Holy Prison

Chapter 1442: High profile

"Sage level... Are you a sage?" Chu Feng's eyes showed a hint of surprise, but there was no fear and fear that Carollo estimated.

Carolo nodded slightly and his voice slowed down: "Little brother, can you tell me about my two questions?" Chu Feng sat down again: "You are pretty good, you have the strength of a saint. , Can actually tell me this way rather than just search my memory."

"Do you think I don't want to, if you don't feel that you are simply afraid of messing up things, how can this king be interested in chatting with you here." Carolo secretly said in his heart.

He said that in his heart, but Carolo said something else: "Little brother, I am a saint-level powerhouse. I still need a little bit of face. I can't directly search your memory, but like that. Oh, what kind of like. Little brother, can't you really say those two questions?"

A hint of hesitation appeared on Chu Feng's face, "Little brother, you can see that you are not so courageous. Facing me, a saint, you can also maintain your composure. Some of your elders are saints. The strong can't be the best?" Carlos said with a smile and stretched out his hand, "Introduce myself, my name is Carlo, I am probably older than you, how about you call me Brother Carlo, you moved me People, but I found out that I can’t bear to deal with you, maybe we are more agreeable!"

"Senior Carlos, I'm sorry, they are not good people. I arrested them and hope that Senior Carlos will not be angry." Chu Feng said, "As for the elders, my master is an indestructible powerhouse, but she... has fallen. "

Chu Feng said that there was a trace of sadness in his eyes. This sadness was not a pretense. Although he hadn't really met Nu Wa, he still recognized Nu Wa as a master. Moreover, Nu Wa Ruo I didn't want Shaoye to survive, and he wouldn't die at this moment.

Carlo Luo accurately grasped the sad color in Chu Feng's eyes, and the sad color in Chu Feng's eyes was 100% true.

"Indestructible level?" Carolo was full of shock at this moment. Although he is also a saint, the gap between him and the indestructible saint powerhouse is a thousand miles!

The lower saint, the middle saint, the upper saint, the high saint, the immortal saint, the immortal saint, he is at the bottom, the indestructible saint is at the top!

"My fellow Daoist Carlo, regarding your two questions, I can talk a little bit about the exercises I practiced, which allows me to perceive good and evil, and a treasure left by Master allows me to easily understand Some criminals were arrested." Chu Feng said. "Little brother, if you don't want to say it, don't say it, why bother to deceive me?" Carolo smiled bitterly.

Chu Feng frowned slightly: "What does Fellow Daoist Carlo say about this?"

"Little brother, what is immortality and what is immortality? Immortal saint, after death, even after trillions of years, the body will not decay in any way!"

"Indestructible saints, beyond reincarnation, no power can kill them, even if they divide their bodies into a thousand pieces, even if they divide their souls into ten thousand strands, they are still alive and will not die!" Carolo said with excitement. , Immortality and immortality, that is the pursuit of countless saints, naturally including Carlo Luo!

A faint disdain appeared in Chu Feng's eyes: "Friend Carlo, although you are a saint, you are not very strong, and you don't know much about top saints."

Carloluo's face changed slightly, he was just a lower saint, and he knew very little about top saints, even he had never encountered an immortal saint, let alone an immortal saint.

"Little brother, I really don't know much about top saints, but what I just said was common sense. If you have different opinions, you might as well talk about it slowly." Carolo said in a modest way, he said personally Pour Chu Feng a glass of wine, "Little brother, taste it."

Chu Feng slowly tasted a little wine and said indifferently: "Immortality is immortal, what you said is just common sense, just a general situation, but in many cases, there are some special circumstances! Immortal-level powerhouses, the body is immortal, but is it really immortal? If there is an immortal-level powerhouse that makes it decay, it must be decayed, even if it is an immortal-level powerhouse, the same can cause the corpse of an immortal-level powerhouse to decay, but it may be troublesome."

"The body of an immortal-level powerhouse may decay, and an immortal-level powerhouse may also die, but death is not so easy. Have you heard of the injury of the avenue? If the injury of the avenue reaches a certain level, it can make an immortal-level The strong man fell, my master... died from the wounds of the Great Dao." Chu Feng said and sighed slightly.

"Okay, you are not bad. I told you so much today. Whether you believe it or not, I have to go. By the way, you are not bad, you shouldn't care about those who commit crimes. Subordinates? If you don't have any comments, I will take them all!" Chu Feng said.

Carolo said with a chuckle: "Little brother, in the future, you still have to talk to others less, just like today, you told me, aren't you afraid that I will take your baby?"

"Unless I give it voluntarily, no one can take away my things! Even a saint is impossible." Chu Feng said indifferently, "Dao Fellow Carlos, thank you for your wine and leave."

"You're welcome, I don’t have the ability to perceive evil like you, little brother. So, since you have that ability, little brother, just do it! It’s just that some people are attached to me. In fact, I don’t even see many people. After passing them, they are not my subordinates." Carlo Luo said.

Chu Feng nodded slightly: "Okay, now my strength is a little bit lower. The most important thing is to improve my strength. When I reach the saint level cultivation base, I will find fellow Taoist Carlo for a drink!"

"A word is for sure!" Carolo laughed.

With a little smile on Chu Feng's face, he quickly left the restaurant and left this city. The people in this city whose crime value has reached three times the value of goodness have already been when Chu Feng was chatting with Carolo. All were captured by the Heavenly Hand and into the Holy Prison Space Heaven Prison!

"Indestructible master, great treasure, little guy, you are really confident! Even if there is a great treasure, the cultivation of the peak of the gods, how can no one get you?" Carlo Luo showed his face. With a faint smile, he seemed to have felt that the treasure was under his control!

"Let you play for a few days first, and in a few days, let me try what you are capable of!" Carlolo said that the wine in hand has been replaced by a glass of blood wine. This blood wine is the purest The virgin and female blood are brewed with many kinds of precious materials. The taste of it is very much like Carlo Luo.

Separated from Carolo, Chu Feng took people with confidence and boldness. As long as Carlos didn’t make trouble, not many people could stop him. He took people in such a rapid manner. In five days, Chu Feng received a lot. When he was separated from Carolo, his mission completion rate was only 51%. In just five days, the mission completion rate of the B-level task that arrested people had reached 100%. Sixty six!

Five days, 15%, if you can always have this speed, then this B-level task can be completed in 20 days. Of course, this is basically impossible. Transferring in large cities. People are fast, but in the wilderness, it is much slower to put people away!

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and Chu Feng arrived in a new city. As soon as he arrived in this new city, Chu Feng raised his brows. On the side of the teleportation array, several quasi-sage-level experts were quietly waiting for something. Feeling the appearance of Chu Feng, the quasi-sage level experts all opened their eyes and stood up suddenly.

"Boy, where are you from and where are you going?" As soon as Chu Feng got out of the teleportation formation, a few quasi-sage-level powerhouses suddenly stood in front of him.

There are a total of six quasi-sage-level powerhouses. Each quasi-sage-level powerhouse's eyes are staring at Chu Feng. Two of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses have angry flames flashing in their eyes. A strong man with angry flames in his eyes.

"Friends, as soon as we meet, do you ask such philosophical questions?" Chu Feng said with a light smile, "A few friends, who are you waiting for? You are probably looking for the wrong target."

"At the pinnacle of the gods, seeing a few of us, there is no fear, I'm afraid we didn't find the wrong person, boy, let us go!" Another angry Quasi-Holy powerhouse said in a dark voice, he said He stretched out a hand and grabbed it directly toward Chu Feng's shoulder!

As soon as Chu Feng's thoughts moved, a ray of space law power shrouded all six quasi-sage-level powerhouses in the small world of law in an instant.

The power of the law, this is generally the power that can only be controlled by the strong after being sanctified. Chu Feng will have it early. Now his power of the law of space is much stronger than before. It is to trap six standards at a time. The strong of the holy level can also trap them for a little bit of time.

"Ah" The quasi-sage-level powerhouse who shot the shot showed a look of anger. His hand stretched out just a little bit from Chu Feng's shoulder, but that little bit seemed to be impossible to reach for a hundred years.

"Don't do anything, understand?"

Chu Feng said that a different-dimensional space seal in his hand was formed in a very short period of time, and the formed different-dimensional space seal was just the size of a fist exuding a brilliant light.

"Give it to you!"

Chu Feng faintly said that the different dimension space seal was instantly printed on the forehead of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse that shot. Among the horrified gazes of the other quasi-sage-level powerhouses, that one was silent The quasi-sage-level powerhouse printed by the different dimension space turned into nothingness in a blink of an eye!

Turning into nothingness, this quasi-sage-level powerhouse did not die, he was transferred to a different space, and that other space was the holy prison space!

With Chu Feng’s current strength, in the small world of the law, the power of the different-dimensional space seal is enough to seal a quasi-sage fourth- and fifth-order strong person into the different space. The strong person who was sealed into the holy prison space by Chu Feng is just The strength of the first-order quasi-saint level is naturally not much difficult for Chu Feng!

"And you, I will give you one too!"

Chu Feng's thoughts moved, and another different-dimensional space seal appeared in his hand. This different-dimensional space seal was printed on another quasi-sage powerhouse with an angry flame flashing in his eyes. In an instant, this strength also appeared. Only the quasi-sage-level powerhouses with the strength of the first-order quasi-sage-level disappear likewise!

"Are you their helpers? I only catch the guilty. I hope you will do your own thing and stop coming out in front of me, otherwise, I won't be polite!"

Chu Feng's eyes swept over the remaining four quasi-sage-level powerhouses and returned to the teleportation formation. In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng disappeared into the teleportation formation.

Chu Feng's brain was open, and the four Quasi-Sage level powerhouses attacked frantically, and in just two or three seconds, they broke through the small world of laws. "He is so strong" did not chase immediately. The four quasi-sage-level experts could see the shock in each other's eyes at a glance. They really did not expect that they would only deal with a little guy at the peak of the gods. It was just Then two quasi-Saint-level companions were killed in a little while!

"We are not his opponent. If it were not for his mercy, we would have died at least one or two just now!" The four quasi-sage-level powerhouses said in a harsh voice.

"No one believes that when we say it, our six quasi-sage-level powerhouses dealt with a little guy at the peak of the gods, and let the other party kill the two of us, and we almost died!" Another quasi-sage-level powerhouse smiled bitterly typical.

"That is the small world of the law formed by the power of the law of space, and there is also a different dimension space seal, what a powerful law small world, such a powerful different dimension space seal, he is really just the pinnacle of the gods? Even a third and fourth order standard Saint-level powerhouses can't do this, right"


"What a powerful little guy, he is obviously only the cultivation base of the peak of the gods, he can actually kill people like this! It seems that this little guy has not said panic, his master is really an indestructible powerhouse, if not Such a strong man, how can he teach such a little monster?" Carlo Luo said in his mouth, frowning slightly, Master is an indestructible strong, now Master is dead, will he pay back? What other elders are there?

"It seems that we will have to have a good chat with the little guy at that time. If there is any, we have to make a long-term plan. If not," Carolo flashed a fierce light in his eyes. If he finds out that there is no power behind Chu Feng to guard, he will definitely Kill Chu Feng and get Chu Feng's treasure!

"Little guy, let me see first, what kind of hole cards do you have!" Carollo took a deep breath and passed the holy thought instantly. With his saint-level strength, even if he controls a few quasi-saint-level strong It won't be too difficult, it's just easier to influence some quasi-saint-level powerhouses.

In a short period of time, some Quasi-Sage-level powerhouses moved towards the direction of Chu Feng's advancement and deployed their defenses under the influence of Carlo Luo without any notice.

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