Holy Prison

Chapter 1443: Dead

Chu Feng scanned the surroundings coldly. After rushing through three cities quickly, he was surrounded again. This time, it was not six quasi-sage-level powerhouses that surrounded him, but more than ten. Most of the quasi-sage-level powerhouses are just ordinary quasi-sage-level strengths, but there are also relatively high-strength ones. Among them, the strength of the quasi-sage-level powerhouse is as high as the quasi-sage level five!

"Boy, run, you run again, where else can you go! Take away one by one, and several of the quasi-sage-level colleagues have died in your hands. You should run for us!"

"Friend, did you take those people away or kill them?"

"Friends of Daoist, let me torture him fiercely later to get out of my breath, Brother Li was actually killed by him, **** little bastard!"

The quasi-sage-level powerhouses said, in a short time, more powerhouses gathered here. The quasi-sage-level powerhouses soon exceeded twenty, and the god-excellent-level powerhouses were short More than a hundred in one minute!

"You guys, it's best not to mess with me!" Chu Feng's deep voice rang, and there was no fear in his eyes at this time.


A quasi-saint-level expert spit out sputum and quickly shot towards Chu Feng. "Hu", the disgusting phlegm was two meters away from Chu Feng, and it burned immediately.

"Little thing, release all the people you caught before. If my good grandson has nothing to do, then I don’t bother to trouble you again. If he has something, I promise, you are dead!" The one who spit out The old man scolded. Chu Feng sneered: "Others may still be alive. You are just as you said, and I promise you are dead!"


Many powerhouses surrounding Chu Feng have a weird feeling in their hearts. Surrounded by so many people, even a rank seven or eight quasi-sage powerhouse should be scared now, but they are from Chu Feng. I didn't see any fear in his eyes, and at this moment, Chu Feng was actually...arrogant!

"What kind of hole card does this little guy have? There are so many strong men who are not afraid that there are still saint-level strong men in this world, maybe not, I am on this layer. The world has never seen any other saint-level powerhouse for so many years!" Caroluo secretly said in the distance.

"Little thing, you think we are arrogant, we are afraid, and dare not deal with you? Fellow Daoists, no matter what the situation, so many of us, are we still afraid of it? Trouble you fellow Daoists imprisoning him, I Come and teach him a lesson!" The spitting quasi-sage-level powerhouse sneered, and a grandson he loved was caught by Chu Feng. At this moment, the soul jade slip was broken, this quasi-sage-level powerhouse But a little confused!

Several Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses looked at each other for a moment and several Quasi-Saint-level powerhouses shot together.

"Light prison!"

"Space imprisoned!"

"The world is sealed!"

In the blink of an eye, Chu Feng was imprisoned by various means of restraint. At this time, except for his movable eyes and movable mouth, the rest of his body was unable to move.

"Little thing, you try to flash again!" The old man who spitted before spit out another sputum towards Chu Feng. The body can't move, but Chu Feng's huge mental power is not so easy to imprison. When Chu Feng thought, another flame appeared and burned the close sputum.

"After living for so long, I have never seen you such a shameless quasi-sage-level powerhouse." Chu Feng said lightly, quasi-sage-level powerhouses generally need face, but this one, in front of so many quasi-sage-level powers The person also has the face of a god-level junior, and even disgusting means such as spitting are all brought out.

"Friends of Taoism, why didn't you seal his mental power?" the old man frowned.

"Brother Hada, I did, but failed... his mental power seems to be very strong." A quasi-sage-level powerhouse frowned slightly. Logically speaking, he was a quasi-sage-level powerhouse who sealed the peak of a god. It's impossible for the mental power of a strong one to miss, but when the reality is before his eyes, he has missed!

The old man, that is, Hada said, "Brother Huang, don't you fail to do your best? You are a master of soul and social power, and you can't stand a kid who respects the peak of God?"

"Brother Hada, he is not an ordinary pinnacle of gods." When Hada said so, the quasi-holy powerhouse surnamed Huang was somewhat unhappy.


A middle-aged man in a purple robe coughed slightly. When he opened his mouth, the rest of the people calmed down. Here, he has the highest cultivation base. The strength of the fifth-order quasi-saint level is not special in the outer gods. It's taller, but among the ten floors of the No. 7 Domain Tower, there are not a few who are stronger than him!

"In Xia Tao Yi, how do you call a friend?" The middle-aged man in purple robe said to Chu Feng. He was more polite at this time.

Now in the holy prison space, Chu Feng didn't conceal and said indifferently, "Chu Feng!"

"Brother Chu!"

The purple-robed middle-aged man arched his hand and said, "The cultivation base at the peak of the gods is such a strength. It's amazing. It's amazing. Brother Chu is only a famous teacher, but we actually don't want to forge a big enemy with you. , Let’s do this, Brother Chu, you will release the arrested person. I am the master. The conflict between us will be wiped out. What do you think of Brother Chu?"

"I can tell you that they are not dead, but I also tell you clearly that if I let them go, there is no way." Chu Feng said lightly.

"Let me go right away. I can care less about things this time. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Tao Yi frowned and said, "Brother Chu, this is not your tone for good communication. Since they are not dead, you let them out. We are kind, not very good? You are not letting go, we are very It's hard to do, many of them are our juniors!"

"The people I arrested are not the most sinful people. Since they have committed such crimes, they should be punished." Chu Feng said indifferently, "You only have two choices, first, kill me; second, Let me go immediately! I suggest you choose the second one!"

"Grass! This kid is crazy! We are surrounded by so many strong men, and he is still talking about it here! Even if he has a great background, we will teach him a bit before saying it!" The holy powerhouse shouted, "If you don't do it, I will come!"

A fourth-order quasi-sage-level expert called, and Chu Feng looked over. The eyes of that quasi-sage-level expert instantly shot out a sharp light, and the naked-eye light directly hit Chu Feng's eyes.

"Everyone, be quiet!" Tao Yi said quickly. He knew that this Tier 4 quasi-saint-level expert was good at soul control. He hadn't taken any action before and was preparing for a sudden attack on Chu Feng.

With the strength of that fourth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse, such a sudden attack, even a general quasi-sage-level powerhouse, is very likely to be controlled by him. Chu Feng is only the cultivation base of the peak of the gods. If the quasi-sage-level powerhouse makes an all-out effort, logically speaking, there will be no problems.

However, Tao Yi and other powerful people soon discovered that something was wrong. Chu Feng's eyes showed a disdainful smile, and the fourth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse had sweat beads on his forehead. !

The fourth-order quasi-saint-level expert really did his best this time. A large amount of his own mental power directly entered the Chu Feng Sea of ​​Knowledge. When he first entered the Chu Feng Sea of ​​Knowledge, he didn't notice anything abnormal, but Soon he discovered the anomaly, Chu Feng's divine land is so vast!

Divine soil is three kilometers. In Chu Feng’s own opinion, his divine soil is three kilometers in diameter, but if the spiritual power of other strong people enters the kingdom of God composed of his divine soil, he will feel his god. The soil seems boundless!

Lost, the spiritual power of that fourth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse was lost in the Chu Feng Divine Kingdom! The spiritual power was lost, and the spiritual power that immediately entered Chu Feng’s kingdom of God became weaker with the spiritual power in the body of the fourth-order quasi-sage-level powerhouse. At this time, the fourth-tier quasi-sage-level powerhouse was desperately thinking Withdrawing his spiritual power, but Chu Feng didn't let it go, how could the spiritual power that entered his kingdom of God leave so easily?

"Brother Yang!"

Tao Yi shouted quickly, but that fourth-order quasi-saint-level powerhouse had no time and energy to deal with him at this time. "Brother Chu, this...If you have something to discuss, let Brother Yang's mental power return first." Tao Yi said bitterly.


Chu Feng said indifferently, "If I am controlled by him, then I have to vomit clearly. Since he has shot, he has to bear the consequences. If you continue to attack me, you will have to bear the same consequences. "

The previous quasi-sage-level strong man who said he was ready to do it immediately started his hand. He was already close. At this time, he started his hand instantly. Even Tao Yi, a fifth-order quasi-sage-level strong, did not stop him... Or, Tao Yi and the others didn't really want to stop!

The long knife was inserted through Chu Feng's chest, and then came out from Chu Feng's back. They really didn't expect that quasi-sage-level powerhouse would be so easy to get it!

"No cards!"

"Grass, this kid is playing tricks on us, he doesn't have a great hole card, but he pretends to be so arrogant!"

The hands-on quasi-sage-level expert secretly breathed a sigh of relief, with a grinning expression on his face: "Boy, uncle will send you on the road!"

"You are dead." Chu Feng calmly looked at the hands-on quasi-saint powerhouse and said indifferently. No one can be so calm before death, Chu Feng's calmness made the quasi-sage-level strong man feel hairy in his heart.

"Grass, scare someone, die for me!" The quasi-sage-level expert yelled and shook his sword. In an instant, huge power erupted from Chu Feng's body and shook Chu Feng's body into a cloud of blood!

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