Holy Prison

Chapter 1428: Yilian fights Yang Tian

"Where are the people in Shenchu ​​City? It's noon soon, and the people in Shenchu ​​City haven't arrived yet, will they miss their appointments?"

"It’s hard to say that Tianyuanzong Yang Tian has the strength of the seventh-order quasi-sage-level, and I heard that he masters the secret method, can improve his own strength a lot in a short time! , But I haven't heard of anyone with the strength of the seventh-order quasi-sage level!"

"Who says no, Chu Feng's wife, Yilian, used to have the strength of the seventh-order quasi-saint level in the past. It's just a pity that the Pope Bright and the death messenger conspired to be seriously injured and did not appear afterwards. It is estimated that the injuries are now It hasn't recovered, even if it is recovered, the strength should not be able to recover in such a short time!"

Around the stagnant basin, many people talked about it. High-ranking quasi-saint-level powerhouses like Yang Tian generally rarely dare to talk, but this time there are too many powerhouses here, among them, those who are not strong under Yang Tian Quite a few, the stones of other mountains can be used for jade, they come to see other high-level quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the battle and it is possible to get benefits!

"Shenchu ​​City, who will fight with me"

At this moment, a domineering voice sounded, and Yang Tian instantly entered the stagnant basin. He stood in the air, with a dignified look on his face. Now so many people are watching, if you fail, even if you can Escaped his life, that face is not pretty!

However, Yang Tian is still very confident of himself, the seventh-order quasi-sage, this strength is absolutely the top power in the gods!

Yang Tian’s voice rolled away like thunder, and the calm stagnant water in the center of the Deadwater Basin without a little ripple also stirred up a little wave under Yang Tian’s voice, but the little wave disappeared just after it started. The reason why the Deadwater Basin It is called the Deadwater Basin because of the deadwater in the basin, which occupies about one third of the area.

"Shenchu ​​City, don't anyone dare to fight me?"

Seeing that no one answered, Yang Tian shouted again. With these two shouts, Yang Tian raised his aura to the highest level. The crazy fighting intent roared in his body. In this state, Yang Tian knew I can definitely display my strongest level!

"What is the name, if you shout loudly, you will win the duel?"

Chu Feng’s faint voice sounded. There was a place on the high ground around the Deadwater Basin that was reserved by Shenchu ​​City. At this time, Chu Feng Yilian also had a hundred quasi-sage-level powerhouses in Shenchu ​​city and 10,000 people who were at the god-level powerhouse. The person appeared on the reserved site.

Yang Tian snorted, and his eyes flashed with scorching light when he looked at Chu Feng. "I thought Shenchu ​​City was going to be the tortoise with its head down?" Yang Tian sneered, "Who came up to die?"

Yang Tian said that his eyes fell on Yilian. He had information about all the people who appeared in Shenchu ​​City. Duguyu, the King of Darkness, knew that he was not his opponent. Chu Feng’s hand, if it were not a duel, Yang Tian There is no certainty that Chu Feng will win, but in such a duel, he knows that Chu Feng is definitely not his opponent now.

The only one who was unsure was Yilian. Yilian appeared here, which surprised him. It hasn't been long since Yilian regained consciousness, so not many people knew that Yilian was awake!

"My opponent, is this Yilian?" Yang Tian asked secretly in his heart.

Soon Yang Tian knew that he had guessed right, and Yilian stepped forward, shrinking to an inch, and within one step, he was within the Deadwater Basin and Yang Tian was only a hundred meters away!

"Yang Tian, ​​your opponent is me!" Yilian said indifferently. Although there were many people watching the battle, and he was facing a seventh-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse, Yilian did not have any tension. The level of strength made her very confident about herself, even if she did not borrow the power of the domain tower, Yang Tian could not be her opponent!

"Chu Feng, what do you mean, let a woman take action?" Yang Tian said solemnly. On the edge of the stagnant basin, Chu Feng said with a faint smile: "Why, Yang Tian, ​​do you look down on women? In this world, you don't know how many women are more powerful than you. Your thinking is wrong."

The strong men who came this time accounted for the majority, but there were also many women among them. Chu Feng's voice fell, and Yang Tian suddenly felt bad eyes. In this cruel world of practice, women are indeed in Weak position, but if you say this publicly, it is a very taboo thing.

Yang Tian sneered in surprise and said: "Chu Feng child, what a sharp mouth, why do you twist my meaning? I just think that at this time, men should be in front of them, not women! As for things, men are more suitable for a little bit. Chu Feng, it is rare for you to let your own woman go out like this!"

"Yang Tian, ​​if you want to fight with me, I can also accompany you. How about any means?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Perhaps, you want me to be a god-level cultivation base and be like you. You can't use foreign objects when you play with the quasi-sage-level extravagance? Yang Tian, ​​if you are afraid, you can admit defeat and get a life back."

Yang Tian glanced at Yilian on the other side, fighting with Chu Feng with unlimited means and fighting with Yilian, he prefers to choose the latter, but he knows that there are a lot of powerful treasures in Chu Feng's hand. If it comes up at that time, He really didn't have the confidence to survive from Chu Feng!

"Hmph, since you choose to let your woman kill you, don't blame me for being polite!" Yang Tian snorted coldly. After he finished speaking, he focused on Yilian. In this episode, Yang Tian brows slightly. Wrinkle, he felt that Yilian's strength was a bit invisible, it seemed to be weaker than him, but it seemed to be much stronger than him!

"Yilian, let's start." Chu Feng said lightly.

Yilian smiled slightly at Chu Feng. The moment she turned her head, Yang Tian moved, and a golden sharp gun appeared in his hand. The two guns were golden and Yang Tian held the gun in one hand. The golden sharp gun appeared in front of Yilian as if piercing through the space.

When Yang Tian approached, the divine light flashed in Yilian's eyes, and when Yang Tian reached her side for ten meters, Yilian's body erupted and made Yang Tian feel the terrible aura of fear!

The aura of the tenth rank quasi-sage-level powerhouse erupted, Yang Tian was slightly affected at that moment, and Yilian's figure in the same place was blurred and appeared in front of Yang Tian less than one meter.

Yang Tian didn't even think that Yilian had such terrible strength. Even though he dodged with all his strength, Yilian's palm was still firmly printed on his hand.

Yilian's small hands didn't seem to have much power, but the palm was printed on, and Yang Tian seemed to be slapped severely by a beast with infinite power. His chest sank a little bit, and blood spurted out of his whole body. It flies tens of thousands of meters away like a cannonball!


Yang Tian looked at Yilian, who was a hundred meters away from him, with horror in his eyes. The two were still a hundred meters away from him before, but he was confident before and suffered no injuries at all. Lian Yizhang, although a defensive treasure blocked some of the power, he was also seriously injured at this time!

Tenth-level quasi-sage, Yang Tian really did not expect that Yilian was actually a tenth-level quasi-sage-level strength. If he knew that God’s First City had a tenth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouse, then he would also invite War God Chucheng to do a bird. Isn't it looking for death?

Yang Tian couldn't believe that Yilian actually had the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level, but now the power that Yilian burst out absolutely reached the tenth quasi-sage level!

"How could this be"

Around the stagnant basin, countless people showed horror in their eyes at this time. Many of them were worried that Yilian looked weaker, and people generally sympathized with women and the weak.

But I didn't expect Yang Tian to be injured in a short period of time, and Yilian, who looked weaker before them, showed such terrifying strength.

"The tenth rank quasi-sage is definitely the strength of the tenth quasi-sage level. Shenchu ​​City actually has a tenth-sage quasi-sage level powerhouse. Yang Tian is dead. With his seventh-order quasi-sage level strength, he wants to escape the stagnant water. There is no possibility in the basin!" A Quasi-Sage powerhouse who is stronger than Yang Tian whispered softly. His eyes were also frightened. Yang Tian couldn't compare to Yilian. He clearly knew his own strength. It's not as good as Yilian.

escape! At this time, Yang Tian had already put out his thoughts of fighting Yilian. In this situation, it would be great to be able to escape from the stagnant basin!

With the idea of ​​running away in his mind, Yang Tian immediately put it into action. The golden gun in his hand turned into a shadow of the gun and shrouded Yilian. While attacking, Yang Tian fell to the ground and flew towards the periphery of the stagnant basin. Ran away.

The backwater basin is very peculiar. It is very easy to fly into the backwater basin. You can fly freely in the center of the basin, but you can only fly to the center on the periphery, not outside! To leave the basin, you can only fall to the ground, and then run out of the stagnant basin.

And to run, the stronger the strength to run to the periphery in the Deadwater Basin, the stronger the resistance will be. If you enter the Deadwater Basin, it will take at least half a minute to run out!

Facing Yang Tian’s attack, if Yilian blocked it, she would definitely delay a little bit of time, but she did not attack at all and forcibly smashed many spear shadows and fell to the ground not far from Yang Tian. Above.

"What a strong defense!"

Many people around the Deadwater Basin were amazed. Although Yang Tian was injured, his previous blow was still at the level of his full blow. The full blow of a seventh-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse is naturally terrifying, but that Spear shadows fell on Yilian but did not break her defense at all.

Chu Feng nodded secretly. Others didn't know, but he knew that Yilian should use the defensive ability of the earth leaf just now. The earth leaf's defensive ability is indeed extremely high, even if Yang Tian's attack power is just 30-40% stronger. It is difficult to break the defense of the earth leaf!

The strong men around the stagnant basin were in the mood to marvel, but Yang Tian didn't have that mood at this time. He ran away with all his strength, but the distance between Yilian and him kept getting closer, although the resistance that Yilian received was compared to him. The resistance is great, but the powerful people will still move faster in the backwater basin!

Two hundred meters, one hundred and fifty meters, one hundred meters, fifty meters.

The distance between Yilian and Yang Tian is constantly shrinking. On the ground of the stagnant basin, the attack is suppressed. The power of the attack is weakened and no effective attack can be formed. This is a distance of 50 meters. Yilian is sure that if you use Tianye Formed an effective attack on Yang Tian, ​​but she still did not do anything. This time it was enough to show the strength of the tenth quasi-saint level, there was no need to show things like Tianye.

At fifty meters, forty meters, and thirty meters, sweat came out of Yang Tian’s forehead. Only a few seconds passed at this time, and it took at least twenty seconds to run out, but it was only a mere twenty to thirty meters away. With the speed difference between Yilian and him, Yilian can come to him to attack in just two or three seconds!

"I surrender!"

Yang Tian said in a loud voice, he really didn’t want to shout out these three words, but if he didn’t shout out, he knew that he would definitely not be able to escape the catastrophe, a tenth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse, even if he worked hard, he would at most let Yilian suffer. It's impossible for Yilian to die with a little injury.

Moreover, even if he could drag Yilian to death together, Yang Tian was unwilling!

Hearing Yang Tian surrendered Yilian's body forward, he paused slightly, "Yang Tian, ​​this is a life and death duel, there is no such thing as surrender." Chu Feng's faint voice sounded.


Chu Feng's voice caused Yilian's body to slow down and immediately resumed its previous speed. At the same time, in front of Yang Tian, ​​thick plants broke through the soil and stopped in front of Yang Tian.

If Yang Tian is still kind, Chu Feng would not let Yilian take his life at this time, but this guy is really not a good thing, the value of sin is more than ten times the value of kindness, and the value of kindness is not small, but The guilt value is even more scary, and Yilian thinks about Yang Tian's terrifying guilt value and she does not want to save his life now!

"Break it for me!"

Obstacles appeared in front, although Yang Tian was shocked, the golden sharp spear in his hand immediately swept towards the plants in front of him. Although Yilian's strength was much higher, the summoned plants could not stop the golden sharp spear. , But with that little block, Yilian already appeared within ten meters of Yang Tian!

Ten meters, this range can almost exert the strongest attack in the stagnant basin, "curse of life!" Yilian whispered.

With Yilian's voice, a strange power appeared in Yang Tian's body. Yang Tian's expression changed. He felt that his life function had dropped a lot in an instant. The decline in his life function made his power run faster. Slowed down a lot!

"Damn it!" Yang Tian cursed secretly in his heart, and immediately used the secret technique that would never be used until the moment of life and death. When the secret technique was used, Yang Tian's body became thick in an instant, and the breath that emerged from his body also suddenly changed. Got a lot of violent!

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