Holy Prison

Chapter 1441: Carolo

"Husband, if you come out to make trouble, it's better to attack him first. Even if you can't kill him, it's definitely not a problem to seriously wound him." Yilian said.

"It would be good if he could be killed. If he was not killed, he would not come out to make trouble if he was seriously injured!"

Chu Feng thought about it. If Carolo came out, and then he could kill Carolo, it would be the most perfect. Without Carolo's troubles, the level B mission would be for Chu Feng. It is drizzle, and it will be easy to achieve 100% completion of the mission.

However, if he is only seriously injured and not killed, Carolo will hide in hiding. It will not be easy to find him and kill him!

"Ilian, kill Carollo, we have to discuss this one long-term! You should go to another level to practice first, I will do the B-level task alone, and then contact Carolo." Chu Feng said.

"Husband, I can help with that B-level task, but if you are alone, that task is not so easy to complete." Yilian frowned slightly. "Hey, go to another level to practice first. This Carlolu, the conventional method, I'm afraid it is difficult to kill him, I have to think about it! First contact him to see if he has any weaknesses, If you act with me, I am not very good at contacting him." Chu Feng said.


Yilian nodded reluctantly, "Then be careful, that guy is strong and not easy to mess with." When the voice fell, Yilian disappeared in front of Chu Feng in an instant.


With a murmur in his heart, Chu Feng had a plan in his heart. Although he had those three hairs, and even though he still had a sacred artifact like the death number, he directly attacked Carloluo. Chu Feng really didn't have any confidence to kill him. The direct method is relatively low in practicability, and some methods of slanting the sword may be successful!

He quickly perfected his thoughts in his mind, and Chu Feng started the B-level mission. Although it is easier to do this B-level mission with Yilian, but only by himself, if there is no accident, this B-level mission He can do it too!

When he took this task before, his cultivation base was not high, but now, he is the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, and the holy prison has reached the twelfth level, and the heavenly hand is the thirteenth level. Such a cultivation base is better than before. The Heavenly Hand, which is much more capable, is enough to catch most criminals. If you use the power of the law of space and the Dongdong like the space seal of the different dimension, even the general quasi-sage power Chu Feng can also catch him. !

One city, two cities, three cities. Chu and Feng are relatively stealthily grabbing the lives whose crime value reaches three times the value of goodness. His actions are hard to find by ordinary people, but naturally there is a Carlo Luo, Carlo Luo, an eighth-level lower saint, is not a vegetarian. It didn't take long for him to discover Chu Feng. Naturally, he also noticed that the disappearance of those people is probably related to Chu Feng!

"Funny little guy."

Inside the castle with brilliant lights and crowds of beauties, Carlo Luo tasted the blood wine presented by a young girl with a rare look of surprise on his face.

"It's just the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, and it is easy to make the strong people whose cultivation base is no worse than him disappear!" Carlo Luo secretly said in his heart, his eyes gradually brightened, if this ability can make it possible If he has it, that.

Thinking that when he waved his hands, he would be able to capture or kill the strong men whose cultivation base was not lower than him, and Carlo Luo's heart gradually accelerated!

"Take a good rest, this king will pamper you again when the time comes!" Caroluo said lightly. The beautiful women in the hall responded with respect, and then all disappeared in a short time.

"Little guy, I want to see, what magical thing you have on earth." Carlolo muttered, his interest was already aroused at this time.

Duoruo City, this is a small city. When Chu Feng arrived in this city, he naturally started to act as before. Tianshou moved frequently, and the more powerful criminals were first caught in the holy prison space. .

"Come here." Chu Feng's heart tightened slightly, and Carlo Luo appeared in a restaurant that was not far away from him.

"Little brother!"

Carlo Luo's voice rang in Chu Feng's mind, and when the voice rang, Carlo Luo also let Chu Feng know where the voice came from, and Chu Feng looked towards Carlo Luo. Carlo Luo was sitting in the seat by the window. Seeing Chu Feng looking at it, Carlo Luo raised his glass and slightly signaled that another voice sounded in Chu Feng's mind.

"Little brother, would you please drink a glass of wine, will you not refuse?" There was a sunny smile on Carlolo's face. If it is someone who is unfamiliar with Carlolo, he would really be fooled into thinking that he is really. A person who is very sunny and easy to get along with.

Chu Feng hesitated slightly and walked towards the restaurant where Carolo was.

"Guests, welcome to Ping An Restaurant! Guests, are you pleased upstairs... or in the lobby below? The upstairs is quiet and the downstairs is more lively. In contrast, the downstairs is more affordable." The next year old man greeted him with a smile. The restaurant's consumption is relatively high, especially the upstairs is not cheap, so the old man reminded it a little.

"Upstairs, someone invites wine." Chu Feng said lightly.

"Someone asks for a drink, that's a good thing, Xiao Jing, quickly take the guests upstairs." The old man ordered a delicate woman who looked eighteen or nineteen years old and trot over immediately.

"Guest, please!"

Chu Feng nodded slightly and followed Xiao Jing upstairs quickly, "Little brother, here." Carlo Luo smiled and waved. Chu Feng nodded to the girl and quickly reached the table where Carlo Luo was. on.

"Does fellow Daoist have something?" Chu Feng said indifferently. He was acting a little arrogant at this time. Carlos did not express his identity, nor did he show any horrible aura. It is normal for Chu Feng to act arrogantly. . "Little brother, must something be done? Wouldn't it be okay to just invite you to drink some wine?" Carolo chuckled.

Chu Feng pulled back his chair and sat down unceremoniously: "Fellow Daoist, just tell me if you have anything to do. The strength of Daoist fellow seems to be relatively high, but I am very busy. I guess I don't have any time to accompany you to drink anything!


Carolo shook his hand at the approaching Xiao Jing. After that Xiao Jing retreated, Carolo formed an imperceptible barrier around him.

"Little brother, do you know that this area is my site, and you, some of the people caught are my subordinates, you are a little bit of a taboo." Carlolo smiled and said, he was tasting the wine, but that The wine is not the wine sold in this restaurant but from his own space items.

"What did Fellow Daoist say? I don't quite understand." Chu Feng frowned. Carollo laughed and said: "Little brother, I didn’t mean to blame you. Some guys have to be punished! Fellow Daoists don’t need to deny it. I understand it more clearly. Some cities that Daoists pass through are not Few people are missing."

"Since there is nothing wrong, I am leaving. I have not sensed the evil of fellow Daoist, and will not trouble you, fellow Daoist, but don't bother yourself, fellow Daoist." Chu Feng frowned.

Carollo snorted coldly in his heart. For so many years, there are really few who dare to have such an attitude in front of him, but with such an attitude, he is even more sure that Chu Feng has good things in his hands!

"Little brother, let me be straightforward. I want to know a few questions. If the little brother tells me, then you will get a lot of benefits, little brother!" Carolo said.

Chu Feng's face showed disdain: "Benefits? I'm sorry, I don't need any benefits. What I want, even if I can't get it now, I can get the same if my cultivation base is high!"

"Little brother, I see you, it didn’t take too long to reach your current cultivation base. It is not easy to reach the peak of the god-exalted cultivation base safely. If you want to continue, reach the perfection of the god-exalted and quasi-sage Level, even reaching the level of a saint, there are still many difficulties and obstacles!"

"There are many geniuses in this world, but most of them have fallen before they grow up. Brother, I have a lot of good things. If you get some good things from me, you may grow up safely. Sex is much higher." Carolo said with a concerned expression.

Chu Feng said indifferently: "You seem to be pretty good, so to speak, I wasted some time today. Just ask if you have any questions. I don’t want you for any benefit. I also reserve the right not to answer your questions. If I don’t want to Answer, don’t force it, let’s have a few drinks and go our own way."

Caroluo frowned secretly. He didn't believe that Chu Feng could answer him for free regardless of the return.

"Little brother, for the first question, it seems that most of the people you arrested are evil people, but a few. It is estimated that they are good people on the bright side, and they have done a lot of evil things in secret. How can you tell them clearly?"

"Second question, some of them have a cultivation base that is not lower than yours. How can you easily catch them? It should be caught, not killed, right?"

Chu Feng got up, "Sorry, I refuse to answer these two questions. Daoist, you are drinking slowly from the bar. Since you can't answer your question, I'm not embarrassed to sit here and drink." Chu Feng said flatly.

"Sit down." Carolo said in a deep voice. There was some anger in his voice at this time, "Little brother, you face a saint-level powerhouse. Is this the attitude? The young man is a little arrogant. It’s good, but I’ve heard of it before."

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