Holy Prison

Chapter 1440: natural

"Miao Xian'er, this is the important task of Tianyin, but I leave it to you." After leaving Shenchu ​​City, Chu Feng entered the holy prison space and laughed.

In front of Chu Feng, Miao Xian'er rolled her eyes: "My housekeeper is only in charge of the holy prison. I didn't expect that all things inside and out are now in charge!"

"This and this, it shows that you are strong. If you are Steward Long, he can't control you so much outside matters." Chu Feng smiled.

Speaking of the Dragon Steward Chu Feng, he thought of the Dragon Steward. At the beginning, the Dragon Steward said that he lived in a certain domain tower, eight domain towers, but now he does not know which domain tower they are in.

Miao Xian'er snorted: "If it weren't for the situation now is indeed a bit critical, then you will be burdened to this lady and I will not help you do this and that."

"Please, please, Miao Xian'er, you are the best." Chu Feng coaxed a few words and quickly entered the seventh domain tower.

At the seventh domain tower, looking at the top of the sky cliff, Yilian was already waiting for Chu Feng at this moment. "Husband, look." Chu Feng appeared, and Yilian held Chu Feng's hand with a smile.

Chu Feng followed the direction of Yilian's fingers and looked over. Before the roots could not see nature, now nature is already in sight.

"Ilian, that guy Carolo had a bad idea about you before. With your current strength, if you meet Carolo, can you escape immediately?" Chu Feng said.

Yilian nodded slightly: "It should be okay. After all, I am the owner of this domain tower. At the beginning, I was not as strong as I am now. After fighting with him, I lost two moves and even had no chance to escape. I could only choose to leave by myself. Now my strength has increased a lot. Although I am definitely not his opponent, the possibility of losing my life is still relatively high. But if I really meet, what will you do?"

"As long as you don't have any problems," Chu Feng said with a light smile, "I have a problem, and I will be killed by him, killed by a saint-level powerhouse, and I won't be able to deduct many combat points. Nothing happened every time. I can still afford the merits. I never die again and again. I scared Carolo to death!"

"Chu Feng!" Miao Xian'er's voice resounded in Chu Feng's mind, "Pay attention, because Carlos is the target of the mission, so if you are killed by him, you will not only deduct a little bit of merit. Instead, they will be deducted a lot, and for every death, 1,000 merit points will be deducted."

Chu Feng's face changed slightly, 1,000 points of merit, this is really a lot, if Carlo Luo is not the target person of the mission, he would be killed by him, it is estimated that the deduction will be at most ten points, and now that is more than a hundred times!

In the domain tower, if you are not very lucky, sometimes you don’t get a thousand points a year. If you die, you will deduct a thousand points. This punishment is not light. If you are caught by Carolo again and again If you find out and kill them again and again, it is very likely that tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of merit points will be deducted!

Chu Feng called out his own information and checked it. Now there are only a little bit more than one million points of combat merit, and a little bit of domain tower value of more than 40,000 points. Originally, those Tianxinzi got a lot of merit points, but before Buying the Black King spent a lot of merit points, and then Lin Kuang spent a million merit points, so Chu Feng naturally didn't have many merit points.

And the domain tower value, this is naturally spent in the upgrade of the holy prison. After the upgrade, only more than 34,000 points were spent. Later, there was no spend, and it slowly increased by a few thousand before reaching the current 40,000 points!

"Millions of combat merit points, if they are deducted severely, they won't be deducted into a negative number." Chu Feng muttered in his heart and didn't care too much. As long as the B-level mission is completed, then at least ten million combat merits will be done by then. Point reward!

It would be even better if the task completion rate could reach 100%. In that case, the task reward for that B-level mission is 20 million combat points and 200,000 domain towers. The most important thing is that the highest power multiplier that Yilian can borrow from the domain tower will reach 14 times!

Of course, compared with the S-level mission to kill Carolo, the reward of that B-level mission is a little insignificant. The time of that S-level mission is 5,000 years, and the normal mission reward is one billion merit points. The value of the tens of millions of domain towers, if completed within a thousand years, the reward will be doubled, and now there are hundreds of years to come!

"Husband, what's the matter?" Yilian asked, she felt that Chu Feng's mood seemed to have changed a little just now. Chu Feng shook his head: "Nothing, it's just that Miao Xian'er just told me that because Carolo is a quest character, if he is killed by him, my punishment will be heavier!"

"How many merit points will be deducted once?"

"one thousand!"

Yilian frowned slightly: "How come there are so many, one thousand, this is not a small amount, if you earn in the domain tower, it will take almost a year!"

"Well, there is no way, who is the big boss." Chu Feng said with a chuckle, "Well, don't worry, as long as we can figure out a way to complete this B-level mission and the S-level mission, we will follow along. Husband, me, delicious and spicy haha!"

A hint of worry flashed in Yilian's eyes: "It would be great if it could be completed smoothly. Fortunately, the B-level mission is good, and the S-level mission is difficult to complete. But no matter what, the S-level mission must be completed. , If you don’t complete it, with the punishment of that task, your battle points and domain tower values ​​will be negative for countless young masters!"

"Don't worry, it will be done!" Chu Feng comforted, "Okay, all the criminals on Datan's side have been arrested. We will go to the natural side. As long as Carollo doesn't come out to make trouble, with our current strength, That B-level task is relatively easy to complete!"

Yilian nodded slightly, and the two jumped, and instantly they jumped off Wangtian Cliff. When they were very close to the sea, their bodies stopped at a high speed and then swayed slightly. The sea water quickly flew towards the natural side!

Wang Shan ran to death, Chu Feng knew this word, but he hadn't experienced it for a long time, and now he and Yilian have experienced it once.

Looking over from Wangtian Cliff, the natural distance from Datan is not too far, but Chu Feng and Yilian flew towards the natural side at a very fast speed. Two hours later, naturally they were still looking at the same distance as before. Ten hours may not be natural!

"Husband, be careful, we have begun to enter the dangerous area between the two blocks. There are many fierce beasts in the sea, and we may also encounter various natural disasters!" Yilian reminded.

Chu Feng nodded slightly. At this time, dying in this sea area is very unworthy, and a lot of merit points will be deducted. Moreover, when the time comes to resurrect, it will not appear in this sea area and can only appear in Datan. Come on, it's been several hours again!

The crown of Chu Feng's merits quivered immediately when he responded here, and a weird sound came from underwater to Chu Feng and his ears. A large area of ​​the sea was sucked and flowed down, Chu Feng and his body. The form is also sucked much slower by that suction!

With the help of Yilian, the cultivation base of the tenth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse made her withdraw from that swallow in a blink of an eye with Chu Feng. "It is estimated that there is a powerful beast on the bottom of the sea." Yilian said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly, as long as it wasn't for encountering groups of beasts or beasts that reached the strength of a saint, it would be relatively easy to deal with Yilian's cultivation base and a variety of treasures owned by Chu Feng.

As time passed by, Chu Feng and the others encountered more and more fierce beasts, and at the same time, they encountered more and more natural disasters!

The terrifying wind and space cracks were enough to smash the terrible thunderstorms that smashed the souls of a few people at the cultivation level for ten hours. Chu Feng and the others encountered no less than 30 terrifying natural disasters. Those natural disasters can be any one. Let a general quasi-saint-level powerhouse die so much that he can't die again!

In terms of fierce beasts, Chu Feng and the others encountered a lot more. Normally, there is not much danger. However, several times they encountered terrible natural disasters and encountered powerful fierce beasts. Both Chu Feng and Yilian Almost died in the sea! For example, once, Chu Feng and the others encountered a thunderstorm, and all kinds of thunder and lightning fell all over the sea over hundreds of millions of miles. Chu Feng could not hide, and naturally had to withstand those terrible lightning.

I thought that there would be no fierce beasts attacking them in such a thunder and lightning, but Chu Feng and the others encountered several thunder beasts. They like thunderstorms, and thunderstorms can’t harm them. As a result, they found Chu Feng and the others, and Chu Feng and the others desperately resisted. If it weren't for Chu Feng and the others, if the thunderstorm stopped after half an hour, Chu Feng and the others would really have died under the double attack of the thunderstorm and those thunder beasts!

"Huh... fast, at most two hours, we should be able to get to the top naturally... Yilian, the next journey should be safer, right?" Chu Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief. They met again just now. When the fierce beast attacked, Chu Feng obviously felt that the strength of the fierce beast was much weaker.

Yilian smiled and nodded: "It should be safer. The edge of the sea is safer and the center is more dangerous. Now we are really only about two hours away from nature."

Two hours later.

Chu Feng and Yilian looked at each other and smiled. After more than ten hours of hard work, they have finally stepped on the natural ground. "Haha, it's not easy, but it's finally here. Even if it's time to die, the resurrection can be resurrected on this nature. Let's start to work, and I hope that guy will not come out and make trouble!" Chu Feng said.

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