Holy Prison

Chapter 1437: Really surrender

"City Lord Chu, this is"

At the Shenchu ​​trading market, Chu Feng and a smiling old man who seemed to be in his fifties appeared, and a quasi-sage-level powerhouse with relatively powerful strength came up to ask. This quasi-sage-level powerhouse has a feeling that this old man seems to be stronger than him. This discovery shocked his heart. He himself is a sixth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse. Could this person be a seventh-tier strength? Quasi-sage or eighth-order quasi-sage.

"City Lord Chu, is this also a person from God's Beginning City?" The other quasi-saint-level experts felt the situation on this side and also reached Chu Feng and the others.

Nowadays, the items released in the stores of Shenchu ​​City have been sold out. Although other strong people also released a lot of good items at this time, in order to sell a good price, even those who have good items, also It won't be a short time to sell the good things in their hands, so the quasi-saint-level powerhouses are not in a hurry at this time.

Chu Feng smiled and introduced: "He is Mu Bai. From now on, he will be responsible for the affairs of the Shenchu ​​trading market. You can call him the wood butler."

"Hello everyone," Mu Bai said with a smile, arched his hands, "Shenchu ​​City will regularly release a little good stuff from now on, I hope you will join in!"

"The wooden butler is polite, I don't know whether the wooden butler's cultivation base is." The sixth-order quasi-sage-level expert who first asked the same arched his hand.

Mu Bai glanced at Chu Feng: "City Lord, should I say this cultivation base or not?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "Go ahead, there will always be some people coming to make trouble by the time, and your strength is known. It's also a matter of time and night. Since a few fellow daoists have asked, it doesn't hurt to let them know."

"Everyone, I don't have the strength of Mrs. Yilian. I'm only a Quasi-Saint Eighth, and I hope you can show some face by then." Mu Bai said with a smile.

"Quasi Saint Eighth!"

Hearing Mu Bai's words like this, everyone who came here and noticed that the strong people on this side were shocked. If a sixth-tier quasi-sage-level strong suddenly appeared in Shenchu ​​City, then they would not How shocking, but the strength of the eighth-order quasi-sage is too strong, and Cao Xing, the supreme master of the Tianyuanzong, is only the strength of the eighth-quasi-sage!

The eighth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouses are generally a side overlord-level figure. They did not expect that this old man was actually a person from the first city of God. With Yilian, a tenth-level quasi-sage-level powerhouse, Mu Bai, an eighth For the quasi-sage-level powerhouse, Shenchu ​​City still hides how strong it is.

"This God's First City, I can't afford it!"

"An eighth-level quasi-saint-level powerhouse sits in town, this Shenchu ​​trading market seems to be able to operate well!"

"The strength of Shenchu ​​City is really unfathomable. Fortunately, fortunately, he did not provoke Shenchu ​​City!"

In a short period of time, the news that an eighth-tier quasi-saint-level powerhouse would be seated in the Shenchu ​​trading market spread throughout the Shenchu ​​trading market. Some people were happy and some were worried about this news. People who are happy are naturally those who are not prepared to conflict with Shenchu ​​City. If the Shenchu ​​trading market can exist safely and for a long time, it will be good for them.

Those who are worried are more or less in conflict with Shenchu ​​City, in other words, they estimate that they or their forces will conflict with Shenchu ​​City in the future!

At the Shenchu ​​Trading Market, Du Guyu and Dark Water got together for a drink, and their eyes were shocked when the news came to them.

"Brother Dugu seems to have nothing to be proud of. Mrs. Yilian is far more powerful than us, and now there is another rank 8 quasi-sage-level powerhouse." The Dark King smiled bitterly. There is a barrier around him, but he is not worried. My own words are known by others.

Duguyu took a sip of wine and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. They are also hegemonic figures and ambitious. Before being forced to join Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng was still a little unconvinced with Shenchu ​​City, but now, what about being unconvinced? Without Yilian's action, an eighth-rank quasi-saint-level powerhouse can steadily suppress them!

"Brother Darkness...it seems that we can only be the first city of the goddess! Although Chu Feng's strength is lower now, he has already reached the peak of the gods. If he reaches the quasi-sage level, it is estimated that his strength is far beyond us! There is nothing to be dissatisfied with. This time a tenth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse appeared in Shenchu ​​City, and an eighth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse appeared. He also got Yang Tian’s life essence and blood before. There are quite a few strong people who have joined Shenchu ​​City. Today, Shenchu ​​City is worthy of our sincere integration!" Duguyu said.

"Brother Dugu, we are completely defeated!" The Dark Lord toasted. "Is it a failure or a success? It depends on the future." Duguyu smiled lightly and touched the King of Darkness to drink.

A faint smile appeared on Chu Feng's face surrounded by a group of quasi-sage-level powerhouses. At this time, he turned on the scanning of the sky eye. Others could not know what the king of darkness was talking about, but Chu Feng had the sky eye scanning. However, they knew clearly that both the Dark King and Du Guyu were extremely powerful experts. It was a very good thing for them to join God Chu City sincerely.

"Everyone, let me miss you, Mu Bai, come with me!"

Chu Feng said that He Mu Bai left the encirclement of many quasi-sage-level powerhouses and appeared in the restaurant where the Dark King and Du Guyu were located.

The Dark King and Duguyu were on the top floor of the restaurant at this time. Through the stairs made of ancient wood, Chu Feng and Mu Bai quickly appeared on the top floor.

Seeing Chu Feng and the others came up, the Dark King and Du Guyu quickly got up and saluted, and they made a decision in their hearts. At this time, their eyes became less rebellious and more respectful.

"Darkness, Dugu, this is Mu Bai, you should have heard of it!" Chu Feng introduced, "Mu Bai, you know both of them."

"Brother Mu Bai!"

The Dark King and Du Guyu also bowed their hands to Mu Bai in salute. Being so close, Mu Bai didn't hide it at this time. They could all feel Mu Bai's tyrannical aura!

"You two are welcome, I hope we can cooperate well by then." Mu Bai said with a smile, and in a short time, his tyrannical aura was reduced.

Chu Feng took the lead to sit down: "Mu Bai, sit down all of you!"

"Thank City Lord!"

The three Mu Bai all sat down and said in unison, Chu Feng said with a light smile: "Darkness, Dugu, come to you to inform you of one thing. You will be responsible for the Ten Thousand Monsters and Shenchu ​​Trading Market together with Mu Bai from now on. This side of the matter. This time I have a lot of strength in Shenchu ​​City, and it must be able to attract many strong people to join Shenchu ​​City. Those who join Shenchu ​​City should stay here for a while, above the ten thousand monsters, Just have a large force in God Chu City!"

"City Lord, if Cao Xing and other Tianyuanzong people don't withdraw, I'm afraid it will still be a little difficult. If the Tianyuanzong forces are withdrawn, only the people from the previous Tianyuanzong are left, then there is no problem at all." Kingly.

Yang Tian has been controlled by Chu Feng, Tianyuanzong's strength on this side has weakened and Shenchucheng's strength on this side has greatly increased. If they can't handle the affairs of ten thousand monsters, then the King of Darkness will have no face to see people.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "Cao Xing Tianyuanzong's large army can't stay here. Tianyuan's side is much more important than this side. If you stay here for a long time, Tianyuan's side will definitely have problems. No, I won’t say much, leave it to you here, don’t let me down!"

"Send to the city lord!"

Chu Feng got up, the king of darkness, they also got up quickly, their voices fell, Chu Feng had already left the restaurant to the outside and entered the holy prison space.

"Husband, the handling of the frontal affairs is finished?" Yilian saw Chu Feng smiled sweetly, and Chu Feng sat down beside Yilian: "Where are the outside affairs handled now, and they are thrown to the tenth guard And the Dark King Duguyu and the others, yes, the name of the Tenth Guard is now Mu Bai."

"Whether it's handed over to them, Mu Bai is strong and strong, and the Dark King and Duguyu are both shrewd and capable people. They work together, plus there are many quasi-sage-level powerhouses on this side in Shenchu ​​City. Handle things on this side well." Yilian said.

Chu Feng nodded: "Well, the King of Darkness and Duguyu, now my heart is almost completely settled. They and Mu Bai will join forces on my side. I feel more at ease. Next, I will deal with the threats from the Zerg side. Part of the time will be spent on completing the B-level task and the S-level task."

"Ilian, you can enter the domain tower to practice. You don't need to take care of things on the Zerg side. With so many powerful sky guards, it is not difficult to get things done on the Zerg side."

Only half a day has passed. Chu Feng has already rushed from Ten Thousand Monsters to Zerg, and handed over to Miao Xian'er to fix the bugs on the Zerg. Chu Feng himself went to the No. 8 domain tower to practice, and now his body There are those nine lotus seeds in it. Although it is impossible for him to reach the peak of the gods with the nine lotus seeds, it is impossible for him to reach the strength of the gods, but by absorbing their power, it is naturally a step closer to the gods of the gods. .

Absorbing the power of the nine lotus seeds, Chu Feng's strength improved relatively quickly, Tang Ming, Zhou Wen, Feng Bingning and the others, Meng Hao and their strengths are also constantly improving, in the Holy Realm, at this time, one by one is sober The saints are constantly looking for ways to reach the lower realm, and some saints are looking for their own enemies in the holy realm. If the enemy is still sleeping, then kill him in the sleeping. Wonderful thing!

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