Holy Prison

Chapter 1436: Cost price

"Shenchu ​​trading market welcomes you, for your benefit, please keep the following information in mind before entering the Shenchu ​​trading market!"

"If there is no one to bring, people below the Emperor God level are restricted to enter the God’s first trading market. The Emperor God level cannot bring people. The Emperor God level can bring one person in, the Exalted God level can bring two people, and the semi-sage level powerhouse can bring five. People enter!"

"To enter the outer zone, each person will charge one thousand catties of the best spar as a ticket to pay for the spar; enter the inner zone and charge one catty of the void stone as a ticket. Every ten days, one catty of the void stone will be added as a ticket!"

"In the outer area, if there is a robbery and other incidents, Shenchucheng assumes limited liability, and the value of the item does not exceed one hundred billion catties.

"Transactions charge 1% of the transaction fee. For internal transactions, robbery and other incidents, the original price will be compensated. In the following circumstances, Shenchucheng will not compensate."

The Shenchu ​​trading market has gates hundreds of meters wide in thirty-six directions, and a spar stands at each gate. As long as the spirit of God touches that spar, then some regulations of the Shenchu ​​trading market It can all appear in my mind. Nowadays, there are many people gathered at the 36 gates of the Shenchu ​​trading market. Many people have extended their spiritual thoughts to the crystal stone, and they immediately received some. information.

"It's a good job, it's just that it can be done in ten minutes, which is pretty good!"

"It's really good. Although the tickets to enter the inner zone are a little bit expensive, this can also guarantee the number of people entering the inner zone, and the transaction fee of 1% is quite good!"

"Automatically pay the spar to enter, hehe, this is good, if the thousand catties of the best spar have to be collected one by one, then Shenchu ​​City will look stingy."

One by one the strong talked about it, and at the moment, there are strong ones who let a thousand catties of the highest grade crystals or ten catties of a lower grade of crystals a catty of medium grade crystals fall on a round table with a diameter of 30 to 40 meters behind the standing spar. A round platform is about two meters high, and the spar immediately disappears into a space item as soon as it falls on it.

There are thirty-six gates, each with a round platform like that. Inside the Shenchu ​​trading market, Chu Feng smiled slightly. Although the tickets in the outer area are not expensive, so many people enter the Shenchu ​​trading market. In a short time, the spar in a spatial ring in his hand was turned into a top-grade spar and it was billions of catties!

The billions of catties of the best spar is nothing to Chu Feng today, but you must know that this is a steady stream of entry. As long as the Shenchu ​​trading market can continue to exist, it can exist more and more prosperously. There will always be crystals flowing into Chu Feng's pockets!

The ticket income of the outer zone will definitely not be too small, but Chu Feng does not care much about the ticket income of the outer zone. For the Shenchu ​​trading market, the main money is not the ticket income of the outer zone but the inner zone. There is a 1% transaction fee above the ticket revenue!

The ticket for the inner zone is a catty of Void Stone. This is nothing to the powers of the gods and the quasi-sage level. If they want something good, they will definitely not bear that catty of void stone. .

The current market price of a catty of void stone is only a hundred billion catties of the best spar, but if it is in the hands of Chu Feng, that one catty of the void stone is worth a trillion catties of the best spar. A day, as long as ten thousand people enter the inner zone, it will be for Chu For the peak, it is the income of 100 million jin of super spar. Compared with the ticket income of the inner area, the little income of the outer area is negligible.

The ticket revenue in the inner zone is a big head, and the transaction costs are also a big head. There are always many people who don’t want others to know that some good things are flowing out of their hands. Therefore, there must be some people who have good things. They will definitely choose to let gods. Chucheng is listed for sale, a good thing, if you sell ten thousand catties of void stone, then Shenchucheng draws a hundred catties, and it will not be a small amount in this regard!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

After many people entered the Shenchu ​​trading market, the sound of the salute rang. The nine deafening salutes filled the entire Shenchu ​​trading market with a lot of joy!

"Everyone!" Chu Feng flew into the air and bowed his hands in all directions. "I really didn't expect that such a trading market would be established on this side. I would like to thank everyone for your visit. Outer District, Shen Chu The 999 shops in the city have prepared some good things; in the inner area, the thirty-six shops in Shenchu ​​City have also prepared some things, such as materials, weapons, wine, pill, everything is a little bit, but the quantity Not much."

"Everyone enters the Shenchu ​​trading market, and knows other things that should be known. Chu will no longer talk nonsense, and hope that everyone can return with satisfaction!"

When Chu Feng's voice fell, many people swiftly passed towards the inner zone. The inner zone and the outer zone had 36 entrances. At each entrance, some women from Shenchu ​​City were standing smiling in the inner zone. Each entrance of the jade platform has a small jade platform. The jade platform does not usually light up. When someone puts a void stone of sufficient weight on it, it will light up with a faint light of different colors.



Everyone enters the inner zone, and the women in Shenchu ​​City's uniform cheongsam salutes with a smile. In their salute, those strong men who entered the inner zone consciously poured a catty of void stone into about 1.2 meters The height above the jade platform.

Putting the void stone on, the jade platform suddenly lit up with lights of different colors, and the jade platforms lit up with lights of various colors one after another. It was really beautiful!

"Wow, Xiaoyao is drunk, there is such a good wine, hahaha! How much is this Void Stone? Hurry up and tell me how much this wine is, I bought them all!"

An old man who looked like a seven-year-old 80-year-old rushed to the door of a shop opened by himself in Shenchu ​​City in the inner area. He is a good drinker, and he didn't hold much hope, but he did not expect to rush there but found out. A great wine of the highest quality, that kind of wine he had drunk before, but it was thousands of years ago!

"There are treasures for upgrading cultivation bases. How many void stones does this cost? I bought them. I'm willing to take out such things, not bad!"

Next to the old man, a middle-aged man pointed his eyes to a small fruit, which was contained in a small transparent bottle with detailed instructions beside it.

"Guest, this Xiaoyao drunk a bottle of 10,000 catties of Void Stone. I'm sorry, you can't buy all of it. Because the quantity is limited, you can buy up to three bottles within an hour. However, there are other fine wines in some of our other stores. !"

"Limited purchase?"

The old man glared, and he really encountered fewer purchases restrictions, but think about it, there are few such wines, and this time, he is not the only good wine person, if they are like him all at once. I bought them all, so the people behind would not even have a chance to look at the bottle.

"Three bottles, give me three bottles, hurry up!" At this time, the old man stopped fighting. It was a waste of time. It's better to buy it here and look elsewhere for other wines. I bought it with Xiaoyao. If you can buy other fine wines, it's worth it this time!

"Thank you, your wine!"

The void stone was collected, and three bottles of Xiaoyao drunk were immediately placed in front of the beautiful head, "Xiaoyao drunk, really Xiaoyao drunk!" The old man opened one of the bottles, smelled it, and immediately collected things and went to the next shop. .

The outer area and the inner area have become popular in a short period of time. Especially in the inner area, the things that come out of Shenchu ​​City stores are top-notch good things. Many strong people may have found one of them. For hundreds of thousands of years, I entered the inner zone with hope, and I didn't expect to get it, but many people really got what they had been looking for for a long time and could not get it!

In the holy prison space.

"Chu Feng, you profiteer!" Miao Xian'er said in Chu Feng's mind, "That Xiaoyao drunk in the holy prison shop means selling 5 billion catties of the best **** crystal, you actually sell 10,000 catties of void stone Bottle!" (Note: Five billion catties of the best crystals = five trillion catties of the best crystals, the three realms are separated, and the data of the best crystals is too large, so in the future, the larger data will basically use the best crystals! ).

Chu Feng curled his lips and said, "I'm a profiteer? I can only get a bottle of Xiaoyao Drunk when I die as a tens of billions of jin of the best crystal. Outside, a jin of void stone is worth a million jin of the best of crystal. Shenjing, I sell it at cost, okay?"

Miao Xian'er rolled her eyes: "The cost price of a catty of Void Stone is not a million catties of superb crystals but a million catties of superb crystals. Once you change hands, you make nine times the profit!"

Chu Feng smiled and sat down on the sofa with Yilian's slender waist: "Although it was a bit of a huge profit, I can't say that I am a profiteer? Are I selling at a cost price outside? If the price is lowered, , It is estimated that the value of the void stone will rise, which is not a good thing!"

"Humph, it's a profiteer anyway!" Miao Xian'er hummed softly. Yilian smiled and said, "If there is no treacherous, no business, you can accept your husband."

"Okay, okay, I'm a profiteer. Miao Xian'er, Yilian, tell me, who is better on the Shenchu ​​trading market?" Chu Feng frowned slightly. It is impossible for him to sit on this side often. Yes, but the Shenchu ​​trading market is now earning half of the money every day, and then it will develop more income every day. Such a golden doll, Chu Feng, is really an ordinary person who is not at ease!

The people in this town are more trustworthy than Xu, and the cultivation base must be relatively high, and problems can be overcome. There are not many people like this in God Chucheng.

"Husband, don't worry about it, let me come." Yilian smiled and said, "My cultivation base has reached the tenth quasi-sage, and I can't rise in a short time, and the Shenchu ​​trading market has just started. Many things need to be perfected. We have built them. I will be responsible for perfecting them!"

"You? No!" Chu Feng shook his head, "You had a problem before and the fit with the domain tower has dropped drastically. Now the most important task is to improve the fit with the domain tower! Although you are a two-star + Strength evaluation, but there is still a little distance from the power limit that the God Realm can withstand, and if your power can exceed that limit, then it will be easier to perform a limit attack in the God Realm."

"Besides, you will have to help me complete the B-level mission in the domain tower when that time comes."

Yilian frowned slightly and said: "If I can't do it, there is nothing suitable for other people. Menghao and the others are lower in strength, even Lonely Yu and their strength are also lower. Tang Ming and Zhouwen have their own responsibility. , And their main task at this time is to improve their strength. Sister Bing Ning's main task now is to improve their cultivation base, improve their compatibility with the domain tower, and stay in the domain tower is better."

"Chu Feng, let a heavenly guard come out?" Miao Xianer said, "Every heavenly guard is already a quasi-sage eighth-order cultivation base. Although it is not comparable to the quasi-sage tenth-order strong, it is also very powerful. Tianwei sits in town and takes some powerful offensive weapons. It should be able to ensure the safety of the Shenchu ​​trading market."

"Heaven Guard" Chu Feng muttered softly. He didn't really like to use Heaven Guards at this time. The Holy Prison upgrades. Every Heaven Guard can be continuously strengthened. If he does not die, every Heaven Guard will be immortal. Indestructible, when going out at this time, there will be more or less danger, and it will be more heartache for him to die.

Miao Xian'er said with a smile: "Chu Feng, I'm worried that Tianwei is dead and won't be paid by then? There is one thing to tell you about Tianwei."

"What?" Chu Feng said in a flash in his eyes, listening to Miao Xian'er's tone, I'm afraid it is about the resurrection of Tianwei!

Miao Xian'er said: "Chu Feng, if the holy prison reaches a higher level, if your heavenly guards don't have a hundred, there may be a mission to resurrect the heavenly guards!"

"Sure?" Chu Feng said solemnly. If there is a mission to resurrect the Tianwei, then it will be fine for a few Tianwei to die temporarily, and just think of a way to resurrect the Tianwei.

Miao Xian'er shrugged: "I'm not sure. It's just through some information that it is possible to find that there is such a possibility. You try not to let the Tianwei die, but don't worry too much about using one or two. Moreover, now in this **** realm. Among them, the death of the eighth-level Quasi-Saint-level Tianwei is not so easy!"

"Since it is possible to resurrect, then use a Tianwei. An eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse suddenly appeared in Shenchu ​​City. It may scare many people." Chu Feng chuckled.

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