

The god-level powerhouse retreated, and Situ Jian smiled and said: "Brother Yang, in this situation in Shenchu ​​City, in all likelihood, he is forced to agree to this duel. I will wait for Brother Yang to violently convulse. Chucheng slapped!"

"Shen Chucheng doesn't know who it will send to a duel, Duguyu, or the King of Darkness? Their two strengths are still good, but they are not as good as Yang Tian!"

Yang Tian and the others were happy. The message of the duel was spread out in a very short time. Ten thousand monsters are not smaller than infinitely smaller. In addition to the strong ones who joined the Shenchu ​​City and Tianyuanzong, there are many strong ones who belong to one. The news of the duel was spread out from this force, and many powerful men on the Ten Thousand Monsters quickly received the news.

In just one day, many strong people around the Ten Thousand Demons received news, because there is a void channel, and some strong people who are a long time away from Ten Thousand Demons also received news.

After three days, the number of Quasi-Sage-level powerhouses who received news from the entire giant where Infinite is more than one hundred thousand, and the number of God-level powerhouses who received the news reached hundreds of millions. Naturally, the god-level powerhouses will not all rush to the ten thousand monsters, but 20 to 30% of them rushed to the ten thousand monsters. Even if it is only two to three thousand, they are also two to three thousand quasi-sage level powerhouses, and more than ten million gods. Powerful!

The strength has reached a certain level, and it is more difficult to improve. For those who practice, the improvement of strength is very important to everyone.

Watching the strong fighting, this is a good way to improve your strength and break through the bottleneck, but for the top strong, how can they be interested in a duel? Even if it is a duel, they have unlimited locations. Killing and killing may not know where they are going. It is difficult for ordinary people to watch their duel.

And this time the duel between the strong of God Chu City and Yang Tian is determined to be the stagnant basin. The stagnant basin is very suitable for watching the duel. Even if the tenth rank quasi-holy strong fights in it, it is estimated that the energy fluctuations of the battle will not be affected. It is not easy for people who are around to watch the battle, and for those who are dueling inside.

Excellent conditions for watching the battle. The life-and-death duel of high-level powerhouses attracts a large number of quasi-saint-level and god-level powerhouses to watch the battle. It is normal. However, as time passes slowly, Chu Feng, Yang Tian and others are also secretly I was shocked, this time there were too many strong people who came to Ten Thousand Demons.

"Ilian, I have confidence in your strength, but you have to be careful. Yang Tian didn't want us to engage in scheming when he spread the news, but if he can't beat him, the possibility of scheming is not small. "Chu Feng exhorted, and now it hasn't been long since the duel began, and the surrounding area of ​​the stagnant basin is full of countless strong men who have come here.

Yilian said with a smile: "Husband, don't worry, if my tenth-tier quasi-sage level strength is still killed by Yang Tianyin's trick, then I deserve it."

"Nonsense, why do you say these unlucky things?"

"I will stare at Yang Tian and the people of Tianyuanzong. It's okay if they don't use the secret tricks. If they use the secret tricks, I will teach them a profound lesson! If you encounter a situation that you can't resist, you just enter the domain tower. In the middle, although the stagnant basin is peculiar, it cannot prevent you from entering the domain tower." Chu Feng said.

Yilian hugged Chu Feng's arm and smiled and said: "Husband, don't be nervous, Ding Ding, Ding Ding, I am not a weak woman. I have heaven leaves, earth leaves, life leaves, and I can borrow some power from the domain tower, even if Therefore, facing two tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses with one enemy and two should also be able to ensure that the wind will not fall for a period of time. Although Yang Tian has good strength, he only has quasi-sage seventh-tier!"

Chu Feng let out a long sigh. He also knew that Yilian was very strong. Now he is much higher than him. There is no problem dealing with Yang Tian, ​​but he really cares too much, "Let’s go out and start right away. Yes, you have read the information of Yang Tian, ​​it is not a good thing, just kill it!"

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