Holy Prison

Chapter 1438: Satan whistle

"Buzz!" "Buzz"

"Can't open the lower realm passage!" In the holy realm, a middle-aged man wearing a purple gold crown revealed a powerful and majestic aura in a deep voice.

"Master Saint King, since you can't open it temporarily, don't force it. The lower realm channel will always open." A black-robed old man said, he felt a little helpless, since the man in front of him can't open the lower realm channel now, then In the Holy Realm, basically no one can open it.

The one in front of him is a powerful king. Although his strength is not the top in the holy realm, he is not far from the top holy one, and the holy one, at this moment, there is not a strong one in the holy class. The person wakes up, even if he wakes up, the powerhouse of the holy-sovereign level is not something he can invite! The man in front of him, if it were not for the needs of the lower realm himself, then it is estimated that he would not be here!

"Brother Satan, I'm sorry! Brother Satan doesn't need to call me Lord Saint King. It's too much. We are all from the same place." The middle-aged man with the purple gold crown took a deep breath and said lightly.

The black-robed old man was Satan smiled: "If Brother Yin Xiao said so, then I'm not polite. Brother Yin Xiao, you seem to want the lower realm too, I don't know if it is."

"The little girl is in the lower realm. It's time to find her in the gods." Yin Xiao said indifferently. If the world is not divided, then Yin Xiao is too lazy to look for it now, but now that the world is divided, he knows his "daughter" "There must be a quasi-sage tenth-level cultivation base in the lower realm. If she is allowed to stay in the lower realm, then there may be trouble.

"This should be retrieved, otherwise you will have some trouble with Brother Yin Xiao. If she kills our tribe Saint King Meeting in the Nether Realm, you may not be able to explain it to Brother Yin Xiao. "Satan said. Yin Xiao frowned. This "daughter" has a very good talent. I didn't think about parasitizing her before, but I didn't expect that this problem occurred now. The three realms were separated, and Yin Qianqian stayed in the God Realm!

"Brother Yin Xiao, I woke up earlier and got some good tea. Enjoy it together?" Satan said. "Brother Satan, I want to taste this." Yin Xiao said with a light smile.

"Brother Yin Xiao, please!"

Satan is very polite and authentic. Although the real Yin Xiao and Satan are both parasitized, today's Yin Xiao and Satan are all from the abyss, but the strength is different, there will be politeness, the environment changes, the strong is The respect has not changed, the hierarchy has not changed!

Yin Xiao is the strength of the saint king, and Satan is also an indestructible powerhouse. The two are extremely fast, and it didn't take long for them to reach the holy mountain occupied by Satan. This holy mountain is one million meters high and has a thick bottom. Clouds, the sacred mountain is surrounded by faint clouds!

There are some saint-level powerhouses who obey Satan in the tall sacred mountain, but Satan and them come back in stealth, those saint-level powerhouses can't feel Satan's arrival!

Satan said politely, Yin Xiao nodded slightly and then sat down, "Brother Yin Xiao, this tea is not bad, Brother Yin Xiao, you try it." Satan smiled authentically. When facing the people below, he is often gloomy. Facial, but facing Yin Xiao, a person who is much stronger than him, he dare not be any rude!

"Yes, good tea!" Yin Xiaopin said with a chuckle, "This young universe is much better than our old universe, but there is no such good tea in our old universe. !"

"That is, even if our universe is not completely collapsed, it is not far from a complete collapse! Fortunately, our Abyss family has reached this young universe. After this time, this universe we It should be in full control!" Satan laughed.

Yin Xiao nodded slightly: "As long as everyone works harder, the possibility of complete control this time is extremely high. Although there are still some strong people in this universe that are not under our control, most of the strong ones are already in control. Among them! What is hateful is the separation of the three realms, which brings us a lot of trouble!"

Satan snorted coldly: "The separation of the three realms was made by Chu Feng from the God Realm. If I go to the lower realm, I will cut off his head!"

"I don't know what kind of strength our lower realms can achieve." Yin Xiao frowned slightly. "Brother Yin Xiao, our lower realm must be the highest strength in the lower realm, right?" Satan said in a daze, he wouldn't be surprised if others said that, but Yin Xiao said so.

"Estimate, not." Yin Xiao tasted the tea ceremony. "On this matter, I have calculated with two other holy kings a few days ago. The results show that we may not be the strongest power in the lower realm at the beginning!"

"No?" Satan frowned, "Brother Yin Xiao, is this certain? If we don't have the strongest strength in the lower realm, then it would be dangerous for us to reach the lower realm!"

Yin Xiao shook his head slightly: "It's not particularly certain. Therefore, it will be confirmed once in a while. There should be some power to reach the tenth rank of the quasi-sage of the lower realm, but in the lower realm, the power of the quasi-sage tenth rank is also strong. We are weak, we may reach the lower realm only with the strength of the general quasi-sage tenth rank. To reach the highest strength of the lower realm, it is estimated that it will take some time to practice!"

"There is a tenth-level quasi-sage cultivation base, that's okay, brother Yin Xiao, do you know what the limit of the power of the gods is?" Satan said.

"This one needs to be confirmed in the God Realm! Brother Satan, you wake up before me, can you have any news about my little girl?" Yin Xiao said.

Satan shook his head slightly: "Brother Yin Xiao, this is really nothing. Now that the three realms are separated, it is my cultivation level. It is also very difficult to contact the lower realm. Brother Yin Xiao, your little girl is a quasi-sage tenth-order cultivation. Because, I just contacted some people and asked them to find it. It’s not easy to find your little girl."

"If there is news in this regard, please inform me!" Yin Xiao stood up and said. "Brother Yin Xiao, are you leaving now?" Satan also quickly stood up.

Yin Xiao said indifferently: "While a few old friends have not woken up, go find them. If you can find them, then there will be much less trouble in the future! Since you can't be in the lower realm now, don’t just think about the lower realm. Turn around in the holy realm, if luck comes, you may be able to destroy a saintly powerhouse easily!"

"Brother Yin Xiao said, I must work hard." Satan is also a little heart-stirring, a holy-sovereign-level powerhouse, if you can destroy one, then your status can be greatly improved, and every one of the holy-sage-level powerhouses There are very powerful treasures, if you can get a few of them, you will be developed!

"This tea, divide me a few catties." Yin Xiao smiled. "Ah" Satan screamed, and he himself got ten kilograms of this tea.

"Brother Satan, are you reluctant?"

Satan said helplessly: "Brother Yin Xiao, I just got a few catties, so let's divide you two catties. If there are more, I really can't take it out, sorry."

"Four catties!" Yin Xiao directly doubled on the basis of two catties. Seeing that Satan was still reluctant, Yin Xiao smiled and said, "Satan, let alone you don't have one, you have at least ten catties. , Half of you didn't leave you, so don't give me nonsense, take it out quickly!"

"Brother Yin Xiao, I found that it was a mistake to bring you over for tea!" Satan smiled bitterly and took out four catties of tea, "Good to go, not to send it!"

"Haha!" Yin Xiao laughed and left Satan's sacred mountain in the blink of an eye. After Yin Xiao left, Satan's face returned to calm, "Pure soul, good blood, time talent, as long as Chu Han grows up , When the parasite succeeded, and then swallowed Feng Bingning, hehe"

Satan thought about it with a faint smile on his face. Although he has the strength of an indestructible saint, it is far from the strength of the saint king, and now it is difficult for this body to reach the saint king level without some changes. If he carries out a second parasitism and then swallows Feng Bingning, Satan is absolutely sure that he can reach the Saint King level by then. If he is lucky, reaching the Saint Lord level is not impossible!

"If I can reach the Saint King level, my status in the clan will also be greatly improved!" Satan's eyes flashed, and there are still many immortal-level saints like him in the Holy Realm today, but There are very few indestructible saint-level powerhouses who have reached the power of the king. As for the saints, the number is even rarer. Satan with such strength is not too extravagant!

In the divine realm and the holy prison space, Chu Feng practiced quietly, absorbing the power of the nine lotus seeds, and his strength steadily improved relatively quickly.

Chu Feng took a long breath and opened his eyes slowly. It was only four or five years after he left the Shenchu ​​trading market. The power of the nine lotus seeds had not been absorbed. Chu Feng woke up, that was because Xian'er's voice just sounded in his mind.

"The strength has increased, and the speed of absorbing the power in the nine lotus seeds is also fast. It is estimated that in another twenty years, all the power in the nine lotus seeds will be absorbed."

Chu Feng secretly said in his heart: "Miao Xian'er, call me at this time, is Datan still naturally closed?"

"It's still a little worse to close, but with your and Yilian's current strength, you should be able to cross the sea naturally! But this time, it was not because of this. Many Zerg experts were arrested, and things on that side were basically settled. Now, I returned to Shenchu ​​City. You are lucky. Someone sent a merit orb to Shenchu ​​City!" Miao Xianer said.

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